Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method moves snake's head and tail if needed. it also put a new food if it was eaten
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="snake">snake to be moves</param>
        /// <param name="dir">direction that snake should follow</param>
        /// <param name="im">array of images for the snake</param>
        private void makemove(Snake snake, int dir, Image[] im)
            Coordinates c = snake.moveHead(dir);

            if (c.inRange())
            {     //doesn't allow outofboundsexception
                if (picb[c.getX(), c.getY()].Image == null)
                { //if head ocupies empty cell, then move tail
                    setHeadLabel(snake.getHead().getBone(), im);
                    setBoneLabel(snake.getHead().getNext().getBone(), im);
                    c = snake.moveTail();
                    picb[c.getX(), c.getY()].Image = null;
                    if (snake.getHead() != snake.getTail())
                        setTailLabel(snake.getTail().getBone(), im);
                else if (picb[c.getX(), c.getY()].Image == images[10])
                {// if head occupies cell with food, then tail should not be moved to inctease snake's length. put new food
                    setHeadLabel(snake.getHead().getBone(), im);
                    if (points == 0)
                        setTailLabel(snake.getTail().getBone(), im);
                        setBoneLabel(snake.getHead().getNext().getBone(), im);
                    if (iftwo)
                        label3.Text = "Yellow  " + (this.snake.getLength() - 1).ToString() + ":" + (this.snake2.getLength() - 1).ToString() + "  Red";
                        label3.Text = points.ToString();
                    if (sound != null)
                    switch (points)
                    case 5: step.Interval = 400; break;

                    case 10: step.Interval = 350; break;

                    case 20: step.Interval = 300; break;

                    case 40: step.Interval = 250; break;

                    case 66: step.Interval = 200; break;

                    case 88: step.Interval = 100; break;
                // snake pumps into a rock
                else if ((picb[c.getX(), c.getY()].Image == rock))
                    gameOver("OUPS! One silly snake but bumped into the rock! Do you want to try with another one? Otherwise you return to menu.");
                // snake eats itself
                    gameOver("OUPS! One snake is not in mood today. It tries to bite itself or others. Do you want to try with another one? Otherwise you return to menu.");
            // snake bumps into the wall
                gameOver("OUPS! One cunning snake tryed to escape, but bumped into the wall! Do you want to try with another one? Otherwise you return to menu.");
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Method to check if two objects of Coordinates class point to the same position, i.e. has the same coordinates
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="c">Coordinates object for comparison</param>
 /// <returns>true if objects points to the same coordinates</returns>
 public Boolean equal(Coordinates c)
     return(c.getX() == x && c.getY() == y);