Example #1
        private ILeafContainer ReadType(out long dataSize)
            ushort length = ReadUInt16();

            if (length == 0)
                dataSize = sizeof(ushort);
            dataSize  = sizeof(ushort) + length;
            Position -= sizeof(ushort);

#if false //$TODO
                var leafDataBuf = ReadBytes((int)length + sizeof(ushort));

                UInt32 leafHash = HasherV2.HashBufferV8(leafDataBuf, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                UInt32 hash     = HasherV2.HashData(leafDataBuf, Header.Hash.NumHashBuckets);

                Position -= sizeof(ushort) + length;


            var            typeSpan = Memory.Slice((int)Position, (int)dataSize);
            TypeDataReader rdr      = new TypeDataReader(ctx, new SpanStream(typeSpan));
            Position += dataSize;

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Read a varying ILeaf which can be either a ILeaf type or a raw data marker
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataSize"></param>
        /// <param name="leafType"></param>
        /// <returns>true if we found a ILeaf, false if we found raw data marker</returns>
        public ILeafContainer ReadVaryingType(out uint dataSize)
            UInt16 leafValue = ReadUInt16();

            if (leafValue < (ushort)LeafType.LF_NUMERIC)
                // $TODO: ILeafValue is not a ILeaf marker, but it's still a valid ushort
                // do we need to save this?
                dataSize = 0;

            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(LeafType), leafValue))
                throw new InvalidDataException($"Unknown ILeaf type {leafValue} while computing ILeaf data size");

            LeafType leafType = (LeafType)leafValue;

            dataSize = PrimitiveDataSizes[leafType];
            Seek(-2, SeekOrigin.Current);

            ILeafContainer leaf = new TypeDataReader(ctx, this).ReadTypeDirect(hasSize: false);

            //ILeafContainer leaf = new TypeDataReader(ctx, this).ReadTypeLazy(hasSize: false);
Example #3
        private ILeafContainer ReadTypeOld(out long dataSize)
            uint hash = ReadUInt32();

            // we have no length, so we just pass all memory (after the hash)
            SpanStream     memStream = new SpanStream(Memory.Slice((int)Position));
            TypeDataReader rdr       = new TypeDataReader(ctx, memStream);

            // without a length, and with a small amount of data, we can just read this directly
            ILeafContainer leaf = rdr.ReadTypeDirect(false);

            // hash + type data
            dataSize = Position + rdr.Position;

            Position += rdr.Position;