Example #1
        public static bool AllowsMedicineForHediff(Pawn deliveree, ThingDef med)
            if (PriorityCareComp.MaxPriorityCare(deliveree, out MedicalCareCategory heCare))
                //This is uses to allow higher medicine above normal limit below.
                //this is NOT used to stop the job is PriorityCare is lowered
                if (heCare.AllowsMedicine(med))

            //Not required but hey why dont I patch this in for Pharmacist
            MedicalCareCategory care = deliveree.GetCare();

Example #2
        //Filter time-sensitive injuries
        public static void FilterInjuriesForMedCount(List <Hediff> hediffs)
            Log.Message($"Filtering ({hediffs.ToStringSafeEnumerable()})");
            if (PriorityCareComp.MaxPriorityCare(hediffs, out MedicalCareCategory maxPriorityCare))
                MedicalCareCategory defaultCare = hediffs.First().pawn.GetCare();

                //ignore defaultCare if none uses default
                if (PriorityCareComp.AllPriorityCare(hediffs))
                    defaultCare = maxPriorityCare;

                //Find highest care
                MedicalCareCategory highestCare = defaultCare > maxPriorityCare ? defaultCare : maxPriorityCare;
                Log.Message($"maxPriorityCare is {maxPriorityCare}, defaultCare is {defaultCare}, highestCare is {highestCare}");

                //remove anything less than that
                //Should check if medicine is available, but you just set to use it so this will assume you have it
                hediffs.RemoveAll(delegate(Hediff h)
                    if (PriorityCareComp.Get().TryGetValue(h, out MedicalCareCategory heCare))
                        return(heCare < highestCare);
                    return(defaultCare < highestCare);

            if (Settings.Get().noMedicineForNonUrgent)
                hediffs.RemoveAll(h => !h.IsUrgent());
            else if (Settings.Get().minimalMedicineForNonUrgent&& __beep_beep_MinimalMedicineAvailable)
                if (hediffs.Any(h => h.IsUrgent()))
                    hediffs.RemoveAll(h => !h.IsUrgent());
            Log.Message($"Filtered to ({hediffs.ToStringSafeEnumerable()})");
            __beep_beep_MinimalMedicineAvailable = true;