Example #1
		private static void LoadProviders()
            // Avoid claiming lock if providers are already loaded
            if (_provider == null)
                lock (SyncRoot)
                    // Do this again to make sure _provider is still null
                    if (_provider == null)
                        // Load registered providers and point _provider to the default provider
                        _providers = new NetTiersProviderCollection();

                        ProvidersHelper.InstantiateProviders(NetTiersSection.Providers, _providers, typeof(NetTiersProvider));
						_provider = _providers[NetTiersSection.DefaultProvider];

                        if (_provider == null)
                            throw new ProviderException("Unable to load default NetTiersProvider");
Example #2
			/// <summary>
			/// Instantiates the configured providers based on the supplied connection string.
			/// </summary>
			private void LoadProviders()

				// Avoid claiming lock if providers are already loaded
				if ( _providers == null )
					lock ( SyncRoot )
						// Do this again to make sure _provider is still null
						if ( _providers == null )
							// apply connection information to each provider
							for ( int i = 0; i < NetTiersSection.Providers.Count; i++ )
								NetTiersSection.Providers[i].Parameters["connectionStringName"] = _connectionStringName;
								// remove previous connection string, if any

								if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_connectionString) )
									NetTiersSection.Providers[i].Parameters["connectionString"] = _connectionString;

							// Load registered providers and point _provider to the default provider
							_providers = new NetTiersProviderCollection();

							ProvidersHelper.InstantiateProviders(NetTiersSection.Providers, _providers, typeof(NetTiersProvider));
							_provider = _providers[NetTiersSection.DefaultProvider];