protected void btnLogIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Users user = new Users(); user = user.GetUserByUserName(txtUserName.Text); if (user.Id != 0) { if(user.UserPass != txtPassword.Text) { Alert.Show("User and password didn't match. Please re-enter the correct password."); txtPassword.Focus(); return; } Session["user"] = user; UserRoleMapping userRoles = new UserRoleMapping().GetUserRoleMappingByUserId(user.Id, user.CompanyId); if (userRoles.Id != 0 && user.Id == 1) user.IsSuperUser = true; else user.IsSuperUser = false; if (user.CompanyId == 0 && !user.IsSuperUser) { Alert.Show("Sorry this user is not associated with any company. Contact your system administrator to fix this issue."); return; } Response.Redirect(((_refPage == string.Empty || _refPage.ToLower() == "logout") ? "Default.aspx" : _refPage), false); } else { Alert.Show("The user is not exist in the database. Please check the username."); txtUserName.Focus(); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { Alert.Show("Error during process user authentication. Error: "+ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="_companyId"></param> /// <param name="_userId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List<AppPermission> GelAppFunctionalityForMenu(int _companyId, int _userId) { List<AppPermission> AppPermissionList = new List<AppPermission>(); Hashtable lstItems = new Hashtable(); lstItems.Add("@CompanyId", _companyId); lstItems.Add("@UserId", _userId); DataTable dt = dal.GelAppFunctionalityForMenu(lstItems); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { int roleId = new UserRoleMapping().GetRoleIdForUser(_userId, _companyId); if (roleId > 0) { lstItems = new Hashtable(); lstItems.Add("@CompanyId", _companyId); lstItems.Add("@RoleId", roleId); dt = dal.GelAppFunctionalityForMenuByRoleId(lstItems); } } foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { AppPermission appPermission = GetObject(dr); appPermission.FunctionalityName = (dr["Functionality"] == DBNull.Value) ? "" : (String)dr["Functionality"]; appPermission.FunctionalityNameArabic = (dr["FunctionalityArabic"] == DBNull.Value) ? "" : (String)dr["FunctionalityArabic"]; appPermission.ModuleName = (dr["Module"] == DBNull.Value) ? "" : (String)dr["Module"]; appPermission.Url = (dr["Url"] == DBNull.Value) ? "" : (String)dr["Url"]; appPermission.ParentId = (dr["ParentId"] == DBNull.Value) ? 0 : (int)dr["ParentId"]; AppPermissionList.Add(appPermission); } return AppPermissionList; }
private bool IsValidPageForUser() { int FunctionalId = new AppFunctionality().GetAppFunctionalityId("UserRoleInfo"); int RoleId = new UserRoleMapping().GetUserRoleMappingByUserId(_user.Id, _user.CompanyId).RoleId; AppPermission PermissionUser = new AppPermission().GetAppPermissionId(FunctionalId, _user.Id, RoleId, _user.CompanyId); if (!PermissionUser.IsView) { AppPermission Permission = new AppPermission().GetAppPermissionId(FunctionalId, _user.Id, RoleId, _user.CompanyId); return !Permission.IsView; } else return true; }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Regex.IsMatch(txtUserName.Text, @"^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{5,20}$") != true) { Alert.Show("User name must be between 5 to 20 Characters Or Lowercase and Uppercase characters Or Alpha-Numeric And No Space And special character allowed"); txtUserName.Focus(); return; } int count = _user.CheckUserNameExistance((lblId.Text == string.Empty) ? 0 : int.Parse(lblId.Text), txtUserName.Text, isNewEntry); if (count > 0) { Alert.Show("User name already exists. "); return; } _user = new Users(); _user.Id = (lblId.Text == string.Empty) ? 0 : int.Parse(lblId.Text); _user.UserName = txtUserName.Text; _user.UserPass = txtPassword.Text; _user.IsActive = (bool)chkIsActive.Checked; int success = 0; if (isNewEntry) { success = _user.InsertUsers(); _user.Id = new Users().GetLastId(_user.CompanyId); } else success = _user.UpdateUsers(); if (success == 0) { Alert.Show("Create user information was not successfull."); return; } else { //delete all roles from userrole mapping table success = new UserRoleMapping().DeleteUserRoleMappingByUserId(_user.Id); //get roles and update db foreach (RadListBoxItem item in lbRole.CheckedItems) { if (item.Checked) { int roleId = int.Parse(item.Value); UserRoleMapping role = new UserRoleMapping(); role.UserId = _user.Id; role.RoleId = roleId; role.CompanyId = _user.CompanyId; role.InsertUserRoleMapping(); } } Alert.Show("User information created succssfully."); this.ClearControls(); this.LoadUserGrid(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Alert.Show("Error during user information save. Error: " + ex.Message); } }