protected void btnPrintAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (ddlMarket.SelectedIndex == -1) { Alert.Show("Please select a market first."); ddlMarket.Focus(); return; } int marketId = int.Parse(ddlMarket.SelectedValue); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataTable dtBillDetail = new BillMaster().GetBillMasterDetailForReport(marketId); ds.Tables.Add(dtBillDetail); DataTable dtCompany = new Company().GetCompanyDatatableById(1); ds.Tables.Add(dtCompany); Session["ReportDataset"] = ds; string myScript = "'CrystalReportViewer.aspx?report=crptBillCopy.rpt');"; //string myScript = "'ReportView.aspx?report=Report1.rdlc');"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "OpenPopup", myScript, true); } catch (Exception ex) { Alert.Show("Error during leave grid event. Error: " + ex.Message); } }
protected void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StringBuilder strSuccess=new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder strFailure = new StringBuilder(); strSuccess.Append("<strong>Success</strong><br>"); strFailure.Append("<strong>Failure</strong><br>"); try { if (ddlMarket.SelectedIndex <= 0) { Alert.Show("Please select a market first."); ddlMarket.Focus(); return; } int marketId = int.Parse(ddlMarket.SelectedValue); List<Shop> shopList = new Shop().GetAllShopByMarketId(marketId); BillMaster billMaster = new BillMaster(); BillDetail billDetail = new BillDetail(); foreach (ListItem li in cbListShops.Items) { if (!li.Selected) continue; int shopId = int.Parse(li.Value); Shop shop = shopList.Find(x => x.Id == shopId); try { #region process bill master data string monthYearText = ddlMonth.SelectedItem.Text; string monthYearVal = ddlMonth.SelectedValue; ShopeMapping shopeMapping = new ShopeMapping().GetAllShopeMappingByShopId(shop.Id); billMaster.BilGeneratelDate = DateTime.Parse(txtDate.Text); billMaster.BillMonth = monthYearText.Substring(5); billMaster.BillYear = int.Parse(monthYearText.Substring(0, 4)); billMaster.TenantId = shopeMapping.TenantId; billMaster.BillNo = billMaster.BillYear + "-" + monthYearVal.Substring(5) + "-" + shop.Id + "-" + shopeMapping.TenantId; billMaster.GenerateBy = 1; billMaster.ApprovedBy = 0; billMaster.TotalAmount = 0; billMaster.TotalPayment = 0; billMaster.LastPaymentDate = (DateTime) dtpLastDate.SelectedDate; string MonthVal = ddlMonth.SelectedValue.Substring(5); billMaster.BillMonthId = int.Parse(MonthVal); int success = 0; int billId = billMaster.CheckExistanceByBillNo(billMaster.BillNo); if (billId > 0) { if (!chkUpdateExisting.Checked) { strFailure.Append("Bill already generated for the shop: " + shop.ShopNo + "<br>"); continue; } billMaster.Id = billId; success = billMaster.UpdateBillMaster(); } else { success = billMaster.InsertBillMaster(); billMaster.Id = new BillMaster().GetLastId(); } #endregion #region process bill detail data if (success > 0) { billDetail = new BillDetail(); billDetail.BillMasterId = billMaster.Id; billDetail.MarketId = int.Parse(ddlMarket.SelectedValue); billDetail.ShopId = shop.Id; billDetail.MonthlyRent = shopeMapping.MonthlyRent; billDetail.ServiceCharge = shopeMapping.ServiceCharge; billDetail.MiscBills = shopeMapping.MiscBill; if (chkPrevDue.Checked) { DueInstallment installment = new DueInstallment().GetDueInstallmentByTenant(billMaster.TenantId); if (installment.Id != 0) { billDetail.PreviousDue = installment.InstallmentAmount; if (installment.DueAmount < installment.InstallmentAmount) billDetail.PreviousDue = installment.DueAmount; } else { if (billDetail.CheckBillExistenceByTenant(billMaster.TenantId, shop.Id) > 0) billDetail.PreviousDue = billDetail.GetLastDueTenantAndShopWise(billMaster.TenantId, shop.Id); else billDetail.PreviousDue = new ShopeMapping().GetAllShopeMappingByShopId(shop.Id).PreviousDue; } } else billDetail.PreviousDue = 0; billDetail.LateFee = Math.Round((shopeMapping.MonthlyRent*5)/100,0); billDetail.Payment = 0; billDetail.IsClosed = false; billDetail.ClosedBy = 0; if (billId > 0) { int billDetailId = billDetail.GetBillDetailIdByMasterId(billId); if (billDetailId > 0) { billDetail.Id = billDetailId; success = billDetail.UpdateBillDetail(); } else success = billDetail.InsertBillDetail(); } else success = billDetail.InsertBillDetail(); //update total amount in master table if (success > 0) { decimal totalAmount = (billDetail.MonthlyRent + billDetail.ServiceCharge + billDetail.MiscBills + billDetail.PreviousDue); billMaster.UpdateTotalAmount(billMaster.Id, totalAmount); strSuccess.Append("Bill generated for Shop: " + shop.ShopNo + "<br>"); } } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { strFailure.Append("Bill generate failed for Shop " + shop.ShopNo + ". Error: " + ex.Message + "<br>"); continue; } } strFailure.Append("<br><br>"); ltrStatus.Text = strFailure.ToString() + strSuccess.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Alert.Show(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> private void LoadGrid() { try { //if (ddlMarket.SelectedIndex <= 0) return; if (ddlMonth.SelectedIndex == -1) return; int marketId = 0; if(ddlMarket.SelectedIndex>0) marketId = int.Parse(ddlMarket.SelectedValue); string month = ddlMonth.SelectedItem.Text.Substring(5); int year = int.Parse(ddlMonth.SelectedItem.Text.Substring(0, 4)); DataTable dt = new BillMaster().GetBillMasterDetailForGrid(year, month, marketId); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow row = dt.NewRow(); dt.Rows.Add(row); } RadGrid1.DataSource = dt; RadGrid1.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Alert.Show("Error in method 'LoadLeaveDetailsGrid'. Error: " + ex.Message); } }
protected void RadGrid1_ItemCommand(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.GridCommandEventArgs e) { try { if (e.CommandName == "btnPayment") { GridDataItem item = (GridDataItem)e.Item; int id = int.Parse(item["colId"].Text); DateTime lastDate = DateTime.Parse(item["colPayDate"].Text); DateTime payDate = DateTime.Parse(dtpPaymentDate.SelectedDate.ToString()); bool applyLateFee = (payDate > lastDate) ? true : false; if (id != 0) { int success = new BillMaster().UpdatePaymentById(id, applyLateFee); if (success > 0) this.LoadGrid(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Alert.Show("Error during leave grid event. Error: " + ex.Message); } }
private DataTable GetBillData() { if (ddlMonth.SelectedIndex == -1) return new DataTable(); int marketId = 0; if (ddlMarket.SelectedIndex > 0) marketId = int.Parse(ddlMarket.SelectedValue); string month = ddlMonth.SelectedItem.Text.Substring(5); int year = int.Parse(ddlMonth.SelectedItem.Text.Substring(0, 4)); DataTable dt; if(rbDue.Checked) dt = new BillMaster().GetBillMasterDetailForGridWithCondition(year, month, marketId, " And Due > 0"); else if(rbPaid.Checked) dt = new BillMaster().GetBillMasterDetailForGridWithCondition(year, month, marketId, " And Due = 0"); else dt = new BillMaster().GetBillMasterDetailForGrid(year, month, marketId); return dt; }
protected void RadGrid1_ItemCommand(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.GridCommandEventArgs e) { try { if (e.CommandName == "btnPrint") { GridDataItem item = (GridDataItem) e.Item; int id = int.Parse(item["colId"].Text); if (id != 0) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataTable dtBillDetail = new BillMaster().GetBillMasterDetailForSingleReport(id); ds.Tables.Add(dtBillDetail); DataTable dtCompany = new Company().GetCompanyDatatableById(1); ds.Tables.Add(dtCompany); Session["ReportDataset"] = ds; //string myScript = "'reportview.aspx?report=rptBillCopy.rdlc');"; string myScript = "'CrystalReportViewer.aspx?report=crptBillCopyWithoutCaption.rpt');"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "OpenPopup", myScript, true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Alert.Show("Error during leave grid event. Error: " + ex.Message); } }