public void Render(DxCamera camera)
            // Set constants.
            _viewProjVar.SetMatrix(camera.View * camera.Projection);

            // Set IA stage.
            int       stride = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ParticleVertex));
            const int offset = 0;

            // On the first pass, use the initialization VB. Otherwise, use
            // the VB that contains the current particle list.
                                                      new VertexBufferBinding(_firstRun ? _initVB : _drawVB, stride, offset));

            // Draw the current particle list using stream output only to update
            // them. The updated vertices are streamed out to the target VB.
                new StreamOutputBufferBinding(_streamOutVB, offset));

            for (int p = 0; p < _streamOutTech.Description.PassCount; ++p)
                if (_firstRun)
                    _dxDevice.Draw(1, 0);
                    _firstRun = false;

            // done streaming out--unbind the vertex buffer

            // ping-pong the vertex buffers
            var tmpVB = _drawVB;

            _drawVB      = _streamOutVB;
            _streamOutVB = tmpVB;

            // Draw the updated particle system we just streamed out.
                                                      new VertexBufferBinding(_drawVB, stride, offset));

            for (int p = 0; p < _drawTech.Description.PassCount; ++p)