Example #1
 public Document(User owner, string file, Permission.Permissions perm)
     this.owner = owner;
     this.permission = permission;
     this.lastChanged = DateTime.Now;
     // TODO file
Example #2
 // Primary
 public Document(User owner, string content, string path, Permission.Permissions perm)
     this.permission = perm;
     this.owner = owner;
     this.content = content;
     this.lastChanged = DateTime.Now;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Path to the new directory.</param>
        public void CreateNewFolder(User user, string path)
            string root = "root/" + user.username + "/";
            Console.WriteLine("FOLDRE SADFSDFSADF" + path);

            if(!Directory.Exists(root + path))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(root + path);
                Console.WriteLine("FOLDER.CREATED Directory");

            //string[] splitPath = path.Split('/');
            //string fileName = splitPath[splitPath.Length - 1];

            //string curDir = root;

            //// Check if the directory exists.
            //// Create if it doesn't.

            //for (int i = 2; i < splitPath.Length - 2; i++)
            //    if(!Directory.Exists(curDir))
            //    {
            //        Directory.CreateDirectory(curDir);
            //        Console.WriteLine("CREATED FOLDER IN FOLDER CLASS");
            //    }
            //    curDir += splitPath + "/";
Example #4
        public override Project AddProject(string title, string userMail, int id = 0, bool db = false)
            if (title == null || userMail == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();

            Project p = new Project() {
                Title = title
            using (var dbContext = new sliceofpieEntities2()) { //Insert project
            User u = new User() {
                Email = userMail
            ProjectUser pu = new ProjectUser() {
                UserEmail = userMail,
                ProjectId = p.Id
            using (var dbContext = new sliceofpieEntities2()) { //Insert projectUser
                if (dbContext.Users.Count(dbUser => dbUser.Email.Equals(u.Email)) < 1) throw new ArgumentException("No user with email " + u.Email + " exists!");
            return new Project() {
                Title = p.Title,
                Id = p.Id
Example #5
 // WEB
 public Document(User owner, int id, string content, string path)
     this.owner = owner;
     this.documentId = id;
     this.content = content;
     this.lastChanged = DateTime.Now;
     this.path = path;
Example #6
 public Document(User owner)
     this.owner = owner;
     // file
     this.content = "";
     this.lastChanged = DateTime.Now;
Example #7
        private bool modified; // Does this document have unsaved changes?

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public EditWindow(Project proj, Document doc, User user)
            currentProj = proj;
            currentDoc = doc;
            currentUser = user;

 public DocumentStruct(string title, User user, string ID, string path, bool modified, bool deleted)
     id = ID;
     fileType = DocType.Document;
     this.title = title;
     this.path = path;
     this.modified = modified;
     this.deleted = deleted;
Example #9
 // Same as constructor above, but this one allows to set id as well.
 // This is primarily used by tests.
 public Document(string text, string title, User owner, string id)
     this.text = text;
     this.title = title;
     this.owner = owner;
     this.path = "";
     this.images = new List<Picture>();
     log = new Document.DocumentLog(owner);
     this.id = id;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all documents from the database that belong to
        /// the specific user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">Owner of the documents</param>
        /// <returns>List of all documents that belong to the user.</returns>
        public List<Document> GetAllUsersDocuments(User user)
            //List<int> documentIDList = dbCon.SelectDocumentsFromUser(user);
            List<int> documentIDList = dbCon.GetUserdocumentsByUser(user);
            List<Document> usersDocuments = new List<Document>();

            foreach (int i in documentIDList) usersDocuments.Add(OpenSharedDocument(i, user));

            return usersDocuments;
Example #11
 // Default constructor for creating a document object.
 public Document(string text, string title, string path, User owner)
     this.text = text;
     this.title = title;
     this.owner = owner;
     this.path = path;
     this.images = new List<Picture>();
     log = new Document.DocumentLog(owner);
         * Asks the server for a list of all the projects for this user
        public static List<Project> GetAllProjectsAvailable(User user)
            List<Project> result;
            using (SliceOfPieServiceClient serviceClient = new SliceOfPieServiceClient())
                result = serviceClient.GetAllProjectsOnServer(user);

            return result;
         * Shares the changes the user have made in a project
         * to the server, and the server shares changes from other
         * users back. This synchronization is done through a series
         * of method calls to the server.
        public static void SyncWithServer(Project project, User user)
            // Preparing transfer data
            // finding all modified documents to send
            List<DocumentStruct> docs = new List<DocumentStruct>();
            Folder.GetAllStructs(project, docs); // fill up the list

            List<DocumentStruct> docsToSend = new List<DocumentStruct>();
            foreach (DocumentStruct d in docs)
                if (d.Modified)

            // Call the server
            using (SliceOfPieServiceClient serviceClient = new SliceOfPieServiceClient())
                // Tell the server who we are and what project we want to sync
                Project newProj = serviceClient.StartSync(user, project.Id);

                // If null is returned, means that the project was deleted
                // or you've lost access to this project, so we delete it
                if (newProj == null)
                    // Send all modified documents one at a time
                    foreach (DocumentStruct d in docsToSend)
                        Document document = Controller.OpenDocument(project.Id, d.Id);
                        if (document.Deleted)
                            Controller.DeleteDocument(project.Id, document.Id);

                    // Keep getting new documents from server until there are none remaining
                    while (true)
                        // Grab a new document from the server
                        Document newDoc = serviceClient.GetUpdatedDocument();

                        // if null is returned, means that there are no new docs left
                        if (newDoc == null)

                        // Delete the old copy and write the new one instead
                        Storage.DeleteDocument(project.Id, newDoc.Id);
                        Storage.WriteToFile(newProj, newDoc, true);

                    // We're done syncing, close the session with the server
Example #14
 public static void SaveDocument(Project proj, Document doc, User user, bool fromServer = false)
     // If the document exists in the storage, merge old version with newer verion.
     // Otherwise just save it to the storage.
     Document docInStorage = Storage.ReadFromFile(proj.Id, doc.Id);
     if (docInStorage == null)
         Storage.WriteToFile(proj, doc, fromServer);
         docInStorage.MergeWith(doc, user);
         Storage.WriteToFile(proj, docInStorage, fromServer);
 public void DeleteFile(User user, string path)
     Console.WriteLine("DELETE DOCUMENT() " + path);
     if (File.Exists(path))
         catch (IOException e)
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            user = facade.GetUser(Request.QueryString["username"].ToString());

            string FullFilePath = "root/" + user.username + "/" + Request.QueryString["filename"];

            List<string> docHistory = facade.GetDocumentHistory(user, FullFilePath);

            string[] history;

            foreach (string s in docHistory)
                history = s.Split(',');
                historyRow.Text += "<tr> <td>" + history[0] + "</td><td>" + history[1] + "</td><td>" + history[2] + "</td><td>" + history[3] + "</td></tr>";
Example #17
        public User GetUserByUsername(string username)
            // Get data from database.
            string[] userValues = dbCon.SelectUser(username);

            // Store the users values.
            int newId = Convert.ToInt32(userValues[0]);
            string newName = userValues[1];
            string newUsername = userValues[2];
            string newPassword = userValues[3];

            // Create user object.
            User user = new User(newId, newName, newUsername, newPassword);

            // Return user object.
            return user;
        public List<Project> GetAllProjectsOnServer(User user)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} wants to see his projects", user);
            List<Project> projects = Storage.GetAllProjects();
            List<Project> UserProjects = new List<Project>();
            foreach(Project p in projects)
                if (p != null)
                    if (user.ToString().ToLower().CompareTo(p.Owner.ToString().ToLower()) == 0 || p.SharedWith.Contains(user))

            return UserProjects;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="username"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        /// <param name="users">
        /// Array of usernames
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="documents">
        /// [0] = owner
        /// [1] = content
        /// [2] = filePath
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="permission"></param>
        public void ShareDocuments(string username, string password, string[] users, string userDoc, string permission)
            User authUser = engine.dbCon.AuthenticateUser(username, password);
            if (authUser != null)

                User user = engine.userhandler.GetUserByUsername(username);
                Document tmpDocument = engine.userhandler.docHandler.GetDocumentByPath(user, userDoc);

                User[] newUsers = new User[users.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < users.Length; i++)
                    newUsers[i] = engine.userhandler.GetUserByUsername(users[i]);
                Console.WriteLine("ClientSystemFacade2 - ShareDocuments");
                engine.userhandler.docHandler.ShareDocument(user, tmpDocument, Permission.Permissions.Edit, tmpDocument.path, newUsers);
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the database for already existing document
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">document's owner</param>
        /// <param name="doc">document instance</param>
        /// <returns>Wether the document exists or not.
        /// True = it exists
        /// False= it does not exist</returns>
        public bool CheckForDocument(User user, Document doc)
            string query = "SELECT * FROM document WHERE owner='" + user.username + "' AND id='" + doc.documentId + "'";

            List<int> counterList = new List<int>();

            MySqlDataReader reader = ExecuteReader(query);

            while (reader.Read())


            if (counterList.Count > 0) return true;
            else return false;
        public ActionResult LogOn(User user)
            if (ModelState.IsValid) {
                //if (Membership.ValidateUser(user.Email, user.Password)) {
                if (um.ValidateLogin(user.Email, user.Password)) {
                    FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user.Email, false);
                    //if (Url.IsLocalUrl(returnUrl) && returnUrl.Length > 1 && returnUrl.StartsWith("/")
                    //    && !returnUrl.StartsWith("//") && !returnUrl.StartsWith("/\\")) {
                    //    return Redirect(returnUrl);
                    //} else {
                    return RedirectToAction("Overview", "Project");
                } else {
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect.");

            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
            return View(user);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            user = facade.GetUser(Request.QueryString["username"].ToString());

            string FullFilePath = "root/" + user.username + "/" + Request.QueryString["filename"];

            //Response.Write("USER: "******" FILENAME: " + Request.QueryString["filename"]);

            //string FullFilePath = facade.GetDocumentByPath(user, Request.QueryString["filename"]).path;

            FileInfo file = new FileInfo(FullFilePath);
            if (file.Exists)
                Response.ContentType = "text/html"; //"application/vnd.ms-word";
                Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=\"" + file.Name + "\"");
                Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", file.Length.ToString());
Example #23
 public static List<Project> GetAllProjectsForUser(User user)
     // Gets all projects currently on the filesystem.
     List<Project> allProjects = Storage.GetAllProjects();
     List<Project> projectsToReturn = new List<Project>();
     // Adds the projecs the user either owns or that are shared with him.
     foreach (Project p in allProjects)
         if (String.Compare(p.Owner.ToString().ToLower(), user.ToString().ToLower()) == 0)
             foreach (User u in p.SharedWith)
                 if (String.Compare(u.ToString().ToLower(), user.ToString().ToLower()) == 0)
     return projectsToReturn;
Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if there is an instance of a user in the database matching the input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="username">users username</param>
        /// <param name="password">users password</param>
        /// <returns>a User instance, if null there is no user maching in the database, else returns the instance for confirmation</returns>
        public User AuthenticateUser(string username, string password)
            User user = null;
            string query = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = '******' AND password = '******'";

            MySqlDataReader reader = ExecuteReader(query);
            if (reader != null)
                while (reader.Read())
                    int id = (int)reader[0];
                    string name = (string)reader[1];
                    string userName = (string)reader[2];
                    string passWord = (string)reader[3];
                    user = new User(id, name, userName, passWord);
            //Console.WriteLine("READER " + reader[1] + " " + reader[2] + " " + reader[3]);
            return user;
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes a folder.
        /// Recursively deletes a folder, all subfolders and
        /// all files that the folder might contain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">Name of the user (used for root directory)</param>
        /// <param name="path">The folder to delete.</param>
        public void DeleteFolder(User user, string path)
            string[] splittedPath = path.Split('/');
            string dir = "";

            // Check if a full path is given or just the folder name.
            if (splittedPath[0].Contains("root") && splittedPath[1].Contains(user.username))
                dir = path;
                dir = dir = "root/" + user.username + "/" + path;

            // Check if the folder exists.
            if (Directory.Exists(dir))
                // Check if directory has sub directories
                while (DirHasSubfolder(dir).Count() > 0)
                    // Recursively delete all subdirectories
                    foreach (string s in DirHasSubfolder(dir))
                        DeleteFolder(user, s);

                // Check if a directory has any files
                while (DirHasFiles(dir).Count() > 0)
                    foreach (string s in DirHasFiles(dir))
Example #26
 // Constructor that allows specifying when the Entry is from.
 public Entry(User u, string desc, List<string> log, DateTime time)
     user = u;
     description = desc;
     changeLog = log;
     this.time = time;
Example #27
 // Constructor that creates an Entry with the parameters specified, as well
 // as defining the DateTime to be the second the entry object was created.
 public Entry(User u, string desc, List<string> log)
     time = DateTime.Now;
     user = u;
     description = desc;
     changeLog = log;
Example #28
 public DocumentLog(User user)
     entries = new List<Entry>();
     List<string> emptyLog = new List<string>();
     entries.Add(new Entry(user,"created the document",emptyLog));
Example #29
        // This functions takes a newer version of this document, and merges it with this one
        // acording to "Simple Merge Policy" given in slice-of-pie.pdf.
        // It also updated all other fields in the document according to the new version
        // and generates a log based on the changes.
        // MergeWith returns a bool as well, it returns false if the ID of the updated
        // document is not the same as this documents ID, otherwise it returns true
        public bool MergeWith(Document doc, User user)
            if (this.id != doc.id)
                return false;
            List<string> changes = new List<string>();
            // Create original and latest arrays. ( step 1 )
            string[] original = this.GetTextAsArray();
            string[] latest = doc.GetTextAsArray();
            // Create merged array ( made as a list instead ). ( step 2 )
            List<string> merged = new List<string>();
            // Definer o and n index, which point to lines in the original and latest arrays. ( step 3 )
            int o = 0;
            int n = 0;
            bool done = false;

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Started merge.");
            // While loop that continues untill the end of both versions of the document have been reached.
                while (!done)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("New round in while loop");
                // All remaining lines in latest are new. ( step 4 )

                if ((o == original.Length) && (n != latest.Length))
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Step 4");
                    for (int N=n; N < latest.Length; N++)
                        changes.Add("+L"+N+": "+latest[N]);
                // All remaining lines in original have been removed. ( step 5 )

                else if ((o != original.Length) && (n == latest.Length))
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Step 5");
                    for (int O=o; O < original.Length; O++)
                        changes.Add("-L"+O+": "+original[O]);
                    o = original.Length;
                // No changes have occured in this line ( step 6 )
                else if (String.Compare(original[o], latest[n]) == 0)
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Step 6");

                else if (String.Compare(original[o], latest[n]) != 0)
                    List<string> temp = new List<string>();
                    bool found = false;
                    int t = 0;
                    for (int N = n; N < latest.Length; N++)
                        if (String.Compare(original[o], latest[N]) == 0)
                            found = true;
                            t = N;
                        // Line has been removed ( Step 7.b )
                        if (found == false)
                            Console.Out.WriteLine("Step 7.b");
                            changes.Add("-L"+o+": "+original[o]);
                        // All lines in between have been added ( step 7.c )
                            Console.Out.WriteLine("Step 7.c");
                            int counter = 0;
                            foreach (string s in temp)
                                if (!(counter == temp.Count-1))
                                changes.Add("+L"+n+": "+latest[n]);
                            n = t + 1;
                if (((o == original.Length) && (n == latest.Length)))
                    done = true;
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Merge complete");
            StringBuilder newTextBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < merged.Count; i++)
                if (!(i == merged.Count-1))
                newTextBuilder.AppendFormat(merged[i] + "\n");

            text = newTextBuilder.ToString();

            // Check and see if the document has been marked for deletion
            this.deleted = doc.deleted;

            // A log that will document what changes have been made to the document.
            List<string> changeLog = new List<string>();

            bool titleChanged = false;
            bool pathChanged = false;
            bool textChanged = (!(changes.Count==0));
            bool picturesAdded = false;
            bool picturesRemoved = false;

            List<Picture> imagesAdded = new List<Picture>();
            List<Picture> imagesRemoved = new List<Picture>();

            // Has title been changed?
            if (String.Compare(doc.Title, this.Title) != 0)
                changeLog.Add("Title has been changed from '" + this.Title + "' to '" + doc.Title + "'");
                this.title = doc.Title;
                titleChanged = true;

            // Has path been changed?
            if (String.Compare(doc.Path, this.Path) != 0)
                changeLog.Add("Path has been changed from '" + this.Path + "' to '" + doc.Path + "'");
                this.path = doc.Path;
                pathChanged = true;

            // Are there any new pictures?
            foreach (Picture pic in doc.Images)
                if (!(this.Images.Contains(pic)))
                    picturesAdded = true;

            // Are any of the old pictures removed?
            foreach (Picture pic in this.Images)
                if (!(doc.Images.Contains(pic)))
                    picturesRemoved = true;
            foreach (Picture pic in imagesRemoved)

            foreach (Picture pic in imagesAdded)
            // If there were pictures added, add it to the changelog.
            if (picturesAdded)
                StringBuilder imageLineBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                for (int i = 0; i < imagesAdded.Count; i++)
                    if (i == imagesAdded.Count - 1)
                        imageLineBuilder.AppendFormat(imagesAdded[i].Id + ",");
                changeLog.Add("Following pictures were added: " + imageLineBuilder.ToString());

            // If there were pictures removed, add it to the changelog.
            if (picturesRemoved)
                StringBuilder imageLineBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                for (int i = 0; i < imagesRemoved.Count; i++)
                    if (i == imagesRemoved.Count - 1)
                        imageLineBuilder.AppendFormat(imagesRemoved[i].Id + ", ");
                changeLog.Add("Following pictures were removed: " + imageLineBuilder.ToString());

            // Finally, add changes to the text to the changelog.
            if (textChanged)
                changeLog.Add("Changes to the documents text:");

            foreach (string change in changes)

            string titleString = "";
            string pathString = "";
            string textString = "";
            string pictureString = "";
            string masterString = "Changed the document's: ";

            if (titleChanged)
                titleString = "Title. ";

            if (textChanged)
                textString = "Text. ";

            if (pathChanged)
                pathString = "Path. ";

            if ((picturesAdded || picturesRemoved)&&textChanged)
                pictureString = " And changed attached pictures";
            else if ((picturesAdded || picturesRemoved) && textChanged == false)
                masterString = "";
                pictureString = "Changed the attached pictures";

            this.Log.AddEntry(new DocumentLog.Entry(user, masterString + titleString + textString + pathString + pictureString, changeLog));

            return true;
Example #30
 // Creates and returns a document in it's complete version from a file on the file system.
 public static Document CreateDocumentFromFile(string id, string text, string title, bool modified, bool deleted, User owner, List<Picture> pictures, string path, Document.DocumentLog log)
     Document doc = new Document();
     doc.id = id;
     doc.text = text;
     doc.title = title;
     doc.owner = owner;
     doc.path = path;
     doc.log = log;
     doc.images = pictures;
     doc.modified = modified;
     doc.deleted = deleted;
     return doc;