public void baberThreadAction() { while (true) { while (!isSleeping) { if (barberShop.WaitingRoom.Count() > 0) { Costumer c = barberShop.WaitingRoom[0]; barberShop.WaitingRoom.RemoveAt(0); Console.WriteLine($"Barber {} is cutting {c.Name}'s hair!"); Thread.Sleep(5000); Console.WriteLine($"{c.Name} had the hair cut!"); } else { Sleep(); } } } }
public void Arrive(Costumer c) { Console.WriteLine($"Costumer {c.Name} has arrived!"); if (WaitingRoom.Count() < waitingRoomSize) { WaitingRoom.Add(c); if (barber.IsSleeping) { Console.WriteLine($"Waking up the barber..."); barber.WakeUp(); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Barber is buzzy. {c.Name} it's waiting on {WaitingRoom.Count} chair."); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"The BarberShop is full! {c.Name} left! :("); } }