//Load tables for selected user in to the list box
        //Value of each list item is the sql query to create that item!
        void loadUserHistory()
            if (global.sqlLiteDbFilePath.Length > 3)
                addStatus("db file: " + global.sqlLiteDbFilePath);
                List<ComboboxItem> tblList = SqlLiteDbUtil.getTableList(global.sqlLiteDbFilePath);
                if (null != tblList && tblList.Count > 0)

                    foreach (ComboboxItem ci in tblList)
                    addStatus("Skype history found for the user " + comboBoxUsers.Text + ". To view records, please select the table from the left list box.");
                    if (global.connectDb)
                        buttonExportAll.Enabled = true;
                    addStatus("No database file found for the user");