Provides data for the GeckoContextMenuEventHandler event.
Inheritance: System.EventArgs
 /// <summary>Raises the <see cref="ShowContextMenu"/> event.</summary>
 /// <param name="e">The data for the event.</param>
 protected virtual void OnShowContextMenu(GeckoContextMenuEventArgs e)
     if (((GeckoContextMenuEventHandler)this.Events[ShowContextMenuEvent]) != null)
         ((GeckoContextMenuEventHandler)this.Events[ShowContextMenuEvent])(this, e);
        void nsIContextMenuListener2.OnShowContextMenu(uint aContextFlags, nsIContextMenuInfo info)
            // if we don't have a target node, we can't do anything by default.  this happens in XUL forms (i.e. about:config)
            if (info.GetTargetNode() == null)

            ContextMenu menu = new ContextMenu();

            // no default items are added when the context menu is disabled
            if (!this.NoDefaultContextMenu)
                List<MenuItem> optionals = new List<MenuItem>();

                if (this.CanUndo || this.CanRedo)
                    optionals.Add(new MenuItem("Undo", delegate { Undo(); }));
                    optionals.Add(new MenuItem("Redo", delegate { Redo(); }));

                    optionals[0].Enabled = this.CanUndo;
                    optionals[1].Enabled = this.CanRedo;
                    optionals.Add(new MenuItem("Back", delegate { GoBack(); }));
                    optionals.Add(new MenuItem("Forward", delegate { GoForward(); }));

                    optionals[0].Enabled = this.CanGoBack;
                    optionals[1].Enabled = this.CanGoForward;

                optionals.Add(new MenuItem("-"));

                if (this.CanCopyImageContents)
                    optionals.Add(new MenuItem("Copy Image Contents", delegate { CopyImageContents(); }));

                if (this.CanCopyImageLocation)
                    optionals.Add(new MenuItem("Copy Image Location", delegate { CopyImageLocation(); }));

                if (this.CanCopyLinkLocation)
                    optionals.Add(new MenuItem("Copy Link Location", delegate { CopyLinkLocation(); }));

                if (this.CanCopySelection)
                    optionals.Add(new MenuItem("Copy Selection", delegate { CopySelection(); }));

                MenuItem mnuSelectAll = new MenuItem("Select All");
                mnuSelectAll.Click += delegate { SelectAll(); };

                GeckoDocument doc = GeckoDocument.Create((nsIDOMHTMLDocument)info.GetTargetNode().GetOwnerDocument());

                string viewSourceUrl = (doc == null) ? null : Convert.ToString(doc.Url);

                MenuItem mnuViewSource = new MenuItem("View Source");
                mnuViewSource.Enabled = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewSourceUrl);
                mnuViewSource.Click += delegate { ViewSource(viewSourceUrl); };

                string properties = (doc != null && doc.Url == Document.Url) ? "Page Properties" : "IFRAME Properties";

                MenuItem mnuProperties = new MenuItem(properties);
                mnuProperties.Enabled = doc != null;
                mnuProperties.Click += delegate { ShowPageProperties(doc); };


            // get image urls
            Uri backgroundImageSrc = null, imageSrc = null;
            nsIURI src;

            if (info.GetBackgroundImageSrc(out src) == 0)
                backgroundImageSrc = new Uri(new nsURI(src).Spec);

            if (info.GetImageSrc(out src) == 0)
                imageSrc = new Uri(new nsURI(src).Spec);

            // get associated link.  note that this needs to be done manually because GetAssociatedLink returns a non-zero
            // result when no associated link is available, so an exception would be thrown by nsString.Get()
            string associatedLink = null;
            using (nsAString str = new nsAString())
                if (info.GetAssociatedLink(str) == 0)
                    associatedLink = str.ToString();

            GeckoContextMenuEventArgs e = new GeckoContextMenuEventArgs(
                PointToClient(MousePosition), menu, associatedLink, backgroundImageSrc, imageSrc,


            if (e.ContextMenu != null && e.ContextMenu.MenuItems.Count > 0)
                e.ContextMenu.Show(this, e.Location);