Example #1
        public ActionResult Frontpage(PostsSortBy? sort, TimeFilter? time, int? pageNumber, int? pageSize)
            var subs = _contextService.GetSubscribedSubIds();

            if (sort == null)
                sort = PostsSortBy.Hot;

            if (time == null)
                time = TimeFilter.All;

            if (pageNumber == null || pageNumber < 1)
                pageNumber = 1;
            if (pageSize == null)
                pageSize = 25;
            if (pageSize > 100)
                pageSize = 100;
            if (pageSize < 1)
                pageSize = 1;

            var postIds = _postDao.GetPosts(subs, sort.Value, time.Value, true /*hide removed posts TODO: only hide if not post admin*/, ((pageNumber - 1) * pageSize), pageSize);

            var model = new SubPostsModel();
            model.SortBy = sort.Value;
            model.TimeFilter = time;
            if (subs.Any()) // maybe the user hasn't subscribed to any subs?
                model.Posts = new PagedList<PostWrapped>(_postWrapper.Wrap(postIds, _userContext.CurrentUser), pageNumber.Value, pageSize.Value, postIds.HasMore);

            return View("Posts", model);
Example #2
        public ActionResult Posts(string name, PostsSortBy? sort, TimeFilter? time, int? pageNumber, int? pageSize)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                return Redirect(Url.Subs());

            var subs = new List<Guid>();

            Sub sub = null;

            if (name.Equals("all", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                // TODO: Filter only by subs that want to be including in "all". For now, we will do nothing, which will effectively return all posts.
                // the user wants to view a specific sub

                sub = _subDao.GetSubByName(name);

                if (sub == null)
                    return Redirect(Url.Subs(name));

                if(_userContext.CurrentUser != null)
                    _subActivityDao.MarkSubActive(_userContext.CurrentUser.Id, sub.Id);


            if (sort == null)
                sort = PostsSortBy.Hot; // TODO: get default from sub

            if (time == null)
                time = TimeFilter.All;

            if (pageNumber == null || pageNumber < 1)
                pageNumber = 1;
            if (pageSize == null)
                pageSize = 25;
            if (pageSize > 100)
                pageSize = 100;
            if (pageSize < 1)
                pageSize = 1;

            var postIds = _postDao.GetPosts(subs, sort.Value, time.Value, true /*hide removed posts TODO: only hide if not post admin*/, ((pageNumber - 1) * pageSize), pageSize);

            var model = new SubPostsModel();
            model.Sub = sub != null ? _subWrapper.Wrap(sub.Id, _userContext.CurrentUser) : null;
            model.SortBy = sort.Value;
            model.TimeFilter = time;
            model.Posts = new PagedList<PostWrapped>(_postWrapper.Wrap(postIds, _userContext.CurrentUser), pageNumber.Value, pageSize.Value, postIds.HasMore);

            return View(model);
Example #3
        public ActionResult Unmoderated(string subName)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subName))
                throw new NotFoundException();

            var sub = _subDao.GetSubByName(subName);

            if (sub == null)
                throw new NotFoundException();

            var postIds = _postDao.GetUnmoderatedPosts(new List<Guid> { sub.Id }, take: 30);

            var model = new SubPostsModel();
            model.Sub = _subWrapper.Wrap(sub.Id, _userContext.CurrentUser);
            model.SortBy = PostsSortBy.New;
            model.Posts = new PagedList<PostWrapped>(_postWrapper.Wrap(postIds, _userContext.CurrentUser), 0, 30, postIds.HasMore);

            return View(model);