Example #1
 public static SKImageFilter CreatePointLitDiffuse(SKPoint3 location, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float kd, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     return(GetObject <SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_point_lit_diffuse(&location, (uint)lightColor, surfaceScale, kd, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)));
Example #2
 public static SKImageFilter CreateDistantLitSpecular(SKPoint3 direction, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float ks, float shininess, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     return(GetObject <SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_distant_lit_specular(&direction, (uint)lightColor, surfaceScale, ks, shininess, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)));
Example #3
 public static SKImageFilter CreateCompose(SKDisplacementMapEffectChannelSelectorType xChannelSelector, SKDisplacementMapEffectChannelSelectorType yChannelSelector, float scale, SKImageFilter displacement, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     return(CreateDisplacementMapEffect(xChannelSelector, yChannelSelector, scale, displacement, input, cropRect));
Example #4
 public static SKImageFilter CreateDropShadow(float dx, float dy, float sigmaX, float sigmaY, SKColor color, SKDropShadowImageFilterShadowMode shadowMode, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     return(GetObject <SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_drop_shadow(dx, dy, sigmaX, sigmaY, (uint)color, shadowMode, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)));
Example #5
 public static SKImageFilter CreateMerge(SKImageFilter[] filters, SKBlendMode[] modes, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     return(CreateMerge(filters, cropRect));
Example #6
 public static SKImageFilter CreateOffset(float dx, float dy, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     return(GetObject <SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_offset(dx, dy, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)));
Example #7
 public static SKImageFilter CreateArithmetic(float k1, float k2, float k3, float k4, bool enforcePMColor, SKImageFilter background, SKImageFilter foreground = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     if (background == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(background));
     return(GetObject <SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_arithmetic(k1, k2, k3, k4, enforcePMColor, background.Handle, foreground == null ? IntPtr.Zero : foreground.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)));
Example #8
 public static SKImageFilter CreateMatrixConvolution(SKSizeI kernelSize, float[] kernel, float gain, float bias, SKPointI kernelOffset, SKMatrixConvolutionTileMode tileMode, bool convolveAlpha, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     if (kernel == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(kernel));
     if (kernel.Length != kernelSize.Width * kernelSize.Height)
         throw new ArgumentException("Kernel length must match the dimensions of the kernel size (Width * Height).", nameof(kernel));
         fixed(float *k = kernel)
             return(GetObject <SKImageFilter> (SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_matrix_convolution(&kernelSize, k, gain, bias, &kernelOffset, tileMode, convolveAlpha, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)));
Example #9
 public static SKImageFilter CreateDistantLitDiffuse(SKPoint3 direction, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float kd, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     return(new SKImageFilter(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_distant_lit_diffuse(ref direction, lightColor, surfaceScale, kd, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)));
Example #10
 public static SKImageFilter CreateSpotLitDiffuse(SKPoint3 location, SKPoint3 target, float specularExponent, float cutoffAngle, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float kd, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     return(new SKImageFilter(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_spot_lit_diffuse(ref location, ref target, specularExponent, cutoffAngle, lightColor, surfaceScale, kd, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)));
Example #11
 public static SKImageFilter CreateDilate(int radiusX, int radiusY, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     return(new SKImageFilter(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_dilate(radiusX, radiusY, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)));
Example #12
        public static SKImageFilter CreateMerge(SKImageFilter[] filters, SKXferMode[] modes = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
            if (filters == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("filters");
            if (modes != null && modes.Length != filters.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("The numbers of modes must match the number of filters.", "modes");
            var f = new IntPtr[filters.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < filters.Length; i++)
                f[i] = filters[i].Handle;
            return(new SKImageFilter(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_merge(f, filters.Length, modes, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)));
Example #13
 public static SKImageFilter CreatePointLitSpecular(SKPoint3 location, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float ks, float shininess, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     return(new SKImageFilter(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_point_lit_specular(ref location, lightColor, surfaceScale, ks, shininess, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)));
Example #14
 public static SKImageFilter CreateSpotLitSpecular(SKPoint3 location, SKPoint3 target, float specularExponent, float cutoffAngle, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float ks, float shininess, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     return(GetObject <SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_spot_lit_specular(&location, &target, specularExponent, cutoffAngle, lightColor, surfaceScale, ks, shininess, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)));
Example #15
 public static SKImageFilter CreatePaint(SKPaint paint, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     if (paint == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(paint)); }
Example #16
 public static SKImageFilter CreateMagnifier(SKRect src, float inset, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     return(GetObject <SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_magnifier(&src, inset, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)));
Example #17
 public static SKImageFilter CreateBlur(float sigmaX, float sigmaY, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     return(GetObject <SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_blur(sigmaX, sigmaY, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)));
Example #18
 public static SKImageFilter CreateMerge(SKImageFilter first, SKImageFilter second, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     return(CreateMerge(new [] { first, second }, cropRect));
Example #19
 public static SKImageFilter CreateColorFilter(SKColorFilter cf, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     if (cf == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cf));
     return(GetObject <SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_color_filter(cf.Handle, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)));
Example #20
 public static SKImageFilter CreateErode(int radiusX, int radiusY, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     return(GetObject <SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_erode(radiusX, radiusY, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)));
Example #21
 public static SKImageFilter CreateDisplacementMapEffect(SKDisplacementMapEffectChannelSelectorType xChannelSelector, SKDisplacementMapEffectChannelSelectorType yChannelSelector, float scale, SKImageFilter displacement, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     if (displacement == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(displacement));
     return(GetObject <SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_displacement_map_effect(xChannelSelector, yChannelSelector, scale, displacement.Handle, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)));
Example #22
 public static SKImageFilter CreateBlendMode(SKBlendMode mode, SKImageFilter background, SKImageFilter foreground = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
     if (background == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(background));
     return(GetObject <SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_xfermode(mode, background.Handle, foreground == null ? IntPtr.Zero : foreground.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)));
Example #23
		// CreatePaint

		public static SKImageFilter CreatePaint(SKPaint paint, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null)
			if (paint == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(paint));
			return GetObject<SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_paint(paint.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle));