public void Erase (SKColor color, SKRectI rect) { SkiaApi.sk_bitmap_erase_rect (Handle, color, ref rect); }
public static void RenderRaster(SKCanvas canvas, SKBitmap bitmap, SKRect rect, float opacity = 1f) { // Better for quality. Helps to compare to WPF var color = new SKColor(255, 255, 255, (byte)(255 * opacity)); var paint = new SKPaint { Color = color, FilterQuality = SKFilterQuality.High }; canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, rect, paint); // Better for performance: canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, rect); }
public SkiaCanvasState(SkiaCanvasState prototype) : base(prototype) { _strokeColor = prototype._strokeColor; _fillColor = prototype._fillColor; _fontColor = prototype._fontColor; _fontPaint = prototype.FontPaint.CreateCopy(); _fillPaint = prototype.FillPaint.CreateCopy(); _strokePaint = prototype.StrokePaint.CreateCopy(); _fontName = prototype._fontName; _fontSize = prototype._fontSize; Alpha = prototype.Alpha; _scaleX = prototype._scaleX; _scaleY = prototype._scaleY; _typefaceInvalid = false; _isBlurred = prototype._isBlurred; _blurRadius = prototype._blurRadius; _shadowed = prototype._shadowed; //_shadowFilter = prototype._shadowFilter; // There is no reason the copy really needs to know about this. _shadowColor = prototype._shadowColor; _shadowX = prototype._shadowX; _shadowY = prototype._shadowY; _shadowBlur = prototype._shadowBlur; }
public SKColorTable(SKColor[] colors, int count) : this(SkiaApi.sk_colortable_new (colors, count), true) { if (Handle == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new InvalidOperationException ("Unable to create a new SKColorTable instance."); } }
public static SKShader CreateLinearGradient (SKPoint start, SKPoint end, SKColor [] colors, float [] colorPos, SKShaderTileMode mode, SKMatrix localMatrix) { if (colors == null) throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (colors)); if (colorPos == null) { return GetObject<SKShader> (SkiaApi.sk_shader_new_linear_gradient (new SKPoint [] { start, end }, colors, IntPtr.Zero, colors.Length, mode, ref localMatrix)); } else { if (colors.Length != colorPos.Length) throw new ArgumentException ("The number of colors must match the number of color positions."); return GetObject<SKShader> (SkiaApi.sk_shader_new_linear_gradient (new SKPoint [] { start, end }, colors, colorPos, colors.Length, mode, ref localMatrix)); } }
private void Draw(int[] data, int width, int height, int iterations, SKColor color) { var pixels = new SKColor[width * height]; for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++) { if (data[i] == iterations) { pixels[i] = color; } else { pixels[i] = new SkiaSharp.SKColor((UInt32)(4000000000 / ((data[i] < 1) ? 1 : data[i]))); } } bitmap = new SKBitmap(width, height); bitmap.Pixels = pixels; }
public static bool TryParse(string hexString, out SKColor color) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hexString)) { // error color = SKColor.Empty; return(false); } // clean up string hexString = hexString.Trim().ToUpperInvariant(); if (hexString [0] == '#') { hexString = hexString.Substring(1); } var len = hexString.Length; if (len == 3 || len == 4) { byte a, r, g, b; // parse [A] if (len == 4) { if (!byte.TryParse(string.Concat(hexString [len - 4], hexString [len - 4]), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out a)) { // error color = SKColor.Empty; return(false); } } else { a = 255; } // parse RGB if (!byte.TryParse(string.Concat(hexString [len - 3], hexString [len - 3]), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out r) || !byte.TryParse(string.Concat(hexString [len - 2], hexString [len - 2]), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out g) || !byte.TryParse(string.Concat(hexString [len - 1], hexString [len - 1]), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out b)) { // error color = SKColor.Empty; return(false); } // success color = new SKColor(r, g, b, a); return(true); } if (len == 6 || len == 8) { // parse [AA]RRGGBB uint number; if (!uint.TryParse(hexString, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out number)) { // error color = SKColor.Empty; return(false); } // success color = (SKColor)number; // alpha was not provided, so use 255 if (len == 6) { color = color.WithAlpha(255); } return(true); } // error color = SKColor.Empty; return(false); }
public static SKShader CreateTwoPointConicalGradient (SKPoint start, float startRadius, SKPoint end, float endRadius, SKColor [] colors, float [] colorPos, SKShaderTileMode mode, SKMatrix localMatrix) { if (colors == null) throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (colors)); if (colorPos == null) { return GetObject<SKShader> (SkiaApi.sk_shader_new_two_point_conical_gradient (ref start, startRadius, ref end, endRadius, colors, IntPtr.Zero, colors.Length, mode, ref localMatrix)); } else { if (colors.Length != colorPos.Length) throw new ArgumentException ("The number of colors must match the number of color positions."); return GetObject<SKShader> (SkiaApi.sk_shader_new_two_point_conical_gradient (ref start, startRadius, ref end, endRadius, colors, colorPos, colors.Length, mode, ref localMatrix)); } }
public void Clear(SKColor color) { DrawColor(color, SKXferMode.Src); }
public void DrawColor (SKColor color, SKXferMode mode) { DrawColor (color, (SKBlendMode)(int)mode); }
public static SKColor SKColor(this Color color) { var skcol = new SkiaSharp.SKColor((uint)color.ToArgb()); return(skcol); }
public void Erase(SKColor color) { SkiaApi.sk_bitmap_erase(Handle, color); }
public void DrawColor(SKColor color, SKXferMode mode = SKXferMode.Src) { SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_color(Handle, color, mode); }
public void DrawPoint(float x, float y, SKColor color) { SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_point_color (Handle, x, y, color); }
public static SKImageFilter CreatePointLitSpecular(SKPoint3 location, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float ks, float shininess, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null) { return GetObject<SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_point_lit_specular(ref location, lightColor, surfaceScale, ks, shininess, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)); }
public void Erase (SKColor color) { SkiaApi.sk_bitmap_erase (Handle, color); }
// PreMultiply public static SKPMColor PreMultiply(SKColor color) => SkiaApi.sk_color_premultiply((uint)color);
public static SKPMColor PreMultiply(SKColor color) { return(SkiaApi.sk_color_premultiply(color)); }
// CreateColor public static SKShader CreateColor(SKColor color) => GetObject <SKShader> (SkiaApi.sk_shader_new_color((uint)color));
public bool Erase(SKColor color, SKRectI subset) { return(SkiaApi.sk_pixmap_erase_color(Handle, color, ref subset)); }
public bool Erase(SKColor color) { return(Erase(color, Rect)); }
public void Clear(SKColor color) { DrawColor(color, SKBlendMode.Src); }
public void DrawPoint(SKPoint p, SKColor color) { DrawPoint(p.X, p.Y, color); }
public static SKImageFilter CreateDistantLitDiffuse(SKPoint3 direction, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float kd, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null) { return GetObject<SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_distant_lit_diffuse(ref direction, lightColor, surfaceScale, kd, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)); }
// DrawColor public void DrawColor(SKColor color, SKBlendMode mode = SKBlendMode.Src) { SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_color(Handle, (uint)color, mode); }
public void Clear(SKColor color) { DrawColor (color, SKXferMode.Src); }
public static SKColorFilter CreateBlendMode(SKColor c, SKBlendMode mode) { return(GetObject <SKColorFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_colorfilter_new_mode((uint)c, mode))); }
public PaintState(SKPaint paint, SKColor color, SKShader shader) { _paint = paint; _color = color; _shader = shader; }
public static SKImageFilter CreateDistantLitSpecular(SKPoint3 direction, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float ks, float shininess, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null) { return(GetObject <SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_distant_lit_specular(ref direction, lightColor, surfaceScale, ks, shininess, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle))); }
public extern static sk_shader_t sk_shader_new_color(SKColor color);
public static SKImageFilter CreateDropShadow(float dx, float dy, float sigmaX, float sigmaY, SKColor color, SKDropShadowImageFilterShadowMode shadowMode, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null) { return(GetObject <SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_drop_shadow(dx, dy, sigmaX, sigmaY, color, shadowMode, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle))); }
public void Erase(SKColor color, SKRectI rect) { SkiaApi.sk_bitmap_erase_rect(Handle, color, ref rect); }
public static SKImageFilter CreatePointLitDiffuse(SKPoint3 location, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float kd, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null) { return(GetObject <SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_point_lit_diffuse(ref location, lightColor, surfaceScale, kd, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle))); }
public static void RenderTexture(SKCanvas canvas, SKBitmap bitmap, SKRect rect, float opacity = 1f) { var color = new SKColor(255, 255, 255, (byte) (255*opacity)); var paint = new SKPaint {Color = color, FilterQuality = SKFilterQuality.High}; canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, rect, paint); }
public static SKImageFilter CreateSpotLitDiffuse(SKPoint3 location, SKPoint3 target, float specularExponent, float cutoffAngle, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float kd, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null) { return(GetObject <SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_spot_lit_diffuse(ref location, ref target, specularExponent, cutoffAngle, lightColor, surfaceScale, kd, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle))); }
public void Clear (SKColor color) { DrawColor (color, SKBlendMode.Src); }
private void ReadPaints(Dictionary <string, string> style, ref SKPaint strokePaint, ref SKPaint fillPaint) { // stroke var stroke = GetString(style, "stroke").Trim(); if (stroke.Equals("none", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { strokePaint = null; } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stroke)) { // no change } else { if (strokePaint == null) { strokePaint = CreatePaint(true); } SKColor color; if (SKColor.TryParse(stroke, out color)) { // preserve alpha if (color.Alpha == 255) { strokePaint.Color = color.WithAlpha(strokePaint.Color.Alpha); } else { strokePaint.Color = color; } } } // stroke attributes var strokeWidth = GetString(style, "stroke-width"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strokeWidth)) { if (strokePaint == null) { strokePaint = CreatePaint(true); } strokePaint.StrokeWidth = ReadNumber(strokeWidth); } var strokeOpacity = GetString(style, "stroke-opacity"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strokeOpacity)) { if (strokePaint == null) { strokePaint = CreatePaint(true); } strokePaint.Color = strokePaint.Color.WithAlpha((byte)(ReadNumber(strokeOpacity) * 255)); } } // fill var fill = GetString(style, "fill").Trim(); if (fill.Equals("none", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { fillPaint = null; } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fill)) { // no change } else { if (fillPaint == null) { fillPaint = CreatePaint(); } SKColor color; if (SKColor.TryParse(fill, out color)) { // preserve alpha if (color.Alpha == 255) { fillPaint.Color = color.WithAlpha(fillPaint.Color.Alpha); } else { fillPaint.Color = color; } } else { var read = false; var urlM = fillUrlRe.Match(fill); if (urlM.Success) { var id = urlM.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); XElement defE; if (defs.TryGetValue(id, out defE)) { var gradientShader = ReadGradient(defE); if (gradientShader != null) { // TODO: multiple shaders fillPaint.Shader = gradientShader; read = true; } // else try another type (eg: image) } else { LogOrThrow($"Invalid fill url reference: {id}"); } } if (!read) { LogOrThrow($"Unsupported fill: {fill}"); } } } // fill attributes var fillOpacity = GetString(style, "fill-opacity"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fillOpacity)) { if (fillPaint == null) { fillPaint = CreatePaint(); } fillPaint.Color = fillPaint.Color.WithAlpha((byte)(ReadNumber(fillOpacity) * 255)); } } }
public static SKShader CreateSweepGradient (SKPoint center, SKColor [] colors, float [] colorPos, SKMatrix localMatrix) { if (colors == null) throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (colors)); if (colorPos == null) { return GetObject<SKShader> (SkiaApi.sk_shader_new_sweep_gradient (ref center, colors, IntPtr.Zero, colors.Length, ref localMatrix)); } else { if (colors.Length != colorPos.Length) throw new ArgumentException ("The number of colors must match the number of color positions."); return GetObject<SKShader> (SkiaApi.sk_shader_new_sweep_gradient (ref center, colors, colorPos, colors.Length, ref localMatrix)); } }
public static SKShader CreateColor(SKColor color) { return(GetObject <SKShader> (SkiaApi.sk_shader_new_color(color))); }
public static SKShader CreateColor (SKColor color) { return GetObject<SKShader> (SkiaApi.sk_shader_new_color (color)); }
public void Erase(SKColor color, SKRectI rect) { SkiaApi.sk_bitmap_erase_rect(Handle, (uint)color, &rect); }
public static SKShader CreateRadialGradient (SKPoint center, float radius, SKColor [] colors, float [] colorPos, SKShaderTileMode mode) { if (colors == null) throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (colors)); if (colorPos == null) { return GetObject<SKShader> (SkiaApi.sk_shader_new_radial_gradient (ref center, radius, colors, IntPtr.Zero, colors.Length, mode, IntPtr.Zero)); } else { if (colors.Length != colorPos.Length) throw new ArgumentException ("The number of colors must match the number of color positions."); return GetObject<SKShader> (SkiaApi.sk_shader_new_radial_gradient (ref center, radius, colors, colorPos, colors.Length, mode, IntPtr.Zero)); } }
public void SetPixel(int x, int y, SKColor color) { SkiaApi.sk_bitmap_set_pixel_color(Handle, x, y, (uint)color); }
} // End Function LoadImage private void DrawImage() { int bitness = System.IntPtr.Size * 8; System.Console.WriteLine(bitness); // // // // Make sure the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable is installed if this error occurs: // Unable to load DLL 'libSkiaSharp.dll': The specified module could not be found. using (SKSurface surface = SKSurface.Create(width: 640, height: 480, colorType: SKColorType.Bgra8888, alphaType: SKAlphaType.Premul)) { SKCanvas canvas = surface.Canvas; canvas.Clear(SKColors.Transparent); using (SKPaint paint = new SKPaint()) { // paint.ImageFilter = SKImageFilter.CreateBlur(5, 5); // Dispose ! paint.IsAntialias = true; // paint.Color = new SKColor(0xff, 0x00, 0xff); paint.Color = new SKColor(0x2c, 0x3e, 0x50); paint.StrokeCap = SKStrokeCap.Round; paint.Typeface = SkiaSharp.SKTypeface.FromFamilyName("Impact", SKTypefaceStyle.Bold); paint.TextSize = 12; canvas.DrawText("foobar", 10, 10, paint); // SkiaSharp.SKRect rect = new SkiaSharp.SKRect(); SkiaSharp.SKRect rect = MeasureText("foobar", "Impact", 12, SKTypefaceStyle.Bold); // paint.MeasureText("foobar", ref rect); System.Console.WriteLine(rect); SKRect textOverlayRectangle = new SKRect(); textOverlayRectangle.Left = 9; // x textOverlayRectangle.Top = 10 - rect.Height; // y textOverlayRectangle.Right = textOverlayRectangle.Left + rect.Width; textOverlayRectangle.Bottom = textOverlayRectangle.Top + rect.Height; // canvas.DrawRect(textOverlayRectangle, paint); // SkiaSharp.SKPoint[] linearPoints = new SkiaSharp.SKPoint[] { new SkiaSharp.SKPoint(0, 0), new SkiaSharp.SKPoint(300, 300) }; SkiaSharp.SKColor[] linearColors = new SkiaSharp.SKColor[] { SkiaSharp.SKColors.Green, SkiaSharp.SKColors.Black }; // canvas.Restore(); // canvas.Translate(100, 200); // canvas.RotateDegrees(45); // SKShader shader = SkiaSharp.SKShader.CreateLinearGradient(linearPoints[0], linearPoints[1], linearColors, new float[] { 1.0f, 2000.0f }, SKShaderTileMode.Repeat); // paint.Shader = shader; SkiaSharp.SKBitmap shaderPattern = LoadImage(MapProjectPath(@"~mytile.png")); SKShader hatchShader = SkiaSharp.SKShader.CreateBitmap(shaderPattern, SKShaderTileMode.Mirror, SKShaderTileMode.Repeat); paint.Shader = hatchShader; // create the Xamagon path using (SKPath path = new SKPath()) { path.MoveTo(71.4311121f, 56f); path.CubicTo(68.6763107f, 56.0058575f, 65.9796704f, 57.5737917f, 64.5928855f, 59.965729f); path.LineTo(43.0238921f, 97.5342563f); path.CubicTo(41.6587026f, 99.9325978f, 41.6587026f, 103.067402f, 43.0238921f, 105.465744f); path.LineTo(64.5928855f, 143.034271f); path.CubicTo(65.9798162f, 145.426228f, 68.6763107f, 146.994582f, 71.4311121f, 147f); path.LineTo(114.568946f, 147f); path.CubicTo(117.323748f, 146.994143f, 120.020241f, 145.426228f, 121.407172f, 143.034271f); path.LineTo(142.976161f, 105.465744f); path.CubicTo(144.34135f, 103.067402f, 144.341209f, 99.9325978f, 142.976161f, 97.5342563f); path.LineTo(121.407172f, 59.965729f); path.CubicTo(120.020241f, 57.5737917f, 117.323748f, 56.0054182f, 114.568946f, 56f); path.LineTo(71.4311121f, 56f); path.Close(); // draw the Xamagon path canvas.DrawPath(path, paint); } // End Using path // ClipDeviceBounds not ClipBounds canvas.DrawLine(0, 0, canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Width, canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Height, paint); canvas.DrawLine(0, canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Height, canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Width, 0, paint); canvas.DrawLine(0 + 1, 0, 0 + 1, canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Height, paint); canvas.DrawLine(0, surface.Canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Height / 2, canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Width, canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Height / 2, paint); canvas.DrawLine(canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Width - 1, 0 + 1, canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Width - 1, canvas.ClipDeviceBounds.Height, paint); } // End Using paint // Your drawing code goes here. // surface.Snapshot().Encode(SKImageEncodeFormat.Webp, 80); // SKData p = surface.Snapshot().Encode(); SKData p = surface.Snapshot().Encode(SKImageEncodeFormat.Png, 80); // p.SaveTo() using (System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(p.ToArray())) { this.pictureBox1.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms); } // End Using ms System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(MapProjectPath("~testme.png"), p.ToArray()); } // End Using surface // this.Close(); } // End Sub
public static SKColorFilter CreateXferMode(SKColor c, SKXferMode mode) { return(GetObject <SKColorFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_colorfilter_new_mode(c, mode))); }
public void SetPixel (int x, int y, SKColor color) { if (ColorType == SKColorType.Index8) { throw new NotSupportedException ("This method is not supported for bitmaps with ColorTypes of Index8."); } SkiaApi.sk_bitmap_set_pixel_color (Handle, x, y, color); }
public static SKColorFilter CreateLighting(SKColor mul, SKColor add) { return(GetObject <SKColorFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_colorfilter_new_lighting(mul, add))); }
public static SKImageFilter CreateDropShadow(float dx, float dy, float sigmaX, float sigmaY, SKColor color, SKDropShadowImageFilterShadowMode shadowMode, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null) { return GetObject<SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_drop_shadow(dx, dy, sigmaX, sigmaY, color, shadowMode, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)); }
public extern static sk_imagefilter_t sk_imagefilter_new_point_lit_diffuse(ref SKPoint3 location, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float kd, sk_imagefilter_t input /*NULL*/, sk_imagefilter_croprect_t cropRect /*NULL*/);
public static SKImageFilter CreateSpotLitDiffuse(SKPoint3 location, SKPoint3 target, float specularExponent, float cutoffAngle, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float kd, SKImageFilter input = null, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect = null) { return GetObject<SKImageFilter>(SkiaApi.sk_imagefilter_new_spot_lit_diffuse(ref location, ref target, specularExponent, cutoffAngle, lightColor, surfaceScale, kd, input == null ? IntPtr.Zero : input.Handle, cropRect == null ? IntPtr.Zero : cropRect.Handle)); }
public extern static sk_imagefilter_t sk_imagefilter_new_point_lit_specular(ref SKPoint3 location, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float ks, float shininess, sk_imagefilter_t input /*NULL*/, sk_imagefilter_croprect_t cropRect /*NULL*/);
public SKColorTable(SKColor[] colors) : this(colors, colors.Length) { }
public extern static sk_imagefilter_t sk_imagefilter_new_spot_lit_specular(ref SKPoint3 location, ref SKPoint3 target, float specularExponent, float cutoffAngle, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float ks, float shininess, sk_imagefilter_t input /*NULL*/, sk_imagefilter_croprect_t cropRect /*NULL*/);
public void DrawColor(SKColor color, SKXferMode mode = SKXferMode.Src) { SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_color (Handle, color, mode); }
public extern static sk_colorfilter_t sk_colorfilter_new_mode(SKColor c, SKXferMode mode);
internal PaintWrapper CreatePaint(IBrush brush, Size targetSize) { SKPaint paint = new SKPaint(); var rv = new PaintWrapper(paint); paint.IsStroke = false; // TODO: SkiaSharp does not contain alpha yet! double opacity = brush.Opacity * _currentOpacity; //paint.SetAlpha(paint.GetAlpha() * opacity); paint.IsAntialias = true; SKColor color = new SKColor(255, 255, 255, 255); var solid = brush as ISolidColorBrush; if (solid != null) color = solid.Color.ToSKColor(); paint.Color = (new SKColor(color.Red, color.Green, color.Blue, (byte)(color.Alpha * opacity))); if (solid != null) { return rv; } var gradient = brush as GradientBrush; if (gradient != null) { var tileMode = gradient.SpreadMethod.ToSKShaderTileMode(); var stopColors = gradient.GradientStops.Select(s => s.Color.ToSKColor()).ToArray(); var stopOffsets = gradient.GradientStops.Select(s => (float)s.Offset).ToArray(); var linearGradient = brush as LinearGradientBrush; if (linearGradient != null) { var start = linearGradient.StartPoint.ToPixels(targetSize).ToSKPoint(); var end = linearGradient.EndPoint.ToPixels(targetSize).ToSKPoint(); // would be nice to cache these shaders possibly? var shader = SKShader.CreateLinearGradient(start, end, stopColors, stopOffsets, tileMode); paint.Shader = shader; shader.Dispose(); } else { var radialGradient = brush as RadialGradientBrush; if (radialGradient != null) { var center = radialGradient.Center.ToPixels(targetSize).ToSKPoint(); var radius = (float)radialGradient.Radius; // TODO: There is no SetAlpha in SkiaSharp //paint.setAlpha(128); // would be nice to cache these shaders possibly? var shader = SKShader.CreateRadialGradient(center, radius, stopColors, stopOffsets, tileMode); paint.Shader = shader; shader.Dispose(); } } return rv; } var tileBrush = brush as TileBrush; if (tileBrush != null) { var helper = new TileBrushImplHelper(tileBrush, targetSize); var bitmap = new BitmapImpl((int)helper.IntermediateSize.Width, (int)helper.IntermediateSize.Height); rv.AddDisposable(bitmap); using (var ctx = bitmap.CreateDrawingContext()) helper.DrawIntermediate(ctx); SKMatrix translation = SKMatrix.MakeTranslation(-(float)helper.DestinationRect.X, -(float)helper.DestinationRect.Y); SKShaderTileMode tileX = tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.None ? SKShaderTileMode.Clamp : tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipX || tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipXY ? SKShaderTileMode.Mirror : SKShaderTileMode.Repeat; SKShaderTileMode tileY = tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.None ? SKShaderTileMode.Clamp : tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipY || tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipXY ? SKShaderTileMode.Mirror : SKShaderTileMode.Repeat; paint.Shader = SKShader.CreateBitmap(bitmap.Bitmap, tileX, tileY, translation); paint.Shader.Dispose(); } return rv; }
public extern static sk_colorfilter_t sk_colorfilter_new_lighting(SKColor mul, SKColor add);
public static bool TryParse(string hexString, out SKColor color) { if (hexString == null) { // error color = SKColor.Empty; return false; } // clean up string hexString = hexString.Trim().ToUpperInvariant(); if (hexString == "") { color = SKColor.Empty; return false; } if (hexString[0] == '#') hexString = hexString.Substring(1); var len = hexString.Length; if (len == 3 || len == 4) { byte a, r, g, b; // parse [A] if (len == 4) { if (!byte.TryParse(string.Concat(hexString[len - 4], hexString[len - 4]), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out a)) { // error color = SKColor.Empty; return false; } } else { a = 255; } // parse RGB if (!byte.TryParse(string.Concat(hexString[len - 3], hexString[len - 3]), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out r) || !byte.TryParse(string.Concat(hexString[len - 2], hexString[len - 2]), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out g) || !byte.TryParse(string.Concat(hexString[len - 1], hexString[len - 1]), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out b)) { // error color = SKColor.Empty; return false; } // success color = new SKColor(r, g, b, a); return true; } if (len == 6 || len == 8) { // parse [AA]RRGGBB uint number; if (!uint.TryParse(hexString, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out number)) { // error color = SKColor.Empty; return false; } // success color = (SKColor)number; // alpha was not provided, so use 255 if (len == 6) { color = color.WithAlpha(255); } return true; } // error color = SKColor.Empty; return false; }
public void DrawPoint(float x, float y, SKColor color) { SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_point_color(Handle, x, y, color); }