public void TestPushBackBotRightToCenter()
            Vector position1 = new Vector(0f, 50f);
            Vector target1 = new Vector(50f, 50f);

            int radius2 = 20;
            Vector center2 = new Vector(25, 55);
            Vector ballSpeed = new Vector(-5, -5);

            Vector hitPoint = new Vector(20, 50);
            Vector pushBackVec;
            Vector estimatedPushBackVec = new Vector(0, 1);

            Line parent = new Line();
            BoundingContainer bCont = new BoundingContainer(parent);
            BoundingLine bL1 = new BoundingLine(position1, target1);

            parent.Location = (new Vector(0, 0));

            pushBackVec = bL1.GetOutOfAreaPush(radius2 * 2, hitPoint, -ballSpeed, center2);

            Assert.AreEqual(estimatedPushBackVec, pushBackVec);
        public void TestReflection135Direction()
            Vector position = new Vector(100f, 100f);
            Vector ballPos = new Vector(140f, 120f);
            int radius = 20;

            Vector ballSpeed = new Vector(-100, -100);

            Vector hitPoint = new Vector(120 + 14.1421f, 120 + 14.1421f);
            Vector expectedReflection = -ballSpeed;
            Vector reflection;

            Bumper parent = new Bumper();
            BoundingCircle bC2 = new BoundingCircle(radius, position);
            BoundingContainer bCont = new BoundingContainer(parent);

            parent.Location = (new Vector(0, 0));

            reflection = bC2.Reflect(ballSpeed, hitPoint, ballPos);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedReflection.X, reflection.X, 0.001f);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedReflection.Y, reflection.Y, 0.001f);
        public void addReferenceTwiceTest()
            int radius1 = 20;
            Vector center1 = new Vector(0f, 0f);

            Bumper parent = new Bumper();
            BoundingContainer bCont = new BoundingContainer(parent);
            BoundingCircle bC1 = new BoundingCircle(radius1, center1);

            BoundingField bf = new BoundingField(0, 0);


            int hit = 0;
            foreach (IBoundingBox b in bf.getReferences())
                if (b.Equals(bC1))

            if (hit == 1)
                Assert.AreEqual(1, hit);
        public void TestIntersectIntersectBallSpeedZero()
            int radius1 = 20;
            Vector center1 = new Vector(0f, 0f);
            int radius2 = 20;
            Vector center2 = new Vector(-19, 0f);
            Vector ballSpeed = new Vector(0, 0);

            Vector hitPoint;
            bool isIntersec = false;

            Bumper parent = new Bumper();
            Ball ball = new Ball();
            BoundingContainer bCont = new BoundingContainer(parent);
            BoundingContainer bCont2 = new BoundingContainer(ball);
            BoundingCircle bC1 = new BoundingCircle(radius1, center1);
            BoundingCircle bC2 = new BoundingCircle(radius2, center2);
            ball.Velocity = ballSpeed;
            parent.Location = (new Vector(0, 0));
            parent.Width = 2 * radius1;
            parent.Height = 2 * radius1;

            isIntersec = bC1.Intersect(bC2, out hitPoint, ballSpeed);

        public void TestBoundingLineReflect180Bot()
            Vector position1 = new Vector(0f, 50f);
            Vector target1 = new Vector(50f, 50f);

            Vector ballSpeed = new Vector(0, -10);
            Vector ballPos = new Vector(20f, 100f);

            Vector hitPoint = new Vector(20, 50);
            Vector expectedReflection = -ballSpeed;
            Vector reflection;

            Line parent = new Line();
            BoundingContainer bCont = new BoundingContainer(parent);
            BoundingLine bL1 = new BoundingLine(position1, target1);
            parent.Location = (new Vector(0, 0));

            reflection = bL1.Reflect(ballSpeed, hitPoint, ballPos);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedReflection, reflection);
        public void TestBoundingCirclePushBackLeft()
            int radius = 20;
            Vector position = new Vector(100f, 100f);
            Vector ballPos = new Vector(90, 120);
            Vector hitPoint = new Vector(100, 120);

            Vector ballSpeed = hitPoint - ballPos;

            Vector expectedPushBack = (radius * 2 / 1.9f) * ((hitPoint - (position + new Vector(radius, radius)))).AsNormalized();

            Vector pushBackVec;

            Bumper parent = new Bumper();
            BoundingCircle bC2 = new BoundingCircle(radius, position);
            BoundingContainer bCont = new BoundingContainer(parent);

            parent.Location = (new Vector(0, 0));
            pushBackVec = bC2.GetOutOfAreaPush(radius * 2, hitPoint, ballSpeed, ballPos);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedPushBack, pushBackVec);
        public void TestIntersect1pxOverlapBot()
            Vector position1 = new Vector(0f, 50f);
            Vector target1 = new Vector(50f, 50f);

            int radius2 = 20;
            Vector center2 = new Vector(20, 49);
            Vector ballSpeed = new Vector(0, -5);

            Vector hitPoint;
            bool isIntersec = false;

            Line parent = new Line();
            Ball ball = new Ball();
            BoundingContainer bCont = new BoundingContainer(parent);
            BoundingContainer bCont2 = new BoundingContainer(ball);

            BoundingLine bL1 = new BoundingLine(position1, target1);
            BoundingCircle bC2 = new BoundingCircle(radius2, center2);

            ball.Velocity = ballSpeed;
            parent.Location = (new Vector(0, 0));

            isIntersec = bC2.Intersect(bL1, out hitPoint);

            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector(40,50), hitPoint);
        public void TakeOverBoundingContainerWithLineSmallDiagonal()
            int cols = 10;
            int rows = 10;
            int width = 100;
            int height = 100;

            int expectedFieldHeight = height / rows;
            int expectedFieldWidth = width / cols;

            Vector position1 = new Vector(0, 0);
            Vector target1 = new Vector(50, 50);

            BoundingRaster br = new BoundingRaster(cols, rows, width, height);

            Line parent1 = new Line();
            BoundingLine bL1 = new BoundingLine(position1, target1);
            BoundingContainer bCont1 = new BoundingContainer(parent1);
            parent1.Location = (new Vector(0, 0));


            for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)
                    if ((x == y) && x >= 0 && x <= 5)
                        bool found = false;
                        foreach (IBoundingBox b in br.GetBoundingField(x, y).getReferences())
                            Assert.AreEqual(bL1, b);
                            found = true;
                        if (!found)
                        foreach (IBoundingBox b in br.GetBoundingField(x, y).getReferences())
                            if (bL1.Equals(b))
        public void TakeOverBoundingContainerWithCircleBigCenter()
            int cols = 10;
            int rows = 10;
            int width = 100;
            int height = 100;

            int expectedFieldHeight = height / rows;
            int expectedFieldWidth = width / cols;

            int radius1 = 50;
            Vector position1 = new Vector(0, 0);

            BoundingRaster br = new BoundingRaster(cols, rows, width, height);

            Bumper parent1 = new Bumper();
            BoundingCircle bC1 = new BoundingCircle(radius1, position1);
            BoundingContainer bCont1 = new BoundingContainer(parent1);
            parent1.Location = (new Vector(0, 0));


            for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)
                    if (x <= 9 && x >= 0 && y <= 9 && y >= 0)
                        bool found = false;
                        foreach (IBoundingBox b in br.GetBoundingField(x, y).getReferences())
                            Assert.AreEqual(bC1, b);
                            found = true;
                        if (!found)
                        foreach (IBoundingBox b in br.GetBoundingField(x, y).getReferences())
                            if (bC1.Equals(b))
        public void TestIntersectIntersectleft1pxOverlap()
            Vector target1 = new Vector(40, 50);
            Vector position1 = new Vector(0f, 50f);

            int radius2 = 20;
            Vector center2 = new Vector(-39, 30);
            Vector ballSpeed = new Vector(0, 5);

            Vector hitPoint;
            bool isIntersec = false;

            Line parent = new Line();
            Ball ball = new Ball();
            BoundingContainer bCont = new BoundingContainer(parent);
            BoundingContainer bCont2 = new BoundingContainer(ball);
            BoundingLine bL1 = new BoundingLine(position1, target1);
            BoundingCircle bC2 = new BoundingCircle(radius2, center2);
            ball.Velocity = ballSpeed;
            ball.Location = (new Vector(0, 0));
            ball.Width = 20;
            ball.Height = 20;
            parent.Location = (new Vector(0, 0));
            parent.Width = 40;
            parent.Height = 0;

            isIntersec = bL1.Intersect(bC2, out hitPoint);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, hitPoint.X, 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(50f, hitPoint.Y, 2);
        private void init()
            Transform = Matrix.Identity;

            pureIntersection = false;
            BoundingContainer = new BoundingContainer(this);


        public void TakeOverBoundingContainerWithLineTotalOutside()
            int cols = 10;
            int rows = 10;
            int width = 100;
            int height = 100;

            int expectedFieldHeight = height / rows;
            int expectedFieldWidth = width / cols;

            Vector position1 = new Vector(-20, -20);
            Vector target1 = new Vector(-50, -50);

            BoundingRaster br = new BoundingRaster(cols, rows, width, height);

            Line parent1 = new Line();
            BoundingLine bL1 = new BoundingLine(position1, target1);
            BoundingContainer bCont1 = new BoundingContainer(parent1);
            parent1.Location = (new Vector(0, 0));


            for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)

                    foreach (IBoundingBox b in br.GetBoundingField(x, y).getReferences())
                        if (bL1.Equals(b))

Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// assigne this bounding box to a container
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bc">The container which this bounding box shall be assigned to</param>
 public void AssignToContainer(BoundingContainer bc)
     this.BoundingContainer = bc;
        public void TestIntersectNoIntersectTouch()
            int radius1 = 20;
            Vector center1 = new Vector(0f, 0f);
            int radius2 = 20;
            Vector center2 = new Vector(40f, 0f);
            Vector ballSpeed = new Vector(-5, 0);

            Vector hitPoint;
            bool isIntersec = false;

            Bumper parent = new Bumper();
            Ball ball = new Ball();
            BoundingContainer bCont = new BoundingContainer(parent);
            BoundingContainer bCont2 = new BoundingContainer(ball);
            BoundingCircle bC1 = new BoundingCircle(radius1, center1);
            BoundingCircle bC2 = new BoundingCircle(radius2, center2);
            ball.Velocity = ballSpeed;

            isIntersec = bC1.Intersect(bC2, out hitPoint);

        /// <summary>
        /// Goes though the bounding container and takes over his bounding boxes.
        /// Animated Objects do not need to be taken over
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bC">Container that holds bounding boxes to add</param>
        public void TakeOverBoundingContainer(BoundingContainer bC)
            Vector worldTrans = bC.ParentElement.Location;

            int x;
            int y;

            foreach (IBoundingBox b in bC.BoundingBoxes)

                if (b.GetType() == typeof(BoundingCircle) || b.GetType() == typeof(BoundingCircleZentripush))
                    //Strategy: Make a box around the circle
                    BoundingCircle bCir = (BoundingCircle)b;

                    //position of the circle self (which field)
                    x = ((int)((bCir.Position.X + worldTrans.X) / FieldWidth));        //TODO check if this is rounded down
                    y = ((int)((bCir.Position.Y + worldTrans.Y) / FieldHeight));

                    //amount of fields x and y (rounded up)
                    //2*cicFieldsX + (1 where the ceneter is) will make the width of the square which includes the circle)
                    //2*cicFieldsY + (1 where the ceneter is) will make the height of the square which includes the circle)
                    int circFieldsX = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(bCir.radius * 1f / FieldWidth));
                    int circFieldsy = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(bCir.radius * 1f / FieldHeight));

                    if ((bCir.Position.X + worldTrans.X) < 0)
                        x = (x - 1);
                        if (circFieldsX + x > 0)

                    if ((bCir.Position.Y + worldTrans.Y) < 0)
                        y = (y - 1);
                        if (circFieldsy + y > 0)

                    //go from the left to the right of the square
                    for (int h = x - circFieldsX; h <= x + circFieldsX; h++)
                        if (h < 0 || h >= this.Cols)
                            //if h is out of raster skip this
                        for (int ver = y - circFieldsy; ver <= y + circFieldsy; ver++)
                            if (ver < 0 || ver >= this.Rows)
                                //if ver is out of raster skip this
                            //this is a field which should hold a reference to the boundingCircle
                            this.fields[h, ver].addReference(bCir);     //duplicate entries will be neglected
                else        //if(b.GetType() == typeof(BoundingCircle))
                    BoundingLine bL = (BoundingLine)b;

                    double posX = bL.Position.X + worldTrans.X;
                    double posY = bL.Position.Y + worldTrans.Y;

                    //position of the line base (which field)
                    x = (int)(posX / FieldWidth);
                    y = (int)(posY / FieldHeight);

                    //add the start
                    if (IsWithinBounds(x, y))
                        this.fields[x, y].addReference(bL);     //duplicate entries will be neglected

                    //define unitvector from position to target
                    Vector unitV = - bL.Position;

                    if (unitV.X > 0)
                        takeOverBoundingLineLeftToRight(unitV, posX, posY,ref x,ref y, bL, worldTrans);
                        takeOverBoundingLineRightToLeft(unitV, posX, posY,ref x,ref y, bL, worldTrans);

                    //at this point all x fields have been added but there might be some y fields who get touched but are not referenced yet.
                    //that are all fields that are above the last x cross (like directly under the target)

                    int endField = (int)(( + worldTrans.Y) / FieldHeight);

                    if (unitV.Y > 0)        //heading down
                        for (int i = y + 1; i <= endField; i++)
                            if (IsWithinBounds(x, i))
                                this.fields[x, i].addReference(bL);
                    else   //heading up
                        for (int i = y - 1; i >= endField - 1; i--)
                            if (IsWithinBounds(x, i))
                                this.fields[x, i].addReference(bL);
                }       //if(b.GetType() == typeof(BoundingCircle))
            }       //foreach (IBoundingBox b in bC.boundingBoxes)
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if two bounding container intersect each other.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bC"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool Intersects(BoundingContainer bC)
     Vector dummy = new Vector();
     foreach (var b1 in BoundingBoxes)
         foreach (var b2 in bC.BoundingBoxes)
             if (b2.Intersect(b1, out dummy)) return true;
     return false;
        public void TestIntersectIntersectNone()
            Vector target1 = new Vector(20, 50);
            Vector position1 = new Vector(0f, 50f);

            int radius2 = 20;
            Vector center2 = new Vector(10, 0f);
            Vector ballSpeed = new Vector(0, 5);

            Vector hitPoint;
            bool isIntersec = false;

            Line parent = new Line();
            Ball ball = new Ball();
            BoundingContainer bCont = new BoundingContainer(parent);
            BoundingContainer bCont2 = new BoundingContainer(ball);
            BoundingLine bL1 = new BoundingLine(position1, target1);
            BoundingCircle bC2 = new BoundingCircle(radius2, center2);
            ball.Velocity = ballSpeed;
            parent.Location = new Vector(0, 0);
            parent.Width = 20;
            parent.Height = 0;

            isIntersec = bC2.Intersect(bL1, out hitPoint);
