Example #1
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void DoBuildMembers()
            Array.Resize(ref members, 3);

            members[0] = ButtonDrawer.Create("Fields", ToggleShowFields, this, InspectorPreferences.Styles.Toolbar);
            members[1] = ButtonDrawer.Create("Properties", ToggleShowProperties, this, InspectorPreferences.Styles.Toolbar);
            members[2] = ButtonDrawer.Create("Methods", ToggleShowMethods, this, InspectorPreferences.Styles.Toolbar);
Example #2
        /// <summary> Creates a new instance of the drawer or returns a reusable instance from the pool. </summary>
        /// <param name="buttonText"> The text to shown on the button. </param>
        /// <param name="memberInfo"> LinkedMemberInfo for the class member that the created drawer represents. Can be null. </param>
        /// <param name="parent"> The parent drawer of the created drawer. Can be null. </param>
        /// <param name="readOnly"> True if button should be greyed out and not be interactive. </param>
        /// <returns> The drawer instance, ready to be used. </returns>
        public static ButtonDrawer Create(string buttonText, LinkedMemberInfo memberInfo, IParentDrawer parent, GUIStyle style = null, bool readOnly = false)
            ButtonDrawer result;

            if (!DrawerPool.TryGet(out result))
                result = new ButtonDrawer();
            result.Setup(GUIContentPool.Create(buttonText), null, memberInfo, parent, null, readOnly, style);
Example #3
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void DoBuildMembers()
            Array.Resize(ref members, 2);

            var keyToAdd = DrawerProvider.GetForField(Value, keyType, null, this, GUIContent.none, ReadOnly);

            keyToAdd.OverrideValidateValue     = validateKey;
            keyToAdd.OnKeyboardInputBeingGiven = OnKeyDrawerKeyboardInputBeingGiven;
            members[0] = keyToAdd;
            var button = ButtonDrawer.Create("", onAddButtonClicked, this, InspectorPreferences.Styles.AddButton, ReadOnly);

            members[1] = button;