Example #1
        public Enemy(Vector2 position, Texture2D texture, int dimensions, Bank bank,
                     Vector2 speed, MainStructure mainStructure, float maxHealth, List <Structure> structures, Player player)
            : base(position, texture, dimensions, speed)
            // bank
            this.bank = bank;

            // Set this enemy to know where the main structure is
            this.mainStructure = mainStructure;
            // Set armor rating and health health
            this.armorRating   = 0f;
            this.maxHealth     = maxHealth;
            this.currentHealth = maxHealth;

            // Set this enemy to face the main structure
            this.SetAngle((int)mainStructure.Position.X, (int)mainStructure.Position.Y);

            // Get the distance from this structure to the main one
            distanceToStructure = this.GetDistanceVector(mainStructure);
            //Array For structures set
            this.structures = structures;
            // Combine structure distance vector with speed in some way so we can decide
            //  where this enemy moves and how fast it moves there
            this.speed = distanceToStructure;
            this.speed *= 1;
            this.player = player;
Example #2
 public EnemyManager(Map map, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, Texture2D plugEnemyModel, Texture2D bar, Player player, Bank bank)
     this.generator         = new Random();
     this.activeEnemies     = new List <Enemy>();
     this.screenWidth       = screenWidth;
     this.screenHeight      = screenHeight;
     this.map               = map;
     this.listOfTurrets     = map.Turrets;
     this.mainStructure     = map.mainStructure;
     this.timeUntilNextWave = DELAY;
     this.bar               = bar;
     this.plugEnemyModel    = plugEnemyModel;          //Starter Enemy
     this.player            = player;
     this.bank              = bank;
Example #3
        private void Load(string filePath)
            Stream       inStream = File.OpenRead(filePath);
            BinaryReader input    = new BinaryReader(inStream);

            int height = input.ReadInt32();
            int width  = input.ReadInt32();

            //set enemy health to input.ReadInt32()
            //set enemy damage to input.ReadInt32()
            //set turret health to input.ReadInt32()
            //set enemy damage to input.ReadInt32()
            //set main structure health to input.ReadInt32()
            structures = new Structure[height, width];

            sideLength = (int)((screenHeight / height) * 0.8);

            for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < width; c++)
                    switch (input.ReadInt32())
                    case 0:
                        structures[r, c] = new EmptyTile(new Vector2(
                                                             (int)((screenWidth / 2) - (4.5 - c) * sideLength),
                                                             (int)((screenHeight / 2) - (4.5 - r) * sideLength)),
                                                         groundTexture, bank, this, r, c,
                                                         sideLength, true);

                    case 1:
                        structures[r, c] = new BasicTurret(new Vector2(
                                                               (int)((screenWidth / 2) - (4.5 - c) * sideLength),
                                                               (int)((screenHeight / 2) - (4.5 - r) * sideLength)),
                                                           turretTexture, bulletTexture, groundTexture, healthBar,
                                                           sideLength, r, c, this, bank);

                    case 2:
                        if (mainStructure == null)
                            mainStructure = new MainStructure(new Vector2(
                                                                  (int)((screenWidth / 2) - (4 - c) * sideLength),
                                                                  (int)((screenHeight / 2) - (4 - r) * sideLength)),
                                                              mainStructureTexture, groundTexture, healthBar,
                                                              sideLength * 2);
                            structures[r, c] = mainStructure;

                    case 3:
                        structures[r, c] = new Wall(new Vector2(
                                                        (int)((screenWidth / 2) - (4.5 - c) * sideLength),
                                                        (int)((screenHeight / 2) - (4.5 - r) * sideLength)),
                                                    wallTexture, groundTexture, healthBar, bank, this,
                                                    sideLength, r, c);
Example #4
        public StarterEnemy(Vector2 position, Texture2D texture, Texture2D healthBarTexture, MainStructure mainStructure, List <Structure> structures, Player player, Bank bank, int screenHeight)
            : base(position, texture, screenHeight / 50, bank, new Vector2(1, 1), mainStructure, 4f, structures, player)
            // Set this enemy to do one damage per hit
            this.damage = 1;
            // Combine structure distance vector with speed in some way so we can decide
            //  where this enemy moves and how fast it moves there
            this.speed *= screenHeight / 250; //value for starter Enemy

            this.texture = texture;

            healthBar = new HealthBar(new Rectangle(), healthBarTexture);