GetNewRandomBenignIp() public method

Get a new IP address for use in a benign request
public GetNewRandomBenignIp ( ) : IPAddress
return System.Net.IPAddress
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a benign login attempt to simulate
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SimulatedLoginAttempt BenignLoginAttempt(DateTime eventTimeUtc)
            // If there is a benign login attempt already scheduled to occur by now,
            // send it instaed
            lock (ScheduledBenignAttempts)
                if (ScheduledBenignAttempts.Count > 0 &&
                    ScheduledBenignAttempts.First().TimeOfAttemptUtc < eventTimeUtc)
                    SimulatedLoginAttempt result = ScheduledBenignAttempts.First();

            string mistake = "";
            //1. Pick a user at random
            SimulatedUserAccount account = _simAccounts.BenignAccountSelector.GetItemByWeightedRandom();

            //2. Deal with cookies
            string cookie;

            // Add a new cookie if there are no cookies, or with if we haven't reached the max number of cookies and lose a roll of the dice
            if (account.Cookies.Count == 0 ||
                (account.Cookies.Count < _experimentalConfiguration.MaxCookiesPerUserAccount && StrongRandomNumberGenerator.GetFraction() > _experimentalConfiguration.ChanceOfCoookieReUse))
                // We'll use the decimal represenation of a 64-bit unsigned integer as our cookie
                cookie = StrongRandomNumberGenerator.Get64Bits().ToString();
                // Use one of the user's existing cookies selected at random
                cookie = account.Cookies.ToArray()[(int)StrongRandomNumberGenerator.Get32Bits(account.Cookies.Count)];

            //Console.WriteLine("The user currently has " + account.Cookies.Count + " cookies.  Using: " + cookie);

            //3. Choose an IP address for the login
            // 1/3 of times login with the primary IP address, otherwise, choose an IP randomly from the benign IP pool
            IPAddress clientIp;

            if (account.ClientAddresses.Count == 0 ||
                (account.ClientAddresses.Count < _experimentalConfiguration.MaxIpPerUserAccount && StrongRandomNumberGenerator.GetFraction() < _experimentalConfiguration.ChanceOfIpReUse))
                // Use a new IP for the user
                account.ClientAddresses.Add(clientIp = _ipPool.GetNewRandomBenignIp());
                // Use one of the user's existing IP Addresses selected at random
                clientIp = account.ClientAddresses.ToArray()[(int)StrongRandomNumberGenerator.Get32Bits(account.ClientAddresses.Count)];

            string password = account.Password;

            // Add benign failures

            // An automated client begins a string of login attempts using an old (stale) password
            if (StrongRandomNumberGenerator.GetFraction() < _experimentalConfiguration.ChanceOfLongRepeatOfStalePassword)
                // To cause this client to be out of date, we'll change the password here.
                string newPassword = _simPasswords.GetPasswordFromWeightedDistribution();
                _userAccountController.SetPassword(account, newPassword, account.Password);
                mistake += "StalePassword";

                // Schedule all the future failed attempts a fixed distance aparat
                lock (ScheduledBenignAttempts)
                    double   additionalMistakes = 0;
                    DateTime currentTimeUtc     = eventTimeUtc;
                    for (additionalMistakes = 1; additionalMistakes < _experimentalConfiguration.LengthOfLongRepeatOfOldPassword; additionalMistakes++)
                        currentTimeUtc = currentTimeUtc.AddSeconds(_experimentalConfiguration.MinutesBetweenLongRepeatOfOldPassword);
                        ScheduledBenignAttempts.Add(new SimulatedLoginAttempt(
                                                        account, password, false, false, clientIp, cookie, mistake, currentTimeUtc));
                    for (uint correctLogins = 1; correctLogins < _experimentalConfiguration.LengthOfLongRepeatOfOldPassword; correctLogins++)
                        currentTimeUtc = currentTimeUtc.AddSeconds(_experimentalConfiguration.MinutesBetweenLongRepeatOfOldPassword);
                        ScheduledBenignAttempts.Add(new SimulatedLoginAttempt(
                                                        account, newPassword, false, false, clientIp, cookie, mistake, currentTimeUtc));

            // The benign user may mistype her password causing a typo
            if (StrongRandomNumberGenerator.GetFraction() < _experimentalConfiguration.ChanceOfBenignPasswordTypo)
                mistake += "Typo";
                // Typos tend to come in clusters, and are hopefully followed by a correct login
                // Add additional typos to the schedule of future benign attempts and then a submission of the correct password
                lock (ScheduledBenignAttempts)
                    double additionalMistakes = 0;
                    while (StrongRandomNumberGenerator.GetFraction() < _experimentalConfiguration.ChanceOfRepeatTypo)
                        ScheduledBenignAttempts.Add(new SimulatedLoginAttempt(
                                                        account, AddTypoToPassword(password), false, false, clientIp, cookie, mistake,
                                                        eventTimeUtc.AddSeconds(_experimentalConfiguration.DelayBetweenRepeatBenignErrorsInSeconds * ++additionalMistakes)));
                    // Add a correct login after the string of typos
                    ScheduledBenignAttempts.Add(new SimulatedLoginAttempt(
                                                    account, password, false, false, clientIp, cookie, "", eventTimeUtc.AddSeconds(
                                                        _experimentalConfiguration.DelayBetweenRepeatBenignErrorsInSeconds * (1 + additionalMistakes))));
                // Put the typo into the password for the first typo failure, to be returned by this function.
                password = AddTypoToPassword(password);

            // The benign user may mistakenly use a password for another of her accounts, which we draw from same distribution
            // we used to generate user account passwords
            if (StrongRandomNumberGenerator.GetFraction() < _experimentalConfiguration.ChanceOfAccidentallyUsingAnotherAccountPassword)
                mistake += "WrongPassword";

                // Choices of the wrong account password may come in clusters, and are hopefully followed by a correct login
                // Add additional typos to the schedule of future benign attempts and then a submission of the correct password
                lock (ScheduledBenignAttempts)
                    double additionalMistakes = 0;
                    while (StrongRandomNumberGenerator.GetFraction() < _experimentalConfiguration.ChanceOfRepeatUseOfPasswordFromAnotherAccount)
                        ScheduledBenignAttempts.Add(new SimulatedLoginAttempt(
                                                        account, _simPasswords.GetPasswordFromWeightedDistribution(), false, false, clientIp, cookie,
                                                        mistake, eventTimeUtc.AddSeconds(_experimentalConfiguration.DelayBetweenRepeatBenignErrorsInSeconds * ++additionalMistakes)));
                    // Add a correct login after mistakes
                    ScheduledBenignAttempts.Add(new SimulatedLoginAttempt(
                                                    account, password, false, false, clientIp, cookie, "", eventTimeUtc.AddSeconds(
                                                        _experimentalConfiguration.DelayBetweenRepeatBenignErrorsInSeconds * (additionalMistakes + 1))));

                // Make the current request have the wrong password
                password = _simPasswords.GetPasswordFromWeightedDistribution();

            // The benign user may mistype her account name, and land on someone else's account name
            if (StrongRandomNumberGenerator.GetFraction() < _experimentalConfiguration.ChanceOfBenignAccountNameTypoResultingInAValidUserName)
                mistake += "WrongAccountName";

                // Choices of the wrong account password may come in clusters, and are hopefully followed by a correct login
                // Add additional typos to the schedule of future benign attempts and then a submission of the correct password
                lock (ScheduledBenignAttempts)
                    double additionalMistakes = 0;
                    while (StrongRandomNumberGenerator.GetFraction() < _experimentalConfiguration.ChanceOfRepeatWrongAccountName)
                        ScheduledBenignAttempts.Add(new SimulatedLoginAttempt(
                                                        _simAccounts.GetBenignAccountAtRandomUniform(), password, false, false, clientIp, cookie, mistake, eventTimeUtc.AddSeconds(
                                                            _experimentalConfiguration.DelayBetweenRepeatBenignErrorsInSeconds * ++additionalMistakes)));
                    // Add a correct login after mistakes
                    ScheduledBenignAttempts.Add(new SimulatedLoginAttempt(
                                                    account, password, false, false, clientIp, cookie, "", eventTimeUtc.AddSeconds(
                                                        _experimentalConfiguration.DelayBetweenRepeatBenignErrorsInSeconds * (additionalMistakes + 1))));

                    // Make the current request have the wrong account name
                    account = _simAccounts.GetBenignAccountAtRandomUniform();

            return(new SimulatedLoginAttempt(account, password, false, false, clientIp, cookie, mistake, eventTimeUtc));
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create accounts, generating passwords, primary IP
        /// </summary>
#pragma warning disable CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously
        public async Task GenerateAsync(ExperimentalConfiguration experimentalConfiguration,
#pragma warning restore CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously
                               //IUserAccountContextFactory accountContextFactory,
                                        CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            _logger.WriteStatus("Creating {0:N0} benign accounts", experimentalConfiguration.NumberOfBenignAccounts);
            MemoryUserAccountController          userAccountController     = new MemoryUserAccountController();;
            ConcurrentBag <SimulatedUserAccount> benignSimulatedAccountBag = new ConcurrentBag <SimulatedUserAccount>();

            // Create benign accounts in parallel
            Parallel.For(0, (int)experimentalConfiguration.NumberOfBenignAccounts, (index) =>
                if (index > 0 && index % 10000 == 0)
                    _logger.WriteStatus("Created {0:N0} benign accounts", index);
                SimulatedUserAccount userAccount = new SimulatedUserAccount()
                    UsernameOrAccountId = "user_" + index.ToString(),
                    Password            = _simPasswords.GetPasswordFromWeightedDistribution()


                double inverseFrequency = Distributions.GetLogNormal(0, 1);
                if (inverseFrequency < 0.01d)
                    inverseFrequency = 0.01d;
                if (inverseFrequency > 50d)
                    inverseFrequency = 50d;
                double frequency = 1 / inverseFrequency;
                lock (BenignAccountSelector)
                    BenignAccountSelector.AddItem(userAccount, frequency);
            BenignAccounts = benignSimulatedAccountBag.ToList();
            _logger.WriteStatus("Finished creating {0:N0} benign accounts",

            // Right after creating benign accounts we create IPs and accounts controlled by the attacker.
            // (We create the attacker IPs here, and not earlier, because we need to have the benign IPs generated in order to create overlap)
            _logger.WriteStatus("Creating attacker IPs");

            _logger.WriteStatus("Creating {0:N0} attacker accounts",
            ConcurrentBag <SimulatedUserAccount> maliciousSimulatedAccountBag = new ConcurrentBag <SimulatedUserAccount>();

            // Create accounts in parallel
            Parallel.For(0, (int)experimentalConfiguration.NumberOfAttackerControlledAccounts, (index) =>
                SimulatedUserAccount userAccount = new SimulatedUserAccount()
                    UsernameOrAccountId = "attacker_" + index.ToString(),
                    Password            = _simPasswords.GetPasswordFromWeightedDistribution(),
            AttackerAccounts = maliciousSimulatedAccountBag.ToList();
            _logger.WriteStatus("Finished creating {0:N0} attacker accounts",

            // Now create full UserAccount records for each simulated account and store them into the account context
                             (simAccount, loopState) =>
                //if (loopState. % 10000 == 0)
                //    _logger.WriteStatus("Created account {0:N0}", index);
                simAccount.CreditHalfLife = experimentalConfiguration.BlockingOptions.AccountCreditLimitHalfLife;
                simAccount.CreditLimit    = experimentalConfiguration.BlockingOptions.AccountCreditLimit;

                foreach (string cookie in simAccount.Cookies)
            _logger.WriteStatus("Finished creating user accounts for each simluated account record");
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create accounts, generating passwords, primary IP
        /// </summary>
        public void Generate(ExperimentalConfiguration experimentalConfiguration)
            SimulatedUserAccountController simUserAccountController = new SimulatedUserAccountController();

            _logger.WriteStatus("Creating {0:N0} benign accounts", experimentalConfiguration.NumberOfBenignAccounts);
            ConcurrentBag <SimulatedUserAccount> benignSimulatedAccountBag = new ConcurrentBag <SimulatedUserAccount>();

            // Create benign accounts in parallel
            Parallel.For(0, (int)experimentalConfiguration.NumberOfBenignAccounts, (index) =>
                if (index > 0 && index % 10000 == 0)
                    _logger.WriteStatus("Created {0:N0} benign accounts", index);
                SimulatedUserAccount userAccount = simUserAccountController.Create(
                    "user_" + index.ToString(),
                string initialCookie = StrongRandomNumberGenerator.Get64Bits().ToString();
                userAccount.HashesOfCookiesOfClientsThatHaveSuccessfullyLoggedIntoThisAccount[initialCookie] = true;


                double inverseFrequency = Distributions.GetLogNormal(0, 1);
                if (inverseFrequency < 0.01d)
                    inverseFrequency = 0.01d;
                if (inverseFrequency > 50d)
                    inverseFrequency = 50d;
                double frequency = 1 / inverseFrequency;
                lock (BenignAccountSelector)
                    BenignAccountSelector.AddItem(userAccount, frequency);
            BenignAccounts = benignSimulatedAccountBag.ToList();
            _logger.WriteStatus("Finished creating {0:N0} benign accounts",

            // Right after creating benign accounts we create IPs and accounts controlled by the attacker.
            // (We create the attacker IPs here, and not earlier, because we need to have the benign IPs generated in order to create overlap)
            _logger.WriteStatus("Creating attacker IPs");

            _logger.WriteStatus("Creating {0:N0} attacker accounts",
            ConcurrentBag <SimulatedUserAccount> maliciousSimulatedAccountBag = new ConcurrentBag <SimulatedUserAccount>();

            // Create accounts in parallel
            Parallel.For(0, (int)experimentalConfiguration.NumberOfAttackerControlledAccounts, (index) =>
                SimulatedUserAccount userAccount = simUserAccountController.Create(
                    "attacker_" + index.ToString(),

            AttackerAccounts = maliciousSimulatedAccountBag.ToList();
            _logger.WriteStatus("Finished creating {0:N0} attacker accounts",

            // Now create full UserAccount records for each simulated account and store them into the account context
                             (simAccount, loopState) =>
                //if (loopState. % 10000 == 0)
                //    _logger.WriteStatus("Created account {0:N0}", index);
                simAccount.CreditHalfLife = experimentalConfiguration.BlockingOptions.AccountCreditLimitHalfLife;
                simAccount.CreditLimit    = experimentalConfiguration.BlockingOptions.AccountCreditLimit;

                foreach (string cookie in simAccount.Cookies)
            _logger.WriteStatus("Finished creating user accounts for each simluated account record");