public static ModelWithFieldsOfNullableTypes CreateConstant(int id)
			var row = new ModelWithFieldsOfNullableTypes
					          Id = id,
					          NId = id,
					          NBool = id%2 == 0,
					          NDateTime = new DateTime(1979, (id%12) + 1, (id%28) + 1),
					          NFloat = 1.11f + id,
					          NDouble = 1.11d + id,
					          NGuid = new Guid(((id%240) + 16).ToString("X") + "7DA519-73B6-4525-84BA-B57673B2360D"),
					          NLongId = 999 + id,
					          NDecimal = id + 0.5m,
					          NTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(id),

			return row;
		public static ModelWithFieldsOfNullableTypes Create(int id)
			var row = new ModelWithFieldsOfNullableTypes
					          Id = id,
					          NId = id,
					          NBool = id%2 == 0,
					          NDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(id),
					          NFloat = 1.11f + id,
					          NDouble = 1.11d + id,
					          NGuid = Guid.NewGuid(),
					          NLongId = 999 + id,
					          NDecimal = id + 0.5m,
					          NTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(id),

			return row;
Example #3
        public static ModelWithFieldsOfNullableTypes CreateConstant(int id)
            var row = new ModelWithFieldsOfNullableTypes
                Id        = id,
                NId       = id,
                NBool     = id % 2 == 0,
                NDateTime = new DateTime(1979, (id % 12) + 1, (id % 28) + 1),
                NFloat    = 1.11f + id,
                NDouble   = 1.11d + id,
                NGuid     = new Guid(((id % 240) + 16).ToString("X") + "7DA519-73B6-4525-84BA-B57673B2360D"),
                NLongId   = 999 + id,
                NDecimal  = id + 0.5m,
                NTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(id),

Example #4
        public static ModelWithFieldsOfNullableTypes Create(int id)
            var row = new ModelWithFieldsOfNullableTypes
                Id        = id,
                NId       = id,
                NBool     = id % 2 == 0,
                NDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(id),
                NFloat    = 1.11f + id,
                NDouble   = 1.11d + id,
                NGuid     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                NLongId   = 999 + id,
                NDecimal  = id + 0.5m,
                NTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(id),

		public static void AssertIsEqual(ModelWithFieldsOfNullableTypes actual, ModelWithFieldsOfNullableTypes expected)
			Assert.That(actual.Id, Is.EqualTo(expected.Id));
			Assert.That(actual.NId, Is.EqualTo(expected.NId));
			Assert.That(actual.NGuid, Is.EqualTo(expected.NGuid));
			Assert.That(actual.NLongId, Is.EqualTo(expected.NLongId));
			Assert.That(actual.NBool, Is.EqualTo(expected.NBool));
			Assert.That(actual.NTimeSpan, Is.EqualTo(expected.NTimeSpan));

				Assert.That(actual.NDateTime, Is.EqualTo(expected.NDateTime));
			catch (Exception ex)
				Log.Error("Trouble with DateTime precisions, trying Assert again with rounding to seconds", ex);

				Assert.That(actual.NFloat, Is.EqualTo(expected.NFloat));
			catch (Exception ex)
				Log.Error("Trouble with float precisions, trying Assert again with rounding to 10 decimals", ex);
				Assert.That(Math.Round(actual.NFloat.Value, 10), Is.EqualTo(Math.Round(actual.NFloat.Value, 10)));

				Assert.That(actual.NDouble, Is.EqualTo(expected.NDouble));
			catch (Exception ex)
				Log.Error("Trouble with double precisions, trying Assert again with rounding to 10 decimals", ex);
				Assert.That(Math.Round(actual.NDouble.Value, 10), Is.EqualTo(Math.Round(actual.NDouble.Value, 10)));
Example #6
        public static void AssertIsEqual(ModelWithFieldsOfNullableTypes actual, ModelWithFieldsOfNullableTypes expected)
            Assert.That(actual.Id, Is.EqualTo(expected.Id));
            Assert.That(actual.NId, Is.EqualTo(expected.NId));
            Assert.That(actual.NGuid, Is.EqualTo(expected.NGuid));
            Assert.That(actual.NLongId, Is.EqualTo(expected.NLongId));
            Assert.That(actual.NBool, Is.EqualTo(expected.NBool));
            Assert.That(actual.NTimeSpan, Is.EqualTo(expected.NTimeSpan));

                Assert.That(actual.NDateTime, Is.EqualTo(expected.NDateTime));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("Trouble with DateTime precisions, trying Assert again with rounding to seconds", ex);

                Assert.That(actual.NFloat, Is.EqualTo(expected.NFloat));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("Trouble with float precisions, trying Assert again with rounding to 10 decimals", ex);
                Assert.That(Math.Round(actual.NFloat.Value, 10), Is.EqualTo(Math.Round(actual.NFloat.Value, 10)));

                Assert.That(actual.NDouble, Is.EqualTo(expected.NDouble));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("Trouble with double precisions, trying Assert again with rounding to 10 decimals", ex);
                Assert.That(Math.Round(actual.NDouble.Value, 10), Is.EqualTo(Math.Round(actual.NDouble.Value, 10)));