Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new <see cref="TagCollector"/>.
        /// Errors may be appended to the collector that can be syntaxic errors or multiple different versions applied to the same commit point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="errors">A collector of errors. One line per error.</param>
        /// <param name="repo">The Git repository.</param>
        /// <param name="startingVersionForCSemVer">Vesion tags lower than this version will be ignored.</param>
        /// <param name="overriddenTags">Optional commits with associated tags that are applied as if they exist in the repository.</param>
        /// <param name="singleMajor">Optional major filter.</param>
        /// <param name="checkValidExistingVersions">
        /// When true, existing versions are checked: one of the valid first version must exist and exisitng versions
        /// must be compact.
        /// </param>
        public TagCollector(
            StringBuilder errors,
            Repository repo,
            string startingVersionForCSemVer = null,
            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, IReadOnlyList <string> > > overriddenTags = null,
            int?singleMajor = null,
            bool checkValidExistingVersions = false)
            Debug.Assert(errors != null && repo != null);

            _collector = new Dictionary <string, TagCommit>();

            if (startingVersionForCSemVer != null)
                _startingVersionForCSemVer = CSVersion.TryParse(startingVersionForCSemVer, true);
                if (!_startingVersionForCSemVer.IsValid)
                    errors.Append("Invalid StartingVersionForCSemVer. ").Append(_startingVersionForCSemVer.ErrorMessage).AppendLine();
                if (singleMajor.HasValue && _startingVersionForCSemVer.Major != singleMajor)
                    errors.Append("StartingVersionForCSemVer '")
                    .Append("': since it is defined, its major must be ").Append(singleMajor).Append(" that is the SingleMajor set.")
            // Register all tags.
            RegisterAllTags(errors, repo, overriddenTags, singleMajor);

            // Resolves multiple tags on the same commit.

            // Sorts TagCommit, optionally checking the existing versions.
            _repoVersions = new RepositoryVersions(_collector.Values, errors, _startingVersionForCSemVer, checkValidExistingVersions);

            // Register content.
            if (errors.Length == 0)
                foreach (var tc in _repoVersions.TagCommits)
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new <see cref="TagCollector"/>.
        /// Errors may be appended to the collector that can be syntaxic errors or multiple different versions applied to the same commit point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="errors">A collector of errors. One line per error.</param>
        /// <param name="repo">The Git repository.</param>
        /// <param name="startingVersionForCSemVer">Vesion tags lower than this version will be ignored.</param>
        /// <param name="analyseInvalidTagSyntax">
        /// Optional function that drives the behavior regarding malformed tags of commits.
        /// When null, <see cref="ReleaseTagParsingMode.IgnoreMalformedTag">IgnoreMalformedTag</see> is used for all tags.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="OverriddenTags">Optional commits with associated tags that are applied as if they exist in the repository.</param>
        /// <param name="checkValidExistingVersions">
        /// When true, existing versions are checked: one of the valid first version must exist and exisitng versions
        /// must be compact.
        /// </param>
        public TagCollector(
            StringBuilder errors,
            Repository repo,
            string startingVersionForCSemVer = null,
            Func <Commit, ReleaseTagParsingMode> analyseInvalidTagSyntax = null,
            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, IReadOnlyList <string> > > OverriddenTags = null,
            bool checkValidExistingVersions = false)
            Debug.Assert(errors != null && repo != null);

            _collector     = new Dictionary <string, TagCommit>();
            _versionsCache = new Dictionary <string, CommitVersionInfo>();

            if (startingVersionForCSemVer != null)
                _startingVersionForCSemVer = ReleaseTagVersion.TryParse(startingVersionForCSemVer, true);
                if (!_startingVersionForCSemVer.IsValid)
                    errors.Append("Invalid StartingVersionForCSemVer. ").Append(_startingVersionForCSemVer.ParseErrorMessage).AppendLine();
            // Register all tags.
            RegisterAllTags(errors, repo, analyseInvalidTagSyntax, OverriddenTags);

            // Resolves multiple tags on the same commit.

            // Sorts TagCommit, optionally checking the existing versions.
            _repoVersions = new RepositoryVersions(_collector.Values, errors, _startingVersionForCSemVer, checkValidExistingVersions);

            // Register content.
            if (errors.Length == 0)
                foreach (var tc in _repoVersions.TagCommits)
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new <see cref="TagCollector"/>.
        /// Errors may be appended to the collector that can be syntaxic errors or multiple different versions applied to the same commit point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="errors">A collector of errors. One line per error.</param>
        /// <param name="repo">The Git repository.</param>
        /// <param name="startingVersionForCSemVer">Vesion tags lower than this version will be ignored.</param>
        /// <param name="analyseInvalidTagSyntax">
        /// Optional function that drives the behavior regarding malformed tags of commits.
        /// When null, <see cref="ReleaseTagParsingMode.IgnoreMalformedTag">IgnoreMalformedTag</see> is used for all tags.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="OverriddenTags">Optional commits with associated tags that are applied as if they exist in the repository.</param>
        /// <param name="checkValidExistingVersions">
        /// When true, existing versions are checked: one of the valid first version must exist and exisitng versions
        /// must be compact.
        /// </param>
        public TagCollector(
            StringBuilder errors,
            Repository repo,
            string startingVersionForCSemVer = null,
            Func<Commit, ReleaseTagParsingMode> analyseInvalidTagSyntax = null,
            IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, IReadOnlyList<string>>> OverriddenTags = null,
            bool checkValidExistingVersions = false )
            Debug.Assert( errors != null && repo != null );

            _collector = new Dictionary<string, TagCommit>();
            _versionsCache = new Dictionary<string, CommitVersionInfo>();

            if( startingVersionForCSemVer != null )
                _startingVersionForCSemVer = ReleaseTagVersion.TryParse( startingVersionForCSemVer, true );
                if( !_startingVersionForCSemVer.IsValid )
                    errors.Append( "Invalid StartingVersionForCSemVer. " ).Append( _startingVersionForCSemVer.ParseErrorMessage ).AppendLine();
            // Register all tags.
            RegisterAllTags( errors, repo, analyseInvalidTagSyntax, OverriddenTags );

            // Resolves multiple tags on the same commit.
            CloseCollect( errors );

            // Sorts TagCommit, optionally checking the existing versions. 
            _repoVersions = new RepositoryVersions( _collector.Values, errors, _startingVersionForCSemVer, checkValidExistingVersions );

            // Register content.
            if( errors.Length == 0 )
                foreach( var tc in _repoVersions.TagCommits )
                    RegisterContent( tc );