Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GlobalUniformVisitor"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shader">The shader.</param>
 public GlobalUniformVisitor(Shader shader)
     this.shader = shader;
     uniformReadList = new List<Variable>();
     this.UniformUsedWriteFirstList = new List<Variable>();
     this.UniformReadWriteList = new List<Variable>();
        public SamplerMappingVisitor(Shader shader, Dictionary<SamplerTextureKey, Variable> samplerMapping)
            this.shader = shader;
            this.samplerMapping = samplerMapping;
            textureAccesses = new HashSet<Variable>();

            // Add all global declarations for clone context in order to avoid any clone on this object
            foreach (var variable in shader.Declarations)
                cloneContext.Add(variable, variable);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ShaderMixinCodeGen" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shader">The shader.</param>
        /// <param name="logging">The logging.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">shader or logging</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">Cannot process shaders having already parsing errors</exception>
        public ShaderMixinCodeGen(Shader shader, LoggerResult logging)
            if (shader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("shader");

            if (logging == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("logging");

            this.shader = shader;
            this.logging = logging;
            EnablePreprocessorLine = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the analysis
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mixinToAnalyze">the current context (virtual table) from mixin inheritance</param>
        /// <param name="compilationContext">List of all the mixin in the compilation context</param>
        /// <returns>true if the shader is correct, false otherwise</returns>
        public static XenkoParsingInfo RunAnalysis(ModuleMixin mixinToAnalyze, List<ModuleMixin> compilationContext, bool transformForEach = false)
            var shader = new Shader();
            var toParse = new ParsingResult { Shader = shader };
            var analysis = new XenkoSemanticAnalysis(toParse, mixinToAnalyze, compilationContext) { parsingInfo = new XenkoParsingInfo() };
            analysis.expandForEachStatements = transformForEach;

            // look at the static classes
            analysis.parsingInfo.StaticClasses.UnionWith(analysis.parsingInfo.StaticReferences.VariablesReferences.Select(x => x.Key.GetTag(XenkoTags.ShaderScope) as ModuleMixin));
            analysis.parsingInfo.StaticClasses.UnionWith(analysis.parsingInfo.StaticReferences.MethodsReferences.Select(x => x.Key.GetTag(XenkoTags.ShaderScope) as ModuleMixin));
            analysis.parsingInfo.ErrorsWarnings = analysis.ParsingResult;

            return analysis.parsingInfo;
Example #5
 public virtual void Visit(Shader shader)
 public void Run(Shader shader)
Example #7
        public Shader GetMixedShader()
            var shader = new Shader();

            return shader;
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified shader.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shader">The shader.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override void Visit(Shader shader)
Example #9
        public void Visit(Shader shader)
            indirectReferences = new Dictionary<Node, HashSet<Node>>();

            // Visit AST.
            Visit((Node) shader);

            // Get list of function referenced (directly or indirectly) by entry point.
            // Using hashset and recursion to avoid cycle.
            var collectedReferences = new List<Node>();
            foreach (var entryPointName in entryPoints)
                // Find entry point
                var entryPoint = shader.Declarations.OfType<MethodDefinition>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == entryPointName);

                if (entryPoint == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Could not find entry point named {0}", entryPointName));

                CollectReferences(collectedReferences, entryPoint);

            if (KeepConstantBuffers)
                // Include dependencies of cbuffer (i.e. dependent types)
                foreach (var variable in shader.Declarations.OfType<ConstantBuffer>())
                    CollectReferences(collectedReferences, variable);

            StripDeclarations(shader.Declarations, collectedReferences, StripUniforms);
Example #10
        public override void Visit(Shader shader)
            indirectReferences = new Dictionary<Node, HashSet<Node>>();

            // Visit AST.
            base.Visit( shader);

            // Get list of function referenced (directly or indirectly) by entry point.
            // Using hashset and recursion to avoid cycle.
            var collectedReferences = new List<Node>();
            foreach (var entryPointName in entryPoints)
                // Find entry point
                var entryPoint = shader.Declarations.OfType<MethodDefinition>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == entryPointName);

                if (entryPoint == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Could not find entry point named {0}", entryPointName));

                CollectReferences(collectedReferences, entryPoint);

            StripDeclarations(shader.Declarations, collectedReferences, StripUniforms);
 public void Run(ShaderClassType shaderClassType)
     var shader = new Shader();
Example #12
 public void Run(Shader shader)
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void Visit(Shader shader)
            // #version
            Write("#version ");

            // ES3+ expects "es" at the end of #version
            if (shaderPlatform == GlslShaderPlatform.OpenGLES && shaderVersion >= 300)
                Write(" es");


            if (shaderPlatform == GlslShaderPlatform.OpenGLES)
                WriteLine("precision highp float;");
                WriteLine("precision highp int;");

                if (shaderVersion >= 300)
                    WriteLine("precision lowp sampler3D;");
                    WriteLine("precision lowp samplerCubeShadow;");
                    WriteLine("precision lowp sampler2DShadow;");
                    WriteLine("precision lowp sampler2DArray;");
                    WriteLine("precision lowp sampler2DArrayShadow;");
                    WriteLine("precision lowp isampler2D;");
                    WriteLine("precision lowp isampler3D;");
                    WriteLine("precision lowp isamplerCube;");
                    WriteLine("precision lowp isampler2DArray;");
                    WriteLine("precision lowp usampler2D;");
                    WriteLine("precision lowp usampler3D;");
                    WriteLine("precision lowp usamplerCube;");
                    WriteLine("precision lowp usampler2DArray;");

                if (shaderVersion >= 320 || SupportsTextureBuffer)
                    WriteLine("precision lowp samplerBuffer;");
                    WriteLine("precision lowp isamplerBuffer;");
                    WriteLine("precision lowp usamplerBuffer;");


                if (shaderVersion < 320 && SupportsTextureBuffer)
                    // In ES 3.1 and previous, we use texelFetchBuffer in case it needs to be remapped into something else by user
                    WriteLine("#define texelFetchBuffer(sampler, P) texelFetch(sampler, P)");

            if (ExtraHeaders != null)

            if (shader == null)
                // null entry point for pixel shader means no pixel shader. In that case, we return a default function.
                // TODO: support that directly in HlslToGlslConvertor?
                if (pipelineStage == PipelineStage.Pixel)
                    WriteLine("out float fragmentdepth; void main(){ fragmentdepth = gl_FragCoord.z; }");
                    throw new NotSupportedException($"Can't output empty {pipelineStage} shader for platform {shaderPlatform} version {shaderVersion}.");
Example #14
        private static Shader PrepareShader(Shader shader)
            if (shader == null)
                return null;

            // Replace all variable in constant buffers by single variable with a constant buffer tag 
            foreach (var classType in GetShaderClassTypes(shader.Declarations))
                var members = new List<Node>();
                foreach (var member in classType.Members)
                    var constantBuffer = member as ConstantBuffer;
                    if (constantBuffer != null)
                        var variables = new List<Node>();
                        foreach (var variable in constantBuffer.Members.OfType<Variable>())
                            foreach (var subVariable in variable.Instances())
                                subVariable.SetTag(XenkoTags.ConstantBuffer, constantBuffer);
                                if (variable.IsGroup && !ReferenceEquals(variable, subVariable))
                                    subVariable.Qualifiers |= variable.Qualifiers;


                classType.Members = members;
            return shader;