Example #1
        private string Compile(string shaderSource, string entryPoint, ShaderStage stage, GlslShaderPlatform shaderPlatform, int shaderVersion, ShaderBytecodeResult shaderBytecodeResult, EffectReflection reflection, IDictionary <int, string> inputAttributeNames, Dictionary <string, int> resourceBindings, string sourceFilename = null)
            if (shaderPlatform == GlslShaderPlatform.OpenGLES && shaderVersion < 300 && renderTargetCount > 1)
                shaderBytecodeResult.Error("OpenGL ES 2 does not support multiple render targets.");

            PipelineStage pipelineStage = PipelineStage.None;

            switch (stage)
            case ShaderStage.Vertex:
                pipelineStage = PipelineStage.Vertex;

            case ShaderStage.Pixel:
                pipelineStage = PipelineStage.Pixel;

            case ShaderStage.Geometry:
                shaderBytecodeResult.Error("Geometry stage can't be converted to OpenGL. Only Vertex and Pixel shaders are supported");

            case ShaderStage.Hull:
                shaderBytecodeResult.Error("Hull stage can't be converted to OpenGL. Only Vertex and Pixel shaders are supported");

            case ShaderStage.Domain:
                shaderBytecodeResult.Error("Domain stage can't be converted to OpenGL. Only Vertex and Pixel shaders are supported");

            case ShaderStage.Compute:
                shaderBytecodeResult.Error("Compute stage can't be converted to OpenGL. Only Vertex and Pixel shaders are supported");

                shaderBytecodeResult.Error("Unknown shader profile.");

            if (shaderBytecodeResult.HasErrors)

            Shader glslShader;

            // null entry point means no shader. In that case, we return a default function in HlslToGlslWriter
            // TODO: support that directly in HlslToGlslConvertor?
            if (entryPoint == null)
                glslShader = null;
                // Convert from HLSL to GLSL
                // Note that for now we parse from shader as a string, but we could simply clone effectPass.Shader to avoid multiple parsing.
                var glslConvertor = new ShaderConverter(shaderPlatform, shaderVersion);
                glslShader = glslConvertor.Convert(shaderSource, entryPoint, pipelineStage, sourceFilename, inputAttributeNames, shaderBytecodeResult);

                if (glslShader == null || shaderBytecodeResult.HasErrors)

                foreach (var constantBuffer in glslShader.Declarations.OfType <ConstantBuffer>())
                    // Update constant buffer itself (first time only)
                    var reflectionConstantBuffer = reflection.ConstantBuffers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == constantBuffer.Name && x.Size == 0);
                    if (reflectionConstantBuffer != null)
                        // Used to compute constant buffer size and member offsets (std140 rule)
                        int constantBufferOffset = 0;

                        // Fill members
                        for (int index = 0; index < reflectionConstantBuffer.Members.Length; index++)
                            var member = reflectionConstantBuffer.Members[index];

                            // Properly compute size and offset according to std140 rules
                            var memberSize = ComputeMemberSize(ref member.Type, ref constantBufferOffset);

                            // Store size/offset info
                            member.Offset = constantBufferOffset;
                            member.Size   = memberSize;

                            // Adjust offset for next item
                            constantBufferOffset += memberSize;

                            reflectionConstantBuffer.Members[index] = member;

                        reflectionConstantBuffer.Size = constantBufferOffset;

                    // Find binding
                    var resourceBindingIndex = reflection.ResourceBindings.IndexOf(x => x.RawName == constantBuffer.Name);
                    if (resourceBindingIndex != -1)
                        MarkResourceBindingAsUsed(reflection, resourceBindingIndex, stage);

                foreach (var variable in glslShader.Declarations.OfType <Variable>().Where(x => (x.Qualifiers.Contains(StorageQualifier.Uniform))))
                    // Check if we have a variable that starts or ends with this name (in case of samplers)
                    // TODO: Have real AST support for all the list in Keywords.glsl
                    if (variable.Type.Name.Text.Contains("sampler1D") ||
                        variable.Type.Name.Text.Contains("sampler2D") ||
                        variable.Type.Name.Text.Contains("sampler3D") ||
                        variable.Type.Name.Text.Contains("samplerCube") ||
                        // TODO: Make more robust
                        var textureBindingIndex = reflection.ResourceBindings.IndexOf(x => variable.Name.ToString().StartsWith(x.RawName));
                        var samplerBindingIndex = reflection.ResourceBindings.IndexOf(x => variable.Name.ToString().EndsWith(x.RawName));

                        if (textureBindingIndex != -1)
                            MarkResourceBindingAsUsed(reflection, textureBindingIndex, stage);

                        if (samplerBindingIndex != -1)
                            MarkResourceBindingAsUsed(reflection, samplerBindingIndex, stage);
                        var resourceBindingIndex = reflection.ResourceBindings.IndexOf(x => x.RawName == variable.Name);
                        if (resourceBindingIndex != -1)
                            MarkResourceBindingAsUsed(reflection, resourceBindingIndex, stage);

                if (shaderPlatform == GlslShaderPlatform.Vulkan)
                    // Defines the ordering of resource groups in Vulkan. This is mirrored in the PipelineState
                    var resourceGroups = reflection.ResourceBindings.Select(x => x.ResourceGroup ?? "Globals").Distinct().ToList();

                    var bindings = resourceGroups.SelectMany(resourceGroup => reflection.ResourceBindings
                                                             .Where(x => x.ResourceGroup == resourceGroup || (x.ResourceGroup == null && resourceGroup == "Globals"))
                                                             .GroupBy(x => new { KeyName = x.KeyInfo.KeyName, RawName = x.RawName, Class = x.Class, Type = x.Type, SlotCount = x.SlotCount, LogicalGroup = x.LogicalGroup })
                                                             .OrderBy(x => x.Key.Class == EffectParameterClass.ConstantBuffer ? 0 : 1))

                    // Add layout(set, bindings) qualifier to all constant buffers
                    foreach (var constantBuffer in glslShader.Declarations.OfType <ConstantBuffer>())
                        var layoutBindingIndex = bindings.IndexOf(x => x.Key.RawName == constantBuffer.Name);
                        if (layoutBindingIndex != -1)
                            var layoutQualifier = constantBuffer.Qualifiers.OfType <SiliconStudio.Shaders.Ast.Glsl.LayoutQualifier>().FirstOrDefault();
                            if (layoutQualifier == null)
                                layoutQualifier            = new SiliconStudio.Shaders.Ast.Glsl.LayoutQualifier();
                                constantBuffer.Qualifiers |= layoutQualifier;

                            //layoutQualifier.Layouts.Add(new LayoutKeyValue("set", resourceGroups.IndexOf(resourceGroup)));
                            layoutQualifier.Layouts.Add(new LayoutKeyValue("set", 0));
                            layoutQualifier.Layouts.Add(new LayoutKeyValue("binding", layoutBindingIndex + 1));

                            resourceBindings.Add(bindings[layoutBindingIndex].Key.KeyName, layoutBindingIndex + 1);

                    // Add layout(set, bindings) qualifier to all other uniforms
                    foreach (var variable in glslShader.Declarations.OfType <Variable>().Where(x => (x.Qualifiers.Contains(StorageQualifier.Uniform))))
                        var layoutBindingIndex = bindings.IndexOf(x => variable.Name.Text.StartsWith(x.Key.RawName));

                        if (layoutBindingIndex != -1)
                            var layoutQualifier = variable.Qualifiers.OfType <SiliconStudio.Shaders.Ast.Glsl.LayoutQualifier>().FirstOrDefault();
                            if (layoutQualifier == null)
                                layoutQualifier      = new SiliconStudio.Shaders.Ast.Glsl.LayoutQualifier();
                                variable.Qualifiers |= layoutQualifier;

                            //layoutQualifier.Layouts.Add(new LayoutKeyValue("set", resourceGroups.IndexOf(resourceGroup)));
                            layoutQualifier.Layouts.Add(new LayoutKeyValue("set", 0));
                            layoutQualifier.Layouts.Add(new LayoutKeyValue("binding", layoutBindingIndex + 1));

                            resourceBindings.Add(bindings[layoutBindingIndex].Key.KeyName, layoutBindingIndex + 1);

            // Output the result
            var glslShaderWriter = new HlslToGlslWriter(shaderPlatform, shaderVersion, pipelineStage);

            if (shaderPlatform == GlslShaderPlatform.OpenGLES && shaderVersion < 320)
                glslShaderWriter.ExtraHeaders = "#define texelFetchBufferPlaceholder";

            // Write shader

            var shaderString = glslShaderWriter.Text;

            // Build shader source
            var glslShaderCode = new StringBuilder();

            // Append some header depending on target
            //if (isOpenGLES)
            //    if (isOpenGLES3)
            //    {
            //        glslShaderCode
            //            .AppendLine("#version 300 es") // TODO: 310 version?
            //            .AppendLine();
            //    }
            //    if (pipelineStage == PipelineStage.Pixel)
            //        glslShaderCode
            //            .AppendLine("precision highp float;")
            //            .AppendLine();
            //    glslShaderCode
            //        .AppendLine("#version 420")
            //        .AppendLine()
            //        .AppendLine("#define samplerBuffer sampler2D")
            //        .AppendLine("#define isamplerBuffer isampler2D")
            //        .AppendLine("#define usamplerBuffer usampler2D")
            //        .AppendLine("#define texelFetchBuffer(sampler, P) texelFetch(sampler, ivec2((P) & 0xFFF, (P) >> 12), 0)");
            //        //.AppendLine("#define texelFetchBuffer(sampler, P) texelFetch(sampler, P)");


            var realShaderSource = glslShaderCode.ToString();

// TODO: Disabled because glsl optimizer don't properly put lowp/highp qualifier inside struct (which make shader compilation fails since we use struct for lighting)
            // optimize shader
                var optShaderSource = RunOptimizer(shaderBytecodeResult, realShaderSource, shaderPlatform, shaderVersion, pipelineStage == PipelineStage.Vertex);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(optShaderSource))
                    realShaderSource = optShaderSource;
            catch (Exception e)
                shaderBytecodeResult.Warning("Could not run GLSL optimizer:\n{0}", e.Message);
            shaderBytecodeResult.Warning("GLSL optimized has not been executed because it is currently not supported on this platform.");

        private string Compile(string shaderSource, string entryPoint, ShaderStage stage, GlslShaderPlatform shaderPlatform, int shaderVersion, ShaderBytecodeResult shaderBytecodeResult, EffectReflection reflection, IDictionary<int, string> inputAttributeNames, Dictionary<string, int> resourceBindings, string sourceFilename = null)
            if (shaderPlatform == GlslShaderPlatform.OpenGLES && shaderVersion < 300 && renderTargetCount > 1)
                shaderBytecodeResult.Error("OpenGL ES 2 does not support multiple render targets.");

            PipelineStage pipelineStage = PipelineStage.None;
            switch (stage)
                case ShaderStage.Vertex:
                    pipelineStage = PipelineStage.Vertex;
                case ShaderStage.Pixel:
                    pipelineStage = PipelineStage.Pixel;
                case ShaderStage.Geometry:
                    shaderBytecodeResult.Error("Geometry stage can't be converted to OpenGL. Only Vertex and Pixel shaders are supported");
                case ShaderStage.Hull:
                    shaderBytecodeResult.Error("Hull stage can't be converted to OpenGL. Only Vertex and Pixel shaders are supported");
                case ShaderStage.Domain:
                    shaderBytecodeResult.Error("Domain stage can't be converted to OpenGL. Only Vertex and Pixel shaders are supported");
                case ShaderStage.Compute:
                    shaderBytecodeResult.Error("Compute stage can't be converted to OpenGL. Only Vertex and Pixel shaders are supported");
                    shaderBytecodeResult.Error("Unknown shader profile.");

            if (shaderBytecodeResult.HasErrors)
                return null;

            Shader glslShader;

            // null entry point means no shader. In that case, we return a default function in HlslToGlslWriter
            // TODO: support that directly in HlslToGlslConvertor?
            if (entryPoint == null)
                glslShader = null;
                // Convert from HLSL to GLSL
                // Note that for now we parse from shader as a string, but we could simply clone effectPass.Shader to avoid multiple parsing.
                var glslConvertor = new ShaderConverter(shaderPlatform, shaderVersion);
                glslShader = glslConvertor.Convert(shaderSource, entryPoint, pipelineStage, sourceFilename, inputAttributeNames, shaderBytecodeResult);

                if (glslShader == null || shaderBytecodeResult.HasErrors)
                    return null;

                foreach (var constantBuffer in glslShader.Declarations.OfType<ConstantBuffer>())
                    // Update constant buffer itself (first time only)
                    var reflectionConstantBuffer = reflection.ConstantBuffers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == constantBuffer.Name && x.Size == 0);
                    if (reflectionConstantBuffer != null)
                        // Used to compute constant buffer size and member offsets (std140 rule)
                        int constantBufferOffset = 0;

                        // Fill members
                        for (int index = 0; index < reflectionConstantBuffer.Members.Length; index++)
                            var member = reflectionConstantBuffer.Members[index];

                            // Properly compute size and offset according to std140 rules
                            var memberSize = ComputeMemberSize(ref member.Type, ref constantBufferOffset);

                            // Store size/offset info
                            member.Offset = constantBufferOffset;
                            member.Size = memberSize;

                            // Adjust offset for next item
                            constantBufferOffset += memberSize;

                            reflectionConstantBuffer.Members[index] = member;

                        reflectionConstantBuffer.Size = constantBufferOffset;

                    // Find binding
                    var resourceBindingIndex = reflection.ResourceBindings.IndexOf(x => x.RawName == constantBuffer.Name);
                    if (resourceBindingIndex != -1)
                        MarkResourceBindingAsUsed(reflection, resourceBindingIndex, stage);
                foreach (var variable in glslShader.Declarations.OfType<Variable>().Where(x => (x.Qualifiers.Contains(StorageQualifier.Uniform))))
                    // Check if we have a variable that starts or ends with this name (in case of samplers)
                    // TODO: Have real AST support for all the list in Keywords.glsl
                    if (variable.Type.Name.Text.Contains("sampler1D")
                        || variable.Type.Name.Text.Contains("sampler2D")
                        || variable.Type.Name.Text.Contains("sampler3D")
                        || variable.Type.Name.Text.Contains("samplerCube")
                        || variable.Type.Name.Text.Contains("samplerBuffer"))
                        // TODO: Make more robust
                        var textureBindingIndex = reflection.ResourceBindings.IndexOf(x => variable.Name.ToString().StartsWith(x.RawName));
                        var samplerBindingIndex = reflection.ResourceBindings.IndexOf(x => variable.Name.ToString().EndsWith(x.RawName));

                        if (textureBindingIndex != -1)
                            MarkResourceBindingAsUsed(reflection, textureBindingIndex, stage);

                        if (samplerBindingIndex != -1)
                            MarkResourceBindingAsUsed(reflection, samplerBindingIndex, stage);
                        var resourceBindingIndex = reflection.ResourceBindings.IndexOf(x => x.RawName == variable.Name);
                        if (resourceBindingIndex != -1)
                            MarkResourceBindingAsUsed(reflection, resourceBindingIndex, stage);

                if (shaderPlatform == GlslShaderPlatform.Vulkan)
                    // Defines the ordering of resource groups in Vulkan. This is mirrored in the PipelineState
                    var resourceGroups = reflection.ResourceBindings.Select(x => x.ResourceGroup ?? "Globals").Distinct().ToList();

                    var bindings = resourceGroups.SelectMany(resourceGroup => reflection.ResourceBindings
                        .Where(x => x.ResourceGroup == resourceGroup || (x.ResourceGroup == null && resourceGroup == "Globals"))
                        .GroupBy(x => new { KeyName = x.KeyInfo.KeyName, RawName = x.RawName, Class = x.Class, Type = x.Type, SlotCount = x.SlotCount, LogicalGroup = x.LogicalGroup })
                        .OrderBy(x => x.Key.Class == EffectParameterClass.ConstantBuffer ? 0 : 1))

                    // Add layout(set, bindings) qualifier to all constant buffers
                    foreach (var constantBuffer in glslShader.Declarations.OfType<ConstantBuffer>())
                        var layoutBindingIndex = bindings.IndexOf(x => x.Key.RawName == constantBuffer.Name);
                        if (layoutBindingIndex != -1)
                            var layoutQualifier = constantBuffer.Qualifiers.OfType<SiliconStudio.Shaders.Ast.Glsl.LayoutQualifier>().FirstOrDefault();
                            if (layoutQualifier == null)
                                layoutQualifier = new SiliconStudio.Shaders.Ast.Glsl.LayoutQualifier();
                                constantBuffer.Qualifiers |= layoutQualifier;

                            //layoutQualifier.Layouts.Add(new LayoutKeyValue("set", resourceGroups.IndexOf(resourceGroup)));
                            layoutQualifier.Layouts.Add(new LayoutKeyValue("set", 0));
                            layoutQualifier.Layouts.Add(new LayoutKeyValue("binding", layoutBindingIndex + 1));

                            resourceBindings.Add(bindings[layoutBindingIndex].Key.KeyName, layoutBindingIndex + 1);

                    // Add layout(set, bindings) qualifier to all other uniforms
                    foreach (var variable in glslShader.Declarations.OfType<Variable>().Where(x => (x.Qualifiers.Contains(StorageQualifier.Uniform))))
                        var layoutBindingIndex = bindings.IndexOf(x => variable.Name.Text.StartsWith(x.Key.RawName));

                        if (layoutBindingIndex != -1)
                            var layoutQualifier = variable.Qualifiers.OfType<SiliconStudio.Shaders.Ast.Glsl.LayoutQualifier>().FirstOrDefault();
                            if (layoutQualifier == null)
                                layoutQualifier = new SiliconStudio.Shaders.Ast.Glsl.LayoutQualifier();
                                variable.Qualifiers |= layoutQualifier;

                            //layoutQualifier.Layouts.Add(new LayoutKeyValue("set", resourceGroups.IndexOf(resourceGroup)));
                            layoutQualifier.Layouts.Add(new LayoutKeyValue("set", 0));
                            layoutQualifier.Layouts.Add(new LayoutKeyValue("binding", layoutBindingIndex + 1));

                            resourceBindings.Add(bindings[layoutBindingIndex].Key.KeyName, layoutBindingIndex + 1);


            // Output the result
            var glslShaderWriter = new HlslToGlslWriter(shaderPlatform, shaderVersion, pipelineStage);

            if (shaderPlatform == GlslShaderPlatform.OpenGLES && shaderVersion < 320)
                glslShaderWriter.ExtraHeaders = "#define texelFetchBufferPlaceholder";

            // Write shader

            var shaderString = glslShaderWriter.Text;

            // Build shader source
            var glslShaderCode = new StringBuilder();

            // Append some header depending on target
            //if (isOpenGLES)
            //    if (isOpenGLES3)
            //    {
            //        glslShaderCode
            //            .AppendLine("#version 300 es") // TODO: 310 version?
            //            .AppendLine();
            //    }
            //    if (pipelineStage == PipelineStage.Pixel)
            //        glslShaderCode
            //            .AppendLine("precision highp float;")
            //            .AppendLine();
            //    glslShaderCode
            //        .AppendLine("#version 420")
            //        .AppendLine()
            //        .AppendLine("#define samplerBuffer sampler2D")
            //        .AppendLine("#define isamplerBuffer isampler2D")
            //        .AppendLine("#define usamplerBuffer usampler2D")
            //        .AppendLine("#define texelFetchBuffer(sampler, P) texelFetch(sampler, ivec2((P) & 0xFFF, (P) >> 12), 0)");
            //        //.AppendLine("#define texelFetchBuffer(sampler, P) texelFetch(sampler, P)");


            var realShaderSource = glslShaderCode.ToString();

// TODO: Disabled because glsl optimizer don't properly put lowp/highp qualifier inside struct (which make shader compilation fails since we use struct for lighting)
            // optimize shader
                var optShaderSource = RunOptimizer(shaderBytecodeResult, realShaderSource, shaderPlatform, shaderVersion, pipelineStage == PipelineStage.Vertex);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(optShaderSource))
                    realShaderSource = optShaderSource;
            catch (Exception e)
                shaderBytecodeResult.Warning("Could not run GLSL optimizer:\n{0}", e.Message);
            shaderBytecodeResult.Warning("GLSL optimized has not been executed because it is currently not supported on this platform.");

            return realShaderSource;