/// <inheritdoc/>
 public override void VisitCollectionItem(IEnumerable collection, CollectionDescriptor descriptor, int index, object item, ITypeDescriptor itemDescriptor)
     if (CurrentPath.Match(MemberPath))
         VisitAssetMember(item, itemDescriptor);
         base.VisitCollectionItem(collection, descriptor, index, item, itemDescriptor);
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Pushes an collection access on the path.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="descriptor">The descriptor of the collection.</param>
 /// <param name="index">The index in the collection.</param>
 /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">descriptor</exception>
 public void Push(CollectionDescriptor descriptor, int index)
     if (descriptor == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("descriptor");
     AddItem(new CollectionPathItem(descriptor, index));
Example #3
 public CollectionPathItem(CollectionDescriptor descriptor, int index)
     if (descriptor == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(descriptor));
     Descriptor = descriptor;
     Index      = index;
Example #4
        public virtual void VisitCollection(IEnumerable collection, CollectionDescriptor descriptor)
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var item in collection)
                CurrentPath.Push(descriptor, i);
                VisitCollectionItem(collection, descriptor, i, item, item == null ? null : TypeDescriptorFactory.Find(item.GetType()));
 public override void VisitCollection(IEnumerable collection, CollectionDescriptor descriptor)
     CollectionItemIdentifiers itemIds;
     if (inNonIdentifiableType == 0 && !CollectionItemIdHelper.TryGetCollectionItemIds(collection, out itemIds))
         itemIds = CollectionItemIdHelper.GetCollectionItemIds(collection);
         var count = descriptor.GetCollectionCount(collection);
         for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
             itemIds.Add(i, ItemId.New());
     base.VisitCollection(collection, descriptor);
Example #6
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public virtual void VisitCollection(IEnumerable collection, CollectionDescriptor descriptor)
            var i = 0;

            // Make a copy in case VisitCollectionItem mutates something
            var items = collection.Cast <object>().ToList();

            foreach (var item in items)
                CurrentPath.Push(descriptor, i);
                VisitCollectionItem(collection, descriptor, i, item, TypeDescriptorFactory.Find(item?.GetType() ?? descriptor.ElementType));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the tests.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Initialize()
            TypeFactory = new TypeDescriptorFactory();
            var myClassDesc = TypeFactory.Find(typeof(MyClass));
            var myStructDesc = TypeFactory.Find(typeof(MyStruct));
            ListClassDesc = (CollectionDescriptor)TypeFactory.Find(typeof(List<MyClass>));
            MapClassDesc = (DictionaryDescriptor)TypeFactory.Find(typeof(Dictionary<string, MyClass>));

            MemberValue = myClassDesc.Members.FirstOrDefault(member => member.Name == "Value");
            MemberSub = myClassDesc.Members.FirstOrDefault(member => member.Name == "Sub");
            MemberStruct = myClassDesc.Members.FirstOrDefault(member => member.Name == "Struct");
            MemberSubs = myClassDesc.Members.FirstOrDefault(member => member.Name == "Subs");
            MemberMaps = myClassDesc.Members.FirstOrDefault(member => member.Name == "Maps");
            MemberX = myStructDesc.Members.FirstOrDefault(member => member.Name == "X");
            MemberClass = myStructDesc.Members.FirstOrDefault(member => member.Name == "Class");
        protected override void ReadAddCollectionItem(ref ObjectContext objectContext, Type elementType, CollectionDescriptor collectionDescriptor, object thisObject, int index)
            var scriptCollection = (EntityComponentCollection)objectContext.Instance;

            EntityComponent value = null;
            bool needAdd = true; // If we could get existing value, no need add to collection
            if (index < scriptCollection.Count)
                value = scriptCollection[index];
                needAdd = false;

            value = (EntityComponent)ReadCollectionItem(ref objectContext, value, elementType, index);
            if (needAdd)
Example #9
        public static bool IsIdentifiable(Type type)
            bool result;

            lock (IdentifiableTypes)
                if (!IdentifiableTypes.TryGetValue(type, out result))
                    var attributes = TypeDescriptorFactory.Default.AttributeRegistry.GetAttributes(type);

                    // Early exit if we don't need to add a unique identifier to a type
                    result = !(type == typeof(string) ||
                               type.IsValueType ||
                               type.IsArray ||
                               CollectionDescriptor.IsCollection(type) ||
                               DictionaryDescriptor.IsDictionary(type) ||
                               attributes.OfType <NonIdentifiableAttribute>().Any());

                    IdentifiableTypes.Add(type, result);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a type descriptor for the specified type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of type descriptor.</returns>
        protected virtual ITypeDescriptor Create(Type type)
            ITypeDescriptor descriptor;

            // The order of the descriptors here is important

            if (PrimitiveDescriptor.IsPrimitive(type))
                descriptor = new PrimitiveDescriptor(this, type, emitDefaultValues, namingConvention);
            else if (DictionaryDescriptor.IsDictionary(type)) // resolve dictionary before collections, as they are also collections
                // IDictionary
                descriptor = new DictionaryDescriptor(this, type, emitDefaultValues, namingConvention);
            else if (CollectionDescriptor.IsCollection(type))
                // ICollection
                descriptor = new CollectionDescriptor(this, type, emitDefaultValues, namingConvention);
            else if (type.IsArray)
                // array[]
                descriptor = new ArrayDescriptor(this, type, emitDefaultValues, namingConvention);
            else if (NullableDescriptor.IsNullable(type))
                descriptor = new NullableDescriptor(this, type, emitDefaultValues, namingConvention);
                // standard object (class or value type)
                descriptor = new ObjectDescriptor(this, type, emitDefaultValues, namingConvention);

 public override void VisitCollection(IEnumerable collection, CollectionDescriptor descriptor)
     base.VisitCollection(collection, descriptor);
        public override void VisitCollectionItem(IEnumerable collection, CollectionDescriptor descriptor, int index, object item, ITypeDescriptor itemDescriptor)
            var node = stackItems.Peek();
            // TODO modify DataVisitorBase to allow only IList?
            var newNode = new DataVisitListItem(index, item, itemDescriptor);
            AddItem(node, newNode);

            base.VisitCollectionItem(collection, descriptor, index, item, itemDescriptor);
 public override void VisitCollectionItem(IEnumerable collection, CollectionDescriptor descriptor, int index, object item, ITypeDescriptor itemDescriptor)
     base.VisitCollectionItem(collection, descriptor, index, item, itemDescriptor);
     var assetReference = item as AssetReference;
     var assetBase = item as AssetBase;
     var attachedReference = item != null ? AttachedReferenceManager.GetAttachedReference(item) : null;
     // TODO force support for IList in CollectionDescriptor
     if (assetReference != null)
         var list = (IList)collection;
         AddLink(assetReference, (guid, location) => list[index] = AssetReference.New(descriptor.ElementType, guid.HasValue ? guid.Value : assetReference.Id, location));
     else if (assetBase != null)
         var list = (IList)collection;
         AddLink(assetBase, (guid, location) => list[index] = new AssetBase(location, assetBase.Asset));
     else if (attachedReference != null)
         var list = (IList)collection;
         AddLink(attachedReference, (guid, location) => list[index] = guid.HasValue && guid.Value != Guid.Empty ? AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion(descriptor.ElementType, guid.Value, location) : null);
     else if (item is UFile)
         var list = (IList)collection;
         AddLink(item, (guid, location) => list[index] = new UFile(location));
     else if (item is UDirectory)
         var list = (IList)collection;
         AddLink(item, (guid, location) => list[index] = new UDirectory(location));
Example #14
 public virtual void VisitCollectionItem(IEnumerable collection, CollectionDescriptor descriptor, int index, object item, ITypeDescriptor itemDescriptor)
     Visit(item, itemDescriptor);
Example #15
        public virtual void VisitCollection(IEnumerable collection, CollectionDescriptor descriptor)
            var i = 0;

            // Make a copy in case VisitCollectionItem mutates something
            var items = collection.Cast<object>().ToList();

            foreach (var item in items)
                CurrentPath.Push(descriptor, i);
                VisitCollectionItem(collection, descriptor, i, item, TypeDescriptorFactory.Find(item?.GetType() ?? descriptor.ElementType));
Example #16
 public CollectionPathItem(CollectionDescriptor descriptor, int index)
     this.Descriptor = descriptor;
     this.Index      = index;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a type descriptor for the specified type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of type descriptor.</returns>
        protected virtual ITypeDescriptor Create(Type type)
            ITypeDescriptor descriptor;
            // The order of the descriptors here is important

            if (PrimitiveDescriptor.IsPrimitive(type))
                descriptor = new PrimitiveDescriptor(this, type, emitDefaultValues, namingConvention);
            else if (DictionaryDescriptor.IsDictionary(type)) // resolve dictionary before collections, as they are also collections
                // IDictionary
                descriptor = new DictionaryDescriptor(this, type, emitDefaultValues, namingConvention);
            else if (CollectionDescriptor.IsCollection(type))
                // ICollection
                descriptor = new CollectionDescriptor(this, type, emitDefaultValues, namingConvention);
            else if (type.IsArray)
                // array[]
                descriptor = new ArrayDescriptor(this, type, emitDefaultValues, namingConvention);
            else if (NullableDescriptor.IsNullable(type))
                descriptor = new NullableDescriptor(this, type, emitDefaultValues, namingConvention);
                // standard object (class or value type)
                descriptor = new ObjectDescriptor(this, type, emitDefaultValues, namingConvention);

            return descriptor;
Example #18
 public virtual void VisitCollectionItem(IEnumerable collection, CollectionDescriptor descriptor, int index, object item, ITypeDescriptor itemDescriptor)
     Visit(item, itemDescriptor);
Example #19
 public CollectionPathItem(CollectionDescriptor descriptor, int index)
     Descriptor = descriptor;
     Index      = index;
        public override void VisitCollectionItem(IEnumerable collection, CollectionDescriptor descriptor, int index, object item, ITypeDescriptor itemDescriptor)
            if (ProcessObject(item, descriptor.ElementType)) return;

            base.VisitCollectionItem(collection, descriptor, index, item, itemDescriptor);
Example #21
 public virtual void VisitCollection(IEnumerable collection, CollectionDescriptor descriptor)
     int i = 0;
     foreach (var item in collection)
         CurrentPath.Push(descriptor, i);
         VisitCollectionItem(collection, descriptor, i, item, TypeDescriptorFactory.Find(item?.GetType() ?? descriptor.ElementType));
Example #22
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void VisitCollection(IEnumerable collection, CollectionDescriptor descriptor)
            if (!descriptor.HasIndexerAccessors)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Collections that do not have indexer accessors are not supported in Quantum.");

            // Don't visit items unless they are primitive or enumerable (collections within collections)
            if (IsPrimitiveType(descriptor.ElementType, false) || IsCollection(descriptor.ElementType))
                base.VisitCollection(collection, descriptor);
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void VisitCollection(IEnumerable collection, CollectionDescriptor descriptor)
            var containerNode = GetContextNode();

            var count = descriptor.GetCollectionCount(collection);
            var referenceInfo = GetReferenceInfo(descriptor.Type, collection);

            if (referenceInfo != null && referenceInfo.EnumerableCount != count)
                throw new QuantumConsistencyException("A node with an EnumerableReference containing [{0}] items", referenceInfo.EnumerableCount.ToStringSafe(), "A node with an EnumerableReference containing [{0}] items", count.ToStringSafe(), containerNode);

            if (IsPrimitiveType(descriptor.ElementType, false) || IsEnumerable(descriptor.ElementType))
                base.VisitCollection(collection, descriptor);
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads and adds item to the collection.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objectContext">The object context.</param>
 /// <param name="elementType">Type of the element.</param>
 /// <param name="collectionDescriptor">The collection descriptor.</param>
 /// <param name="thisObject">The this object.</param>
 /// <param name="index">The index.</param>
 protected virtual void ReadAddCollectionItem(ref ObjectContext objectContext, Type elementType, CollectionDescriptor collectionDescriptor, object thisObject, int index)
     var value = ReadCollectionItem(ref objectContext, null, elementType, index);
     collectionDescriptor.Add(thisObject, value);