bool IInitialObjectReceiver.InitializeObjects(params object[] objs)
            bool success = true;

            if (objs != null && objs.Length > 0)
                foreach (var item in objs)
                        if (item != null)
                            if (item is IDisposable)
                                shutDowner.Add(item as IDisposable);

                            if (item is AudioRenderer)
                                audioRenderer = item as AudioRenderer;
                            else if (item is InteractionManager)
                                interactionManager = item as InteractionManager;
                            else if (item.GetType().FullName.Equals("BrailleIO.BrailleIOMediator")) // is BrailleIO.BrailleIOMediator)
                                io = item as BrailleIO.BrailleIOMediator;
                                if (io == null)
                                    throw new NullReferenceException(
                                              @"The referenced Type 'BrailleIO.BrailleIOMediator' seems to be the same but a type conversion wasn't possible. 
                                        This can be caused by adding the type defining reference (dll) twice to the project. 
                                        Build the extension without local copies of overhanded types.");
                                DebugMonitorTextRenderer dbmtr = new DebugMonitorTextRenderer(monitor, io);
                        success = false;
        bool IInitialObjectReceiver.InitializeObjects(params object[] objs)
            bool success = true;
            if (objs != null && objs.Length > 0)
                foreach (var item in objs)
                        if (item != null)
                            if (item is IDisposable)
                                shutDowner.Add(item as IDisposable);

                            if (item is AudioRenderer)
                                audioRenderer = item as AudioRenderer;
                            else if (item is InteractionManager)
                                interactionManager = item as InteractionManager;
                            else if (item.GetType().FullName.Equals("BrailleIO.BrailleIOMediator")) // is BrailleIO.BrailleIOMediator)
                                io = item as BrailleIO.BrailleIOMediator;
                                if (io == null)
                                    throw new NullReferenceException(
                                        @"The referenced Type 'BrailleIO.BrailleIOMediator' seems to be the same but a type conversion wasn't possible. 
                                        This can be caused by adding the type defining reference (dll) twice to the project. 
                                        Build the extension without local copies of overhanded types.");
                                DebugMonitorTextRenderer dbmtr = new DebugMonitorTextRenderer(monitor, io);
                        success = false;
            return success;