Example #1
 public double GetNewPathDist(Node p) {
     float total = 0.0f;
     Node temp = this;
     temp.parent = p;
     while (temp.parent != null) {
         //get the total distance traveled along the new path
         total += (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((temp.location.X - temp.parent.location.X), 2.0) + Math.Pow((temp.location.Y - temp.parent.location.Y), 2.0));
         temp = temp.parent;
     return total;
Example #2
 public Node(Coord loc, bool col, Coord end, Node par){
     collidable = col;
     location = loc;
     parent = par;
     bestLength = Math.Abs(end.X - loc.X) + Math.Abs(end.Y - loc.Y);
     pathLength = 0;
     Node temp = this;
     while(temp.parent != null) {
         pathLength += (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((temp.location.X - temp.parent.location.X), 2.0) 
                            + Math.Pow((temp.location.Y - temp.parent.location.Y), 2.0));
         temp = temp.parent;
     estLength = bestLength + pathLength;
     state = NodeState.Untested;
Example #3
        //compiles the path
        public List<Coord> GetPath(Coord startPos, Coord endPos, ref Map m) {
            //round down coords to lock to tiles
            int startX = (int)(startPos.X);
            int startY = (int)(startPos.Y);
            int endX = (int)(endPos.X);
            int endY = (int)(endPos.Y);
            //create nodemap
            Node[,] nodeMap = new Node[m.ObjectMap.GetLength(0), m.ObjectMap.GetLength(1)];
            for (int x = 0; x < nodeMap.GetLength(0); x++) {
                for (int y = 0; y < nodeMap.GetLength(1); y++) {
                    if (m.ObjectMap[x, y] != null) {
                        nodeMap[x, y] = new Node(new Coord(x, y), m.ObjectMap[x, y].collision, new Coord(endX, endY), null);
                    } else {
                        nodeMap[x, y] = new Node(new Coord(x, y), false, new Coord(endX, endY), null);

            bool success = Search(nodeMap[startX, startY], new Coord(startX, startY), new Coord(endX, endY), ref nodeMap);
            if (success) {
                List<Coord> path = new List<Coord>();
                Node n = nodeMap[endX, endY];
                while (n.parent != null) {
                    path.Add(new Coord(n.location.X + (random.Next(-3, 3) * .1), n.location.Y + (random.Next(-3, 3) * .1)));
                    n = n.parent;
                return path;
            } else {
                //return empty list if search is not successful
                return new List<Coord>();
Example #4
 public bool Search(Node curNode, Coord startPos, Coord endPos,ref Node[,] nodeMap) {
     //all nodes added to a path are marked as closed
     curNode.state = Node.NodeState.Closed;
     //get sorted list of valid moves
     List<Node> validNodes = checkAdjacent(curNode, endPos, ref nodeMap);
     foreach (var nextNode in validNodes) {
         //if the next node you check is the end, return true
         if ((int)nextNode.location.X == (int)endPos.X && (int)nextNode.location.Y == (int)endPos.Y) {
             return true;
         } else {
             //recurse until dead end is met or end is reached
             if (Search(nextNode, startPos, endPos, ref nodeMap)) {
                 return true;
     //if all paths are checked and cannot reach destination, return false
     return false;
Example #5
        //Checks all adjacent tiles and returns list of valid tiles sorted by estimated path length
        public List<Node> checkAdjacent(Node curNode, Coord end, ref Node[,] nodeMap) {
            int X = (int)curNode.location.X;
            int Y = (int)curNode.location.Y;

            List<Node> validNodes = new List<Node>();

            //check for valid adjacent tiles and add them to list
            for (int i = X - 1; i < X + 2; i++) {
                for (int j = Y - 1; j < Y + 2; j++) {
                    //stay within boundaries of map and check if the tile is walkable
                    if (i > 0 && j > 0 && j < nodeMap.GetLength(1) && i < nodeMap.GetLength(0) && nodeMap[i,j].collidable == false) {
                        Node n = nodeMap[i, j];
                        if (n.state == Node.NodeState.Closed) {
                            //do nothing if the node is closed
                        // Already-open nodes are added to the list only if you find a shorter way to get there
                        if (n.state == Node.NodeState.Open) {
                            //if the currently stored path to that node is longer, override with shorter path
                            n.UpdateDist(n.location, end);
                            if (n.GetNewPathDist(curNode) < n.pathLength) {
                                n.parent = curNode;
                                n.UpdateDist(n.location, end);
                        //untested node case
                        else {
                            n.parent = curNode;
                            n.state = Node.NodeState.Open;
                            n.UpdateDist(n.location, end);
                        //update node on map
                        nodeMap[i,j] = n;
            //sort the nodes by the least distance first
            validNodes = validNodes.OrderBy(o => o.estLength).ToList();
            return validNodes;