Example #1
 public Bank()
     _accountantEntity = new AccountantEntity()
             Value = 0,
             PrefixCode = "100120",
             Type = 3,
             IsReadOnly = true,
             Parent = 36
        private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                _insurance = GetCurrentInsurance();
                _from = GetFromDate();
                _to = GetToDate();

                if (ValidateQuery(_insurance, _from, _to))
                    grvItems.DataSource = DataLayer.GetInsuranceReport(_insurance, _from, _to);
            catch (Exception exp)
                Logger.Log(exp, "InsuranceReport - Query");
                Methods.ShowStandardMsgBox(FormMessageType.Error, "خطا", "در حین گرفتن گزارش خطایی رخ داد.");
        private void AddNode(AccountantEntity accountantEntity)
            RadTreeNode parentNode = GetParentNode(accountantEntity, null);
            if (parentNode == null)
                    (FormMessageType.Error, RscError.ValidationTitle, "دسته مشخص شده وجود ندارد. لطفا در وارد نمودن کد پدر دقت بفرمایید.");

            AccountantEntity parentEntity = parentNode.Tag as AccountantEntity;

            if (accountantEntity.Type - 1 != parentEntity.Type)
                  (FormMessageType.Error, RscError.ValidationTitle, "در سطح پدر، دسته مشخص شده وجود ندارد. لطفا در وارد نمودن کد پدر دقت بفرمایید.");

            if (accountantEntity.Type == 3
                (parentEntity.Id == 36 || parentEntity.Id == 37 || parentEntity.Id == 39 || parentEntity.Id == 51 || parentEntity.Id == 53))
                    (FormMessageType.Error, RscError.ValidationTitle, "در دسته مشخص شده نمی توان حسابی اضافه نمود. سیستم به طور خودکار با این دسته کار می کند.");

            RadTreeNode childNode = new RadTreeNode(CreateNodeName(accountantEntity));
            childNode.Tag = accountantEntity;
            accountantEntity.Parent = parentEntity.Id;
            if (accountantEntity.Type == 3) accountantEntity.Value = 0;
            else accountantEntity.Value = null;

Example #4
        internal static bool HasSameEntity(AccountantEntity accountantEntity)
            EntityModelContainer context = accountantEntity.Context;
            string code = accountantEntity.AccountantCode;

            if (context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries
                ((EntityState.Added | EntityState.Modified | EntityState.Unchanged))
                .Select(e => e.Entity).OfType<AccountantEntity>()
                .Any(ae => (ae.PrefixCode + ae.Code) == code && (ae != accountantEntity)))
                return true;

            return false;
Example #5
        public static void Insert(AccountantEntity entity)
            EntityModelContainer context = GetContext();

            if (entity.EntityState != EntityState.Added)
Example #6
 public Bank(AccountantEntity accountantEntity)
     _accountantEntity = accountantEntity;
Example #7
        private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                _accountant = GetCurrentAccountant();
                _from = GetFromDate();
                _to = GetToDate();

                if (ValidateQuery(_accountant, _from, _to))
                    turnOverReportCollection = DataLayer.GetTurnOverReport(_accountant, _from, _to);
                    grvItems.DataSource = turnOverReportCollection.Items;

                    if (turnOverReportCollection.Items.Length > 0)
                        lblCredit.Text = string.Format("{0:0,0 ریال }", turnOverReportCollection.CreditSum);
                        lblDebit.Text = string.Format("{0:0,0 ریال }", turnOverReportCollection.DebitSum);
                        lblRemaining.Text = string.Format("{0:0,0 ریال }", turnOverReportCollection.Remaining);
                        Methods.ShowStandardMsgBox(FormMessageType.Error, "خطا", "موردی یافت نشد.");
                        lblCredit.Text = string.Format("{0:0,0 ریال }", 0);
                        lblDebit.Text = string.Format("{0:0,0 ریال }", 0);
                        lblRemaining.Text = string.Format("{0:0,0 ریال }", 0);
            catch (Exception exp)
                Logger.Log(exp, "TurnOverReport - Query");
                Methods.ShowStandardMsgBox(FormMessageType.Error, "خطا", "در حین گرفتن گزارش خطایی رخ داد.");
Example #8
        public static object GetInsuranceReport(AccountantEntity insurance, DateTime from, DateTime to)
            EntityModelContainer context = GetContext();

            VisitServiceInsurance[] visitReport = context.VisitServiceInsurances.Include("VisitService.Visit").Where(
                i => i.InsuranceDef.Insurance.AccountantEntityId==insurance.Id
                    && i.VisitService.Visit.FromTime >= from
                    && i.VisitService.Visit.FromTime <= to).ToArray();

            List<InsuranceReport> lstReport = visitReport.Select(t => new InsuranceReport()
                                                                              Bedehkari = t.Fee, Date = t.VisitService.Visit.Date

            ChequeReception[] receptionReport = context.ChequeReceptions.Where(c => c.PayerId == insurance.Id
                                                                                    && c.DueDate >= from &&
                                                                                    c.DueDate <= to).ToArray();

            lstReport.AddRange(receptionReport.Select(t => new InsuranceReport()
                                                                   Bestankari = t.Value, Date = t.DueDate, PageNumber = t.ReceptionDocument.Serial

            return lstReport.ToArray();
Example #9
        public static TurnOverReportCollection GetTurnOverReportSpecial(AccountantEntity accountEntity, DateTime from, DateTime to)
            EntityModelContainer context = GetContext();
            TurnOverReportCollection result = new TurnOverReportCollection();

            //Cheque Payments Pay
            var queryChequePaymentPay = context.ChequePayments.Where(
                i => i.PayerId == accountEntity.Id
                    && i.PayDate >= from
                    && i.PayDate <= to
                    && i.Status == (int)ChequeStatus.Unkown

            foreach (var item in queryChequePaymentPay)
                result.Add(new TurnOverReportItem()
                    PageNumber = item.PaymentDocument.DocumentSerial.ToString(),
                    Date = item.PayDate,
                    PageTitle = "بابت شماره برگه " + item.PaymentDocument.DocumentSerial + "به خاطر پرداخت چک",
                    PageDescription = item.Description,
                    Credit = 0,
                    Debit = item.Value

            return result;
Example #10
        public static TurnOverReportItem[] GetTurnOverMoneyReception(AccountantEntity accountEntity, DateTime from, DateTime to)
            EntityModelContainer context = GetContext();
            List<TurnOverReportItem> result = new List<TurnOverReportItem>();

            //Money Receptions Pay
            var queryMoneyReceptionPay = context.MoneyReceptions.Where(
                i => i.ReceptionDocument.PayerId == accountEntity.Id
                    && i.Date >= from
                    && i.Date <= to

            foreach (var item in queryMoneyReceptionPay)
                result.Add(new TurnOverReportItem()
                    PageNumber = item.ReceptionDocument.DocumentSerial.ToString(),
                    Date = item.Date,
                    PageTitle = String.Format("بابت شماره برگه {0} به خاطر {1}", item.ReceptionDocument.DocumentSerial, Constants.GetDocumentTypeTitle((DocumentType)item.ReceptionDocument.Type)),
                    PageDescription = item.Description,
                    Credit =item.Value,
                    Debit = 0

            //Money Receptions Receive
            var queryMoneyReceptionReceive = context.MoneyReceptions.Where(
                i => i.RecieverId == accountEntity.Id
                    && i.Date >= from
                    && i.Date <= to

            foreach (var item in queryMoneyReceptionReceive)
                result.Add(new TurnOverReportItem()
                    PageNumber = item.ReceptionDocument.DocumentSerial.ToString(),
                    Date = item.Date,
                    PageTitle = String.Format("بابت شماره برگه {0} به خاطر {1}", item.ReceptionDocument.DocumentSerial, Constants.GetDocumentTypeTitle((DocumentType)item.ReceptionDocument.Type)),
                    PageDescription = item.Description,
                    Credit = 0,
                    Debit = item.Value

            return result.ToArray();
 private void AddDocumentToList(AccountantEntity accountantEntity)
        private RadTreeNode GetParentNode(AccountantEntity accountantEntity, RadTreeNode parentNode)
            RadTreeNode[] nodes;
            if (parentNode == null)
                nodes = trvAccounts.Nodes.ToArray();
                nodes = parentNode.Nodes.ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
                AccountantEntity entity = nodes[i].Tag as AccountantEntity;

                string prefix = "";
                if (entity.Type == 0)
                    prefix = entity.Code;
                    prefix = entity.AccountantCode;

                if (accountantEntity.AccountantCode.StartsWith(prefix) && accountantEntity.Type > entity.Type)
                    return this.GetParentNode(accountantEntity, nodes[i]);

            return parentNode;
        private void CreateTree(AccountantEntity[] entities, AccountantEntity entityParent, RadTreeNode nodeParent)
            AccountantEntity[] children;

            if (entityParent == null)
                children = entities.Where(e => e.Type == 0).ToArray();
                children = entities.Where(e => e.Parent.HasValue && e.Parent.Value == entityParent.Id).ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++)
                RadTreeNode childNode = new RadTreeNode(this.CreateNodeName(children[i]));

                if (nodeParent != null)

                childNode.Tag = children[i];

                if (children[i].Type < 3)
                    this.CreateTree(entities, children[i], childNode);
 private string CreateNodeName(AccountantEntity accountantEntity)
     string text = string.Format("{0} ({1})", accountantEntity.Name, accountantEntity.AccountantCode);
     return text;
        private void ClearPage()
            AccountantEntity entity = new AccountantEntity();
            entity.Context = DataLayer.GetContext();
            srcAccountantEntity.DataSource = entity;

            btnNew.Enabled = false;
            btnAdd.Enabled = true;
Example #16
        public static ChequePage GetChequePage(AccountantEntity bank, int chequePageSerial)
            EntityModelContainer context = GetContext();
            string serial = chequePageSerial.ToString();

            ChequePage chequePage = context.ChequePages.Include("ChequeBunch").SingleOrDefault(cp => cp.ChequeBunch.BankId == bank.Id && cp.Serial == serial);

            return chequePage;
Example #17
        public static DoctorSalaryReportCollection GetDoctorSalaryReport(AccountantEntity accountEntity, DateTime from, DateTime to)
            EntityModelContainer context = GetContext();
            DoctorSalaryReportCollection result = new DoctorSalaryReportCollection();

            Employee employee = context.Employees.Where(p => p.AccountantEntityId == accountEntity.Id).First();

            double monthlySalary = employee.MonthlySalary;
            double incomingPercentage = employee.IncomePercentage;

            var query = context.VisitServices.Where(p => p.Visit.EmployeeId == employee.Id && p.Visit.FromTime >= from && p.Visit.ToTime <= to);

            int loopCounter = 1;
            foreach (var item in query)
                result.Add(new DoctorSalaryReportItem()
                    RowNumber = loopCounter++,
                    VisitDate = item.Visit.FromTime,
                    PatientName = item.Visit.Patient.ToString(),
                    ServiceTooth = item.ToothDescription,
                    FinalCost =  item.FinalCost,
                    Discount = item.Discount

            result.TotalSalary = ((double)incomingPercentage * result.FinalCostSum);
            result.TotalSalary += monthlySalary;

            //result.TotalSalary = ((double)incomingPercentage * result.FinalCostSum);
            //result.TotalSalary += (monthlySalary * 12) * ((double)(to - from).TotalDays / 365);

            return result;
Example #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the AccountantEntities EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet&lt;T&gt; property instead.
 /// </summary>
 public void AddToAccountantEntities(AccountantEntity accountantEntity)
     base.AddObject("AccountantEntities", accountantEntity);
Example #19
        public static TurnOverReportCollection GetTurnOverReport(AccountantEntity accountEntity, DateTime from, DateTime to)
            if (accountEntity.Id == 67)
                return GetTurnOverReportSpecial(accountEntity, from, to);

            EntityModelContainer context = GetContext();
            TurnOverReportCollection result = new TurnOverReportCollection();

            TurnOverReportItem[] chequePayment = GetTurnOverChequePayment(accountEntity, from, to);
            foreach (var item in chequePayment)

            TurnOverReportItem[] moneyPayment = GetTurnOverMoneyPayment(accountEntity, from, to);
            foreach (var item in moneyPayment)

            TurnOverReportItem[] chequeReception = GetTurnOverChequeReception(accountEntity, from, to);
            foreach (var item in chequeReception)

            TurnOverReportItem[] moneyReception = GetTurnOverMoneyReception(accountEntity, from, to);
            foreach (var item in moneyReception)

            TurnOverReportItem[] visit = GetTurnOverVisit(accountEntity, from, to);
            foreach (var item in visit)

            TurnOverReportItem[] visitInsurance = GetTurnOverVisitInsurance(accountEntity, from, to);
            foreach (var item in visitInsurance)

            return result;
Example #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new AccountantEntity object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">Initial value of the Id property.</param>
 /// <param name="name">Initial value of the Name property.</param>
 /// <param name="type">Initial value of the Type property.</param>
 /// <param name="code">Initial value of the Code property.</param>
 /// <param name="isReadOnly">Initial value of the IsReadOnly property.</param>
 public static AccountantEntity CreateAccountantEntity(global::System.Int32 id, global::System.String name, global::System.Int32 type, global::System.String code, global::System.Boolean isReadOnly)
     AccountantEntity accountantEntity = new AccountantEntity();
     accountantEntity.Id = id;
     accountantEntity.Name = name;
     accountantEntity.Type = type;
     accountantEntity.Code = code;
     accountantEntity.IsReadOnly = isReadOnly;
     return accountantEntity;
Example #21
        public static TurnOverReportItem[] GetTurnOverVisit(AccountantEntity accountEntity, DateTime from, DateTime to)
            EntityModelContainer context = GetContext();
            List<TurnOverReportItem> result = new List<TurnOverReportItem>();

            //Visit Service
            var queryVisit = context.VisitServices.Where(
                i => i.Visit.Patient.AccountantEntityId == accountEntity.Id
                    && i.Visit.FromTime >= from
                    && i.Visit.ToTime <= to

            foreach (var item in queryVisit)
                result.Add(new TurnOverReportItem()
                    PageNumber = "ویزیت",
                    Date = item.Visit.FromTime,
                    PageTitle = String.Format("در تاریخ {0} در ساعت {1} توسط دکتر {2} بابت خدمت به {3}", item.Visit.PersianDate, item.Visit.FromTime.ToShortTimeString(), item.Visit.Doctor.Name, item.Visit.Patient.PatientName),
                    PageDescription = "",
                    Credit = 0,
                    Debit = item.FinalCost

            return result.ToArray();
Example #22
        public static bool Validate(AccountantEntity accountantEntity)
            if (accountantEntity.Type == -1)
                    (FormMessageType.Error, RscError.ValidationTitle, "لطفا نوع حساب را مشخص بفرمایید.");
                return false;

            if (accountantEntity.Id == 0 && (accountantEntity.Type == 0 || accountantEntity.Type == 1))
                    (FormMessageType.Error, RscError.ValidationTitle, "تنها می توانید حساب های معین و تفضیلی مشخص بفرمایید.");
                return false;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountantEntity.Name))
                    (FormMessageType.Error, RscError.ValidationTitle, "لطفا نام حساب را مشخص بفرمایید.");
                return false;

            if (accountantEntity.Type != 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountantEntity.PrefixCode))
                    (FormMessageType.Error, RscError.ValidationTitle, "لطفا کد پدر را مشخص بفرمایید.");
                return false;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountantEntity.Code))
                    (FormMessageType.Error, RscError.ValidationTitle, "لطفا کد جزیی را مشخص بفرمایید.");
                return false;

            if (DataLayer.HasSameEntity(accountantEntity))
                        (FormMessageType.Error, RscError.ValidationTitle, "قبلا موجودیتی با این کد ساخته شده است. در وارد نمودن کد دقت کنید.");
                return false;

            return true;
Example #23
        public static ReceptionDocument[] GetPatientPayments(bool loadFromDb, AccountantEntity patient)
            EntityModelContainer context = GetContext();

            if (loadFromDb)
                return context.ReceptionDocuments.Where(rd => rd.PayerId == patient.Id).ToArray();
                return context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries
                    (EntityState.Added | EntityState.Modified | EntityState.Unchanged).Select(e => e.Entity).OfType<ReceptionDocument>().Where(x => x.PayerId == patient.Id).ToArray();
        private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                _accountant = GetCurrentAccountantEmployee();
                _from = GetFromDate();
                _to = GetToDate();

                if (ValidateQuery(_accountant, _from, _to))
                    doctorSalaryReportCollection = DataLayer.GetDoctorSalaryReport(_accountant, _from, _to);
                    grvItems.DataSource = doctorSalaryReportCollection.Items;

                    if (doctorSalaryReportCollection.Items.Length > 0)
                        lblDiscount.Text = string.Format("{0:0,0} ریال", doctorSalaryReportCollection.DiscountSum);
                        lblFinalCost.Text = string.Format("{0:0,0} ریال", doctorSalaryReportCollection.FinalCostSum);
                        lblTotalSalary.Text = string.Format("{0:0,0} ریال", doctorSalaryReportCollection.TotalSalary);
                        Methods.ShowStandardMsgBox(FormMessageType.Error, "خطا", "موردی یافت نشد.");
                        lblDiscount.Text = "0";
                        lblFinalCost.Text = "0";
                        lblTotalSalary.Text = "0";
            catch (Exception exp)
                Logger.Log(exp, "DoctorSalaryReport - Query");
                Methods.ShowStandardMsgBox(FormMessageType.Error, "خطا", "در حین گرفتن گزارش خطایی رخ داد.");
Example #25
        private bool ValidateQuery(AccountantEntity accountant, DateTime from, DateTime to)
            if (accountant == null)
                Methods.ShowStandardMsgBox(FormMessageType.Error, "خطا", "لطفا نام حساب را مشخص بفرمایید.");
                return false;

            return true;
Example #26
 private void SetTxtPayerValue(AccountantEntity accountantEntity)
     if (accountantEntity == null)
         txtPayerValue.Text = "";
         txtPayerValue.Text = string.Format("{0:0,0} ریال", accountantEntity.Value);