Example #1
        // VID_Init (unsigned char *palette)
        // Called at startup to set up translation tables, takes 256 8 bit RGB values
        // the palette data will go away after the call, so it must be copied off if
        // the video driver will need it again
        public static void Init(byte[] palette)
            if (_glZTrick == null)
                _glZTrick = new Cvar("gl_ztrick", "1");
                _Mode = new Cvar("vid_mode", "0", false);
                _DefaultMode = new Cvar("_vid_default_mode", "0", true);
                _DefaultModeWin = new Cvar("_vid_default_mode_win", "3", true);
                _Wait = new Cvar("vid_wait", "0");
                _NoPageFlip = new Cvar("vid_nopageflip", "0", true);
                _WaitOverride = new Cvar("_vid_wait_override", "0", true);
                _ConfigX = new Cvar("vid_config_x", "800", true);
                _ConfigY = new Cvar("vid_config_y", "600", true);
                _StretchBy2 = new Cvar("vid_stretch_by_2", "1", true);
                _WindowedMouse = new Cvar("_windowed_mouse", "1", true);

            Cmd.Add("vid_nummodes", NumModes_f);
            Cmd.Add("vid_describecurrentmode", DescribeCurrentMode_f);
            Cmd.Add("vid_describemode", DescribeMode_f);
            Cmd.Add("vid_describemodes", DescribeModes_f);

            DisplayDevice dev = MainForm.DisplayDevice;

            // Enumerate available modes, skip 8 bpp modes, and group by refresh rates
            List<mode_t> tmp = new List<mode_t>(dev.AvailableResolutions.Count);
            foreach (DisplayResolution res in dev.AvailableResolutions)
                if (res.BitsPerPixel <= 8)

                Predicate<mode_t> SameMode = delegate(mode_t m)
                    return (m.width == res.Width && m.height == res.Height && m.bpp == res.BitsPerPixel);
                if (tmp.Exists(SameMode))

                mode_t mode = new mode_t();
                mode.width = res.Width;
                mode.height = res.Height;
                mode.bpp = res.BitsPerPixel;
                mode.refreshRate = res.RefreshRate;
            _Modes = tmp.ToArray();

            mode_t mode1 = new mode_t();
            mode1.width = dev.Width;
            mode1.height = dev.Height;
            mode1.bpp = dev.BitsPerPixel;
            mode1.refreshRate = dev.RefreshRate;
            mode1.fullScreen = true;

            int width = dev.Width, height = dev.Height;
            int i = Common.CheckParm("-width");
            if (i > 0 && i < Common.Argc - 1)
                width = Common.atoi(Common.Argv(i + 1));

                foreach (DisplayResolution res in dev.AvailableResolutions)
                    if (res.Width == width)
                        height = res.Height;

            i = Common.CheckParm("-height");
            if (i > 0 && i < Common.Argc - 1)
                height = Common.atoi(Common.Argv(i + 1));

            mode1.width = width;
            mode1.height = height;

            if (Common.HasParam("-window"))
                _Windowed = true;
                _Windowed = false;

                if (Common.HasParam("-current"))
                    mode1.width = dev.Width;
                    mode1.height = dev.Height;
                    int bpp = mode1.bpp;
                    i = Common.CheckParm("-bpp");
                    if (i > 0 && i < Common.Argc - 1)
                        bpp = Common.atoi(Common.Argv(i + 1));
                    mode1.bpp = bpp;

            _IsInitialized = true;

            int i2 = Common.CheckParm("-conwidth");
            if (i2 > 0)
                Scr.vid.conwidth = Common.atoi(Common.Argv(i2 + 1));
                Scr.vid.conwidth = 640;

            Scr.vid.conwidth &= 0xfff8; // make it a multiple of eight

            if (Scr.vid.conwidth < 320)
                Scr.vid.conwidth = 320;

            // pick a conheight that matches with correct aspect
            Scr.vid.conheight = Scr.vid.conwidth * 3 / 4;

            i2 = Common.CheckParm("-conheight");
            if (i2 > 0)
                Scr.vid.conheight = Common.atoi(Common.Argv(i2 + 1));
            if (Scr.vid.conheight < 200)
                Scr.vid.conheight = 200;

            Scr.vid.maxwarpwidth = WARP_WIDTH;
            Scr.vid.maxwarpheight = WARP_HEIGHT;
            Scr.vid.colormap = Host.ColorMap;
            int v = BitConverter.ToInt32(Host.ColorMap, 2048);
            Scr.vid.fullbright = 256 - Common.LittleLong(v);


            mode1.fullScreen = !_Windowed;

            _DefModeNum = -1;
            for (i = 0; i < _Modes.Length; i++)
                mode_t m = _Modes[i];
                if (m.width != mode1.width || m.height != mode1.height)

                _DefModeNum = i;

                if (m.bpp == mode1.bpp && m.refreshRate == mode1.refreshRate)
            if (_DefModeNum == -1)
                _DefModeNum = 0;

            SetMode(_DefModeNum, palette);


            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Common.GameDir, "glquake"));