LinkEdict() public static method

SV_LinkEdict Needs to be called any time an entity changes origin, mins, maxs, or solid flags ent->v.modified sets ent->v.absmin and ent->v.absmax if touchtriggers, calls prog functions for the intersected triggers
public static LinkEdict ( edict_t ent, bool touch_triggers ) : void
ent edict_t
touch_triggers bool
return void
Example #1
         * ===============
         * PF_droptofloor
         * void() droptofloor
         * ===============
        static void PF_droptofloor()
            edict_t ent = Server.ProgToEdict(Progs.GlobalStruct.self);

            Vector3 org, mins, maxs;

            Mathlib.Copy(ref ent.v.origin, out org);
            Mathlib.Copy(ref ent.v.mins, out mins);
            Mathlib.Copy(ref ent.v.maxs, out maxs);
            Vector3 end = org;

            end.Z -= 256;

            trace_t trace = Server.Move(ref org, ref mins, ref maxs, ref end, 0, ent);

            if (trace.fraction == 1 || trace.allsolid)
                Mathlib.Copy(ref trace.endpos, out ent.v.origin);
                Server.LinkEdict(ent, false);
                ent.v.flags        = (int)ent.v.flags | EdictFlags.FL_ONGROUND;
                ent.v.groundentity = Server.EdictToProg(trace.ent);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// PF_setorigin
        /// This is the only valid way to move an object without using the physics of the world (setting velocity and waiting).
        /// Directly changing origin will not set internal links correctly, so clipping would be messed up.
        /// This should be called when an object is spawned, and then only if it is teleported.
        /// setorigin (entity, origin)
        /// </summary>
        static unsafe void PF_setorigin()
            edict_t e   = GetEdict(OFS.OFS_PARM0);
            float * org = GetVector(OFS.OFS_PARM1);

            Copy(org, ref e.v.origin);

            Server.LinkEdict(e, false);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Host_Loadgame_f
        /// </summary>
        private static void Loadgame_f()
            if (Cmd.Source != cmd_source_t.src_command)

            if (Cmd.Argc != 2)
                Con.Print("load <savename> : load a game\n");

            Client.cls.demonum = -1;            // stop demo loop in case this fails

            string name = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.Combine(Common.GameDir, Cmd.Argv(1)), ".sav");

            // we can't call SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque, because too much stack space has
            // been used.  The menu calls it before stuffing loadgame command
            //	SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque ();

            Con.Print("Loading game from {0}...\n", name);
            FileStream fs = Sys.FileOpenRead(name);

            if (fs == null)
                Con.Print("ERROR: couldn't open.\n");

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fs, Encoding.ASCII))
                string line    = reader.ReadLine();
                int    version = Common.atoi(line);
                if (version != SAVEGAME_VERSION)
                    Con.Print("Savegame is version {0}, not {1}\n", version, SAVEGAME_VERSION);
                line = reader.ReadLine();

                float[] spawn_parms = new float[Server.NUM_SPAWN_PARMS];
                for (int i = 0; i < spawn_parms.Length; i++)
                    line           = reader.ReadLine();
                    spawn_parms[i] = Common.atof(line);
                // this silliness is so we can load 1.06 save files, which have float skill values
                line = reader.ReadLine();
                float tfloat = Common.atof(line);
                Host.CurrentSkill = (int)(tfloat + 0.1);
                Cvar.Set("skill", (float)Host.CurrentSkill);

                string mapname = reader.ReadLine();
                line = reader.ReadLine();
                float time = Common.atof(line);


                if (!
                    Con.Print("Couldn't load map\n");
         = true;              // pause until all clients connect
       = true;

                // load the light styles

                for (int i = 0; i < QDef.MAX_LIGHTSTYLES; i++)
                    line = reader.ReadLine();
          [i] = line;

                // load the edicts out of the savegame file
                int           entnum = -1;      // -1 is the globals
                StringBuilder sb     = new StringBuilder(32768);
                while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                    line = reader.ReadLine();
                    if (line == null)
                        Sys.Error("EOF without closing brace");

                    int idx = line.IndexOf('}');
                    if (idx != -1)
                        int    length = 1 + sb.Length - (line.Length - idx);
                        string data   = Common.Parse(sb.ToString(0, length));
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Common.Token))
                            break; // end of file
                        if (Common.Token != "{")
                            Sys.Error("First token isn't a brace");

                        if (entnum == -1)
                            // parse the global vars
                            // parse an edict
                            edict_t ent = Server.EdictNum(entnum);
                            Progs.ParseEdict(data, ent);

                            // link it into the bsp tree
                            if (!
                                Server.LinkEdict(ent, false);

                        sb.Remove(0, length);

       = entnum;
             = time;

                for (int i = 0; i < Server.NUM_SPAWN_PARMS; i++)
                    Server.svs.clients[0].spawn_parms[i] = spawn_parms[i];

            if (Client.cls.state != cactive_t.ca_dedicated)
Example #4
        static void SetMinMaxSize(edict_t e, ref Vector3 min, ref Vector3 max, bool rotate)
            if (min.X > max.X || min.Y > max.Y || min.Z > max.Z)
                Progs.RunError("backwards mins/maxs");

            rotate = false;             // FIXME: implement rotation properly again

            Vector3 rmin = min, rmax = max;

            if (!rotate)
                //rmin = min;
                //rmax = max;
                // find min / max for rotations
                //angles = e.v.angles;

                //a = angles[1] / 180 * M_PI;

                //xvector[0] = cos(a);
                //xvector[1] = sin(a);
                //yvector[0] = -sin(a);
                //yvector[1] = cos(a);

                //VectorCopy(min, bounds[0]);
                //VectorCopy(max, bounds[1]);

                //rmin[0] = rmin[1] = rmin[2] = 9999;
                //rmax[0] = rmax[1] = rmax[2] = -9999;

                //for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                //    base[0] = bounds[i][0];
                //    for (j = 0; j <= 1; j++)
                //    {
                //        base[1] = bounds[j][1];
                //        for (k = 0; k <= 1; k++)
                //        {
                //            base[2] = bounds[k][2];

                //            // transform the point
                //            transformed[0] = xvector[0] * base[0] + yvector[0] * base[1];
                //            transformed[1] = xvector[1] * base[0] + yvector[1] * base[1];
                //            transformed[2] = base[2];

                //            for (l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                //            {
                //                if (transformed[l] < rmin[l])
                //                    rmin[l] = transformed[l];
                //                if (transformed[l] > rmax[l])
                //                    rmax[l] = transformed[l];
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }

            // set derived values
            Mathlib.Copy(ref rmin, out e.v.mins);
            Mathlib.Copy(ref rmax, out e.v.maxs);
            Vector3 s = max - min;

            Mathlib.Copy(ref s, out e.v.size);

            Server.LinkEdict(e, false);