/// <summary>
        /// Encryptes the session key stored in the SessionKey property
        /// and saves the results in the EncryptedSessionKey property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>This method also calles EncodeSessionKey so that it
        /// does not have been called before calling EncryptSessionKey.
        /// <p></p>
        /// Please note: calling this function takes some time, because
        /// asymmetrical encryption takes some time!
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="pkpPacket">An PublicKeyPacket to which
        /// the sessionkey should be encrypted to.</param>
        public void EncryptSessionKey(PublicKeyPacket pkpPacket)

            AsymmetricCipher acCipher = new RSA();
            switch (aaPublicAlgorithm) {
                case AsymAlgorithms.ElGama_Encrypt_Sign:
                case AsymAlgorithms.ElGamal_Encrypt_Only:
                    acCipher = new ElGamal();

                case AsymAlgorithms.RSA_Encrypt_Only:
                case AsymAlgorithms.RSA_Encrypt_Sign:
                    acCipher = new RSA();

                    throw new System.Exception("The chosen public key algorithm is not yet implemented!");

            this.bIsUpdated = true;
            biEncryptedSessionKey = acCipher.Encrypt(new BigInteger(this.bEncodedSessionKey), pkpPacket);