static ShapeFile decodeShapeFile(XmlElement e, Project proj, int pass)
     ShapeFile shapeFile = null;
     if (e != null)
         if (pass == 0)
             // first pass: create the new source record
             //source = new Source();
             //source.setType(e.GetAttribute("type") == "raster" ? Source.SourceType.TYPE_RASTER : Source.SourceType.TYPE_FEATURE);
             if (e.GetAttribute("provider") == "ShapeFile")
                 shapeFile = new ShapeFile(e.GetElementsByTagName("uri")[0].InnerText);
             // second pass: reference other sources
             //source = proj.getSource(e.GetAttribute("name"));
     return shapeFile;
        static Project decodeProject(XmlElement e, string source_uri)
            if (e == null || !e.Name.Equals("project"))
                throw new ApplicationException("First XML element must be <project/> tag");

            Project project = null;
            if (e != null)
                project = new Project();

                // resources
                XmlNodeList resources = e.GetElementsByTagName("resource");
                foreach (XmlNode j in resources)
                    MogreGis.Resource resource = decodeResource((XmlElement)j, project);
                    if (resource != null)

                #region TODO_PH_FILTERGRAPHS
            #if TODO_PH
                // graphs
                XmlNodeList graphs = e.GetElementsByTagName("graph");
                foreach (XmlNode j in graphs)
                    FilterGraph graph = decodeFilterGraph((XmlElement)j, project);
                    if (graph != null)

                // sources - 2 passes, since a source can reference another source
                XmlNodeList sources = e.GetElementsByTagName("source");
                foreach (XmlNode j in sources)

                    // TODO Dani, meter esto en un try catch

                    ShapeFile shapeFile = decodeShapeFile((XmlElement)j, project, 0);
                    if (shapeFile != null)
                foreach (XmlNode j in sources)
                    decodeShapeFile((XmlElement)j, project, 1);

                #region TODO_PH_LAYERS
            #if TODO_PH_LAYERS
                XmlNodeList layers = e.GetElementsByTagName("layer");
                foreach (XmlNode j in layers)
                    SharpMap.Layers.VectorLayer l = new SharpMap.Layers.VectorLayer(
                    BuildLayer layer = decodeLayer((XmlElement)j, project);
                    if (layer != null)

                        // automatically add a target for this layer alone:
                        BuildTarget layer_target = new BuildTarget();

            return project;
        static MogreGis.Resource decodeResource(XmlElement e, Project proj)
            //proj = new Project();
            MogreGis.SRSResource a = new SRSResource();
            MogreGis.Resource resource = null;
            if (e != null)
                string type = e.GetAttribute("type");
                resource = MogreGis.Registry.instance().createResourceByType(type);

                // try again with "Resource" suffix
                if (resource == null && !type.EndsWith("Resource", false, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                    resource = MogreGis.Registry.instance().createResourceByType(type + "Resource");

                if (resource != null)
                    resource.BaseUri = proj.getBaseURI();
                    resource.Uri = e.InnerText;

                    resource.Name = e.GetAttribute("name");

                    string csv_tags = e.GetAttribute("tags");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(csv_tags))
                        //std.istringstream iss(csv_tags);
                        //List<string> tokens = new List<string>((std.istream_iterator<string>(iss)), std.istream_iterator<string>());
                        string[] tokens = csv_tags.Split(',');
                        foreach (string i in tokens)

                    XmlNodeList listuri = e.GetElementsByTagName("uri");
                    if (listuri.Count > 0)
                        resource.Uri = listuri[0].InnerText;

                    XmlNodeList prop_els = e.GetElementsByTagName("property");
                    foreach (XmlNode k in prop_els)
                        XmlElement k_e = (XmlElement)k;
                        string name = k_e.GetAttribute("name");
                        string value = k_e.GetAttribute("value");
                        //resource.setProperty(new Property(name, value));

                    if (resource != null && resource is SRSResource)
                        parseSRSResource(e, (SRSResource)resource);
            #if TODO_PH
                    else if (resource != null && resource is RasterResource)
                        parseRasterResource(e, (RasterResource)resource);
                    //TODO osgGIS.notify( osg.WARN ) << "Unknown resource type: " << type << std.endl;
            return resource;