Example #1
        protected virtual void GetPreview(Dataset dataset, Size size, Graphics g,
                                          BoundingBox displayBbox, ProjectionInfo mapProjection, Map map)
            double[] geoTrans = new double[6];

            // not rotated, use faster display method
            if ((!_useRotation ||
                 (geoTrans[1] == 1 && geoTrans[2] == 0 && geoTrans[4] == 0 && Math.Abs(geoTrans[5]) == 1))
                && !_haveSpot && _transform == null)
                GetNonRotatedPreview(dataset, size, g, displayBbox, mapProjection);
            // not rotated, but has spot...need default rotation
            else if ((geoTrans[0] == 0 && geoTrans[3] == 0) && _haveSpot)
                geoTrans = new[] { 999.5, 1, 0, 1000.5, 0, -1 };

            _geoTransform = new GeoTransform(geoTrans);
            double DsWidth = _imagesize.Width;
            double DsHeight = _imagesize.Height;
            double left, top, right, bottom;
            double GndX = 0, GndY = 0, ImgX = 0, ImgY = 0, PixX, PixY;
            double[] intVal = new double[Bands];
            double imageVal = 0, SpotVal = 0;
            double bitScalar = 1.0;
            Bitmap bitmap = null;
            Point bitmapTL = new Point(), bitmapBR = new Point();
            Geometries.Point imageTL = new Geometries.Point(), imageBR = new Geometries.Point();
            BoundingBox shownImageBbox, trueImageBbox;
            int bitmapLength, bitmapHeight;
            int displayImageLength, displayImageHeight;

            int iPixelSize = 3; //Format24bppRgb = byte[b,g,r] 

            if (dataset != null)
                //check if image is in bounding box
                if ((displayBbox.Left > _envelope.Right) || (displayBbox.Right < _envelope.Left)
                    || (displayBbox.Top < _envelope.Bottom) || (displayBbox.Bottom > _envelope.Top))

                // init histo
                _histogram = new List<int[]>();
                for (int i = 0; i < _lbands + 1; i++)
                    _histogram.Add(new int[256]);

                // bounds of section of image to be displayed
                left = Math.Max(displayBbox.Left, _envelope.Left);
                top = Math.Min(displayBbox.Top, _envelope.Top);
                right = Math.Min(displayBbox.Right, _envelope.Right);
                bottom = Math.Max(displayBbox.Bottom, _envelope.Bottom);

                trueImageBbox = new BoundingBox(left, bottom, right, top);

                // put display bounds into current projection
                if (_transform != null)
#if !DotSpatialProjections
                    shownImageBbox = GeometryTransform.TransformBox(trueImageBbox, _transform.MathTransform);
                    shownImageBbox = GeometryTransform.TransformBox(trueImageBbox, _transform.Source, _transform.Target);
                    shownImageBbox = trueImageBbox;

                // find min/max x and y pixels needed from image
                imageBR.X =
                                                _geoTransform.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.BottomRight).X))) + 1);
                imageBR.Y =
                                                _geoTransform.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.BottomRight).Y))) + 1);
                imageTL.X =
                imageTL.Y =

                // stay within image
                if (imageBR.X > _imagesize.Width)
                    imageBR.X = _imagesize.Width;
                if (imageBR.Y > _imagesize.Height)
                    imageBR.Y = _imagesize.Height;
                if (imageTL.Y < 0)
                    imageTL.Y = 0;
                if (imageTL.X < 0)
                    imageTL.X = 0;

                displayImageLength = (int)(imageBR.X - imageTL.X);
                displayImageHeight = (int)(imageBR.Y - imageTL.Y);

                // find ground coordinates of image pixels
                Geometries.Point groundBR = _geoTransform.ImageToGround(imageBR);
                Geometries.Point groundTL = _geoTransform.ImageToGround(imageTL);

                // convert ground coordinates to map coordinates to figure out where to place the bitmap
                bitmapBR = new Point((int)map.WorldToImage(trueImageBbox.BottomRight).X + 1,
                                     (int)map.WorldToImage(trueImageBbox.BottomRight).Y + 1);
                bitmapTL = new Point((int)map.WorldToImage(trueImageBbox.TopLeft).X,

                bitmapLength = bitmapBR.X - bitmapTL.X;
                bitmapHeight = bitmapBR.Y - bitmapTL.Y;

                // check to see if image is on its side
                if (bitmapLength > bitmapHeight && displayImageLength < displayImageHeight)
                    displayImageLength = bitmapHeight;
                    displayImageHeight = bitmapLength;
                    displayImageLength = bitmapLength;
                    displayImageHeight = bitmapHeight;

                // scale
                if (_bitDepth == 12)
                    bitScalar = 16.0;
                else if (_bitDepth == 16)
                    bitScalar = 256.0;
                else if (_bitDepth == 32)
                    bitScalar = 16777216.0;

                // 0 pixels in length or height, nothing to display
                if (bitmapLength < 1 || bitmapHeight < 1)

                //initialize bitmap
                bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmapLength, bitmapHeight, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
                BitmapData bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmapLength, bitmapHeight),
                                                        ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, bitmap.PixelFormat);

                        // turn everything to _noDataInitColor, so we can make fill transparent
                        byte cr = _noDataInitColor.R;
                        byte cg = _noDataInitColor.G;
                        byte cb = _noDataInitColor.B;

                        for (int y = 0; y < bitmapHeight; y++)
                            byte* brow = (byte*)bitmapData.Scan0 + (y * bitmapData.Stride);
                            for (int x = 0; x < bitmapLength; x++)
                                Int32 offsetX = x * 3;
                                brow[offsetX++] = cb;
                                brow[offsetX++] = cg;
                                brow[offsetX] = cr;

                        // create 3 dimensional buffer [band][x pixel][y pixel]
                        double[][] tempBuffer = new double[Bands][];
                        double[][][] buffer = new double[Bands][][];
                        for (int i = 0; i < Bands; i++)
                            buffer[i] = new double[displayImageLength][];
                            for (int j = 0; j < displayImageLength; j++)
                                buffer[i][j] = new double[displayImageHeight];

                        Band[] band = new Band[Bands];
                        int[] ch = new int[Bands];

                        Double[] noDataValues = new Double[Bands];
                        Double[] scales = new Double[Bands];
                        ColorTable colorTable = null;

                        // get data from image
                        for (int i = 0; i < Bands; i++)
                            tempBuffer[i] = new double[displayImageLength * displayImageHeight];
                            band[i] = dataset.GetRasterBand(i + 1);

                            //get nodata value if present
                            Int32 hasVal = 0;
                            band[i].GetNoDataValue(out noDataValues[i], out hasVal);
                            if (hasVal == 0) noDataValues[i] = Double.NaN;
                            band[i].GetScale(out scales[i], out hasVal);
                            if (hasVal == 0) scales[i] = 1.0;

                                (int)(imageBR.X - imageTL.X),
                                (int)(imageBR.Y - imageTL.Y),
                                tempBuffer[i], displayImageLength, displayImageHeight, 0, 0);

                            // parse temp buffer into the image x y value buffer
                            long pos = 0;
                            for (int y = 0; y < displayImageHeight; y++)
                                for (int x = 0; x < displayImageLength; x++, pos++)
                                    buffer[i][x][y] = tempBuffer[i][pos];

                            if (band[i].GetRasterColorInterpretation() == ColorInterp.GCI_BlueBand) ch[i] = 0;
                            else if (band[i].GetRasterColorInterpretation() == ColorInterp.GCI_GreenBand) ch[i] = 1;
                            else if (band[i].GetRasterColorInterpretation() == ColorInterp.GCI_RedBand) ch[i] = 2;
                            else if (band[i].GetRasterColorInterpretation() == ColorInterp.GCI_Undefined)
                                if (Bands > 1)
                                    ch[i] = 3; // infrared
                                    ch[i] = 4;
                                    if (_colorBlend == null)
                                        Double dblMin, dblMax;
                                        band[i].GetMinimum(out dblMin, out hasVal);
                                        if (hasVal == 0) dblMin = Double.NaN;
                                        band[i].GetMaximum(out dblMax, out hasVal);
                                        if (hasVal == 0) dblMax = double.NaN;
                                        if (Double.IsNaN(dblMin) || Double.IsNaN(dblMax))
                                            double dblMean, dblStdDev;
                                            band[i].GetStatistics(0, 1, out dblMin, out dblMax, out dblMean, out dblStdDev);
                                            //double dblRange = dblMax - dblMin;
                                            //dblMin -= 0.1*dblRange;
                                            //dblMax += 0.1*dblRange;
                                        Single[] minmax = new float[] { Convert.ToSingle(dblMin), 0.5f * Convert.ToSingle(dblMin + dblMax), Convert.ToSingle(dblMax) };
                                        Color[] colors = new Color[] { Color.Blue, Color.Yellow, Color.Red };
                                        _colorBlend = new ColorBlend(colors, minmax);
                                    intVal = new Double[3];
                            else if (band[i].GetRasterColorInterpretation() == ColorInterp.GCI_GrayIndex) ch[i] = 0;
                            else if (band[i].GetRasterColorInterpretation() == ColorInterp.GCI_PaletteIndex)
                                colorTable = band[i].GetRasterColorTable();
                                ch[i] = 5;
                                intVal = new Double[3];
                            else ch[i] = -1;

                        // store these values to keep from having to make slow method calls
                        int bitmapTLX = bitmapTL.X;
                        int bitmapTLY = bitmapTL.Y;
                        double imageTop = imageTL.Y;
                        double imageLeft = imageTL.X;
                        double dblMapPixelWidth = map.PixelWidth;
                        double dblMapPixelHeight = map.PixelHeight;
                        double dblMapMinX = map.Envelope.Min.X;
                        double dblMapMaxY = map.Envelope.Max.Y;
                        double geoTop, geoLeft, geoHorzPixRes, geoVertPixRes, geoXRot, geoYRot;

                        // get inverse values
                        geoTop = _geoTransform.Inverse[3];
                        geoLeft = _geoTransform.Inverse[0];
                        geoHorzPixRes = _geoTransform.Inverse[1];
                        geoVertPixRes = _geoTransform.Inverse[5];
                        geoXRot = _geoTransform.Inverse[2];
                        geoYRot = _geoTransform.Inverse[4];

                        double dblXScale = (imageBR.X - imageTL.X) / (displayImageLength - 1);
                        double dblYScale = (imageBR.Y - imageTL.Y) / (displayImageHeight - 1);
                        double[] dblPoint;

                        // get inverse transform  
                        // NOTE: calling transform.MathTransform.Inverse() once and storing it
                        // is much faster than having to call every time it is needed
#if !DotSpatialProjections
                        IMathTransform inverseTransform = null;
                        if (_transform != null)
                            inverseTransform = _transform.MathTransform.Inverse();

                        for (PixY = 0; PixY < bitmapBR.Y - bitmapTL.Y; PixY++)
                            byte* row = (byte*)bitmapData.Scan0 + ((int)Math.Round(PixY) * bitmapData.Stride);

                            for (PixX = 0; PixX < bitmapBR.X - bitmapTL.X; PixX++)
                                // same as Map.ImageToGround(), but much faster using stored values...rather than called each time
                                GndX = dblMapMinX + (PixX + bitmapTLX) * dblMapPixelWidth;
                                GndY = dblMapMaxY - (PixY + bitmapTLY) * dblMapPixelHeight;

                                // transform ground point if needed
                                if (_transform != null)
#if !DotSpatialProjections
                                    dblPoint = inverseTransform.Transform(new[] { GndX, GndY });
                                    dblPoint = new double[] { GndX, GndY };
                                    Reproject.ReprojectPoints(dblPoint, null, _transform.Source, _transform.Target, 0, 1);
                                    GndX = dblPoint[0];
                                    GndY = dblPoint[1];

                                // same as GeoTransform.GroundToImage(), but much faster using stored values...
                                ImgX = (geoLeft + geoHorzPixRes * GndX + geoXRot * GndY);
                                ImgY = (geoTop + geoYRot * GndX + geoVertPixRes * GndY);

                                if (ImgX < imageTL.X || ImgX > imageBR.X || ImgY < imageTL.Y || ImgY > imageBR.Y)

                                // color correction
                                for (int i = 0; i < Bands; i++)
                                    intVal[i] =
                                        buffer[i][(int)((ImgX - imageLeft) / dblXScale)][
                                            (int)((ImgY - imageTop) / dblYScale)];

                                    imageVal = SpotVal = intVal[i] = intVal[i] / bitScalar;
                                    if (ch[i] == 4)
                                        if (imageVal != noDataValues[i])
                                            Color color = _colorBlend.GetColor(Convert.ToSingle(imageVal));
                                            intVal[0] = color.B;
                                            intVal[1] = color.G;
                                            intVal[2] = color.R;
                                            //intVal[3] = ce.c4;
                                            intVal[0] = cb;
                                            intVal[1] = cg;
                                            intVal[2] = cr;

                                    else if (ch[i] == 5 && colorTable != null)
                                        if (imageVal != noDataValues[i])
                                            ColorEntry ce = colorTable.GetColorEntry(Convert.ToInt32(imageVal));
                                            intVal[0] = ce.c3;
                                            intVal[1] = ce.c2;
                                            intVal[2] = ce.c1;
                                            //intVal[3] = ce.c4;
                                            intVal[0] = cb;
                                            intVal[1] = cg;
                                            intVal[2] = cr;


                                        if (_colorCorrect)
                                            intVal[i] = ApplyColorCorrection(imageVal, SpotVal, ch[i], GndX, GndY);

                                            // if pixel is within ground boundary, add its value to the histogram
                                            if (ch[i] != -1 && intVal[i] > 0 && (_histoBounds.Bottom >= (int)GndY) &&
                                                _histoBounds.Top <= (int)GndY &&
                                                _histoBounds.Left <= (int)GndX && _histoBounds.Right >= (int)GndX)

                                        if (intVal[i] > 255)
                                            intVal[i] = 255;

                                // luminosity
                                if (_lbands >= 3)
                                    _histogram[_lbands][(int)(intVal[2] * 0.2126 + intVal[1] * 0.7152 + intVal[0] * 0.0722)]

                                WritePixel(PixX, intVal, iPixelSize, ch, row);

            if (_transparentColor != Color.Empty)
            g.DrawImage(bitmap, new Point(bitmapTL.X, bitmapTL.Y));
Example #2
        // add image pixels to the map
        protected virtual void GetPreview(Dataset dataset, System.Drawing.Size size, System.Drawing.Graphics g,
                                            BoundingBox displayBbox, ICoordinateSystem mapProjection, Map map)
            double[] geoTrans = new double[6];

            // not rotated, use faster display method
            if ((!_useRotation || (geoTrans[1] == 1 && geoTrans[2] == 0 && geoTrans[4] == 0 && Math.Abs(geoTrans[5]) == 1))
                && !_haveSpot && _transform == null)
                GetNonRotatedPreview(dataset, size, g, displayBbox, mapProjection);
            // not rotated, but has spot...need default rotation
            else if ((geoTrans[0] == 0 && geoTrans[3] == 0) && _haveSpot)
                geoTrans = new double[] { 999.5, 1, 0, 1000.5, 0, -1 };

            GT = new GeoTransform(geoTrans);
            double DsWidth = _imagesize.Width;
            double DsHeight = _imagesize.Height;
            double left, top, right, bottom;
            double GndX = 0, GndY = 0, ImgX = 0, ImgY = 0, PixX, PixY;
            double[] intVal = new double[Bands];
            double imageVal = 0, SpotVal = 0;
            double bitScalar = 1.0;
            Bitmap bitmap = null;
            GdiPoint bitmapTL = new GdiPoint(), bitmapBR = new GdiPoint();
            SMPoint imageTL = new SMPoint(), imageBR = new SMPoint();
            BoundingBox shownImageBbox, trueImageBbox;
            int bitmapLength, bitmapHeight;
            int displayImageLength, displayImageHeight;

            int iPixelSize = 3; //Format24bppRgb = byte[b,g,r] 

            if (dataset != null)
                //check if image is in bounding box
                if ((displayBbox.Left > _Envelope.Right) || (displayBbox.Right < _Envelope.Left)
                    || (displayBbox.Top < _Envelope.Bottom) || (displayBbox.Bottom > _Envelope.Top))

                // init histo
                _histogram = new List<int[]>();
                for (int i = 0; i < _lbands + 1; i++)
                    _histogram.Add(new int[256]);

                // bounds of section of image to be displayed
                left = Math.Max(displayBbox.Left, _Envelope.Left);
                top = Math.Min(displayBbox.Top, _Envelope.Top);
                right = Math.Min(displayBbox.Right, _Envelope.Right);
                bottom = Math.Max(displayBbox.Bottom, _Envelope.Bottom);

                trueImageBbox = new BoundingBox(left, bottom, right, top);

                // put display bounds into current projection
                if (_transform != null)
                    shownImageBbox = GeometryTransform.TransformBox(trueImageBbox, _transform.MathTransform.Inverse());
                    shownImageBbox = trueImageBbox;

                // find min/max x and y pixels needed from image
                imageBR.X = (int)(Math.Max(GT.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.TopLeft).X, Math.Max(GT.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.TopRight).X,
                    Math.Max(GT.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.BottomLeft).X, GT.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.BottomRight).X))) + 1);
                imageBR.Y = (int)(Math.Max(GT.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.TopLeft).Y, Math.Max(GT.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.TopRight).Y,
                    Math.Max(GT.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.BottomLeft).Y, GT.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.BottomRight).Y))) + 1);
                imageTL.X = (int)Math.Min(GT.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.TopLeft).X, Math.Min(GT.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.TopRight).X,
                    Math.Min(GT.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.BottomLeft).X, GT.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.BottomRight).X)));
                imageTL.Y = (int)Math.Min(GT.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.TopLeft).Y, Math.Min(GT.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.TopRight).Y,
                    Math.Min(GT.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.BottomLeft).Y, GT.GroundToImage(shownImageBbox.BottomRight).Y)));

                // stay within image
                if (imageBR.X > _imagesize.Width)
                    imageBR.X = _imagesize.Width;
                if (imageBR.Y > _imagesize.Height)
                    imageBR.Y = _imagesize.Height;
                if (imageTL.Y < 0)
                    imageTL.Y = 0;
                if (imageTL.X < 0)
                    imageTL.X = 0;

                displayImageLength = (int)(imageBR.X - imageTL.X);
                displayImageHeight = (int)(imageBR.Y - imageTL.Y);

                // find ground coordinates of image pixels
                SMPoint groundBR = GT.ImageToGround(imageBR);
                SMPoint groundTL = GT.ImageToGround(imageTL);

                // convert ground coordinates to map coordinates to figure out where to place the bitmap
                bitmapBR = new GdiPoint((int)map.WorldToImage(trueImageBbox.BottomRight).X + 1, (int)map.WorldToImage(trueImageBbox.BottomRight).Y + 1);
                bitmapTL = new GdiPoint((int)map.WorldToImage(trueImageBbox.TopLeft).X, (int)map.WorldToImage(trueImageBbox.TopLeft).Y);

                bitmapLength = bitmapBR.X - bitmapTL.X;
                bitmapHeight = bitmapBR.Y - bitmapTL.Y;

                // check to see if image is on its side
                if (bitmapLength > bitmapHeight && displayImageLength < displayImageHeight)
                    displayImageLength = bitmapHeight;
                    displayImageHeight = bitmapLength;
                    displayImageLength = bitmapLength;
                    displayImageHeight = bitmapHeight;

                // scale
                if (_bitDepth == 12)
                    bitScalar = 16.0;
                else if (_bitDepth == 16)
                    bitScalar = 256.0;
                else if (_bitDepth == 32)
                    bitScalar = 16777216.0;

                // 0 pixels in length or height, nothing to display
                if (bitmapLength < 1 || bitmapHeight < 1)

                //initialize bitmap
                bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmapLength, bitmapHeight, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
                BitmapData bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmapLength, bitmapHeight), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, bitmap.PixelFormat);

                        // turn everything yellow, so we can make fill transparent
                        for (int y = 0; y < bitmapHeight; y++)
                            byte* brow = (byte*)bitmapData.Scan0 + (y * bitmapData.Stride);
                            for (int x = 0; x < bitmapLength; x++)
                                brow[x * 3 + 0] = 0;
                                brow[x * 3 + 1] = 255;
                                brow[x * 3 + 2] = 255;

                        // create 3 dimensional buffer [band][x pixel][y pixel]
                        double[][] tempBuffer = new double[Bands][];
                        double[][][] buffer = new double[Bands][][];
                        for (int i = 0; i < Bands; i++)
                            buffer[i] = new double[displayImageLength][];
                            for (int j = 0; j < displayImageLength; j++)
                                buffer[i][j] = new double[displayImageHeight];

                        Band[] band = new Band[Bands];
                        int[] ch = new int[Bands];

                        // get data from image
                        for (int i = 0; i < Bands; i++)
                            tempBuffer[i] = new double[displayImageLength * displayImageHeight];
                            band[i] = dataset.GetRasterBand(i + 1);

                                (int)(imageBR.X - imageTL.X),
                                (int)(imageBR.Y - imageTL.Y),
                                tempBuffer[i], displayImageLength, displayImageHeight, 0, 0);

                            // parse temp buffer into the image x y value buffer
                            long pos = 0;
                            for (int y = 0; y < displayImageHeight; y++)
                                for (int x = 0; x < displayImageLength; x++, pos++)
                                    buffer[i][x][y] = tempBuffer[i][pos];

                            if (band[i].GetRasterColorInterpretation() == ColorInterp.GCI_BlueBand) ch[i] = 0;
                            else if (band[i].GetRasterColorInterpretation() == ColorInterp.GCI_GreenBand) ch[i] = 1;
                            else if (band[i].GetRasterColorInterpretation() == ColorInterp.GCI_RedBand) ch[i] = 2;
                            else if (band[i].GetRasterColorInterpretation() == ColorInterp.GCI_Undefined) ch[i] = 3;     // infrared
                            else if (band[i].GetRasterColorInterpretation() == ColorInterp.GCI_GrayIndex) ch[i] = 0;
                            else ch[i] = -1;

                        // store these values to keep from having to make slow method calls
                        int bitmapTLX = bitmapTL.X;
                        int bitmapTLY = bitmapTL.Y;
                        double imageTop = imageTL.Y;
                        double imageLeft = imageTL.X;
                        double dblMapPixelWidth = map.PixelWidth;
                        double dblMapPixelHeight = map.PixelHeight;
                        double dblMapMinX = map.Envelope.Min.X;
                        double dblMapMaxY = map.Envelope.Max.Y;
                        double geoTop, geoLeft, geoHorzPixRes, geoVertPixRes, geoXRot, geoYRot;

                        // get inverse values
                        geoTop = GT.Inverse[3];
                        geoLeft = GT.Inverse[0];
                        geoHorzPixRes = GT.Inverse[1];
                        geoVertPixRes = GT.Inverse[5];
                        geoXRot = GT.Inverse[2];
                        geoYRot = GT.Inverse[4];

                        double dblXScale = (imageBR.X - imageTL.X) / (displayImageLength - 1);
                        double dblYScale = (imageBR.Y - imageTL.Y) / (displayImageHeight - 1);
                        double[] dblPoint;

                        // get inverse transform  
                        // NOTE: calling transform.MathTransform.Inverse() once and storing it
                        // is much faster than having to call every time it is needed
                        IMathTransform inverseTransform = null;
                        if (_transform != null)
                            inverseTransform = _transform.MathTransform.Inverse();

                        for (PixY = 0; PixY < bitmapBR.Y - bitmapTL.Y; PixY++)
                            byte* row = (byte*)bitmapData.Scan0 + ((int)Math.Round(PixY) * bitmapData.Stride);

                            for (PixX = 0; PixX < bitmapBR.X - bitmapTL.X; PixX++)
                                // same as Map.ImageToGround(), but much faster using stored values...rather than called each time
                                GndX = dblMapMinX + (PixX + (double)bitmapTLX) * dblMapPixelWidth;
                                GndY = dblMapMaxY - (PixY + (double)bitmapTLY) * dblMapPixelHeight;

                                // transform ground point if needed
                                if (_transform != null)
                                    dblPoint = inverseTransform.Transform(new double[] { GndX, GndY });
                                    GndX = dblPoint[0];
                                    GndY = dblPoint[1];

                                // same as GeoTransform.GroundToImage(), but much faster using stored values...
                                ImgX = (geoLeft + geoHorzPixRes * GndX + geoXRot * GndY);
                                ImgY = (geoTop + geoYRot * GndX + geoVertPixRes * GndY);

                                if (ImgX < imageTL.X || ImgX > imageBR.X || ImgY < imageTL.Y || ImgY > imageBR.Y)

                                // color correction
                                for (int i = 0; i < Bands; i++)
                                    intVal[i] = buffer[i][(int)((ImgX - imageLeft) / dblXScale)][(int)((ImgY - imageTop) / dblYScale)];

                                    imageVal = SpotVal = intVal[i] = intVal[i] / bitScalar;

                                    if (_colorCorrect)
                                        intVal[i] = ApplyColorCorrection(imageVal, SpotVal, ch[i], GndX, GndY);

                                        // if pixel is within ground boundary, add its value to the histogram
                                        if (ch[i] != -1 && intVal[i] > 0 && (_histoBounds.Bottom >= (int)GndY) && _histoBounds.Top <= (int)GndY &&
                                            _histoBounds.Left <= (int)GndX && _histoBounds.Right >= (int)GndX)

                                    if (intVal[i] > 255)
                                        intVal[i] = 255;

                                // luminosity
                                if (_lbands >= 3)
                                    _histogram[_lbands][(int)(intVal[2] * 0.2126 + intVal[1] * 0.7152 + intVal[0] * 0.0722)]++;

                                WritePixel(PixX, intVal, iPixelSize, ch, row);

            if (_transparentColor != Color.Empty)
            g.DrawImage(bitmap, new System.Drawing.Point(bitmapTL.X, bitmapTL.Y));