static void OnReady() { win = new jQuery("#window"); undo = new jQuery("#undo") .bind("click", e => {"kendoWindow").As<Window>().open(); undo.hide(); }); if ("kendoWindow") == null) { win.kendoWindow(new WindowConfiguration { width = "630px", height = "315px", title = "Rams's Ten Principles of Good Design", actions = new[] { "Refresh", "Close" }, contentString = "../../content/web/window/ajax/ajaxContent1.html", open = onOpen, activate = onActivate, close = onClose, deactivate = onDeactivate, refresh = onRefresh, resize = onResize, dragstart = onDragStart, dragend = onDragEnd }); } }
static void OnReady() { var win = new jQuery("#window"); var undo = new jQuery("#undo"); undo.bind("click", e => {"kendoWindow").As<Window>().open(); undo.hide(); }); if ("kendoWindow") == null) { win.kendoWindow(new WindowConfiguration { width = "500px", actions = new JsArray { "Custom", "Minimize", "Maximize", "Close" }, title = "About Josef Hoffmann", close = () =><Window>() }); }"kendoWindow").As<Window>().wrapper.find(".k-i-custom").click(e => { HtmlContext.alert("Custom action button clicked"); e.preventDefault(); }); }
static void OnReady() { var grid = new jQuery("#grid").kendoGrid(new GridConfiguration { dataSourceObject = new DataSourceConfiguration { pageSize = 10, data = People.createRandomData(50) }, pageableBoolean = true, height = 260, columns = new JsArray<GridColumnConfiguration> { new GridColumnConfiguration { field = "FirstName", title = "First Name" }, new GridColumnConfiguration { field = "LastName", title = "Last Name" }, new GridColumnConfiguration { field = "Title" }, new GridColumnConfiguration { command = new {text="Details", click= new JsAction<Event>(showDetails)}.As<GridColumnsCommandOptions>(), title = " ", widthString = "110px"} } }).data("kendoGrid"); wnd = new jQuery("#details").kendoWindow(new WindowConfiguration { title = "Customer Details", modal = true, visible = false, resizable = false, width = "300" }).data("kendoWindow").As<Window>(); detailsTemplate = Kendo.template(new jQuery("#template").html()); }
static void RunTests() { var fixtures = new object[] { new ExprTests(), new DiffTests(), new ParserTests(), new NumberTests(), new FunctionsTests() }; jQuery jQuery = new jQuery(HtmlContext.document.body); jQuery.append("<br/>"); int ok = 0, failed = 0; foreach(var fixture in fixtures) { MethodInfo[] methods = fixture.GetType().GetMethods(); foreach(var method in methods) { if(method.Name.EndsWith("Test")) { if(RunTest(jQuery, fixture, method)) ok++; else failed++; } } } jQuery.append(string.Format("<br/>TOTAL {0}<br/>PASSED: {1}<br/>FAILED: {2}<br/>", (ok + failed), ok, failed)); }
static void OnReady() { // create ComboBox from input HTML element new jQuery("#input").kendoComboBox(new ComboBoxConfiguration { dataTextField = " text", dataValueField = "value", dataSourceObject = new JsArray<ComboBoxConfiguration> { new ComboBoxConfiguration { text = "Cotton", value = "1"}, new ComboBoxConfiguration { text = "Polyester", value = "2" }, new ComboBoxConfiguration{ text = "Cotton/Polyester", value = "3" }, new ComboBoxConfiguration{ text = "Rib Knit", value = "4" } }, filter = "contains", suggest = true, index = 3 }); // create ComboBox from select HTML element new jQuery("#select").kendoComboBox(); var input = new jQuery("#input").data("kendoComboBox").As<ComboBox>(); var select = new jQuery("#select").data("kendoComboBox").As<ComboBox>(); new jQuery("#get").click(() => HtmlContext.window.alert("Thank you! Your Choice is:\n\nFabric ID: " + input.value() + " and Size: " + select.value())); }
static void OnReady() { var start_counter = new jQuery("#event-start"); var drag_counter = new jQuery("#event-drag"); var stop_counter = new jQuery("#event-stop"); var counts = new JsNumber[3] { 0, 0, 0 }; new jQuery("#draggable").draggable(new DraggableOptions { start = (e, ui) => { counts[0]++; updateCounterStatus(drag_counter, counts[0]); }, drag = (e, ui) => { counts[1]++; updateCounterStatus(drag_counter, counts[1]); }, stop = (e, ui) => { counts[2]++; updateCounterStatus(drag_counter, counts[2]); } }); }
protected override void onPreRegister() { base.onPreRegister(); this.rootNode = jQueryContext.J(decoratedElement); templateBuilder.captureAndEmptyTemplateContents(rootNode); }
static void OnReady() { var spin = new jQuery( "#spinner" ).spinner(); new jQuery( "#disable" ).click(() => { if ( spin.spinner( "option", "disabled" ).As<bool>() ) { spin.spinner( "enable" ); } else { spin.spinner( "disable" ); } }); new jQuery( "#destroy" ).click(() => { if ( "ui-spinner" ).As<bool>() ) { spin.spinner( "destroy" ); } else { spin.spinner(); } }); new jQuery( "#getvalue" ).click(() => { HtmlContext.window.alert( spin.spinner( "value" ) ); }); new jQuery( "#setvalue" ).click(() => { spin.spinner( "value", 5 ); }); new jQuery( "button" ).button(); }
static void OnReady() { var data = new JsArray<DropDownListConfiguration> { new DropDownListConfiguration {text = "The Shawshank Redemption", value ="1"}, new DropDownListConfiguration {text = "The Godfather", value ="2"}, new DropDownListConfiguration {text = "The Godfather = Part II", value ="3"}, new DropDownListConfiguration {text = "Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo.", value ="4"}, new DropDownListConfiguration {text = "Pulp Fiction", value ="5"}, new DropDownListConfiguration {text = "12 Angry Men", value ="6"}, new DropDownListConfiguration {text = "Schindler's List", value ="7"}, new DropDownListConfiguration {text = "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", value ="8"}, new DropDownListConfiguration {text = "Inception", value ="9"}, new DropDownListConfiguration {text = "The Dark Knight", value ="10"} }; new jQuery("#products").kendoDropDownList(new DropDownListConfiguration { dataTextField = "text", dataValueField = "value", dataSourceObject = data }) .closest(".k-widget") .attr("id", "products_wrapper"); var dropdownlist = new jQuery("#products").data("kendoDropDownList").As<DropDownList>(); JsAction<Event> setValue = e => { if (e.type != "keypress" || Kendo.keys.ENTER == e.keyCode) dropdownlist.value(new jQuery("#value").val().As<JsString>()); }, setIndex = e => { if (e.type != "keypress" || Kendo.keys.ENTER == e.keyCode) { var index = int.Parse(new jQuery("#index").val().As<JsString>());; } }, setSearch = e => { if (e.type != "keypress" || Kendo.keys.ENTER == e.keyCode) jQuery("#word").val().As<JsString>()); }; new jQuery("#enable").click(() => dropdownlist.enable()); new jQuery("#disable").click(() =>dropdownlist.enable(false)); new jQuery("#open").click(() =>; new jQuery("#close").click(() => dropdownlist.close()); new jQuery("#getValue").click(() => HtmlContext.window.alert(dropdownlist.value())); new jQuery("#getText").click(() => HtmlContext.window.alert(dropdownlist.text())); new jQuery("#setValue").click(setValue); new jQuery("#value").keypress(setValue); new jQuery("#select").click(setIndex); new jQuery("#index").keypress(setIndex); new jQuery("#find").click(setSearch); new jQuery("#word").keypress(setSearch); }
static void OnReady() { var tooltips = new jQuery("[title]").tooltip(); new jQuery("<button>") .text("Show help") .button() .click(() => tooltips.tooltip("open")) .insertAfter("form"); }
static void updateCounterStatus(jQuery event_counter, JsNumber new_count) { if (!event_counter.hasClass("ui-state-hover")) { event_counter.addClass("ui-state-hover") .siblings().removeClass("ui-state-hover"); } // ...then update the numbersKD new jQuery("span.count", event_counter).text(new_count.As<JsString>()); }
static void draggableOnDragEnd(Event e) { kendoConsole.log("dragend"); var draggable = new jQuery("#draggable"); // if (!"kendoDraggable").As<Draggable>().dropped) //{ // new jQuery("#droptarget").text("Try again!"); //} draggable.removeClass("hollow"); }
static JsString getEffects() { var expand = new jQuery("#expand")[0].As<HtmlInputRadio>().@checked; var opacity = new jQuery("#opacity")[0].As<HtmlInputCheckBox>().@checked; var s = ""; if (expand) s += "expand:vertical "; if (opacity) s += "fadeIn"; if (s == "") return false.As<JsString>(); return s; }
static void OnReady() { new jQuery("#editor").kendoEditor(); var editor = new jQuery("#editor").data("kendoEditor").As<Editor>(); JsAction setValue = () => editor.value(new jQuery("#value").val().As<JsString>()); new jQuery("#get").click(() => HtmlContext.window.alert(editor.value())); new jQuery("#set").click(setValue); }
static bool RunTest(jQuery jQuery, object fixture, MethodInfo method) { string status = "OK"; bool success = true; try { method.Invoke(fixture, null); } catch(Exception e) { status = "Failure: " + e; success = false; } jQuery.append(fixture.GetType().Name + "." + method.Name + ": " + status + "<br/>"); return success; }
static void OnReady() { var select = new jQuery("#minbeds"); var slider = new jQuery("<div id='slider'></div>").insertAfter(select).slider(new SliderOptions { min = 1, max = 6, range = "min", value = select[0].As<HtmlSelect>().selectedIndex + 1, slide = (e, ui) => select[0].As<HtmlSelect>().selectedIndex = ui.value - 1 }); new jQuery("#minbeds").change(e => slider.slider("value", e.currentTarget.As<HtmlSelect>().selectedIndex + 1)); }
static void OnReady() { new jQuery("#spinner").spinner(new SpinnerOptions { step = 0.01, numberFormat = "n" }); new jQuery("#culture").change(() => { var current = new jQuery("#spinner").spinner("value"); //TODO: Globalize.culture( new jQuery(JsContext.@this).val() ); new jQuery("#spinner").spinner("value", current); }); }
static void OnReady() { new jQuery("#selectable").selectable(new SelectableOptions { stop = (e, ui) => { var result = new jQuery("#select-result").empty(); new jQuery(".ui-selected", e.currentTarget).each((number, elemnt) => { var index = new jQuery("#selectable li").index(elemnt); result.append(" #" + (index + 1)); }); } }); }
static void OnReady() { var wnd = new jQuery("#window"); new jQuery("#open").click(e =>"kendoWindow").As<Window>().open()); new jQuery("#close").click(e =>"kendoWindow").As<Window>().close()); //new jQuery("#refresh").click(e =>"kendoWindow").As<Window>().refresh()); wnd.kendoWindow(new WindowConfiguration { width = "505px", height = "315px", title = "Rams's Ten Principles of Good Design", actions = new[] { "Refresh", "Maximize", "Close" }, contentString = "../../content/web/window/ajax/ajaxContent1.html" }); }
static void OnReady() { var original = new jQuery("#panelbar").clone(true); original.find(".k-state-active").removeClass("k-state-active"); new jQuery(".configuration input").change(e => { var panelBar = new jQuery("#panelbar").As<PanelBar>(); jQuery clone = original.clone(true);"kendoPanelBar").collapse(new jQuery("#panelbar .k-link")); panelBar.replaceWith(clone); initPanelBar(); }); initPanelBar(); }
static void OnReady() { new jQuery("#numerictextbox").kendoNumericTextBox(); var numerictextbox = new jQuery("#numerictextbox").data("kendoNumericTextBox").As<NumericTextBox>(); JsAction setValue = () => numerictextbox.value(new jQuery("#value").val().As<JsString>()); new jQuery("#enable").click(() => numerictextbox.enable()); new jQuery("#disable").click(() => numerictextbox.enable(false)); new jQuery("#value").kendoNumericTextBox(new NumericTextBoxConfiguration { change = e=>setValue() }); new jQuery("#set").click(setValue); new jQuery("#get").click(() => HtmlContext.window.alert(numerictextbox.value())); }
// run the currently selected effect static void runEffect() { // get effect type from var selectedEffect = new jQuery("#effectTypes").val().As<EffectType>(); // most effect types need no options passed by default var options = new JsObject { }; if (selectedEffect.ExactEquals("scale")) { options = new { percent = 0 }.As<JsObject>(); } else if (selectedEffect.ExactEquals("size")) { options = new { to = new { width = 200, height = 60 } }.As<JsObject>(); } // run the effect new jQuery("#effect").hide(selectedEffect, options, 1000, callback); }
// run the currently selected effect static void runEffect() { // get effect type from var selectedEffect = new jQuery("#effectTypes").val().As<EffectType>(); var options = new JsObject { }; if (selectedEffect.ExactEquals("scale")) { options = new { percent = 0 }.As<JsObject>(); } else if (selectedEffect.ExactEquals("transfer")) { options = new { to = "#button", className = "ui-effects-transfer" }.As<JsObject>(); } else if (selectedEffect.ExactEquals("size")) { options = new { to = new Size { width = 200, height = 60 } }.As<JsObject>(); } // run the effect new jQuery("#effect").effect(selectedEffect, options, 500, callback); }
static void OnReady() { new jQuery("#datepicker").kendoDatePicker() .closest(".k-widget") .attr("id", "datepicker_wrapper"); var datepicker = new jQuery("#datepicker").data("kendoDatePicker").As<DatePicker>(); JsAction setValue = () => datepicker.value(new jQuery("#value").val().As<JsString>()); new jQuery("#enable").click(() => datepicker.enable()); new jQuery("#disable").click(() => datepicker.enable(false)); new jQuery("#open").click(() =>; new jQuery("#close").click(() => datepicker.close()); new jQuery("#value").kendoDatePicker(new DatePickerConfiguration { change = setValue }); new jQuery("#set").click(setValue); new jQuery("#get").click(() => HtmlContext.window.alert(datepicker.value())); }
static void OnReady() { var slider = new jQuery("#slider").kendoSlider(new SliderConfiguration { increaseButtonTitle = "Right", decreaseButtonTitle = "Left", min = -10, max = 10, smallStep = 2, largeStep = 1 }).data("kendoSlider"); new jQuery(".eqSlider").kendoSlider(new SliderConfiguration { orientation = OrientationOptions.vertical, min = -20, max = 20, smallStep = 1, largeStep = 20, showButtons = false }); }
static void OnReady() { var original = new jQuery("#menu").clone(true); original.find(".k-state-active").removeClass("k-state-active"); new jQuery(".configuration input").change(e => { jQuery menu = new jQuery("#menu"); jQuery clone = original.clone(true);"kendoMenu").As<Menu>().close(new jQuery("#menu .k-link")); menu.replaceWith(clone); initMenu(); }); initMenu(); }
static void OnReady() { new jQuery("#calendar").kendoCalendar(); var calendar = new jQuery("#calendar").data("kendoCalendar").As<Calendar>(); calendar.value(new JsDate()); JsAction navigate = () => { var value = new jQuery("#direction").val().As<JsString>(); switch (value) { case "up": calendar.navigateUp(); break; case "down": calendar.navigateDown(calendar.value()); break; case "past": calendar.navigateToPast(); break; default: calendar.navigateToFuture(); break; }; }; JsAction setValue = () => calendar.value(new jQuery("#value").val().As<JsString>()); new jQuery("#get").click(() => HtmlContext.window.alert(calendar.value())); new jQuery("#value").kendoDatePicker(new DatePickerConfiguration { change = setValue }); new jQuery("#set").click(setValue); new jQuery("#direction").kendoDropDownList(new DropDownListConfiguration { change = navigate }); new jQuery("#navigate").click(navigate); }
static void OnReady() { new jQuery("#sortable1, #sortable2").sortable().disableSelection(); var tabs = new jQuery("#tabs").tabs(); var tab_items = new jQuery("ul:first li", tabs); tab_items = tab_items.droppable(new DroppableOptions { accept = ".connectedSortable li", hoverClass = "ui-state-hover", drop = (e, ui) => { var item = new jQuery(e.currentTarget); var list = new jQuery(item.find("a").attr("href")) .find(".connectedSortable"); ui.draggable.hide("slow", () => { tabs.tabs("select", tab_items.index(item)); new jQuery(e.currentTarget).appendTo(list).show("slow"); }); } }); }
static void OnReady() { var original = new jQuery("#tabstrip").clone(true); original.find(".k-state-active").removeClass("k-state-active"); new jQuery(".configuration input").change(e => { jQuery tabStrip = new jQuery("#tabstrip"), clone = original.clone(true); JsNumber selectedIndex ="kendoTabStrip").As<TabStrip>().select().As<JsNumber>(); clone.children("ul") .children("li") .eq(selectedIndex) .addClass("k-state-active") .end(); tabStrip.replaceWith(clone); initTabStrip(); }); initTabStrip(); }
static void OnReady() { var data = new[] { "12 Angry Men", "Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo.", "Inception", "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", "Pulp Fiction", "Schindler's List", "The Dark Knight", "The Godfather", "The Godfather: Part II", "The Shawshank Redemption" }; new jQuery("#search").kendoAutoComplete(new AutoCompleteConfiguration { dataSourceObject = data, separator = ", " }); var validator = new jQuery("#tickets").kendoValidator().data("kendoValidator").As<Validator>(); var status = new jQuery(".status"); new jQuery("button").click(() => { if (validator.validate()) { status.text("Hooray! Your tickets has been booked!").addClass("valid"); } else { status.text("Oops! There is invalid data in the form.").addClass("invalid"); } }); }