private Node Search(object[] d) { Node x = _root; while (x != null) { if (Trace.StopEnabled) { Trace.Stop(); } int c = CompareRow(d, x.GetData()); if (c == 0) { return(x); } else if (c < 0) { x = x.GetLeft(); } else { x = x.GetRight(); } } return(null); }
public bool Next() { if (bOuterJoin && nCurrent == null) { return(false); } nCurrent = iIndex.Next(nCurrent); while (nCurrent != null) { oCurrentData = nCurrent.GetData(); if (!Test(eEnd)) { break; } if (Test(eAnd)) { return(true); } nCurrent = iIndex.Next(nCurrent); } oCurrentData = oEmptyData; return(false); }
public void MoveData(Table from) { Index index = from.PrimaryIndex; Node n = index.First(); while (n != null) { if (Trace.StopEnabled) { Trace.Stop(); } object[] o = n.GetData(); InsertNoCheck(o, null); n = index.Next(n); } index = PrimaryIndex; n = index.First(); while (n != null) { if (Trace.StopEnabled) { Trace.Stop(); } object[] o = n.GetData(); from.DeleteNoCheck(o, null); n = index.Next(n); } }
public bool FindFirst() { if (iIndex == null) { iIndex = tTable.PrimaryIndex; } if (eStart == null) { nCurrent = iIndex.First(); } else { ColumnType type = eStart.Arg.ColumnType; object o = eStart.Arg2.GetValue(type); nCurrent = iIndex.FindFirst(o, eStart.Type); } while (nCurrent != null) { oCurrentData = nCurrent.GetData(); if (!Test(eEnd)) { break; } if (Test(eAnd)) { return(true); } nCurrent = iIndex.Next(nCurrent); } oCurrentData = oEmptyData; if (bOuterJoin) { return(true); } return(false); }
public Node Find(object[] data) { Node x = _root, n; while (x != null) { if (Trace.StopEnabled) { Trace.Stop(); } int i = CompareRowNonUnique(data, x.GetData()); if (i == 0) { return(x); } else if (i > 0) { n = x.GetRight(); } else { n = x.GetLeft(); } if (n == null) { return(null); } x = n; } return(null); }
public Node FindFirst(object value, ExpressionType compare) { Trace.Assert(compare == ExpressionType.Bigger || compare == ExpressionType.Equal || compare == ExpressionType.BiggerEqual, "Index.findFirst"); Node x = _root; int iTest = 1; if (compare == ExpressionType.Bigger) { iTest = 0; } while (x != null) { if (Trace.StopEnabled) { Trace.Stop(); } bool t = CompareValue(value, x.GetData()[_column_0]) >= iTest; if (t) { Node r = x.GetRight(); if (r == null) { break; } x = r; } else { Node l = x.GetLeft(); if (l == null) { break; } x = l; } } while (x != null && CompareValue(value, x.GetData()[_column_0]) >= iTest) { if (Trace.StopEnabled) { Trace.Stop(); } x = Next(x); } return(x); }
public void Insert(Node i) { object[] data = i.GetData(); Node n = _root, x = n; bool way = true; int compare = -1; while (true) { if (Trace.StopEnabled) { Trace.Stop(); } if (n == null) { if (x == null) { _root = i; return; } Set(x, way, i); break; } x = n; compare = CompareRow(data, x.GetData()); Trace.Check(compare != 0, Trace.VIOLATION_OF_UNIQUE_INDEX); way = compare < 0; n = Child(x, way); } while (true) { if (Trace.StopEnabled) { Trace.Stop(); } int sign = way ? 1 : -1; switch (x.GetBalance() * sign) { case 1: x.SetBalance(0); return; case 0: x.SetBalance(-sign); break; case -1: Node l = Child(x, way); if (l.GetBalance() == -sign) { Replace(x, l); Set(x, way, Child(l, !way)); Set(l, !way, x); x.SetBalance(0); l.SetBalance(0); } else { Node r = Child(l, !way); Replace(x, r); Set(l, !way, Child(r, way)); Set(r, way, l); Set(x, way, Child(r, !way)); Set(r, !way, x); int rb = r.GetBalance(); x.SetBalance((rb == -sign) ? sign : 0); l.SetBalance((rb == sign) ? -sign : 0); r.SetBalance(0); } return; } if (x.Equals(_root)) { return; } way = From(x); x = x.GetParent(); } }
public void Insert(Node i) { object[] data = i.GetData(); Node n = _root, x = n; bool way = true; int compare = -1; while (true) { if (TracingHelper.StopEnabled) { TracingHelper.Stop(); } if (n == null) { if (x == null) { _root = i; return; } Set(x, way, i); break; } x = n; compare = CompareRow(data, x.GetData()); TracingHelper.Check(compare != 0, TracingHelper.VIOLATION_OF_UNIQUE_INDEX); way = compare < 0; n = Child(x, way); } while (true) { if (TracingHelper.StopEnabled) { TracingHelper.Stop(); } int sign = way ? 1 : -1; switch (x.GetBalance() * sign) { case 1: x.SetBalance(0); return; case 0: x.SetBalance(-sign); break; case -1: Node l = Child(x, way); if (l.GetBalance() == -sign) { Replace(x, l); Set(x, way, Child(l, !way)); Set(l, !way, x); x.SetBalance(0); l.SetBalance(0); } else { Node r = Child(l, !way); Replace(x, r); Set(l, !way, Child(r, way)); Set(r, way, l); Set(x, way, Child(r, !way)); Set(r, !way, x); int rb = r.GetBalance(); x.SetBalance((rb == -sign) ? sign : 0); l.SetBalance((rb == sign) ? -sign : 0); r.SetBalance(0); } return; } if (x.Equals(_root)) { return; } way = From(x); x = x.GetParent(); } }
public bool Next() { if (bOuterJoin && nCurrent == null) { return false; } nCurrent = iIndex.Next(nCurrent); while (nCurrent != null) { oCurrentData = nCurrent.GetData(); if (!Test(eEnd)) { break; } if (Test(eAnd)) { return true; } nCurrent = iIndex.Next(nCurrent); } oCurrentData = oEmptyData; return false; }
public Result GetScript(bool bDrop, bool bInsert, bool bCached, Channel channel) { channel.CheckAdmin(); Result r = new Result(1); r.Type[0] = ColumnType.VarChar; r.Table[0] = "SYSTEM_SCRIPT"; r.Label[0] = "COMMAND"; r.Name[0] = "COMMAND"; StringBuilder a = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < tTable.Count; i++) { Table t = (Table)tTable[i]; if (bDrop) { AddRow(r, "DROP TABLE \"" + t.Name + "\""); } a.Remove(0, a.Length); a.Append("CREATE "); if (t.IsCached) { a.Append("CACHED "); } a.Append("TABLE "); a.Append('"'); a.Append(t.Name); a.Append('"'); a.Append("("); int columns = t.ColumnCount; Index pki = t.GetIndex("SYSTEM_PK"); int pk = (pki == null) ? -1 : pki.Columns[0]; for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) { a.Append('"'); a.Append(t.GetColumnName(j)); a.Append('"'); a.Append(" "); a.Append(Column.GetColumnTypeString(t.GetType(j))); if (!t.GetColumnIsNullable(j)) { a.Append(" NOT NULL"); } if (j == t.IdentityColumn) { a.Append(" IDENTITY"); } if (j == pk) { a.Append(" PRIMARY KEY"); } if (j < columns - 1) { a.Append(","); } } ArrayList v = t.Constraints; for (int j = 0; j < v.Count; j++) { Constraint c = (Constraint)v[j]; if (c.ConstraintType == ConstraintType.ForeignKey) { a.Append(",FOREIGN KEY"); int[] col = c.RefTableColumns; a.Append(GetColumnList(c.RefTable, col, col.Length)); a.Append("REFERENCES "); a.Append(c.MainTable.Name); col = c.MainTableColumns; a.Append(GetColumnList(c.MainTable, col, col.Length)); } else if (c.ConstraintType == ConstraintType.Unique) { a.Append(",UNIQUE"); int[] col = c.MainTableColumns; a.Append(GetColumnList(c.MainTable, col, col.Length)); } } a.Append(")"); AddRow(r, a.ToString()); Index index = null; while (true) { index = t.GetNextIndex(index); if (index == null) { break; } string indexname = index.Name; if (indexname.Equals("SYSTEM_PK")) { continue; } else if (indexname.StartsWith("SYSTEM_FOREIGN_KEY")) { // foreign keys where created in the 'create table' continue; } else if (indexname.StartsWith("SYSTEM_CONSTRAINT")) { // constraints where created in the 'create table' continue; } a.Remove(0, a.Length); a.Append("CREATE "); if (index.IsUnique) { a.Append("UNIQUE "); } a.Append("INDEX "); a.Append(indexname); a.Append(" ON "); a.Append(t.Name); int[] col = index.Columns; int len = col.Length; if (!index.IsUnique) { len--; } a.Append(GetColumnList(t, col, len)); AddRow(r, a.ToString()); } if (bInsert) { Index primary = t.PrimaryIndex; Node x = primary.First(); bool integrity = true; if (x != null) { integrity = false; AddRow(r, "SET REFERENTIAL_INTEGRITY FALSE"); } while (x != null) { AddRow(r, t.GetInsertStatement(x.GetData())); x = primary.Next(x); } if (!integrity) { AddRow(r, "SET REFERENTIAL_INTEGRITY TRUE"); } } if (bCached && t.IsCached) { a.Remove(0, a.Length); a.Append("SET TABLE "); a.Append('"'); a.Append(t.Name); a.Append('"'); a.Append(" INDEX '"); a.Append(t.IndexRoots); a.Append("'"); AddRow(r, a.ToString()); } } ArrayList uList = aAccess.GetUsers(); for (int i = 0; i < uList.Count; i++) { User u = (User)uList[i]; // todo: this is not a nice implementation if (u == null) { continue; } string name = u.Name; if (!name.Equals("PUBLIC")) { a.Remove(0, a.Length); a.Append("CREATE USER "); a.Append(name); a.Append(" PASSWORD "); a.Append("\"" + u.Password + "\""); if (u.IsAdmin) { a.Append(" ADMIN"); } AddRow(r, a.ToString()); } Hashtable rights = u.Rights; if (rights == null) { continue; } foreach (string dbObject in rights.Keys) { AccessType right = (AccessType)rights[dbObject]; if (right == AccessType.None) { continue; } a.Remove(0, a.Length); a.Append("GRANT "); a.Append(Access.GetRight(right)); a.Append(" ON "); a.Append(dbObject); a.Append(" TO "); a.Append(u.Name); AddRow(r, a.ToString()); } } if (dDatabase.IsIgnoreCase) { AddRow(r, "SET IGNORECASE TRUE"); } Hashtable h = dDatabase.Alias; foreach (string alias in h.Keys) { string className = (string)h[alias]; AddRow(r, "CREATE ALIAS " + alias + " FOR \"" + className + "\""); } return(r); }
/// <summary> /// Script the database objects to a file. /// </summary> /// <param name="db"></param> /// <param name="file"></param> /// <param name="full"></param> /// <param name="channel"></param> public static void ScriptToFile(Database db, string file, bool full, Channel channel) { if ((new FileInfo(file)).Exists) { // there must be no such file; overwriting not allowed for security throw TracingHelper.Error(TracingHelper.FILE_IO_ERROR, file); } try { DateTime time = DateTime.Now; // only ddl commands; needs not so much memory Result r; if (full) { // no drop, no insert, and no positions for cached tables r = db.GetScript(false, false, false, channel); } else { // no drop, no insert, but positions for cached tables r = db.GetScript(false, false, true, channel); } Record n = r.Root; StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(file); while (n != null) { writeLine(w, (string)n.Data[0]); n = n.Next; } // inserts are done separetely to save memory ArrayList tables = db.Tables; for (int i = 0; i < tables.Count; i++) { Table t = (Table)tables[i]; // cached tables have the index roots set in the ddl script if (full || !t.IsCached) { Index primary = t.PrimaryIndex; Node x = primary.First(); while (x != null) { writeLine(w, t.GetInsertStatement(x.GetData())); x = primary.Next(x); } } } w.Close(); TimeSpan execution = DateTime.Now.Subtract(time); if (TracingHelper.TraceEnabled) { TracingHelper.Write((Int64)execution.TotalMilliseconds); } } catch (IOException e) { TracingHelper.Error(TracingHelper.FILE_IO_ERROR, file + " " + e); } }