void BuildInternal() { var build = new SDBuild(); build.BuildComplete += new EventHandler(build_BuildComplete); build.Run(); }
public override void Run() { var build = new SDBuild(); build.BuildComplete += delegate { if (build.LastBuildResults.ErrorCount == 0) { if (build.LastBuildResults.BuiltProjects.Count > 0) { var project = build.LastBuildResults.BuiltProjects[0] as AbstractProject; if (project != null) { // If build successfull we need to copy assembly and debug info to iso storage // Than attach debugger and finaly notify ITM to sstart loading addin assembly // This order is needed to debug addin from the very beginning. SDIntegration.Instance.CopyToIsoStorage(project.OutputAssemblyFullPath); SDIntegration.Instance.AttachToHost(); SDIntegration.Instance.OnBuildSuccess(true); } } LoggingService.Info("Debugger Command: Start (withDebugger=" + withDebugger + ")"); } else { SDIntegration.Instance.OnBuildFailure(); } }; build.Run(); }