Example #1
        internal unsafe void Initialize(ImageDescription description, IntPtr dataPointer, int offset, GCHandle?handle, bool bufferIsDisposable, PitchFlags pitchFlags = PitchFlags.None)
            if (!FormatHelper.IsValid(description.Format) || FormatHelper.IsVideo(description.Format))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported DXGI Format");

            this.handle = handle;

            switch (description.Dimension)
            case TextureDimension.Texture1D:
                if (description.Width <= 0 || description.Height != 1 || description.Depth != 1 || description.ArraySize == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid Width/Height/Depth/ArraySize for Image 1D");

                // Check that miplevels are fine
                description.MipLevels = Texture.CalculateMipLevels(description.Width, 1, description.MipLevels);

            case TextureDimension.Texture2D:
            case TextureDimension.TextureCube:
                if (description.Width <= 0 || description.Height <= 0 || description.Depth != 1 || description.ArraySize == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid Width/Height/Depth/ArraySize for Image 2D");

                if (description.Dimension == TextureDimension.TextureCube)
                    if ((description.ArraySize % 6) != 0)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("TextureCube must have an arraysize = 6");

                // Check that miplevels are fine
                description.MipLevels = Texture.CalculateMipLevels(description.Width, description.Height, description.MipLevels);

            case TextureDimension.Texture3D:
                if (description.Width <= 0 || description.Height <= 0 || description.Depth <= 0 || description.ArraySize != 1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid Width/Height/Depth/ArraySize for Image 3D");

                // Check that miplevels are fine
                description.MipLevels = Texture.CalculateMipLevels(description.Width, description.Height, description.Depth, description.MipLevels);

            // Calculate mipmaps
            int pixelBufferCount;

            this.mipMapToZIndex       = CalculateImageArray(description, pitchFlags, out pixelBufferCount, out totalSizeInBytes);
            this.mipmapDescriptions   = CalculateMipMapDescription(description, pitchFlags);
            zBufferCountPerArraySlice = this.mipMapToZIndex[this.mipMapToZIndex.Count - 1];

            // Allocate all pixel buffers
            pixelBuffers     = new PixelBuffer[pixelBufferCount];
            pixelBufferArray = new PixelBufferArray(this);

            // Setup all pointers
            // only release buffer that is not pinned and is asked to be disposed.
            this.bufferIsDisposable = !handle.HasValue && bufferIsDisposable;
            this.buffer             = dataPointer;

            if (dataPointer == IntPtr.Zero)
                buffer = Utilities.AllocateMemory(totalSizeInBytes);
                offset = 0;
                this.bufferIsDisposable = true;

            SetupImageArray((IntPtr)((byte *)buffer + offset), totalSizeInBytes, description, pitchFlags, pixelBuffers);

            Description = description;

            // PreCompute databoxes
            dataBoxArray = ComputeDataBox();
Example #2
        internal unsafe void Initialize(ImageDescription description, IntPtr dataPointer, int offset, GCHandle? handle, bool bufferIsDisposable, PitchFlags pitchFlags = PitchFlags.None)
            if (!FormatHelper.IsValid(description.Format) || FormatHelper.IsVideo(description.Format))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported DXGI Format");

            this.handle = handle;

            switch (description.Dimension)
                case TextureDimension.Texture1D:
                    if (description.Width <= 0 || description.Height != 1 || description.Depth != 1 || description.ArraySize == 0)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid Width/Height/Depth/ArraySize for Image 1D");

                    // Check that miplevels are fine
                    description.MipLevels = Texture.CalculateMipLevels(description.Width, 1, description.MipLevels);

                case TextureDimension.Texture2D:
                case TextureDimension.TextureCube:
                    if (description.Width <= 0 || description.Height <= 0 || description.Depth != 1 || description.ArraySize == 0)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid Width/Height/Depth/ArraySize for Image 2D");

                    if (description.Dimension == TextureDimension.TextureCube)
                        if ((description.ArraySize % 6) != 0)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("TextureCube must have an arraysize = 6");

                    // Check that miplevels are fine
                    description.MipLevels = Texture.CalculateMipLevels(description.Width, description.Height, description.MipLevels);

                case TextureDimension.Texture3D:
                    if (description.Width <= 0 || description.Height <= 0 || description.Depth <= 0 || description.ArraySize != 1)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid Width/Height/Depth/ArraySize for Image 3D");

                    // Check that miplevels are fine
                    description.MipLevels = Texture.CalculateMipLevels(description.Width, description.Height, description.Depth, description.MipLevels);

            // Calculate mipmaps
            int pixelBufferCount;
            this.mipMapToZIndex = CalculateImageArray(description, pitchFlags, out pixelBufferCount, out totalSizeInBytes);
            this.mipmapDescriptions = CalculateMipMapDescription(description, pitchFlags);
            zBufferCountPerArraySlice = this.mipMapToZIndex[this.mipMapToZIndex.Count - 1];

            // Allocate all pixel buffers
            pixelBuffers = new PixelBuffer[pixelBufferCount];
            pixelBufferArray = new PixelBufferArray(this);

            // Setup all pointers
            // only release buffer that is not pinned and is asked to be disposed.
            this.bufferIsDisposable = !handle.HasValue && bufferIsDisposable;
            this.buffer = dataPointer;

            if (dataPointer == IntPtr.Zero)
                buffer = Utilities.AllocateMemory(totalSizeInBytes);
                offset = 0;
                this.bufferIsDisposable = true;

            SetupImageArray((IntPtr)((byte*)buffer + offset), totalSizeInBytes, description, pitchFlags, pixelBuffers);

            Description = description;

            // PreCompute databoxes
            dataBoxArray = ComputeDataBox();