public void OnPrivate(UserInfo info, string message) { if (message.ToLower() == "hi") { connection.Sender.PrivateMessage(info.Nick, "Nobody loves you"); } }
public void OnPublic(UserInfo user, string channel, string message) { Calls c = new Calls(); string txt = c.CallPublic(user.Nick.ToString(), message, channel, connection); textviewLog.Buffer.Text = txt.ToString(); //connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, user + " " + "Cuando digas mi nombre lavate la boca ingenuo mortal"); }
protected override void HandlePublicMessage(UserInfo user, string message) { var strategies = GetStrategiesThatCanRespond(message, user.Nick, _settings.PublicScriptFolder); if (strategies.Count > 0) { var selectedStrategy = GetPrioritizedStrategy(strategies); Console.WriteLine("Found strategy, responding: {0}", selectedStrategy.Response); Say(selectedStrategy.Response); } }
public void OnJoin(UserInfo user, string channel) { if(user.Nick == Credentials.Nick) { } else { Console.WriteLine(user.Nick + " connected."); connection.Sender.PublicMessage(Credentials.Channel, "Welcome " + user.Nick + "!"); } }
private void HandleMessage(string messageType, Action<UserInfo, string> handler, UserInfo user, string message) { Console.WriteLine("{0} msg from {1} > {2}", messageType, user.Nick, message); try { handler.Invoke(user, message); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("*** ERROR when handling {0} message:", messageType); Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
void Listener_OnPublic(UserInfo user, string channel, string message) { //string allowedchars = "1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]\\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./!@#$%^*()_+QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKL:\"ZXCVBNM<>? "; //string msg = message; RemoveVariables(ref message); RemoveWhitespace(ref message); if (message.Contains("^UGCS")) { Server.UpdateGlobalSettings(); return; } if (message.Contains("^IPGET ")) { foreach (Player p in Player.players) { if ( == message.Split(' ')[1]) { if (Server.UseGlobalChat && IsConnected()) { if (Player.IsLocalIpAddress(p.ip)) { connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^IP " + + ": " + Server.IP); connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^PLAYER IS CONNECTING THROUGH A LOCAL IP."); } else { connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^IP " + + ": " + p.ip); } } } } } if (message.Contains("^SENDRULES ")) { Player who = Player.Find(message.Split(' ')[1]); if (who != null) { Command.all.Find("gcrules").Use(who, ""); } } if (message.Contains("^GETINFO ")) { if (Server.GlobalChatNick == message.Split(' ')[1]) { if (Server.UseGlobalChat && IsConnected()) { connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^NAME: " +; connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^MOTD: " + Server.motd); connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^VERSION: " + Server.VersionString); connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^GLOBAL NAME: " + Server.GlobalChatNick); connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^URL: " + Server.URL); connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^PLAYERS: " + Player.players.Count + "/" + Server.players); } } } //for RoboDash's anti advertise/swear in #globalchat if (message.Contains("^ISASERVER ")) { if (Server.GlobalChatNick == message.Split(' ')[1]) { connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^IMASERVER"); } } if (message.StartsWith("^")) return; message = message.MCCharFilter(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) return; if (OnNewRecieveGlobalMessage != null) OnNewRecieveGlobalMessage(user.Nick, message); if (Server.Devs.Contains(message.Split(':')[0].ToLower()) && !message.StartsWith("[Dev]") && !message.StartsWith("[Developer]")) message = "[Dev]" + message; else if(Server.Mods.Contains(message.Split(':')[0].ToLower()) && !message.StartsWith("[Mod]") && !message.StartsWith("[Moderator]")) message = "[Mod]" + message; else if (Server.Mods.Contains(message.Split(':')[0].ToLower()) && !message.StartsWith("[GCMod]")) message = "[GCMod]" + message; /*try { if(GUI.GuiEvent != null) GUI.GuiEvents.GlobalChatEvent(this, "> " + user.Nick + ": " + message); } catch { Server.s.Log(">[Global] " + user.Nick + ": " + message); }*/ Player.GlobalMessage(String.Format("{0}>[Global] {1}: &f{2}", Server.GlobalChatColor, user.Nick, Server.profanityFilter ? ProfanityFilter.Parse(message) : message), true); }
private void OnCtcpRequest( string command, UserInfo who ) { if( DateTime.Now.ToFileTime() > nextTime ) { switch( command ) { case CtcpUtil.Finger: connection.CtcpSender.CtcpReply( command, who.Nick, fingerMessage + " Idle time: " + FormatIdleTime() ); break; case CtcpUtil.Time: connection.CtcpSender.CtcpReply( command, who.Nick, FormatDateTime() ); break; case CtcpUtil.UserInfo: connection.CtcpSender.CtcpReply( command, who.Nick, userInfoMessage ); break; case CtcpUtil.Version: connection.CtcpSender.CtcpReply( command, who.Nick, versionMessage ); break; case CtcpUtil.Source: connection.CtcpSender.CtcpReply( command, who.Nick, sourceMessage ); break; case CtcpUtil.ClientInfo: connection.CtcpSender.CtcpReply( command, who.Nick, clientInfoMessage ); break; default: string error = command + " is not a supported Ctcp query."; connection.CtcpSender.CtcpReply( command, who.Nick, error ); break; } UpdateTime(); } }
void Listener_OnJoin(UserInfo user, string channel) { connection.Sender.Names(channel); doJoinLeaveMessage(user.Nick, "joined", channel); }
protected void Listener_OnPrivate(UserInfo user, string message) { HandleMessage("Private", HandlePrivateMessage, user, message); }
protected abstract void HandlePrivateMessage(UserInfo user, string message);
private void ParseReply( string[] tokens ) { ReplyCode code = (ReplyCode) int.Parse( tokens[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); tokens[3] = RemoveLeadingColon( tokens[3] ); switch( code ) { //Messages sent upon successful registration case ReplyCode.RPL_WELCOME: case ReplyCode.RPL_YOURESERVICE: if( OnRegistered != null ) { OnRegistered(); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_MOTDSTART: case ReplyCode.RPL_MOTD: if( OnMotd != null ) { OnMotd( CondenseStrings( tokens, 3), false ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_ENDOFMOTD: if( OnMotd != null ) { OnMotd( CondenseStrings( tokens, 3), true ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_ISON: if ( OnIson != null ) { OnIson( tokens[3] ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_NAMREPLY: if ( OnNames != null ) { tokens[5] = RemoveLeadingColon( tokens[5] ); int numberOfUsers = tokens.Length - 5; string[] users = new string[ numberOfUsers ]; Array.Copy( tokens, 5 , users, 0 , numberOfUsers); OnNames( tokens[4], users, false ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_ENDOFNAMES: if( OnNames != null ) { OnNames( tokens[3], new string[0], true ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_LIST: if ( OnList != null ) { tokens[5] = RemoveLeadingColon( tokens[5] ); OnList( tokens[3], int.Parse( tokens[4] , CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), CondenseStrings( tokens, 5), false); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_LISTEND: if( OnList != null ) { OnList( "",0,"", true ); } break; case ReplyCode.ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE: case ReplyCode.ERR_NICKCOLLISION: if ( OnNickError != null ) { tokens[4] = RemoveLeadingColon( tokens[4] ); OnNickError( tokens[3], CondenseStrings( tokens, 4) ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_NOTOPIC: if( OnError != null ) { OnError(code, CondenseStrings( tokens, 3) ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_TOPIC: if( OnTopicRequest != null ) { tokens[4] = RemoveLeadingColon( tokens[4] ); OnTopicRequest( tokens[3], CondenseStrings(tokens, 4 ) ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_INVITING: if( OnInviteSent != null ) { OnInviteSent(tokens[3], tokens[4] ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_AWAY: if( OnAway != null ) { OnAway(tokens[3], RemoveLeadingColon( CondenseStrings( tokens, 4) ) ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_WHOREPLY: if( OnWho != null ) { UserInfo user = new UserInfo( tokens[7],tokens[4],tokens[5]); OnWho( user, tokens[3], tokens[6], tokens[8], int.Parse( RemoveLeadingColon( tokens[9] ), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), tokens[10], false ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_ENDOFWHO: if( OnWho != null ) { OnWho( UserInfo.Empty , "","","",0,"",true); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_WHOISUSER: UserInfo whoUser = new UserInfo( tokens[3], tokens[4], tokens[5]); WhoisInfo whoisInfo = LookupInfo( whoUser.Nick ); whoisInfo.userInfo = whoUser; tokens[7] = RemoveLeadingColon( tokens[7] ); whoisInfo.realName = CondenseStrings( tokens, 7) ; break; case ReplyCode.RPL_WHOISCHANNELS: WhoisInfo whoisChannelInfo = LookupInfo( tokens[3] ); tokens[4] = RemoveLeadingColon( tokens[4] ); int numberOfChannels = tokens.Length - 4; string[] channels = new String[ numberOfChannels ]; Array.Copy( tokens, 4, channels, 0 , numberOfChannels); whoisChannelInfo.SetChannels( channels ); break; case ReplyCode.RPL_WHOISSERVER: WhoisInfo whoisServerInfo = LookupInfo( tokens[3] ); whoisServerInfo.ircServer = tokens[4]; tokens[5] = RemoveLeadingColon( tokens[5] ); whoisServerInfo.serverDescription = CondenseStrings( tokens, 5) ; break; case ReplyCode.RPL_WHOISOPERATOR: WhoisInfo whoisOpInfo = LookupInfo( tokens[3] ); whoisOpInfo.isOperator = true; break; case ReplyCode.RPL_WHOISIDLE: WhoisInfo whoisIdleInfo = LookupInfo( tokens[3] ); whoisIdleInfo.idleTime = long.Parse( tokens[5], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); break; case ReplyCode.RPL_ENDOFWHOIS: string nick = tokens[3]; WhoisInfo whoisEndInfo = LookupInfo( nick ); if( OnWhois != null ) { OnWhois( whoisEndInfo ); } whoisInfos.Remove( nick ); break; case ReplyCode.RPL_WHOWASUSER: if( OnWhowas != null ) { UserInfo whoWasUser = new UserInfo( tokens[3], tokens[4], tokens[5]); tokens[7] = RemoveLeadingColon( tokens[7] ); OnWhowas( whoWasUser, CondenseStrings( tokens, 7) , false); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS: if( OnWhowas != null ) { OnWhowas( UserInfo.Empty, "", true); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_UMODEIS: if( OnUserModeRequest != null ) { //First drop the '+' string chars = tokens[3].Substring(1); UserMode[] modes = Rfc2812Util.UserModesToArray( chars ); OnUserModeRequest( modes ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_CHANNELMODEIS: if( OnChannelModeRequest != null ) { try { ChannelModeInfo[] modes = ChannelModeInfo.ParseModes( tokens, 4); OnChannelModeRequest( tokens[3], modes); } catch( Exception ) { if( OnError != null ) { OnError( ReplyCode.UnparseableMessage, CondenseStrings( tokens, 0 ) ); } Debug.WriteLineIf( Rfc2812Util.IrcTrace.TraceWarning,"[" + Thread.CurrentThread.Name +"] Listener::ParseReply() Bad IRC MODE string=" + tokens[0] ); } } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_BANLIST: if( OnChannelList != null ) { OnChannelList( tokens[3], ChannelMode.Ban, tokens[4], Rfc2812Util.UserInfoFromString(tokens[5]), Convert.ToInt64(tokens[6], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), false ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_ENDOFBANLIST: if( OnChannelList != null ) { OnChannelList( tokens[3], ChannelMode.Ban, "", UserInfo.Empty, 0, true ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_INVITELIST: if( OnChannelList != null ) { OnChannelList( tokens[3], ChannelMode.Invitation, tokens[4], Rfc2812Util.UserInfoFromString(tokens[5]), Convert.ToInt64(tokens[6]),false ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_ENDOFINVITELIST: if( OnChannelList != null ) { OnChannelList( tokens[3], ChannelMode.Invitation, "",UserInfo.Empty,0, true ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_EXCEPTLIST: if( OnChannelList != null ) { OnChannelList( tokens[3], ChannelMode.Exception, tokens[4], Rfc2812Util.UserInfoFromString(tokens[5]), Convert.ToInt64(tokens[6]),false ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_ENDOFEXCEPTLIST: if( OnChannelList != null ) { OnChannelList( tokens[3], ChannelMode.Exception, "", UserInfo.Empty,0,true ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_UNIQOPIS: if( OnChannelList != null ) { OnChannelList( tokens[3], ChannelMode.ChannelCreator, tokens[4], UserInfo.Empty,0, true ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_VERSION: if ( OnVersion != null ) { OnVersion( CondenseStrings(tokens,3) ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_TIME: if ( OnTime != null ) { OnTime( CondenseStrings(tokens,3) ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_INFO: if ( OnInfo != null ) { OnInfo( CondenseStrings(tokens,3), false ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_ENDOFINFO: if ( OnInfo != null ) { OnInfo( CondenseStrings(tokens,3), true); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_ADMINME: case ReplyCode.RPL_ADMINLOC1: case ReplyCode.RPL_ADMINLOC2: case ReplyCode.RPL_ADMINEMAIL: if ( OnAdmin != null ) { OnAdmin( RemoveLeadingColon( CondenseStrings(tokens,3) ) ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_LUSERCLIENT: case ReplyCode.RPL_LUSEROP: case ReplyCode.RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN: case ReplyCode.RPL_LUSERCHANNELS: case ReplyCode.RPL_LUSERME: if ( OnLusers != null ) { OnLusers( RemoveLeadingColon( CondenseStrings(tokens,3) ) ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_LINKS: if ( OnLinks != null ) { OnLinks( tokens[3], //mask tokens[4], //hostname int.Parse( RemoveLeadingColon( tokens[5] ), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), //hopcount CondenseStrings(tokens,6), false ); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_ENDOFLINKS: if ( OnLinks != null ) { OnLinks( String.Empty, String.Empty,-1, String.Empty, true); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_STATSLINKINFO: case ReplyCode.RPL_STATSCOMMANDS: case ReplyCode.RPL_STATSUPTIME: case ReplyCode.RPL_STATSOLINE: if ( OnStats != null ) { OnStats( GetQueryType(code), RemoveLeadingColon( CondenseStrings(tokens,3) ), false); } break; case ReplyCode.RPL_ENDOFSTATS: if ( OnStats != null ) { OnStats( Rfc2812Util.CharToStatsQuery( tokens[3][0] ), RemoveLeadingColon( CondenseStrings(tokens,4) ), true); } break; default: HandleDefaultReply( code, tokens ); break; } }
void Listener_OnKick(UserInfo user, string channel, string kickee, string reason) { if (kickee.Trim().ToLower() == nick.ToLower()) { Server.s.Log("Kicked from Global Chat: " + reason); Server.s.Log("Attempting to rejoin..."); connection.Sender.Join(channel); } }
void Listener_OnKick(UserInfo user, string channel, string kickee, string reason) { List<string> chanNicks = GetNicks(channel); RemoveNick(user.Nick, chanNicks); }
void Listener_OnChannelModeChange(UserInfo who, string channel, ChannelModeInfo[] modes) { connection.Sender.Names(channel); }
void Listener_OnNick(UserInfo user, string newNick) { //Player.GlobalMessage(Server.IRCColour + "[IRC] " + user.Nick + " changed nick to " + newNick); if (newNick.Trim() == "") { this.Pm(user.Nick, "You cannot have that username"); return; } foreach (var kvp in users) { int index = GetNickIndex(user.Nick, kvp.Value); if (index >= 0) { string prefix = GetPrefix(kvp.Value[index]); kvp.Value[index] = prefix + newNick; } else { // should never happen, but just in case. connection.Sender.Names(kvp.Key); } } string key; if (newNick.Split('|').Length == 2) { key = newNick.Split('|')[1]; if (key != null && key != "") { switch (key) { case "AFK": Player.GlobalMessage("[IRC] %I" + user.Nick + Server.DefaultColor + " is AFK"); Server.ircafkset.Add(user.Nick); break; case "Away": Player.GlobalMessage("[IRC] %I" + user.Nick + Server.DefaultColor + " is Away"); Server.ircafkset.Add(user.Nick); break; } } } else if (Server.ircafkset.Contains(newNick)) { Player.GlobalMessage("[IRC] %I" + newNick + Server.DefaultColor + " is back"); Server.ircafkset.Remove(newNick); } else Player.GlobalMessage("[IRC] %I" + user.Nick + Server.DefaultColor + " is now known as " + newNick); }
void Listener_OnPublic(UserInfo user, string channel, string message) { string[] parts = message.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 3); //string allowedchars = "1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]\\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./!@#$%^*()_+QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKL:\"ZXCVBNM<>? "; // Allowed chars are any ASCII char between 20h/32 and 7Ah/122 inclusive, except for 26h/38 (&) and 60h/96 (`) string ircCommand = parts[0].ToLower(); if (ircCommand == ".who" || ircCommand == ".players") { try { CmdPlayers.DisplayPlayers(null, "", text => Server.IRC.Say(text, false, true)); } catch (Exception e) { Server.ErrorLog(e); } } if (ircCommand == ".x") { if (Server.ircControllers.Contains(user.Nick)) { List<string> chanNicks; if (!users.TryGetValue(channel, out chanNicks)) return; int index = GetNickIndex(user.Nick, chanNicks); if (index < 0) { Server.IRC.Say("You are not on the bot's list of " + "users for some reason, please leave and rejoin."); return; } string prefix = GetPrefix(chanNicks[index]); if (prefix == "" || prefix == "+") { Server.IRC.Say("You must be at least a half-op on the channel to use commands from IRC."); return; } string cmdName = parts.Length >= 2 ? parts[1] : ""; if (banCmd.Contains(cmdName)) { Server.IRC.Say("You are not allowed to use this command from IRC."); return; } if (Player.CommandHasBadColourCodes(null, message)) { Server.IRC.Say("Your command had invalid color codes!"); return; } Command cmd = Command.all.Find(cmdName); if (cmdName != "" && cmd != null) { Server.s.Log("IRC Command: /" + message.Replace(".x ", "")); usedCmd = user.Nick; string args = parts.Length >= 3 ? parts[2] : ""; try { cmd.Use(new Player("IRC"), args); } catch (Exception e) { Server.IRC.Say("CMD Error: " + e.ToString()); } usedCmd = ""; } else { Server.IRC.Say("Unknown command!"); } } } message = c.IrcToMinecraftColors(message); if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Trim())) message = "."; if (channel.ToLower() == opchannel.ToLower()) { Server.s.Log(String.Format("(OPs): [IRC] {0}: {1}", user.Nick, message)); Chat.GlobalMessageOps(String.Format("To Ops &f-%I[IRC] {0}&f- {1}", user.Nick, Server.profanityFilter ? ProfanityFilter.Parse(message) : message)); } else { Server.s.Log(String.Format("[IRC] {0}: {1}", user.Nick, message)); Player.GlobalMessage(String.Format("%I[IRC] {0}: &f{1}", user.Nick, Server.profanityFilter ? ProfanityFilter.Parse(message) : message)); } }
void Listener_OnPrivate(UserInfo user, string message) { if (!Server.ircControllers.Contains(user.Nick)) { Pm(user.Nick, "You are not an IRC controller!"); return; } if (message.Split(' ')[0] == "resetbot" || banCmd.Contains(message.Split(' ')[0])) { Pm(user.Nick, "You cannot use this command from IRC!"); return; } if (Player.CommandHasBadColourCodes(null, message)) { Pm(user.Nick, "Your command had invalid color codes!"); return; } Command cmd = Command.all.Find(message.Split(' ')[0]); if (cmd != null) { Server.s.Log("IRC Command: /" + message); usedCmd = user.Nick; try { cmd.Use(new Player("IRC"), message.Split(' ').Length > 1 ? message.Substring(message.IndexOf(' ')).Trim() : ""); } catch { Pm(user.Nick, "Failed command!"); } usedCmd = ""; } else Pm(user.Nick, "Unknown command!"); }
void Listener_OnQuit(UserInfo user, string reason) { List<string> chanNicks = GetNicks(channel); RemoveNick(user.Nick, chanNicks); if (user.Nick == nick) return; Server.s.Log(user.Nick + " has left IRC"); Player.GlobalMessage("%I" + user.Nick + Server.DefaultColor + " has left IRC"); }
void Listener_OnPart(UserInfo user, string channel, string reason) { List<string> chanNicks = GetNicks(channel); RemoveNick(user.Nick, chanNicks); if (user.Nick == nick) return; doJoinLeaveMessage(user.Nick, "left", channel); }
void Listener_OnPublic(UserInfo user, string channel, string message) { //string allowedchars = "1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]\\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./!@#$%^*()_+QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKL:\"ZXCVBNM<>? "; //string msg = message; if (message.Contains("^UPDATEGLOBALSETTINGS")) { Server.UpdateGlobalSettings(); return; } if (message.Contains("^IPGET ")) { foreach (Player p in Player.players) { if ( == message.Split(' ')[1]) { if (Server.UseGlobalChat && IsConnected()) { connection.Sender.PublicMessage(channel, "^IP " + + ": " + p.ip); } } } } if (message.StartsWith("^")) { return; } message = message.MCCharFilter(); if (Player.MessageHasBadColorCodes(null, message)) return; if (OnNewRecieveGlobalMessage != null) { OnNewRecieveGlobalMessage(user.Nick, message); } if (Server.devs.Contains(message.Split(':')[0]) && message.StartsWith("[Dev]") == false && message.StartsWith("[Developer]") == false) { message = "[Dev]" + message; } /*try { if(GUI.GuiEvent != null) GUI.GuiEvents.GlobalChatEvent(this, "> " + user.Nick + ": " + message); } catch { Server.s.Log(">[Global] " + user.Nick + ": " + message); }*/ Player.GlobalMessage(String.Format("{0}>[Global] {1}: &f{2}", Server.GlobalChatColor, user.Nick, Server.profanityFilter ? ProfanityFilter.Parse(message) : message), true); }
void Listener_OnJoin(UserInfo user, string channel) { if (user.Nick == nick) Server.s.Log("Joined the Global Chat!"); }
void Listener_OnKill(UserInfo user, string nick, string reason) { foreach (var kvp in users) RemoveNick(user.Nick, kvp.Value); }
void Listener_OnPublic(UserInfo user, string channel, string message) { //string allowedchars = "1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]\\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./!@#$%^*()_+QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKL:\"ZXCVBNM<>? "; //string msg = message; message = message.MCCharFilter(); if (Player.MessageHasBadColorCodes(null, message)) return; Server.s.Log(">[Global] " + user.Nick + ": " + message); Player.GlobalMessage(String.Format("{0}>[Global] {1}: &f{2}", Server.GlobalChatColor, user.Nick, Server.profanityFilter ? ProfanityFilter.Parse(message) : message), true); }
protected override void HandlePrivateMessage(UserInfo user, string message) { // TODO }
private void Listener_OnPublic(UserInfo user, string channel, string message) { HandleMessage("Public", HandlePublicMessage, user, message); }
void Listener_OnPublic(UserInfo user, string channel, string message) { //string allowedchars = "1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]\\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./!@#$%^*()_+QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKL:\"ZXCVBNM<>? "; // Allowed chars are any ASCII char between 20h/32 and 7Ah/122 inclusive, except for 26h/38 (&) and 60h/96 (`) for (byte i = 10; i < 16; i++) message = message.Replace(ColorSignal + i, c.IRCtoMC(i).Replace('&', '%')); for (byte i = 0; i < 10; i++) message = message.Replace(ColorSignal + i, c.IRCtoMC(i).Replace('&', '%')); message = message.MCCharFilter(); if (Player.MessageHasBadColorCodes(null, message)) return; if (channel == opchannel) { Server.s.Log(String.Format("(OPs): [IRC] {0}: {1}", user.Nick, message)); Player.GlobalMessageOps(String.Format("To Ops &f-{0}[IRC] {1}&f- {2}", Server.IRCColour, user.Nick, Server.profanityFilter ? ProfanityFilter.Parse(message) : message)); } else { Server.s.Log(String.Format("[IRC] {0}: {1}", user.Nick, message)); Player.GlobalMessage(String.Format("{0}[IRC] {1}: &f{2}", Server.IRCColour, user.Nick, Server.profanityFilter ? ProfanityFilter.Parse(message) : message)); } }
protected abstract void HandlePublicMessage(UserInfo user, string message);
private void OnTwitchPublicMessage(UserInfo user, String channel, String message) { lock (myLock) { var steamMessage = user.Nick + ": " + smileyTranslater.Map(message); foreach (var target in subscriptionsUsersMap.GetValueOrInsertDefault(channel, typeof(HashSet<SteamID>))) { steamBot.SendChatMessage(target, steamMessage); } } }
private void OnCtcpPingRequest( UserInfo who, string timestamp ) { connection.CtcpSender.CtcpPingReply( who.Nick, timestamp ); }
void Listener_OnQuit(UserInfo user, string reason) { if (user.Nick == nick) return; Server.s.Log(user.Nick + " has left IRC"); Player.GlobalMessage(Server.IRCColour + user.Nick + Server.DefaultColor + " has left IRC"); }