private string DoGetParams(CsParameter[] parms)
            var builder = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < parms.Length; ++i)
                if (parms[i].Modifier != 0)
                    builder.Append(" ");

                if (parms[i].IsParams)
                    builder.Append("params ");

                builder.Append(" ");

                if (i + 1 < parms.Length)
                    builder.Append(", ");

            return builder.ToString();
        private bool DoParametersMatch(CsParameter[] args, string[] types)
            bool matches = args.Length == types.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length && matches; ++i)
                if (args[i].Type != types[i])
                    matches = false;

            return matches;
Example #3
 private object DoGetAttributes(CsParameter p)
     return p.Attributes;
Example #4
 private object DoGetIsParams(CsParameter p)
     return p.IsParams;
Example #5
 private object DoGetName(CsParameter p)
     return p.Name;
Example #6
 private object DoGetType(CsParameter p)
     return p.Type;
Example #7
        private void DoAddConstructor(string ns, string inGargs, string typeName, string name, CsParameter[] parameters, List<Item> items)
            string[] gargs = null;
            if (inGargs != null)
                gargs = inGargs.Split(',');

            string[] argTypes = (from p in parameters select p.ModifiedType).ToArray();
            string[] argNames = (from p in parameters select p.Name).ToArray();

            string nsName = ns == "<globals>" ? "global" : ns;
            var item = new MethodItem("System.Void", name, gargs, argTypes, argNames, typeName, nsName + " constructors");
Example #8
 private object DoGetModifier(CsParameter p)
     return p.Modifier.ToString().ToLower();
Example #9
        public CsOperator(int nameOffset, CsBody body, bool isImplicit, bool isExplicit, CsParameter[] parms, string rtype, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, string name, int offset, int length, int line)
            : base(nameOffset, attrs, modifiers, name, offset, length, line)
            Contract.Requires(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rtype), "rtype is null or empty");

            ReturnType = rtype.TrimAll();
            Parameters = parms;
            IsImplicit = isImplicit;
            IsExplicit = isExplicit;
            Body = body;
Example #10
        public CsMethod(int nameOffset, CsBody body, bool isCtor, bool isDtor, string constraints, CsParameter[] parms, string gargs, string rtype, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, string name, int offset, int length, int line)
            : base(nameOffset, attrs, modifiers, name, offset, length, line)
            Contract.Requires(!(isCtor && isDtor), "can't be both a ctor and a dtor");
            Contract.Requires(parms != null, "parms is null");
            Contract.Requires(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rtype), "rtype is null or empty");

            Body = body;
            IsConstructor = isCtor;
            IsFinalizer = isDtor;
            ReturnType = rtype.TrimAll();
            Parameters = parms;
            Constraints = constraints;

            if (gargs != null)
                GenericArguments = gargs.TrimAll();
Example #11
        protected void AppendParameters(StringBuilder builder, CsParameter[] parms)
            Contract.Requires(builder != null, "builder is null");
            Contract.Requires(parms != null, "parms is null");

            for (int i = 0; i < parms.Length; ++i)
                builder.Append(' ');

                if (i + 1 < parms.Length)
                    builder.Append(", ");
Example #12
        public CsIndexer(int nameOffset, CsBody getterBody, CsBody setterBody, MemberModifiers getAccess, MemberModifiers setAccess, string name, CsAttribute[] getAttrs, CsAttribute[] setAttrs, bool hasGet, bool hasSet, CsParameter[] parms, string rtype, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, int offset, int length, int line)
            : base(nameOffset, attrs, modifiers, name, offset, length, line)
            Contract.Requires(!hasGet || getAttrs != null, "getAttrs is null");
            Contract.Requires(!hasSet || setAttrs != null, "setAttrs is null");
            Contract.Requires(hasGet || hasSet, "not a getter and not a setter");
            Contract.Requires(parms != null, "parms is null");
            Contract.Requires(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rtype), "rtype is null or empty");
            Contract.Requires(((int) getAccess & ~CsMember.AccessMask) == 0, "getAccess has more than just acccess set");
            Contract.Requires(((int) setAccess & ~CsMember.AccessMask) == 0, "setAccess has more than just acccess set");

            HasGetter = hasGet;
            HasSetter = hasSet;
            ReturnType = rtype.TrimAll();
            Parameters = parms;
            GetterAttributes = getAttrs;
            SetterAttributes = setAttrs;
            GetterAccess = getAccess;
            SetterAccess = setAccess;
            GetterBody = getterBody;
            SetterBody = setterBody;
Example #13
        public CsDelegate(int nameOffset, string constraints, CsParameter[] parms, string gargs, string rtype, CsAttribute[] attrs, MemberModifiers modifiers, string name, int offset, int length, int line)
            : base(nameOffset, null, new CsBases(offset, line), new CsMember[0], new CsType[0], attrs, modifiers, constraints, gargs, name, offset, length, line)
            Contract.Requires(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rtype), "rtype is null or empty");
            Contract.Requires(parms != null, "parms is null");

            ReturnType = rtype.TrimAll();
            Parameters = parms;