private static void ScrappingToIdle_OnEnter(On.EntityStates.Scrapper.ScrappingToIdle.orig_OnEnter orig, EntityStates.Scrapper.ScrappingToIdle self) { if (!(ShareSuite.PrinterCauldronFixEnabled.Value && && GeneralHooks.IsMultiplayer())) { orig(self); return; } itemLock = true; orig(self); ScrapperController scrapperController = GetInstanceField(typeof(ScrapperBaseState), self, "scrapperController") as ScrapperController; Debug.Log(scrapperController); if (scrapperController) { PickupIndex pickupIndex = PickupIndex.none; ItemDef itemDef = ItemCatalog.GetItemDef(scrapperController.lastScrappedItemIndex); if (itemDef != null) { switch (itemDef.tier) { case ItemTier.Tier1: pickupIndex = PickupCatalog.FindPickupIndex("ItemIndex.ScrapWhite"); break; case ItemTier.Tier2: pickupIndex = PickupCatalog.FindPickupIndex("ItemIndex.ScrapGreen"); break; case ItemTier.Tier3: pickupIndex = PickupCatalog.FindPickupIndex("ItemIndex.ScrapRed"); break; case ItemTier.Boss: pickupIndex = PickupCatalog.FindPickupIndex("ItemIndex.ScrapYellow"); break; } } if (pickupIndex != PickupIndex.none) { var interactor = GetInstanceField(typeof(ScrapperController), scrapperController, "interactor") as Interactor; Debug.Log("Interactor Established"); PickupDef pickupDef = PickupCatalog.GetPickupDef(pickupIndex); if (interactor) { CharacterBody component = interactor.GetComponent <CharacterBody>(); component.inventory.GiveItem(pickupDef.itemIndex); ChatHandler.SendRichCauldronMessage(component.inventory.GetComponent <CharacterMaster>(), pickupIndex); scrapperController.itemsEaten -= 1; } } } }
private void ReloadHooks(object _ = null, EventArgs __ = null) { if (_previouslyEnabled && !ModIsEnabled.Value) { GeneralHooks.UnHook(); MoneySharingHooks.UnHook(); ItemSharingHooks.UnHook(); EquipmentSharingHooks.UnHook(); ChatHandler.UnHook(); _previouslyEnabled = false; } if (!_previouslyEnabled && ModIsEnabled.Value) { _previouslyEnabled = true; GeneralHooks.Hook(); MoneySharingHooks.Hook(); ItemSharingHooks.Hook(); EquipmentSharingHooks.Hook(); ChatHandler.Hook(); } }
private static void OnGrantItem(On.RoR2.GenericPickupController.orig_GrantItem orig, GenericPickupController self, CharacterBody body, Inventory inventory) { var item = PickupCatalog.GetPickupDef(self.pickupIndex); var itemDef = ItemCatalog.GetItemDef(item.itemIndex); var randomizedPlayerDict = new Dictionary <CharacterMaster, PickupDef>(); if ((ShareSuite.RandomizeSharedPickups.Value || !BlackList.HasItem(item.itemIndex)) && && IsValidItemPickup(self.pickupIndex) && GeneralHooks.IsMultiplayer()) { if (ShareSuite.RandomizeSharedPickups.Value) { randomizedPlayerDict.Add(body.master, item); } foreach (var player in PlayerCharacterMasterController.instances.Select(p => p.master)) { // Ensure character is not original player that picked up item if (player.inventory == inventory) { continue; } // Do not reward dead players if not required if (!ShareSuite.DeadPlayersGetItems.Value && player.IsDeadAndOutOfLivesServer()) { continue; } if (ShareSuite.RandomizeSharedPickups.Value) { var pickupIndex = GetRandomItemOfTier(itemDef.tier, item.pickupIndex); if (pickupIndex == null) { // Could not find any not blacklisted item in that tier. You get nothing! Good day, sir! continue; } var giveItem = PickupCatalog.GetPickupDef(pickupIndex.Value); player.inventory.GiveItem(giveItem.itemIndex); // Alternative: Only show pickup text for yourself // var givePickupDef = PickupCatalog.GetPickupDef(givePickupIndex); // Chat.AddPickupMessage(body, givePickupDef.nameToken, givePickupDef.baseColor, 1); // Legacy -- old normal pickup message handler //SendPickupMessage(player, giveItem); randomizedPlayerDict.Add(player, giveItem); } // Otherwise give everyone the same item else { player.inventory.GiveItem(item.itemIndex); } } ChatHandler.SendRichRandomizedPickupMessage(body.master, item, randomizedPlayerDict); orig(self, body, inventory); return; } ChatHandler.SendRichPickupMessage(body.master, item); orig(self, body, inventory); }
private static void OnShopPurchase(On.RoR2.PurchaseInteraction.orig_OnInteractionBegin orig, PurchaseInteraction self, Interactor activator) { if (!self.CanBeAffordedByInteractor(activator)) { return; } if (!GeneralHooks.IsMultiplayer()) { orig(self, activator); return; } var shop = self.GetComponent <ShopTerminalBehavior>(); #region Cauldronfix if (ShareSuite.PrinterCauldronFixEnabled.Value) { var characterBody = activator.GetComponent <CharacterBody>(); var inventory = characterBody.inventory; if (self.costType == CostTypeIndex.WhiteItem || self.costType == CostTypeIndex.GreenItem || self.costType == CostTypeIndex.RedItem || self.costType == CostTypeIndex.BossItem || self.costType == CostTypeIndex.LunarItemOrEquipment) { var item = PickupCatalog.GetPickupDef(shop.CurrentPickupIndex()).itemIndex; inventory.GiveItem(item); ChatHandler.SendRichCauldronMessage(inventory.GetComponent <CharacterMaster>(), shop.CurrentPickupIndex()); orig(self, activator); return; } } #endregion Cauldronfix #region EquipDronefix if (ShareSuite.EquipmentShared.Value) { var rng = self.GetComponent <Xoroshiro128Plus>(); var itemIndex = ItemIndex.None; var costTypeDef = CostTypeCatalog.GetCostTypeDef(self.costType); if (shop) { itemIndex = PickupCatalog.GetPickupDef(shop.CurrentPickupIndex()).itemIndex; } var payCostResults = costTypeDef.PayCost(self.cost, activator, self.gameObject, rng, itemIndex); foreach (var equipmentIndex in payCostResults.equipmentTaken) { //TODO fix equipment drones here } } #endregion EquipDronefix orig(self, activator); }
private static void OnGrantEquipment(On.RoR2.GenericPickupController.orig_GrantEquipment orig, GenericPickupController self, CharacterBody body, Inventory inventory) { #region Sharedequipment if (!ShareSuite.EquipmentShared.Value || !GeneralHooks.IsMultiplayer() || ! { orig(self, body, inventory); return; } // Get the old and new equipment's index var oldEquip = body.inventory.currentEquipmentIndex; var oldEquipPickupIndex = GetPickupIndex(oldEquip); var newEquip = PickupCatalog.GetPickupDef(self.pickupIndex).equipmentIndex; // Send the pickup message ChatHandler.SendPickupMessage(body.master, self.pickupIndex); // Give the equipment to the picker inventory.SetEquipmentIndex(newEquip); // Destroy the object Object.Destroy(self.gameObject); // If the old equipment was not shared and the new one is, drop the blacklisted equipment and any other // shared equipment that the other players have if (!EquipmentShared(oldEquip) && EquipmentShared(newEquip)) { CreateDropletIfExists(oldEquipPickupIndex, self.transform.position); DropAllOtherSharedEquipment(self, body, oldEquip); } // If the old equipment was shared and the new one isn't, but the picker is the only one alive with the // shared equipment, drop it on the ground and return else if (EquipmentShared(oldEquip) && !EquipmentShared(newEquip) && GetLivingPlayersWithEquipment(oldEquip) < 1 || !EquipmentShared(oldEquip) && !EquipmentShared(newEquip)) { CreateDropletIfExists(oldEquipPickupIndex, self.transform.position); return; } // If the new equip is shared, create a droplet of the old one. else if (EquipmentShared(newEquip)) { CreateDropletIfExists(oldEquipPickupIndex, self.transform.position); } // If the equipment they're picking up is not shared and someone else is alive with the shared equipment, // return else { return; } // Loop over everyone who has an inventory and isn't the picker foreach (var player in PlayerCharacterMasterController.instances.Select(p => p.master) .Where(p => p.inventory && p != body.master)) { var playerInventory = player.inventory; var playerOrigEquipment = playerInventory.currentEquipmentIndex; // If the player currently has an equipment that's blacklisted if (!EquipmentShared(playerOrigEquipment)) { // And the config option is set so that they will drop the item when shared if (!ShareSuite.DropBlacklistedEquipmentOnShare.Value) { continue; } // Create a droplet of their current blacklisted equipment on the ground var transform = player.GetBodyObject().transform; var pickupIndex = PickupCatalog.FindPickupIndex(playerOrigEquipment); PickupDropletController.CreatePickupDroplet(pickupIndex, transform.position, transform.forward * 20f); } // Give the player the new equipment playerInventory.SetEquipmentIndex(newEquip); self.NetworkpickupIndex = PickupCatalog.FindPickupIndex(newEquip); // Sync the equipment if they're playing MUL-T SyncToolbotEquip(player, ref newEquip); } #endregion }
private static void OnShopPurchase(On.RoR2.PurchaseInteraction.orig_OnInteractionBegin orig, PurchaseInteraction self, Interactor activator) { if (!self.CanBeAffordedByInteractor(activator)) { return; } if (!GeneralHooks.IsMultiplayer()) { orig(self, activator); return; } if (self.costType == CostTypeIndex.None) { orig(self, activator); return; } var shop = self.GetComponent <ShopTerminalBehavior>(); #region Cauldronfix if (printerCosts.Contains(self.costType)) { if (ShareSuite.PrinterCauldronFixEnabled.Value) { var characterBody = activator.GetComponent <CharacterBody>(); var inventory = characterBody.inventory; var item = PickupCatalog.GetPickupDef(shop.CurrentPickupIndex())?.itemIndex; if (item == null) { RoR2.Console.print("ShareSuite: PickupCatalog is null."); } else { inventory.GiveItem(item.Value); } orig(self, activator); ChatHandler.SendRichCauldronMessage(inventory.GetComponent <CharacterMaster>(), shop.CurrentPickupIndex()); return; } } #endregion Cauldronfix #region EquipDronefix if (ShareSuite.EquipmentShared.Value) { if (self.costType == CostTypeIndex.Equipment) { var rng = self.GetComponent <Xoroshiro128Plus>(); var itemIndex = ItemIndex.None; var costTypeDef = CostTypeCatalog.GetCostTypeDef(self.costType); if (shop) { itemIndex = PickupCatalog.GetPickupDef(shop.CurrentPickupIndex()).itemIndex; } var payCostResults = costTypeDef.PayCost(self.cost, activator, self.gameObject, rng, itemIndex); if (payCostResults.equipmentTaken.Count >= 1) { orig(self, activator); EquipmentSharingHooks.RemoveAllUnBlacklistedEquipment(); return; } } } #endregion orig(self, activator); }