Example #1
         * Name: George Trieu
         * Date: 2018-06-08
         * Title: FindBasePair (ArrayList, BaseTower, BaseEnemy)
         * Purpose: Find the BasePair that contains both the BaseTower
         *          supplied and the BaseEnemy supplied
         * Inputs: ArrayList al
         *         BaseTower bt
         *         BaseEnemy be
         * Returns: One BasePair that contains the BaseTower,
         *          and BaseEnemy from the supplied ArrayList,
         *          or else it returns null.
        public static BasePair FindBasePair(ArrayList al, BaseTower bt, BaseEnemy be)
            foreach (BasePair bp in al)
                if (bp.GetTower() == bt && bp.GetEnemy() == be)

Example #2
         * Name: George Trieu
         * Date: 2018-06-08
         * Title: FindBasePair (ArrayList, BaseTower)
         * Purpose: Find all the BasePairs that contains the BaseTower
         *          supplied.
         * Inputs: ArrayList al
         *         BaseTower bt
         * Returns: All BasePairs that contains the BaseTower,
         *          from the supplied ArrayList, returns an ArrayList
         *          of BasePairs.
        public static ArrayList FindBasePair(ArrayList al, BaseTower bt)
            ArrayList result = new ArrayList();

            foreach (BasePair bp in al)
                if (bp.GetTower() == bt)

Example #3
 public BasePair(BaseTower bt, BaseEnemy be)
     this.bt = bt;
     this.be = be;
Example #4
         * Name: George Trieu
         * Date: 2018-06-08
         * Title: Form1_MouseClick
         * Purpose: Called when the mouse is clicked. Checks the
         *          position of the mouse to see which button is
         *          being pressed.
         * Inputs: object sender
         *         MouseEventArgs e
         * Returns: nothing
        private void Form1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button.Equals(MouseButtons.Left))
                //Menu Controllers
                if (MessageBox.messageActive)
                    if (mouseX >= ((Form1.width * 32 - 112) / 2 + 56 -
                                   (Form1.offscreen.MeasureString(MessageBox.optionMessage, option).Width / 2) - 8) &&
                        mouseX <= ((Form1.width * 32 - 112) / 2 + 56 -
                                   (Form1.offscreen.MeasureString(MessageBox.optionMessage, option).Width / 2) - 8 +
                                   (Form1.offscreen.MeasureString(MessageBox.optionMessage, option).Width) + 16))
                        if (mouseY >= 248 && mouseY <=
                            (248 + Form1.offscreen.MeasureString(MessageBox.optionMessage, option).Height + 16))
                            if (MessageBox.optionMessage == "Exit")
                                timer1.Enabled = true;

                            MessageBox.messageActive = false;

                //Click Controllers
                if (pickedUp == null)
                    if (mouseX >= ShopControl.bulletTower.X && mouseX <= (ShopControl.bulletTower.X + 31))
                        if (mouseY >= ShopControl.bulletTower.Y && mouseY <= (ShopControl.bulletTower.Y + 31))
                            if (cash >= 100)
                                pickedUp = "bullettower";

                    if (mouseX >= ShopControl.laserTower.X && mouseX <= (ShopControl.laserTower.X + 31))
                        if (mouseY >= ShopControl.laserTower.Y && mouseY <= (ShopControl.laserTower.Y + 31))
                            if (pickedUp == null)
                                if (cash >= 500)
                                    pickedUp = "lasertower";

                    if (mouseX >= ShopControl.freezeTower.X && mouseX <= (ShopControl.freezeTower.X + 31))
                        if (mouseY >= ShopControl.freezeTower.Y && mouseY <= (ShopControl.freezeTower.Y + 31))
                            if (pickedUp == null)
                                if (cash >= 750)
                                    pickedUp = "freezetower";

                    if (mouseX >= ShopControl.cannonTower.X && mouseX <= (ShopControl.cannonTower.X + 31))
                        if (mouseY >= ShopControl.cannonTower.Y && mouseY <= (ShopControl.cannonTower.Y + 31))
                            if (pickedUp == null)
                                if (cash >= 1250)
                                    pickedUp = "cannontower";

                    if (mouseX >= ShopControl.heartTower.X && mouseX <= (ShopControl.heartTower.X + 31))
                        if (mouseY >= ShopControl.heartTower.Y && mouseY <= (ShopControl.heartTower.Y + 31))
                            if (pickedUp == null)
                                if (cash >= 3500)
                                    pickedUp = "hearttower";

                    if (mouseX >= ShopControl.volleyTower.X && mouseX <= (ShopControl.volleyTower.X + 31))
                        if (mouseY >= ShopControl.volleyTower.Y && mouseY <= (ShopControl.volleyTower.Y + 31))
                            if (pickedUp == null)
                                if (cash >= 5000)
                                    pickedUp = "volleytower";

                    if (mouseX >= ShopControl.machineGunTower.X && mouseX <= (ShopControl.machineGunTower.X + 31))
                        if (mouseY >= ShopControl.machineGunTower.Y && mouseY <= (ShopControl.machineGunTower.Y + 31))
                            if (pickedUp == null)
                                if (cash >= 10000)
                                    pickedUp = "machineguntower";

                    if (mouseX >= ShopControl.startButton.X && mouseX <= (ShopControl.startButton.X + 31))
                        if (mouseY >= ShopControl.startButton.Y && mouseY <= (ShopControl.startButton.Y + 31))
                            if (gameStarted == false)
                                gameStarted = true;

                    if (mouseX >= ShopControl.pauseButton.X && mouseX <= (ShopControl.pauseButton.X + 31))
                        if (mouseY >= ShopControl.pauseButton.Y && mouseY <= (ShopControl.pauseButton.Y + 31))
                            MessageBox.DisplayOneOptionMessage("Paused", "Wave: " + (wave + 1), "Resume");

                    if (mouseX >= ShopControl.fastslowButton.X && mouseX <= (ShopControl.fastslowButton.X + 31))
                        if (mouseY >= ShopControl.fastslowButton.Y && mouseY <= (ShopControl.fastslowButton.Y + 31))
                            isFast = !isFast;
                            if (isFast)
                                gameStarted = true;

                    if (selectedTower != null)
                        if (mouseX >= ShopControl.sellButton.X && mouseX <= (ShopControl.sellButton.X + 63))
                            if (mouseY >= ShopControl.sellButton.Y && mouseY <= (ShopControl.sellButton.Y + 31))
                                cash += (selectedTower.GetCost() / 2);

                    bool towerFound = false;
                    foreach (BaseTower bt in towers)
                        if (mouseX >= bt.GetLocation().X&& mouseX <= bt.GetLocation().X + 31)
                            if (mouseY >= bt.GetLocation().Y&& mouseY <= bt.GetLocation().Y + 31)
                                selectedTower = bt;
                                towerFound    = true;

                    if (!towerFound)
                        selectedTower = null;

                //PickedUp Controller
                if (pickedUp != null)
                    int  tileX = mouseX / 32;
                    int  tileY = mouseY / 32;
                    bool valid = levelMap[tileX, tileY] == '0';
                    foreach (BaseTower bt in towers)
                        if (bt.GetLocation().X == (tileX * 32))
                            if (bt.GetLocation().Y == (tileY * 32))
                                valid = false;

                    if (valid)
                        if (pickedUp == "bullettower")
                            if (cash >= 100)
                                towers.Add(new BaseTower(bullettower, tileX * 32, tileY * 32, "bullet"));
                                cash -= 100;
                        else if (pickedUp == "lasertower")
                            if (cash >= 500)
                                towers.Add(new BaseTower(lasertower, tileX * 32, tileY * 32, "laser", 1, 1, 46, 500));
                                cash -= 500;
                        else if (pickedUp == "freezetower")
                            if (cash >= 750)
                                towers.Add(new FreezeTower(tileX * 32, tileY * 32));
                                cash -= 750;
                        else if (pickedUp == "cannontower")
                            if (cash >= 1250)
                                towers.Add(new BaseTower(cannontower, tileX * 32, tileY * 32, "cannon", 50, 150, 112,
                                cash -= 1250;
                        else if (pickedUp == "hearttower")
                            if (cash >= 3500)
                                towers.Add(new HeartTower(tileX * 32, tileY * 32));
                                cash -= 3500;
                        else if (pickedUp == "volleytower")
                            if (cash >= 5000)
                                towers.Add(new VolleyTower(tileX * 32, tileY * 32));
                                cash -= 5000;
                        else if (pickedUp == "machineguntower")
                            if (cash >= 10000)
                                towers.Add(new BaseTower(machineguntower, tileX * 32, tileY * 32, "machinegun", 1, 25,
                                                         46, 10000));
                                cash -= 10000;
            else if (e.Button.Equals(MouseButtons.Right))
                if (pickedUp != null)
                    pickedUp = null;