public object Patch(League request)
            var fields = Request.QueryString["fields"].Split(new[] { ',' });

            if (!fields.Any())
                throw new Exception("You must provide the fields to update via ?fields= in querystring");

            Db.UpdateOnly(request, delegate(SqlExpression<League> expression)
                    foreach (var field in fields)
                        var match = ModelDefinition<League>.Definition.FieldDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FieldName.ToLower() == field.ToLower());
                        if (match != null)

                    return expression.Where(x => x.Id == request.Id);

            // returning entire object. You may want to do a different response code
            return Db.SingleById<League>(request.Id);
 public object Post(League request)
     return Db.SingleById<League>(Db.LastInsertId());
 // You can now use DTOs that do not adhere to IReturn. Cool!
 public object Get(League request)
     return Db.SingleById<League>(request.Id);
        public void CanPerform_PartialUpdate()
            var client = new JsonServiceClient("http://localhost:53990/api/");

            // back date for readability
            var created = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-2);

            // Create a record so we can patch it
            var league = new League() {Name = "BEFORE", Abbreviation = "BEFORE", DateUpdated = created, DateCreated = created};
            var newLeague = client.Post<League>(league);

            // Update Name and DateUpdated fields. Notice I don't want to update DateCreatedField.
            // I also added a fake field to show it does not cause any errors
            var updated = DateTime.Now;
            newLeague.Name = "AFTER";
            newLeague.Abbreviation = "AFTER"; // setting to after but it should not get updated
            newLeague.DateUpdated = updated;

            client.Patch<League>("http://localhost:53990/api/leagues/" + newLeague.Id + "?fields=Name,DateUpdated,thisFieldDoesNotExist", newLeague);

            var updatedLeague = client.Get<League>(newLeague);

            Assert.AreEqual(updatedLeague.Name, "AFTER");
            Assert.AreEqual(updatedLeague.Abbreviation, "BEFORE");
            Assert.AreEqual(updatedLeague.DateUpdated.ToString(), updated.ToString(), "update fields don't match");
            Assert.AreEqual(updatedLeague.DateCreated.ToString(), created.ToString(), "created fields don't match");

            // double check
            Assert.AreNotEqual(updatedLeague.DateCreated, updatedLeague.DateUpdated);