public static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.Title = "UO Aberration : Core"; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-debug")) { m_Debug = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-service")) { m_Service = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-profile")) { Profiling = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-nocache")) { m_Cache = false; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-haltonwarning")) { m_HaltOnWarning = true; } } try { if (m_Service) { if (!Directory.Exists("Logs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Logs"); } Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(new FileLogger("Logs/Console.log"))); } else { Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out)); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (m_Thread != null) { m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ttObj.TimerMain)); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; /* * ServUO's Original Code * if (File.Exists("publish.txt")) * { * try * { * FileStream fs = new FileStream("publish.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); * StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs); * * publishNumber = sr.ReadLine(); * * sr.Close(); * fs.Close(); * } * catch * { } * }*/ //Concept Expanded based upon ServUO's publish number. string header = ""; ConsoleColor desiredColor = ConsoleColor.White; if (File.Exists("header.txt")) { bool chopColor = false; try { FileStream file = new FileStream("header.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(file); string determineTextColor = (string)(reader.ReadLine().Trim().ToLower()); if (Enum.TryParse <ConsoleColor>(determineTextColor, true, out desiredColor)) { chopColor = true; } else { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); } if (chopColor) { header = (string)(reader.ReadToEnd()); } file.Close(); reader.Close(); file.Dispose(); reader.Dispose(); } catch { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Red); Console.Write("Error: "); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.WriteLine("Your are either missing header.txt or it is misconfigured."); } } else { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Red); Console.Write("Error: "); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.WriteLine("header.txt could not be located."); } Utility.PushColor(desiredColor); Console.WriteLine(header); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Core ({3}): Running on .NET Framework Version {0}.{1}.{2}", Environment.Version.Major, Environment.Version.Minor, Environment.Version.Build, Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "x64" : "x86"); string s = Arguments; if (s.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Core: Running with arguments: {0}", s); } m_ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; if (m_ProcessorCount > 1) { m_MultiProcessor = true; } if (m_MultiProcessor || Is64Bit) { Console.WriteLine("Core: Optimizing for {0} {2}processor{1}", m_ProcessorCount, m_ProcessorCount == 1 ? "" : "s", Is64Bit ? "64-bit " : ""); } int platform = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if (platform == 4 || platform == 128) // MS 4, MONO 128 { m_Unix = true; Console.WriteLine("Core: Unix environment detected"); } else { m_ConsoleEventHandler = new ConsoleEventHandler(OnConsoleEvent); SetConsoleCtrlHandler(m_ConsoleEventHandler, true); } if (GCSettings.IsServerGC) { Console.WriteLine("Core: Server garbage collection mode enabled"); } while (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(m_Debug, m_Cache)) { Console.WriteLine("Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found."); if (m_Service) { return; } Console.WriteLine(" - Press return to exit, or R to try again."); if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.R) { return; } } ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Configure"); Region.Load(); World.Load(); ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Initialize"); MessagePump messagePump = m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(); timerThread.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < Map.AllMaps.Count; ++i) { Map.AllMaps[i].Tiles.Force(); } NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { DateTime now, last = DateTime.UtcNow; const int sampleInterval = 100; const float ticksPerSecond = (float)(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond * sampleInterval); long sample = 0; while (m_Signal.WaitOne()) { Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); messagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } if ((++sample % sampleInterval) == 0) { now = DateTime.UtcNow; m_CyclesPerSecond[m_CycleIndex++ % m_CyclesPerSecond.Length] = ticksPerSecond / (now.Ticks - last.Ticks); last = now; } } } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } }
public static void Main( string[] args ) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler( CurrentDomain_UnhandledException ); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler( CurrentDomain_ProcessExit ); for( int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i ) { if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-debug" ) ) m_Debug = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-service" ) ) m_Service = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-profile" ) ) Profiling = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-nocache" ) ) m_Cache = false; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-haltonwarning" ) ) m_HaltOnWarning = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-vb" ) ) m_VBdotNET = true; } try { if( m_Service ) { if( !Directory.Exists( "Logs" ) ) Directory.CreateDirectory( "Logs" ); Console.SetOut( m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter( new FileLogger( "Logs/Console.log" ) ) ); } else { Console.SetOut( m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter( Console.Out ) ); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if( m_Thread != null ) m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; if( BaseDirectory.Length > 0 ) Directory.SetCurrentDirectory( BaseDirectory ); Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( ttObj.TimerMain ) ); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Console.WriteLine( "RunUO - [] Version {0}.{1}, Build {2}.{3}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Build, ver.Revision ); Console.WriteLine( "Core: Running on .NET Framework Version {0}.{1}.{2}", Environment.Version.Major, Environment.Version.Minor, Environment.Version.Build ); string s = Arguments; if( s.Length > 0 ) Console.WriteLine( "Core: Running with arguments: {0}", s ); m_ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; if( m_ProcessorCount > 1 ) m_MultiProcessor = true; if( m_MultiProcessor || Is64Bit ) Console.WriteLine( "Core: Optimizing for {0} {2}processor{1}", m_ProcessorCount, m_ProcessorCount == 1 ? "" : "s", Is64Bit ? "64-bit " : "" ); int platform = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if( platform == 4 || platform == 128 ) { // MS 4, MONO 128 m_Unix = true; Console.WriteLine( "Core: Unix environment detected" ); } else { m_ConsoleEventHandler = new ConsoleEventHandler( OnConsoleEvent ); SetConsoleCtrlHandler( m_ConsoleEventHandler, true ); } if ( GCSettings.IsServerGC ) Console.WriteLine("Core: Server garbage collection mode enabled"); while( !ScriptCompiler.Compile( m_Debug, m_Cache ) ) { Console.WriteLine( "Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found." ); if( m_Service ) return; Console.WriteLine( " - Press return to exit, or R to try again." ); if( Console.ReadKey( true ).Key != ConsoleKey.R ) return; } ScriptCompiler.Invoke( "Configure" ); Region.Load(); World.Load(); ScriptCompiler.Invoke( "Initialize" ); MessagePump ms = m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(); timerThread.Start(); for( int i = 0; i < Map.AllMaps.Count; ++i ) Map.AllMaps[i].Tiles.Force(); NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { DateTime now, last = DateTime.Now; const int sampleInterval = 100; const float ticksPerSecond = (float)(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond * sampleInterval); long sample = 0; while( m_Signal.WaitOne() ) { Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if( Slice != null ) Slice(); if( (++sample % sampleInterval) == 0 ) { now = DateTime.Now; m_CyclesPerSecond[m_CycleIndex++ % m_CyclesPerSecond.Length] = ticksPerSecond / (now.Ticks - last.Ticks); last = now; } } } catch( Exception e ) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException( null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs( e, true ) ); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += CurrentDomain_ProcessExit; foreach (string a in args) { if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-debug")) { Debug = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-service")) { Service = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-profile")) { Profiling = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-nocache")) { _Cache = false; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-haltonwarning")) { HaltOnWarning = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-vb")) { VBdotNet = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-usehrt")) { _UseHRT = true; } } try { if (Service) { if (!Directory.Exists("Logs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Logs"); } Console.SetOut(MultiConsoleOut = new MultiTextWriter(new FileLogger("Logs/Console.log"))); } else { Console.SetOut(MultiConsoleOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out)); } } catch { } Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (Thread != null) { Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); _TimerThread = new Thread(ttObj.TimerMain) { Name = "Timer Thread" }; Version ver = Assembly.GetName().Version; // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkGreen); Console.WriteLine(new String('-', Console.BufferWidth)); Utility.PopColor(); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan); Console.WriteLine( "ServUO - [] Version {0}.{1}, Build {2}.{3}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Build, ver.Revision); Utility.PopColor(); string s = Arguments; if (s.Length > 0) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow); Console.WriteLine("Core: Running with arguments: {0}", s); Utility.PopColor(); } ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; if (ProcessorCount > 1) { MultiProcessor = true; } if (MultiProcessor || Is64Bit) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Green); Console.WriteLine( "Core: Optimizing for {0} {2}processor{1}", ProcessorCount, ProcessorCount == 1 ? "" : "s", Is64Bit ? "64-bit " : ""); Utility.PopColor(); } int platform = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if (platform == 4 || platform == 128) { // MS 4, MONO 128 Unix = true; Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow); Console.WriteLine("Core: Unix environment detected"); Utility.PopColor(); } else { m_ConsoleEventHandler = OnConsoleEvent; UnsafeNativeMethods.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(m_ConsoleEventHandler, true); } if (GCSettings.IsServerGC) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); Console.WriteLine("Core: Server garbage collection mode enabled"); Utility.PopColor(); } if (_UseHRT) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); Console.WriteLine( "Core: Requested high resolution timing ({0})", UsingHighResolutionTiming ? "Supported" : "Unsupported"); Utility.PopColor(); } Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); Console.WriteLine("RandomImpl: {0} ({1})", RandomImpl.Type.Name, RandomImpl.IsHardwareRNG ? "Hardware" : "Software"); Utility.PopColor(); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); Console.WriteLine("Core: Loading config..."); Config.Load(); Utility.PopColor(); while (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(Debug, _Cache)) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Red); Console.WriteLine("Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found."); Utility.PopColor(); if (Service) { return; } Console.WriteLine(" - Press return to exit, or R to try again."); if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.R) { return; } } ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Configure"); Region.Load(); World.Load(); ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Initialize"); MessagePump messagePump = MessagePump = new MessagePump(); _TimerThread.Start(); foreach (Map m in Map.AllMaps) { m.Tiles.Force(); } NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { long now, last = TickCount; const int sampleInterval = 100; const float ticksPerSecond = 1000.0f * sampleInterval; long sample = 0; while (!Closing) { _Signal.WaitOne(); Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); messagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } if (sample++ % sampleInterval != 0) { continue; } now = TickCount; _CyclesPerSecond[_CycleIndex++ % _CyclesPerSecond.Length] = ticksPerSecond / (now - last); last = now; } } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-debug")) { m_Debug = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-service")) { m_Service = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-profile")) { Profiling = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-nocache")) { m_Cache = false; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-haltonwarning")) { m_HaltOnWarning = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-vb")) { m_VBdotNET = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-publish")) { m_Publish = true; } } try { if (m_Service) { if (!Directory.Exists("Logs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Logs"); } Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(new FileLogger("Logs/Console.log"))); } else { Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out)); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (m_Thread != null) { m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ttObj.TimerMain)); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Console.WriteLine("RunUO - [] Version {0}.{1}, Build {2}.{3}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Build, ver.Revision); #if Framework_3_5 string version = "3.5"; #elif Mono string version = "MONO"; #else string version = Environment.Version.ToString(); #endif Console.WriteLine("Core: Running on .NET Framework Version {0}", version); string s = Arguments; if (s.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Core: Running with arguments: {0}", s); } m_ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; if (m_ProcessorCount > 1) { m_MultiProcessor = true; } if (m_MultiProcessor || Is64Bit) { Console.WriteLine("Core: Optimizing for {0} {2}processor{1}", m_ProcessorCount, m_ProcessorCount == 1 ? "" : "s", Is64Bit ? "64-bit " : ""); } int platform = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if (platform == 4 || platform == 128) // MS 4, MONO 128 { m_Unix = true; Console.WriteLine("Core: Unix environment detected"); } else { m_ConsoleEventHandler = new ConsoleEventHandler(OnConsoleEvent); SetConsoleCtrlHandler(m_ConsoleEventHandler, true); } if (GCSettings.IsServerGC) { Console.WriteLine("Core: Server garbage collection mode enabled"); } if (File.Exists("Data/Culture.cfg")) { using (StreamReader ip = new StreamReader("Data/Culture.cfg")) { string line = ip.ReadLine(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { m_Thread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo(line); Console.WriteLine("Core: Culture modified to {0}", m_Thread.CurrentCulture.NativeName); } } } while (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(m_Debug, m_Cache, m_Publish)) { Console.WriteLine("Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found."); if (m_Publish || m_Service) { return; } Console.WriteLine(" - Press return to exit, or R to try again."); if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.R) { return; } } ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Configure"); Console.Write("Core: Initializing localization strings..."); ClilocHandler.AddCliloc("ENU"); //English - No Argument sets the default ClilocHandler.AddCliloc("CHS"); //Chinese ClilocHandler.AddCliloc("CHT"); //Chinese ClilocHandler.AddCliloc("DEU"); //German ClilocHandler.AddCliloc("ESP"); //Spanish ClilocHandler.AddCliloc("FRA"); //French ClilocHandler.AddCliloc("JPN"); //Japan ClilocHandler.AddCliloc("KOR"); //Korean Console.WriteLine("done ({0} languages)", StringList.StringLists.Count); Region.Load(); World.Load(); ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Initialize"); MessagePump ms = m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(); timerThread.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < Map.AllMaps.Count; ++i) { Map.AllMaps[i].Tiles.Force(); } NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { DateTime now, last = DateTime.Now; const int sampleInterval = 100; const float ticksPerSecond = (float)(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond * sampleInterval); long sample = 0; while (m_Signal.WaitOne()) { Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } if ((++sample % sampleInterval) == 0) { now = DateTime.Now; m_CyclesPerSecond[m_CycleIndex++ % m_CyclesPerSecond.Length] = ticksPerSecond / (now.Ticks - last.Ticks); last = now; } } } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } }
public static void Main( string[] args ) { m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); /* print a banner */ Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; Console.WriteLine("SunUO Version {0}.{1}.{2}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Revision); Console.WriteLine(" on {0}, runtime {1}", Environment.OSVersion, Environment.Version); if ((int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform == 128) Console.WriteLine("Please make sure you have Mono 1.1.7 or newer! (mono -V)"); Console.WriteLine(); /* prepare SunUO */ AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler( CurrentDomain_UnhandledException ); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler( CurrentDomain_ProcessExit ); bool debug = false; for ( int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i ) { if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-debug" ) ) debug = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-service" ) ) m_Service = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-profile" ) ) Profiling = true; else if (args[i] == "--logfile") { string logfile = args[++i]; StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(logfile, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write)); writer.AutoFlush = true; Console.SetOut(writer); Console.SetError(writer); } } config = new Config(Path.Combine(BaseDirectoryInfo.CreateSubdirectory("etc").FullName, "sunuo.xml")); try { m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out); Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut); if (m_Service) { string filename = Path.Combine(LogDirectoryInfo.FullName, "console.log"); m_MultiConOut.Add(new FileLogger(filename)); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); if ( m_Thread != null ) m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; if ( BaseDirectory.Length > 0 ) Directory.SetCurrentDirectory( BaseDirectory ); Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( ttObj.TimerMain ) ); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; if (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(debug)) return; Console.Write("Verifying scripts:"); m_ItemCount = 0; m_MobileCount = 0; foreach (Library l in ScriptCompiler.Libraries) { int itemCount = 0, mobileCount = 0; Console.Write(" {0}[", l.Name); l.Verify(ref itemCount, ref mobileCount); Console.Write("{0} items, {1} mobiles]", itemCount, mobileCount); m_ItemCount += itemCount; m_MobileCount += mobileCount; } Console.WriteLine(" - done ({0} items, {1} mobiles)", m_ItemCount, m_MobileCount); try { ScriptCompiler.Configure(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { Console.WriteLine("Configure exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } if (!config.Exists) config.Save(); World.Load(); try { ScriptCompiler.Initialize(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { Console.WriteLine("Initialize exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } Region.Load(); m_MessagePump = new MessagePump( new Listener( Listener.Port ) ); timerThread.Start(); NetState.Initialize(); Encryption.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { while ( !m_Closing ) { Thread.Sleep( 1 ); Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if ( Slice != null ) Slice(); } } catch ( Exception e ) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException( null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs( e, true ) ); } if ( timerThread.IsAlive ) timerThread.Abort(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += CurrentDomain_ProcessExit; foreach (string a in args) { if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-debug")) { Debug = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-service")) { Service = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-profile")) { Profiling = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-nocache")) { _Cache = false; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-haltonwarning")) { HaltOnWarning = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-vb")) { VBdotNet = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-usehrt")) { _UseHRT = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-noconsole")) { NoConsole = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-h") || Insensitive.Equals(a, "-help")) { Console.WriteLine("An Ultima Online server emulator written in C# - Visit for more information.\n\n"); Console.WriteLine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName + " [Parameter]\n\n"); Console.WriteLine(" -debug Starting ServUO in Debug Mode. Debug Mode is being used in Core and Scripts to give extended inforamtion during runtime."); Console.WriteLine(" -haltonwarning ServUO halts if any warning is raised during compilation of scripts."); Console.WriteLine(" -h or -help Displays this help text."); Console.WriteLine(" -nocache No known effect."); Console.WriteLine(" -noconsole No user interaction during startup and runtime."); Console.WriteLine(" -profile Enables profiling allowing to get performance diagnostic information of packets, timers etc. in AdminGump -> Maintenance. Use with caution. This increases server load."); Console.WriteLine(" -service This parameter should be set if you're running ServUO as a Windows Service. No user interaction. *Windows only*"); Console.WriteLine(" -usehrt Enables High Resolution Timing if requirements are met. Increasing the resolution of the timer. *Windows only*"); Console.WriteLine(" -vb Enables compilation of VB.NET Scripts. Without this option VB.NET Scripts are skipped."); System.Environment.Exit(0); } } if (!Environment.UserInteractive || Service) { NoConsole = true; } try { if (Service) { if (!Directory.Exists("Logs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Logs"); } Console.SetOut(MultiConsoleOut = new MultiTextWriter(new FileLogger("Logs/Console.log"))); } else { Console.SetOut(MultiConsoleOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out)); } } catch { } Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (Thread != null) { Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); _TimerThread = new Thread(ttObj.TimerMain) { Name = "Timer Thread" }; Version ver = Assembly.GetName().Version; // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkGreen); if (!NoConsole) { Console.WriteLine(new String('-', Console.BufferWidth)); } else { Console.WriteLine(new String('-', 10)); } Utility.PopColor(); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine( "ServUO - [] Version {0}.{1}, Build {2}.{3} - Debug", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Build, ver.Revision); #else Console.WriteLine( "ServUO - [] Version {0}.{1}, Build {2}.{3} - Release", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Build, ver.Revision); #endif Utility.PopColor(); string s = Arguments; if (s.Length > 0) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow); Console.WriteLine("Core: Running with arguments: {0}", s); Utility.PopColor(); } ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; if (ProcessorCount > 1) { MultiProcessor = true; } if (MultiProcessor || Is64Bit) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Green); Console.WriteLine( "Core: Optimizing for {0} {2}processor{1}", ProcessorCount, ProcessorCount == 1 ? "" : "s", Is64Bit ? "64-bit " : ""); Utility.PopColor(); } string dotnet = null; #if NETFX_20 dotnet = "2.0"; #endif #if NETFX_30 dotnet = "3.0"; #endif #if NETFX_35 dotnet = "3.5"; #endif #if NETFX_40 dotnet = "4.0"; #endif #if NETFX_45 dotnet = "4.5"; #endif #if NETFX_451 dotnet = "4.5.1"; #endif #if NETFX_46 dotnet = "4.6.0"; #endif #if NETFX_461 dotnet = "4.6.1"; #endif #if NETFX_462 dotnet = "4.6.2"; #endif #if NETFX_47 dotnet = "4.7"; #endif #if NETFX_471 dotnet = "4.7.1"; #endif if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dotnet)) { dotnet = "MONO/CSC/Unknown"; } Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Green); Console.WriteLine("Core: Compiled for .NET {0}", dotnet); Utility.PopColor(); int platform = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if (platform == 4 || platform == 128) { // MS 4, MONO 128 Unix = true; Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow); Console.WriteLine("Core: Unix environment detected"); Utility.PopColor(); } else { m_ConsoleEventHandler = OnConsoleEvent; UnsafeNativeMethods.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(m_ConsoleEventHandler, true); } if (GCSettings.IsServerGC) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Green); Console.WriteLine("Core: Server garbage collection mode enabled"); Utility.PopColor(); } if (_UseHRT) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); Console.WriteLine( "Core: Requested high resolution timing ({0})", UsingHighResolutionTiming ? "Supported" : "Unsupported"); Utility.PopColor(); } Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); Console.WriteLine("RandomImpl: {0} ({1})", RandomImpl.Type.Name, RandomImpl.IsHardwareRNG ? "Hardware" : "Software"); Utility.PopColor(); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Green); Console.WriteLine("Core: Loading config..."); Config.Load(); Utility.PopColor(); while (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(Debug, _Cache)) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Red); Console.WriteLine("Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found."); Utility.PopColor(); if (Service) { return; } Console.WriteLine(" - Press return to exit, or R to try again."); if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.R) { return; } } ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Configure"); Region.Load(); World.Load(); ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Initialize"); MessagePump messagePump = MessagePump = new MessagePump(); _TimerThread.Start(); foreach (Map m in Map.AllMaps) { m.Tiles.Force(); } NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { long now, last = TickCount; const int sampleInterval = 100; const float ticksPerSecond = 1000.0f * sampleInterval; long sample = 0; while (!Closing) { _Signal.WaitOne(); Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); messagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } if (sample++ % sampleInterval != 0) { continue; } now = TickCount; _CyclesPerSecond[_CycleIndex++ % _CyclesPerSecond.Length] = ticksPerSecond / (now - last); last = now; } } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } }
public static void Main( string[] args ) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += CurrentDomain_ProcessExit; foreach (string a in args) { if ( Insensitive.Equals( a, "-debug" ) ) m_Debug = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( a, "-service" ) ) m_Service = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( a, "-profile" ) ) Profiling = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( a, "-nocache" ) ) m_Cache = false; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( a, "-haltonwarning" ) ) m_HaltOnWarning = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( a, "-vb" ) ) m_VBdotNET = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( a, "-usehrt" ) ) _UseHRT = true; } try { if( m_Service ) { if( !Directory.Exists( "Logs" ) ) Directory.CreateDirectory( "Logs" ); Console.SetOut( m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter( new FileLogger( "Logs/Console.log" ) ) ); } else { Console.SetOut( m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter( Console.Out ) ); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if( m_Thread != null ) m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; if( BaseDirectory.Length > 0 ) Directory.SetCurrentDirectory( BaseDirectory ); Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(ttObj.TimerMain) { Name = "Timer Thread" }; Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Console.WriteLine("RunUO - [] Versão {0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Build, ver.Revision); Console.WriteLine("Core: Rodando em .NET Framework Versão {0}.{1}.{2}", Environment.Version.Major, Environment.Version.Minor, Environment.Version.Build); string s = Arguments; if( s.Length > 0 ) Console.WriteLine( "Core: Rodando com argumentos: {0}", s ); m_ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; if( m_ProcessorCount > 1 ) m_MultiProcessor = true; if( m_MultiProcessor || Is64Bit ) Console.WriteLine( "Core: Otimizando para {0} processador{1} {2}", m_ProcessorCount, m_ProcessorCount == 1 ? "" : "es", Is64Bit ? "64-bit" : "" ); int platform = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if( platform == 4 || platform == 128 ) { // MS 4, MONO 128 m_Unix = true; Console.WriteLine( "Core: Ambiente Unix detectado" ); } else { m_ConsoleEventHandler = OnConsoleEvent; UnsafeNativeMethods.SetConsoleCtrlHandler( m_ConsoleEventHandler, true ); } if ( GCSettings.IsServerGC ) Console.WriteLine("Core: Coleta de lixo habilitada no servidor"); if (_UseHRT) Console.WriteLine("Core: Requested high resolution timing ({0})", UsingHighResolutionTiming ? "Supported" : "Unsupported"); Console.WriteLine("RandomImpl: {0} ({1})", RandomImpl.Type.Name, RandomImpl.IsHardwareRNG ? "Hardware" : "Software"); while( !ScriptCompiler.Compile( m_Debug, m_Cache ) ) { Console.WriteLine( "Scripts: Um ou mais scripts nao puderam ser compilados ou nenhum script foi encontrado." ); if( m_Service ) return; Console.WriteLine( " - Pressione ENTER para sair, ou R para tentar novamente." ); if( Console.ReadKey( true ).Key != ConsoleKey.R ) return; } ScriptCompiler.Invoke( "Configure" ); Region.Load(); World.Load(); ScriptCompiler.Invoke( "Initialize" ); MessagePump messagePump = m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(); timerThread.Start(); foreach (Map m in Map.AllMaps) m.Tiles.Force(); NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { long now, last = TickCount; const int sampleInterval = 100; const float ticksPerSecond = 1000.0f * sampleInterval; long sample = 0; while( !m_Closing ) { m_Signal.WaitOne(); Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); messagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if( Slice != null ) Slice(); if (sample++ % sampleInterval != 0) { continue; } now = TickCount; m_CyclesPerSecond[m_CycleIndex++ % m_CyclesPerSecond.Length] = ticksPerSecond / (now - last); last = now; } } catch( Exception e ) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException( null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs( e, true ) ); } }
public static void Start(bool repair) { if (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(true)) return; m_ItemCount = 0; m_MobileCount = 0; foreach (Library l in ScriptCompiler.Libraries) { int itemCount = 0, mobileCount = 0; l.Verify(ref itemCount, ref mobileCount); log.InfoFormat("Library {0} verified: {1} items, {2} mobiles", l.Name, itemCount, mobileCount); m_ItemCount += itemCount; m_MobileCount += mobileCount; } log.InfoFormat("All libraries verified: {0} items, {1} mobiles)", m_ItemCount, m_MobileCount); try { TileData.Configure(); ScriptCompiler.Configure(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { log.Fatal("Configure exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } if (!config.Exists) config.Save(); World.Load(); if (World.LoadErrors > 0) { log.ErrorFormat("There were {0} errors during world load.", World.LoadErrors); if (repair) { log.Error("The world load errors are being ignored for now, and will not reappear once you save this world."); } else { log.Error("Try 'SunUO --repair' to repair this world save, or restore an older non-corrupt save."); return; } } try { ScriptCompiler.Initialize(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { log.Fatal("Initialize exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } Region.Load(); m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(); foreach (IPEndPoint ipep in Config.Network.Bind) m_MessagePump.AddListener(new Listener(ipep)); Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ttObj.TimerMain)); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; timerThread.Start(); NetState.Initialize(); Encryption.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); log.Info("SunUO initialized, entering main loop"); try { Run(); } catch ( Exception e ) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException( null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs( e, true ) ); } if ( timerThread.IsAlive ) timerThread.Abort(); }
public static void Main( string[] args ) { m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); /* print a banner */ Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; Console.WriteLine("SunLogin Version {0}.{1}.{2}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Revision); Console.WriteLine(" on {0}, runtime {1}", Environment.OSVersion, Environment.Version); if ((int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform == 128) Console.WriteLine("Please make sure you have Mono 1.1.7 or newer! (mono -V)"); Console.WriteLine(); /* prepare SunUO */ AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler( CurrentDomain_UnhandledException ); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler( CurrentDomain_ProcessExit ); if (args.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine("SunLogin does not understand command line arguments"); return; } string baseDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(ExePath); string confDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(baseDirectory) .CreateSubdirectory("etc").FullName; config = new Config.Root(baseDirectory, Path.Combine(confDirectory, "sunuo.xml")); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(config.BaseDirectory); m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; if ( m_Thread != null ) m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; if ( BaseDirectory.Length > 0 ) Directory.SetCurrentDirectory( BaseDirectory ); Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( ttObj.TimerMain ) ); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; if (!config.Exists) config.Save(); m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(); foreach (IPEndPoint ipep in Config.Network.Bind) m_MessagePump.AddListener(new Listener(ipep)); timerThread.Start(); NetState.Initialize(); Encryption.Initialize(); ServerList.Initialize(); ServerQueryTimer.Initialize(); Server.Accounting.AccountHandler.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); log.Info("SunLogin initialized, entering main loop"); try { while ( !m_Closing ) { m_Signal.WaitOne(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); } } catch ( Exception e ) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException( null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs( e, true ) ); } if ( timerThread.IsAlive ) timerThread.Abort(); }
public static void Main( string[] args ) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler( CurrentDomain_UnhandledException ); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler( CurrentDomain_ProcessExit ); bool debug = false; for ( int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i ) { if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-debug" ) ) debug = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-service" ) ) m_Service = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-profile" ) ) Profiling = true; } config = new Config(Path.Combine(BaseDirectoryInfo.CreateSubdirectory("etc").FullName, "sunuo.xml")); try { m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out); Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut); if (m_Service) { string filename = Path.Combine(LogDirectoryInfo.FullName, "console.log"); m_MultiConOut.Add(new FileLogger(filename)); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if ( m_Thread != null ) m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; if ( BaseDirectory.Length > 0 ) Directory.SetCurrentDirectory( BaseDirectory ); Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( ttObj.TimerMain ) ); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Console.WriteLine("SunUO Version {0}.{1}.{2}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Revision); while ( !ScriptCompiler.Compile( debug ) ) { Console.WriteLine( "Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found." ); Console.WriteLine( " - Press return to exit, or R to try again." ); string line = Console.ReadLine(); if ( line == null || line.ToLower() != "r" ) return; } Console.Write("Verifying scripts:"); m_ItemCount = 0; m_MobileCount = 0; foreach (Library l in ScriptCompiler.Libraries) { int itemCount = 0, mobileCount = 0; Console.Write(" {0}[", l.Name); l.Verify(ref itemCount, ref mobileCount); Console.Write("{0} items, {1} mobiles]", itemCount, mobileCount); m_ItemCount += itemCount; m_MobileCount += mobileCount; } Console.WriteLine(" - done ({0} items, {1} mobiles)", m_ItemCount, m_MobileCount); try { ScriptCompiler.Configure(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { Console.WriteLine("Configure exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } config.Save(); World.Load(); try { ScriptCompiler.Initialize(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { Console.WriteLine("Initialize exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } Region.Load(); MessagePump ms = m_MessagePump = new MessagePump( new Listener( Listener.Port ) ); timerThread.Start(); NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { while ( !m_Closing ) { Thread.Sleep( 1 ); Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if ( Slice != null ) Slice(); } } catch ( Exception e ) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException( null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs( e, true ) ); } if ( timerThread.IsAlive ) timerThread.Abort(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); /* print a banner */ Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; Console.WriteLine("SunLogin Version {0}.{1}.{2}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Revision); Console.WriteLine(" on {0}, runtime {1}", Environment.OSVersion, Environment.Version); if ((int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform == 128) { Console.WriteLine("Please make sure you have Mono 1.1.7 or newer! (mono -V)"); } Console.WriteLine(); /* prepare SunUO */ AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-service")) { m_Service = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-profile")) { Profiling = true; } else if (args[i] == "--logfile") { string logfile = args[++i]; StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(logfile, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write)); writer.AutoFlush = true; Console.SetOut(writer); Console.SetError(writer); } } config = new Config(Path.Combine(BaseDirectoryInfo.CreateSubdirectory("etc").FullName, "sunuo.xml")); try { m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out); Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut); if (m_Service) { string filename = Path.Combine(LogDirectoryInfo.FullName, "console.log"); m_MultiConOut.Add(new FileLogger(filename)); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; if (m_Thread != null) { m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ttObj.TimerMain)); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; if (!config.Exists) { config.Save(); } m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(new Listener(Listener.Port)); timerThread.Start(); NetState.Initialize(); Encryption.Initialize(); ServerList.Initialize(); ServerQueryTimer.Initialize(); Server.Accounting.AccountHandler.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { while (!m_Closing) { Thread.Sleep(1); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } } } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } if (timerThread.IsAlive) { timerThread.Abort(); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit); bool debug = false; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-debug")) { debug = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-service")) { m_Service = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-profile")) { Profiling = true; } } try { if (m_Service) { if (!Directory.Exists("Logs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Logs"); } Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out, new FileLogger("Logs/Console.log"))); } else { Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out)); } } catch { } #if !MONO m_ConsoleEventHandler = new ConsoleEventHandler(OnConsoleEvent); SetConsoleCtrlHandler(m_ConsoleEventHandler, true); #endif m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (m_Thread != null) { m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ttObj.TimerMain)); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Console.WriteLine("RunUO - [] Version {0}.{1}.{3}, Build {2}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Revision, ver.Build); while (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(debug)) { Console.WriteLine("Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found."); Console.WriteLine(" - Press return to exit, or R to try again."); string line = Console.ReadLine(); if (line == null || line.ToLower() != "r") { return; } } Region.Load(); MessagePump ms = m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(new Listener(Listener.Port)); timerThread.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < Map.AllMaps.Count; ++i) { ((Map)Map.AllMaps[i]).Tiles.Force(); } NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { while (!m_Closing) { Thread.Sleep(1); Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } } } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } if (timerThread.IsAlive) { timerThread.Abort(); } }
public static void Start(bool repair) { if (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(true)) { return; } m_ItemCount = 0; m_MobileCount = 0; foreach (Library l in ScriptCompiler.Libraries) { int itemCount = 0, mobileCount = 0; l.Verify(ref itemCount, ref mobileCount); log.InfoFormat("Library {0} verified: {1} items, {2} mobiles", l.Name, itemCount, mobileCount); m_ItemCount += itemCount; m_MobileCount += mobileCount; } log.InfoFormat("All libraries verified: {0} items, {1} mobiles)", m_ItemCount, m_MobileCount); try { TileData.Configure(); ScriptCompiler.Configure(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { log.Fatal("Configure exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } if (!config.Exists) { config.Save(); } World.Load(); if (World.LoadErrors > 0) { log.ErrorFormat("There were {0} errors during world load.", World.LoadErrors); if (repair) { log.Error("The world load errors are being ignored for now, and will not reappear once you save this world."); } else { log.Error("Try 'SunUO --repair' to repair this world save, or restore an older non-corrupt save."); return; } } try { ScriptCompiler.Initialize(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { log.Fatal("Initialize exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } Region.Load(); m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(); foreach (IPEndPoint ipep in Config.Network.Bind) { m_MessagePump.AddListener(new Listener(ipep)); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ttObj.TimerMain)); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; timerThread.Start(); NetState.Initialize(); Encryption.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); log.Info("SunUO initialized, entering main loop"); try { Run(); } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } if (timerThread.IsAlive) { timerThread.Abort(); } }
public static void Start(Config.Root _config, bool debug, bool _service, bool _profiling) { config = _config; m_Service = _service; Profiling = _profiling; m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); /* prepare SunUO */ AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit); /* redirect Console to file in service mode */ if (m_Service) { string filename = Path.Combine(LogDirectoryInfo.FullName, "console.log"); FileStream stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream); Console.SetOut(writer); Console.SetError(writer); } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); if (m_Thread != null) { m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ttObj.TimerMain)); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; if (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(debug)) { return; } m_ItemCount = 0; m_MobileCount = 0; foreach (Library l in ScriptCompiler.Libraries) { int itemCount = 0, mobileCount = 0; l.Verify(ref itemCount, ref mobileCount); log.Info(String.Format("Library {0} verified: {1} items, {2} mobiles", l.Name, itemCount, mobileCount)); m_ItemCount += itemCount; m_MobileCount += mobileCount; } log.Info(String.Format("All libraries verified: {0} items, {1} mobiles)", m_ItemCount, m_MobileCount)); try { ScriptCompiler.Configure(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { log.Fatal("Configure exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } if (!config.Exists) { config.Save(); } World.Load(); try { ScriptCompiler.Initialize(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { log.Fatal("Initialize exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } Region.Load(); m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(new Listener(Listener.Port)); timerThread.Start(); NetState.Initialize(); Encryption.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); log.Info("SunUO initialized, entering main loop"); try { while (!m_Closing) { m_Signal.WaitOne(); m_Now = DateTime.Now; Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } } } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } if (timerThread.IsAlive) { timerThread.Abort(); } }
public static void Main( string[] args ) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler( CurrentDomain_UnhandledException ); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler( CurrentDomain_ProcessExit ); for( int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i ) { if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-debug" ) ) m_Debug = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-service" ) ) m_Service = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-profile" ) ) Profiling = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-nocache" ) ) m_Cache = false; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-haltonwarning" ) ) m_HaltOnWarning = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-vb" ) ) m_VBdotNET = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-publish" ) ) m_Publish = true; } try { if( m_Service ) { if( !Directory.Exists( "Logs" ) ) Directory.CreateDirectory( "Logs" ); Console.SetOut( m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter( new FileLogger( "Logs/Console.log" ) ) ); } else { Console.SetOut( m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter( Console.Out ) ); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if( m_Thread != null ) m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; if( BaseDirectory.Length > 0 ) Directory.SetCurrentDirectory( BaseDirectory ); Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( ttObj.TimerMain ) ); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; string svn = string.Empty; if ( File.Exists( "Data/RunUO_SVN.cfg" ) ) { using ( StreamReader ip = new StreamReader( "Data/RunUO_SVN.cfg" ) ) { svn = ip.ReadLine(); } } // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Utility.PushColor( ConsoleColor.Green ); Console.WriteLine( "RunUO - [] Version {0}.{1}, {2}{3}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, svn != String.Empty ? "SVN rev. " : String.Empty, svn ); Utility.PopColor(); #if Mono string version = "MONO"; #else string version = Environment.Version.ToString(); #endif Console.WriteLine( "Core: Running on .NET Framework Version {0}", version ); string s = Arguments; if( s.Length > 0 ) Console.WriteLine( "Core: Running with arguments: {0}", s ); m_ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; if( m_ProcessorCount > 1 ) m_MultiProcessor = true; if( m_MultiProcessor || Is64Bit ) Console.WriteLine( "Core: Optimizing for {0} {2}processor{1}", m_ProcessorCount, m_ProcessorCount == 1 ? "" : "s", Is64Bit ? "64-bit " : "" ); int platform = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if( platform == 4 || platform == 128 ) { // MS 4, MONO 128 m_Unix = true; Console.WriteLine( "Core: Unix environment detected" ); } else { m_ConsoleEventHandler = new ConsoleEventHandler( OnConsoleEvent ); SetConsoleCtrlHandler( m_ConsoleEventHandler, true ); } if ( GCSettings.IsServerGC ) Console.WriteLine("Core: Server garbage collection mode enabled"); if ( File.Exists( "Data/Culture.cfg" ) ) { using ( StreamReader ip = new StreamReader( "Data/Culture.cfg" ) ) { string line = ip.ReadLine(); if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( line ) ) { m_Thread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo( line ); Console.WriteLine( "Core: Culture modified to {0}", m_Thread.CurrentCulture.NativeName ); } } } while( !ScriptCompiler.Compile( m_Debug, m_Cache, m_Publish ) ) { Console.WriteLine( "Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found." ); if( m_Publish || m_Service ) return; Console.WriteLine( " - Press return to exit, or R to try again." ); if( Console.ReadKey( true ).Key != ConsoleKey.R ) return; } ScriptCompiler.Invoke( "Configure" ); Console.Write( "Core: Initializing localization strings..." ); ClilocHandler.AddCliloc( "ENU" ); //English - No Argument sets the default ClilocHandler.AddCliloc( "CHS" ); //Chinese ClilocHandler.AddCliloc( "CHT" ); //Chinese ClilocHandler.AddCliloc( "DEU" ); //German ClilocHandler.AddCliloc( "ESP" ); //Spanish ClilocHandler.AddCliloc( "FRA" ); //French ClilocHandler.AddCliloc( "JPN" ); //Japan ClilocHandler.AddCliloc( "KOR" ); //Korean Console.WriteLine( "done ({0} languages)", StringList.StringLists.Count ); Region.Load(); World.Load(); ScriptCompiler.Invoke( "Initialize" ); MessagePump messagePump = new MessagePump(); timerThread.Start(); for( int i = 0; i < Map.AllMaps.Count; ++i ) Map.AllMaps[i].Tiles.Force(); NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { DateTime now, last = DateTime.UtcNow; const int sampleInterval = 100; //const float ticksPerSecond = (float)(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond * sampleInterval); const float ticksPerSecond = (float)(1000 * sampleInterval); long sample = 0; while( m_Signal.WaitOne() ) { Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); messagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if( Slice != null ) Slice(); if( (++sample % sampleInterval) == 0 ) { now = DateTime.UtcNow; m_CyclesPerSecond[m_CycleIndex++ % m_CyclesPerSecond.Length] = ticksPerSecond / (now.Ticks - last.Ticks); last = now; } } } catch( Exception e ) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException( null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs( e, true ) ); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += CurrentDomain_ProcessExit; foreach (string arg in args) { if (Insensitive.Equals(arg, "-debug")) { m_Debug = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(arg, "-service")) { m_Service = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(arg, "-profile")) { Profiling = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(arg, "-nocache")) { m_Cache = false; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(arg, "-haltonwarning")) { m_HaltOnWarning = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(arg, "-vb")) { m_VBdotNET = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(arg, "-usehrt")) { m_UseHRT = true; } } try { if (m_Service) { if (!Directory.Exists("Logs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Logs"); } Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(new FileLogger("Logs/Console.log"))); } else { Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out)); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (m_Thread != null) { m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } var ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(ttObj.TimerMain) { Name = "Timer Thread" }; Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; String publishNumber = String.Empty; if (File.Exists("publish.txt")) { try { publishNumber = File.ReadAllText("publish.txt", Encoding.UTF8); } catch { } } // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkGreen); Console.WriteLine(@"----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Utility.PopColor(); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan); Console.WriteLine("JustUO - [] Version {0}.{1}", ver.Major, ver.Minor); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(publishNumber)) { Console.WriteLine("Publish {0}", publishNumber); } Utility.PopColor(); Console.WriteLine( "Core: .NET Framework Version {0}.{1}.{2}", Environment.Version.Major, Environment.Version.Minor, Environment.Version.Build); string s = Arguments; if (s.Length > 0) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow); Console.WriteLine("Core: Running with arguments: {0}", s); Utility.PopColor(); } m_ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; if (m_ProcessorCount > 1) { m_MultiProcessor = true; } if (m_MultiProcessor || Is64Bit) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Green); Console.WriteLine( "Core: Optimizing for {0} {2}processor{1}", m_ProcessorCount, m_ProcessorCount == 1 ? "" : "s", Is64Bit ? "64-bit " : ""); Utility.PopColor(); } var platform = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if (platform == 4 || platform == 128) { // MS 4, MONO 128 m_Unix = true; Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow); Console.WriteLine("Core: Unix environment detected"); Utility.PopColor(); } else { m_ConsoleEventHandler = OnConsoleEvent; UnsafeNativeMethods.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(m_ConsoleEventHandler, true); } if (GCSettings.IsServerGC) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); Console.WriteLine("Core: Server garbage collection mode enabled"); Utility.PopColor(); } if (m_UseHRT) { Console.WriteLine( "Core: Requested high resolution timing ({0})", UsingHighResolutionTiming ? "Supported" : "Unsupported"); } Console.WriteLine("RandomImpl: {0} ({1})", RandomImpl.Type.Name, RandomImpl.IsHardwareRNG ? "Hardware" : "Software"); _OpenUOSDK = new OpenUOSDK(); while (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(m_Debug, m_Cache)) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Red); Console.WriteLine("Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found."); Utility.PopColor(); if (m_Service) { return; } Console.WriteLine(" - Press return to exit, or R to try again."); if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.R) { return; } } ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Configure"); Region.Load(); World.Load(); ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Initialize"); MessagePump messagePump = m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(); timerThread.Start(); foreach (Map m in Map.AllMaps) { m.Tiles.Force(); } NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { long now, last = TickCount; const int sampleInterval = 100; const float ticksPerSecond = (float)(1000 * sampleInterval); long sample = 0; while (!m_Closing) { m_Signal.WaitOne(); Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); messagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } if ((++sample % sampleInterval) == 0) { now = TickCount; m_CyclesPerSecond[m_CycleIndex++ % m_CyclesPerSecond.Length] = ticksPerSecond / (now - last); last = now; } } } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-debug")) { m_Debug = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-service")) { m_Service = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-profile")) { Profiling = true; } } try { if (m_Service) { if (!Directory.Exists("Logs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Logs"); } Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out, new FileLogger("Logs/Console.log"))); } else { Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out)); } } catch { } #if !MONO m_ConsoleEventHandler = new ConsoleEventHandler(OnConsoleEvent); SetConsoleCtrlHandler(m_ConsoleEventHandler, true); #endif m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (m_Thread != null) { m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ttObj.TimerMain)); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Console.WriteLine("RunUO - [] Version {0}.{1}, Build {2}.{3}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Build, ver.Revision); Console.WriteLine("Core: Running on .NET Framework Version {0}.{1}.{2}", Environment.Version.Major, Environment.Version.Minor, Environment.Version.Build); string s = Arguments; if (s.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Core: Running with arguments: {0}", s); } int processorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; if (processorCount > 1) { m_MultiProcessor = true; } if (m_MultiProcessor || Is64Bit) { Console.WriteLine("Core: Optimizing for {0} {2}processor{1}", processorCount, processorCount == 1 ? "" : "s", Is64Bit ? "64-bit " : ""); } m_ProcessorCount = processorCount; while (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(m_Debug)) { Console.WriteLine("Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found."); Console.WriteLine(" - Press return to exit, or R to try again."); if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.R) { return; } } MessagePump ms = m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(new Listener(Listener.Port)); timerThread.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < Map.AllMaps.Count; ++i) { Map.AllMaps[i].Tiles.Force(); } NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { DateTime now, last = DateTime.Now; const int sampleInterval = 100; const float ticksPerSecond = ( float )(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond * sampleInterval); int sample = 0; while (!m_Closing) { Thread.Sleep(m_MultiProcessor ? 0 : 1); Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } if ((++sample % sampleInterval) == 0) { now = DateTime.Now; m_CyclesPerSecond[m_CycleIndex++ % m_CyclesPerSecond.Length] = ticksPerSecond / (now.Ticks - last.Ticks); last = now; } } } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } if (timerThread.IsAlive) { timerThread.Abort(); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); /* print a banner */ Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; Console.WriteLine("SunLogin Version {0}.{1}.{2}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Revision); Console.WriteLine(" on {0}, runtime {1}", Environment.OSVersion, Environment.Version); if ((int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform == 128) { Console.WriteLine("Please make sure you have Mono 1.1.7 or newer! (mono -V)"); } Console.WriteLine(); /* prepare SunUO */ AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit); if (args.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine("SunLogin does not understand command line arguments"); return; } string baseDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(ExePath); string confDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(baseDirectory) .CreateSubdirectory("etc").FullName; config = new Config.Root(baseDirectory, Path.Combine(confDirectory, "sunuo.xml")); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(config.BaseDirectory); m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; if (m_Thread != null) { m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ttObj.TimerMain)); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; if (!config.Exists) { config.Save(); } m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(new Listener(Listener.Port)); timerThread.Start(); NetState.Initialize(); Encryption.Initialize(); ServerList.Initialize(); ServerQueryTimer.Initialize(); Server.Accounting.AccountHandler.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); log.Info("SunLogin initialized, entering main loop"); try { while (!m_Closing) { m_Signal.WaitOne(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); } } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } if (timerThread.IsAlive) { timerThread.Abort(); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); /* print a banner */ Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; Console.WriteLine("SunUO Version {0}.{1}.{2}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Revision); Console.WriteLine(" on {0}, runtime {1}", Environment.OSVersion, Environment.Version); if ((int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform == 128) { Console.WriteLine("Please make sure you have Mono 1.1.3 or newer! (mono -V)"); } Console.WriteLine(); /* prepare SunUO */ AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit); bool debug = false; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-debug")) { debug = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-service")) { m_Service = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-profile")) { Profiling = true; } } config = new Config(Path.Combine(BaseDirectoryInfo.CreateSubdirectory("etc").FullName, "sunuo.xml")); try { m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out); Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut); if (m_Service) { string filename = Path.Combine(LogDirectoryInfo.FullName, "console.log"); m_MultiConOut.Add(new FileLogger(filename)); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); if (m_Thread != null) { m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ttObj.TimerMain)); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; while (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(debug)) { Console.WriteLine("Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found."); Console.WriteLine(" - Press return to exit, or R to try again."); string line = Console.ReadLine(); if (line == null || line.ToLower() != "r") { return; } } Console.Write("Verifying scripts:"); m_ItemCount = 0; m_MobileCount = 0; foreach (Library l in ScriptCompiler.Libraries) { int itemCount = 0, mobileCount = 0; Console.Write(" {0}[", l.Name); l.Verify(ref itemCount, ref mobileCount); Console.Write("{0} items, {1} mobiles]", itemCount, mobileCount); m_ItemCount += itemCount; m_MobileCount += mobileCount; } Console.WriteLine(" - done ({0} items, {1} mobiles)", m_ItemCount, m_MobileCount); try { ScriptCompiler.Configure(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { Console.WriteLine("Configure exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } config.Save(); World.Load(); try { ScriptCompiler.Initialize(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { Console.WriteLine("Initialize exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } Region.Load(); MessagePump ms = m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(new Listener(Listener.Port)); timerThread.Start(); NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { while (!m_Closing) { Thread.Sleep(1); Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } } } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } if (timerThread.IsAlive) { timerThread.Abort(); } }
public static void Start(Config.Root _config, bool debug, bool _service, bool _profiling) { config = _config; m_Service = _service; Profiling = _profiling; m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); /* prepare SunUO */ AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler( CurrentDomain_UnhandledException ); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler( CurrentDomain_ProcessExit ); /* redirect Console to file in service mode */ if (m_Service) { string filename = Path.Combine(LogDirectoryInfo.FullName, "console.log"); FileStream stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream); Console.SetOut(writer); Console.SetError(writer); } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); if ( m_Thread != null ) m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; if ( BaseDirectory.Length > 0 ) Directory.SetCurrentDirectory( BaseDirectory ); Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( ttObj.TimerMain ) ); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; if (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(debug)) return; m_ItemCount = 0; m_MobileCount = 0; foreach (Library l in ScriptCompiler.Libraries) { int itemCount = 0, mobileCount = 0; l.Verify(ref itemCount, ref mobileCount); log.Info(String.Format("Library {0} verified: {1} items, {2} mobiles", l.Name, itemCount, mobileCount)); m_ItemCount += itemCount; m_MobileCount += mobileCount; } log.Info(String.Format("All libraries verified: {0} items, {1} mobiles)", m_ItemCount, m_MobileCount)); try { ScriptCompiler.Configure(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { log.Fatal("Configure exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } if (!config.Exists) config.Save(); World.Load(); try { ScriptCompiler.Initialize(); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { log.Fatal("Initialize exception: {0}", e.InnerException); return; } Region.Load(); m_MessagePump = new MessagePump( new Listener( Listener.Port ) ); timerThread.Start(); NetState.Initialize(); Encryption.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); log.Info("SunUO initialized, entering main loop"); try { while ( !m_Closing ) { m_Signal.WaitOne(); m_Now = DateTime.Now; Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if ( Slice != null ) Slice(); } } catch ( Exception e ) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException( null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs( e, true ) ); } if ( timerThread.IsAlive ) timerThread.Abort(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += CurrentDomain_ProcessExit; foreach (string a in args) { if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-debug")) { Debug = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-service")) { Service = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-profile")) { Profiling = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-nocache")) { _Cache = false; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-haltonwarning")) { HaltOnWarning = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-vb")) { VBdotNet = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(a, "-usehrt")) { _UseHRT = true; } } try { if (Service) { if (!Directory.Exists("Logs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Logs"); } Console.SetOut(MultiConsoleOut = new MultiTextWriter(new FileLogger("Logs/Console.log"))); } else { Console.SetOut(MultiConsoleOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out)); } } catch { } Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (Thread != null) { Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); _TimerThread = new Thread(ttObj.TimerMain) { Name = "Timer Thread" }; Version ver = Assembly.GetName().Version; String publishNumber = ""; if (File.Exists("publish.txt")) { publishNumber = File.ReadAllText("publish.txt"); } Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Magenta); Console.WriteLine(" ___ _ _ ___ _ "); Console.WriteLine(" / __| |_ __ _ _ _ __| | | __|_ _ __ _(_)_ _ ___ "); Console.WriteLine(" \\__ \\ ' \\/ _` | '_/ _` | | _|| ' \\/ _` | | ' \\/ -_)"); Console.WriteLine(" |___/_||_\\__,_|_| \\__,_| |___|_||_\\__, |_|_||_\\___|"); Console.WriteLine(" |___/ "); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan); Console.WriteLine(" _ __ ___ _ "); Console.WriteLine(" / |/ /| _ ) ___| |_____ __ __ "); Console.WriteLine(" | / _ \\ _ \\/ -_) / _ \\ V V / "); Console.WriteLine(" |_\\___/___/\\___|_\\___/\\_/\\_/ "); Console.WriteLine(); // Console.WriteLine(" 16Below "); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.WriteLine(" Running Shard Engine Version {0}.{1}.{2}", new object[] { ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.MinorRevision, // ver.Revision }); if (Environment.Version.Build == 30319) { Console.WriteLine(" .NET Framework Version 4.6.1"); } else { Console.WriteLine(" .NET Framework Version {0}.{1}.{2}", new object[] { Environment.Version.Major, Environment.Version.Minor, Environment.Version.Build, }); } Console.WriteLine(""); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Blue); Console.WriteLine(new String('_', Console.BufferWidth)); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); int platform = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Magenta); Console.Write("Shard: "); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.Write("Detecting Operating System"); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkGray); Console.Write("....................................."); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); if (platform == 4 || platform == 128) { Unix = true; Console.WriteLine("[Unix]"); Utility.PopColor(); } else { // _ConsoleEventHandler = new ConsoleEventHandler(OnConsoleEvent); // UnsafeNativeMethods.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(_ConsoleEventHandler, true); switch (Environment.OSVersion.Platform) { case PlatformID.Win32S: Console.WriteLine("[Win3.1]"); Utility.PopColor(); break; case PlatformID.Win32Windows: { int minor = Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor; if (minor != 0) { if (minor != 10) { if (minor == 90) { Console.WriteLine("[WinME]"); Utility.PopColor(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("[Win98]"); Utility.PopColor(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("[Win95]"); Utility.PopColor(); } break; } case PlatformID.Win32NT: switch (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major) { case 3: Console.WriteLine("[NT 3.51]"); Utility.PopColor(); break; case 4: Console.WriteLine("[NT 4.0]"); Utility.PopColor(); break; case 5: switch (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor) { case 0: Console.WriteLine("[Win2000]"); Utility.PopColor(); break; case 1: Console.WriteLine("[WinXP]"); Utility.PopColor(); break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("[Win2003]"); Utility.PopColor(); break; } break; case 6: switch (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor) { case 0: Console.WriteLine("[Vista]"); Utility.PopColor(); break; case 1: Console.WriteLine("[Win7]"); Utility.PopColor(); break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("[Win8]"); Utility.PopColor(); break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("[Win8.1]"); Utility.PopColor(); break; case 4: Console.WriteLine("[Win10]"); Utility.PopColor(); break; } break; } break; case PlatformID.WinCE: Console.WriteLine("[WinCE]"); Utility.PopColor(); break; default: // _ConsoleEventHandler = new ConsoleEventHandler(OnConsoleEvent); // UnsafeNativeMethods.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(_ConsoleEventHandler, true); Console.WriteLine("[Unknown]"); Utility.PopColor(); break; } } Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Magenta); Console.Write("Shard: "); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.Write("Processor Configuration"); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan); Console.Write("(Core Count {0})", Environment.ProcessorCount); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkGray); Console.Write(".........................."); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); if (Is64Bit) { Console.WriteLine("[64-bit]"); Utility.PopColor(); } else { Console.WriteLine("[32-bit]"); Utility.PopColor(); } string arguments = Arguments; Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Magenta); Console.Write("Shard: "); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.Write("Operating Mode"); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkGray); Console.Write("................................................."); if (arguments.Length > 0) { if (arguments.Length > 8) { Console.SetCursorPosition(63, Console.CursorTop); } else if (arguments.Length == 8) { Console.SetCursorPosition(69, Console.CursorTop); } Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow); Console.WriteLine("[{0}]", new object[] { arguments }); Utility.PopColor(); } else { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Gray); Console.WriteLine("[default]"); Utility.PopColor(); } Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Magenta); Console.Write("Shard: "); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.Write("Garbage Collection Mode"); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkGray); Console.Write("........................................"); if (GCSettings.IsServerGC) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.WriteLine("[Enabled]"); Utility.PopColor(); } else { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkGray); Console.SetCursorPosition(69, Console.CursorTop); Console.WriteLine("[Disabled]"); Utility.PopColor(); } // string text = "....................................................."; int num = 70 - (RandomImpl.Type.Name.Length + 18); if (num < 0) { num = 0; } Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Magenta); Console.Write("Shard: "); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.Write("RandomImpl {0}", new object[] { RandomImpl.Type.Name }); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkGray); Console.Write("............................................"); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.SetCursorPosition(69, Console.CursorTop); Console.WriteLine("[{0}]", new object[] { RandomImpl.IsHardwareRNG ? "Hardware" : "Software" }); Utility.PopColor(); if (_UseHRT) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Magenta); Console.Write("Shard: "); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.Write("High Resolution Timing requested"); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkGray); Console.Write("..............................."); if (UsingHighResolutionTiming) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Green); Console.WriteLine("[Success]"); Utility.PopColor(); } else { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Red); Console.WriteLine("[Failure]"); Utility.PopColor(); } } else { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Magenta); Console.Write("Shard: "); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.Write("Standard Timing requested"); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkGray); Console.Write("......................................"); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Green); Console.WriteLine("[Success]"); Utility.PopColor(); } Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Magenta); Console.Write("Shard: "); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.Write("Initializing Shard Engine settings"); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkGray); Console.Write("............................."); Configs.Load(); bEnforceExpansionClient = Configs.Get("16Below.EnforceExpansionClient", false); bDemoVersionEnabled = Configs.Get("16Below.DemoVersionEnabled", false); Utility.PopColor(); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Magenta); Console.Write("Shard: "); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.Write("Compiling Scripts"); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkGray); Console.Write(".............................................."); Utility.PopColor(); while (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(Debug, _Cache)) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Red); Console.WriteLine("Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found."); Utility.PopColor(); if (Service) { return; } Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write("Shard: Press <return> to exit, or <R> to try again. "); if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.R) { return; } } ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Configure"); Region.Load(); World.Load(); ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Initialize"); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Green); Console.WriteLine(new String('_', Console.BufferWidth)); Utility.PopColor(); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Magenta); Console.Write("Shard: "); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.Write("Initializing Network"); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkGray); Console.Write("...(F5 for a list of available IP's)....."); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); if (Configs.Get("16Below.ConsoleBeep", false)) { Console.WriteLine("\a[Listening]"); } else { Console.WriteLine("[Listening]"); } Utility.PopColor(); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Green); Console.WriteLine(new String('_', Console.BufferWidth)); Utility.PopColor(); MessagePump messagePump = MessagePump = new MessagePump(); _TimerThread.Start(); foreach (Map m in Map.AllMaps) { m.Tiles.Force(); } NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { long now, last = TickCount; const int sampleInterval = 100; const float ticksPerSecond = 1000.0f * sampleInterval; long sample = 0; while (!Closing) { _Signal.WaitOne(); Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); messagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } if (sample++ % sampleInterval != 0) { continue; } now = TickCount; _CyclesPerSecond[_CycleIndex++ % _CyclesPerSecond.Length] = ticksPerSecond / (now - last); last = now; } } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { bool isService = !Insensitive.Equals(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().TrimEnd('\\'), System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.TrimEnd('\\')); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-debug")) { m_Debug = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-service")) { m_Service = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-profile")) { Profiling = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-nocache")) { m_Cache = false; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-haltonwarning")) { m_HaltOnWarning = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-vb")) { m_VBdotNET = true; } } Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}", System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, isService); System.IO.Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory); #if !MONO if (isService) { ServiceMain(); return; } #endif try { if (m_Service) { if (!Directory.Exists("Logs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Logs"); } Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out, new FileLogger("Logs/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd.HH-mm-ss") + ".log"))); } else { Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out)); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (m_Thread != null) { m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ttObj.TimerMain)); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Console.WriteLine("RunUO - [] Version {0}.{1}, Build {2}.{3}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Build, ver.Revision); Console.WriteLine("Core: Running on .NET Framework Version {0}.{1}.{2}", Environment.Version.Major, Environment.Version.Minor, Environment.Version.Build); string s = Arguments; if (args.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Core: Running with arguments: {0}", args); } m_ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; if (m_ProcessorCount > 1) { m_MultiProcessor = true; } if (m_MultiProcessor || Is64Bit) { Console.WriteLine("Core: Optimizing for {0} {2}processor{1}", m_ProcessorCount, m_ProcessorCount == 1 ? "" : "s", Is64Bit ? "64-bit " : ""); } int platform = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if ((platform == 4) || (platform == 128)) // MS 4, MONO 128 { m_Unix = true; Console.WriteLine("Core: Unix environment detected"); } else { m_ConsoleEventHandler = new ConsoleEventHandler(OnConsoleEvent); SetConsoleCtrlHandler(m_ConsoleEventHandler, true); } while (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(m_Debug, m_Cache)) { Console.WriteLine("Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found."); Console.WriteLine(" - Press return to exit, or R to try again."); if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.R) { return; } } SocketPool.Create(); MessagePump ms = m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(); timerThread.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < Map.AllMaps.Count; ++i) { Map.AllMaps[i].Tiles.Force(); } NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { DateTime now, last = DateTime.Now; const int sampleInterval = 100; const float ticksPerSecond = (float)(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond * sampleInterval); int sample = 0; while (!m_Closing && m_Signal.WaitOne()) { Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } if ((++sample % sampleInterval) == 0) { now = DateTime.Now; m_CyclesPerSecond[m_CycleIndex++ % m_CyclesPerSecond.Length] = ticksPerSecond / (now.Ticks - last.Ticks); last = now; } } } #if !MONO catch (ThreadAbortException e) { e.GetBaseException(); //Just to remove warning. I can't remember how to supress... Thread.ResetAbort(); HandleClosed(); //Kill(false); } #endif catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } }
public static void Main( string[] args ) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler( CurrentDomain_UnhandledException ); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler( CurrentDomain_ProcessExit ); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.Title = "UO Aberration : Core"; for( int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i ) { if( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-debug" ) ) m_Debug = true; else if( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-service" ) ) m_Service = true; else if( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-profile" ) ) Profiling = true; else if( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-nocache" ) ) m_Cache = false; else if( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-haltonwarning" ) ) m_HaltOnWarning = true; } try { if( m_Service ) { if( !Directory.Exists( "Logs" ) ) Directory.CreateDirectory( "Logs" ); Console.SetOut( m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter( new FileLogger( "Logs/Console.log" ) ) ); } else { Console.SetOut( m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter( Console.Out ) ); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if( m_Thread != null ) m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; if( BaseDirectory.Length > 0 ) Directory.SetCurrentDirectory( BaseDirectory ); Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( ttObj.TimerMain ) ); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; /* * ServUO's Original Code if (File.Exists("publish.txt")) { try { FileStream fs = new FileStream("publish.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs); publishNumber = sr.ReadLine(); sr.Close(); fs.Close(); } catch { } }*/ //Concept Expanded based upon ServUO's publish number. string header = ""; ConsoleColor desiredColor = ConsoleColor.White; if (File.Exists("header.txt")) { bool chopColor = false; try { FileStream file = new FileStream("header.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(file); string determineTextColor = (string)(reader.ReadLine().Trim().ToLower()); if (Enum.TryParse<ConsoleColor>(determineTextColor, true, out desiredColor)) chopColor = true; else Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); if (chopColor) { header = (string)(reader.ReadToEnd()); } file.Close(); reader.Close(); file.Dispose(); reader.Dispose(); } catch { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Red); Console.Write("Error: "); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.WriteLine("Your are either missing header.txt or it is misconfigured."); } } else { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Red); Console.Write("Error: "); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.WriteLine("header.txt could not be located."); } Utility.PushColor( desiredColor ); Console.WriteLine( header ); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.White); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine( "Core ({3}): Running on .NET Framework Version {0}.{1}.{2}", Environment.Version.Major, Environment.Version.Minor, Environment.Version.Build, Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "x64" : "x86" ); string s = Arguments; if( s.Length > 0 ) Console.WriteLine( "Core: Running with arguments: {0}", s ); m_ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; if( m_ProcessorCount > 1 ) m_MultiProcessor = true; if( m_MultiProcessor || Is64Bit ) Console.WriteLine( "Core: Optimizing for {0} {2}processor{1}", m_ProcessorCount, m_ProcessorCount == 1 ? "" : "s", Is64Bit ? "64-bit " : "" ); int platform = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if( platform == 4 || platform == 128 ) { // MS 4, MONO 128 m_Unix = true; Console.WriteLine( "Core: Unix environment detected" ); } else { m_ConsoleEventHandler = new ConsoleEventHandler( OnConsoleEvent ); SetConsoleCtrlHandler( m_ConsoleEventHandler, true ); } if( GCSettings.IsServerGC ) Console.WriteLine( "Core: Server garbage collection mode enabled" ); while( !ScriptCompiler.Compile( m_Debug, m_Cache ) ) { Console.WriteLine( "Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found." ); if( m_Service ) return; Console.WriteLine( " - Press return to exit, or R to try again." ); if( Console.ReadKey( true ).Key != ConsoleKey.R ) return; } ScriptCompiler.Invoke( "Configure" ); Region.Load(); World.Load(); ScriptCompiler.Invoke( "Initialize" ); MessagePump messagePump = m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(); timerThread.Start(); for( int i = 0; i < Map.AllMaps.Count; ++i ) Map.AllMaps[i].Tiles.Force(); NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { DateTime now, last = DateTime.UtcNow; const int sampleInterval = 100; const float ticksPerSecond = (float)(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond * sampleInterval); long sample = 0; while( m_Signal.WaitOne() ) { Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); messagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if( Slice != null ) Slice(); if( (++sample % sampleInterval) == 0 ) { now = DateTime.UtcNow; m_CyclesPerSecond[m_CycleIndex++ % m_CyclesPerSecond.Length] = ticksPerSecond / (now.Ticks - last.Ticks); last = now; } } } catch( Exception e ) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException( null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs( e, true ) ); } }
public static void Main( string[] args ) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler( CurrentDomain_UnhandledException ); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler( CurrentDomain_ProcessExit ); bool debug = false; for ( int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i ) { if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-debug" ) ) debug = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-service" ) ) m_Service = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-profile" ) ) Profiling = true; } try { if ( m_Service ) { if ( !Directory.Exists( "Logs" ) ) Directory.CreateDirectory( "Logs" ); Console.SetOut( m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter( Console.Out, new FileLogger( "Logs/Console.log" ) ) ); } else { Console.SetOut( m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter( Console.Out ) ); } } catch { } #if !MONO m_ConsoleEventHandler = new ConsoleEventHandler( OnConsoleEvent ); SetConsoleCtrlHandler( m_ConsoleEventHandler, true ); #endif m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if ( m_Thread != null ) m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; if ( BaseDirectory.Length > 0 ) Directory.SetCurrentDirectory( BaseDirectory ); Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( ttObj.TimerMain ) ); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Console.WriteLine( "RunUO - [] Version {0}.{1}.{3}, Build {2}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Revision, ver.Build ); while ( !ScriptCompiler.Compile( debug ) ) { Console.WriteLine( "Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found." ); Console.WriteLine( " - Press return to exit, or R to try again." ); string line = Console.ReadLine(); if ( line == null || line.ToLower() != "r" ) return; } Region.Load(); MessagePump ms = m_MessagePump = new MessagePump( new Listener( Listener.Port ) ); timerThread.Start(); for ( int i = 0; i < Map.AllMaps.Count; ++i ) ((Map)Map.AllMaps[i]).Tiles.Force(); NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { while ( !m_Closing ) { Thread.Sleep( 1 ); Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if ( Slice != null ) Slice(); } } catch ( Exception e ) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException( null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs( e, true ) ); } if ( timerThread.IsAlive ) timerThread.Abort(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-debug")) { m_Debug = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-service")) { m_Service = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-profile")) { Profiling = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-nocache")) { m_Cache = false; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-haltonwarning")) { m_HaltOnWarning = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-vb")) { m_VBdotNET = true; } } try { if (m_Service) { if (!Directory.Exists("Logs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Logs"); } Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(new FileLogger("Logs/Console.log"))); } else { Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out)); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (m_Thread != null) { m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ttObj.TimerMain)); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; String publishNumber = ""; if (File.Exists("publish.txt")) { try { FileStream fs = new FileStream("publish.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs); publishNumber = sr.ReadLine(); sr.Close(); fs.Close(); } catch { } } // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkGreen); Console.WriteLine(@"----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Utility.PopColor(); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan); Console.WriteLine("ServUO - [] Version {0}.{1}, Build {2}.{3}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Build, ver.Revision); Console.WriteLine("Publish {0}", publishNumber); Utility.PopColor(); string s = Arguments; if (s.Length > 0) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow); Console.WriteLine("Core: Running with arguments: {0}", s); Utility.PopColor(); } m_ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; if (m_ProcessorCount > 1) { m_MultiProcessor = true; } if (m_MultiProcessor || Is64Bit) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Green); Console.WriteLine("Core: Optimizing for {0} {2}processor{1}", m_ProcessorCount, m_ProcessorCount == 1 ? "" : "s", Is64Bit ? "64-bit " : ""); Utility.PopColor(); } int platform = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if (platform == 4 || platform == 128) { // MS 4, MONO 128 m_Unix = true; Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow); Console.WriteLine("Core: Unix environment detected"); Utility.PopColor(); } else { m_ConsoleEventHandler = new ConsoleEventHandler(OnConsoleEvent); SetConsoleCtrlHandler(m_ConsoleEventHandler, true); } if (GCSettings.IsServerGC) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); Console.WriteLine("Core: Server garbage collection mode enabled"); Utility.PopColor(); } _openUOSDK = new OpenUOSDK(); while (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(m_Debug, m_Cache)) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Red); Console.WriteLine("Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found."); Utility.PopColor(); if (m_Service) { return; } Console.WriteLine(" - Press return to exit, or R to try again."); if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.R) { return; } } ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Configure"); Region.Load(); World.Load(); ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Initialize"); MessagePump messagePump = new MessagePump(); timerThread.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < Map.AllMaps.Count; ++i) { Map.AllMaps[i].Tiles.Force(); } NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { DateTime now, last = DateTime.UtcNow; const int sampleInterval = 100; const float ticksPerSecond = (float)(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond * sampleInterval); long sample = 0; while (m_Signal.WaitOne()) { Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); messagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } if ((++sample % sampleInterval) == 0) { now = DateTime.UtcNow; m_CyclesPerSecond[m_CycleIndex++ % m_CyclesPerSecond.Length] = ticksPerSecond / (now.Ticks - last.Ticks); last = now; } } } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { #if !DEBUG AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); #endif AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-debug")) { m_Debug = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-service")) { m_Service = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-profile")) { Profiling = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-nocache")) { m_Cache = false; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-haltonwarning")) { m_HaltOnWarning = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-vb")) { m_VBdotNET = true; } } try { if (m_Service) { if (!Directory.Exists("Logs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Logs"); } Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out, new FileLogger("Logs/Console.log"))); } else { Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out)); } } catch (Exception ex) { EventSink.InvokeLogException(new LogExceptionEventArgs(ex)); } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (m_Thread != null) { m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ttObj.TimerMain)); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Console.WriteLine("Angel Island - [] Version {0}.{1}.{3}, Build {2}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Revision, ver.Build); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("[Debug Build Enabled]"); #endif string s = Arguments; if (s.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Core: Running with arguments: {0}", s); } m_ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; if (m_ProcessorCount > 1) { m_MultiProcessor = true; } if (m_MultiProcessor || Is64Bit) { Console.WriteLine("Core: Optimizing for {0} {2}processor{1}", m_ProcessorCount, m_ProcessorCount == 1 ? "" : "s", Is64Bit ? "64-bit " : ""); } int platform = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if ((platform == 4) || (platform == 128)) { // MS 4, MONO 128 m_Unix = true; Console.WriteLine("Core: Unix environment detected"); } else { m_ConsoleEventHandler = new ConsoleEventHandler(OnConsoleEvent); SetConsoleCtrlHandler(m_ConsoleEventHandler, true); } while (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(m_Debug)) { if (m_Quiet) //abort and exit if compile scripts failed { return; } Console.WriteLine("Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found."); Console.WriteLine(" - Press return to exit, or R to try again."); string line = Console.ReadLine(); if (line == null || line.ToLower() != "r") { return; } } // adam: I believe the new startup logic is nore robust as it attempts to prevents timers from firing // before the shard is fully up and alive. Region.Load(); SocketPool.Create(); MessagePump ms = m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(); timerThread.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < Map.AllMaps.Count; ++i) { ((Map)Map.AllMaps[i]).Tiles.Force(); } NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); #if !DEBUG try { #endif while (m_Signal.WaitOne()) { Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } } #if !DEBUG } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } #endif }
public static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-debug")) { m_Debug = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-service")) { m_Service = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-profile")) { Profiling = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-nocache")) { m_Cache = false; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-haltonwarning")) { m_HaltOnWarning = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-vb")) { m_VBdotNET = true; } } try { if (m_Service) { if (!Directory.Exists("Logs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Logs"); } Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(new FileLogger("Logs/Console.log"))); } else { Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out)); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (m_Thread != null) { m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ttObj.TimerMain)); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Console.WriteLine("RunUO - [] Version {0}.{1}, Build {2}.{3}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Build, ver.Revision); Console.WriteLine("Core: Running on .NET Framework Version {0}.{1}.{2}", Environment.Version.Major, Environment.Version.Minor, Environment.Version.Build); string s = Arguments; if (s.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Core: Running with arguments: {0}", s); } m_ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; if (m_ProcessorCount > 1) { m_MultiProcessor = true; } if (m_MultiProcessor || Is64Bit) { Console.WriteLine("Core: Optimizing for {0} {2}processor{1}", m_ProcessorCount, m_ProcessorCount == 1 ? "" : "s", Is64Bit ? "64-bit " : ""); } int platform = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if (platform == 4 || platform == 128) // MS 4, MONO 128 { m_Unix = true; Console.WriteLine("Core: Unix environment detected"); } else { m_ConsoleEventHandler = new ConsoleEventHandler(OnConsoleEvent); UnsafeNativeMethods.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(m_ConsoleEventHandler, true); } if (GCSettings.IsServerGC) { Console.WriteLine("Core: Server garbage collection mode enabled"); } Console.WriteLine("RandomImpl: {0} ({1})", RandomImpl.Type.Name, RandomImpl.IsHardwareRNG ? "Hardware" : "Software"); while (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(m_Debug, m_Cache)) { Console.WriteLine("Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found."); if (m_Service) { return; } Console.WriteLine(" - Press return to exit, or R to try again."); if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.R) { return; } } ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Configure"); Region.Load(); World.Load(); ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Initialize"); MessagePump messagePump = m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(); timerThread.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < Map.AllMaps.Count; ++i) { Map.AllMaps[i].Tiles.Force(); } NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { long now, last = TickCount; const int sampleInterval = 100; const float ticksPerSecond = (float)(1000 * sampleInterval); long sample = 0; while (!m_Closing) { m_Signal.WaitOne(); Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); messagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } if ((++sample % sampleInterval) == 0) { now = TickCount; m_CyclesPerSecond[m_CycleIndex++ % m_CyclesPerSecond.Length] = ticksPerSecond / (now - last); last = now; } } } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } }
public static void Main( string[] args ) { m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); /* print a banner */ Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; Console.WriteLine("SunLogin Version {0}.{1}.{2}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Revision); Console.WriteLine(" on {0}, runtime {1}", Environment.OSVersion, Environment.Version); if ((int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform == 128) Console.WriteLine("Please make sure you have Mono 1.1.7 or newer! (mono -V)"); Console.WriteLine(); /* prepare SunUO */ AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler( CurrentDomain_UnhandledException ); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler( CurrentDomain_ProcessExit ); for ( int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i ) { if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-service" ) ) m_Service = true; else if ( Insensitive.Equals( args[i], "-profile" ) ) Profiling = true; else if (args[i] == "--logfile") { string logfile = args[++i]; StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(logfile, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write)); writer.AutoFlush = true; Console.SetOut(writer); Console.SetError(writer); } } config = new Config(Path.Combine(BaseDirectoryInfo.CreateSubdirectory("etc").FullName, "sunuo.xml")); try { m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out); Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut); if (m_Service) { string filename = Path.Combine(LogDirectoryInfo.FullName, "console.log"); m_MultiConOut.Add(new FileLogger(filename)); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; if ( m_Thread != null ) m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; if ( BaseDirectory.Length > 0 ) Directory.SetCurrentDirectory( BaseDirectory ); Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( ttObj.TimerMain ) ); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; if (!config.Exists) config.Save(); m_MessagePump = new MessagePump( new Listener( Listener.Port ) ); timerThread.Start(); NetState.Initialize(); Encryption.Initialize(); ServerList.Initialize(); Server.Accounting.AccountHandler.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { while ( !m_Closing ) { Thread.Sleep( 1 ); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if ( Slice != null ) Slice(); } } catch ( Exception e ) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException( null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs( e, true ) ); } if ( timerThread.IsAlive ) timerThread.Abort(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += CurrentDomain_ProcessExit; foreach (string arg in args) { if (Insensitive.Equals(arg, "-debug")) { m_Debug = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(arg, "-service")) { m_Service = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(arg, "-profile")) { Profiling = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(arg, "-nocache")) { m_Cache = false; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(arg, "-haltonwarning")) { m_HaltOnWarning = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(arg, "-vb")) { m_VBdotNET = true; } else if (Insensitive.Equals(arg, "-usehrt")) { m_UseHRT = true; } } try { if (m_Service) { if (!Directory.Exists("Logs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("Logs"); } Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(new FileLogger("Logs/Console.log"))); } else { Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out)); } } catch { } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (m_Thread != null) { m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; } if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); } var ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(ttObj.TimerMain) { Name = "Timer Thread" }; Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; String publishNumber = String.Empty; if (File.Exists("publish.txt")) { try { publishNumber = File.ReadAllText("publish.txt", Encoding.UTF8); } catch { } } // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkGreen); Console.WriteLine(@"----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Utility.PopColor(); Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan); Console.WriteLine("JustUO - [] Version {0}.{1}", ver.Major, ver.Minor); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(publishNumber)) { Console.WriteLine("Publish {0}", publishNumber); } Utility.PopColor(); Console.WriteLine( "Core: .NET Framework Version {0}.{1}.{2}", Environment.Version.Major, Environment.Version.Minor, Environment.Version.Build); string s = Arguments; if (s.Length > 0) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow); Console.WriteLine("Core: Running with arguments: {0}", s); Utility.PopColor(); } m_ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; if (m_ProcessorCount > 1) { m_MultiProcessor = true; } if (m_MultiProcessor || Is64Bit) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Green); Console.WriteLine( "Core: Optimizing for {0} {2}processor{1}", m_ProcessorCount, m_ProcessorCount == 1 ? "" : "s", Is64Bit ? "64-bit " : ""); Utility.PopColor(); } var platform = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if (platform == 4 || platform == 128) { // MS 4, MONO 128 m_Unix = true; Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Yellow); Console.WriteLine("Core: Unix environment detected"); Utility.PopColor(); } else { m_ConsoleEventHandler = OnConsoleEvent; UnsafeNativeMethods.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(m_ConsoleEventHandler, true); } if (GCSettings.IsServerGC) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); Console.WriteLine("Core: Server garbage collection mode enabled"); Utility.PopColor(); } if (m_UseHRT) { Console.WriteLine( "Core: Requested high resolution timing ({0})", UsingHighResolutionTiming ? "Supported" : "Unsupported"); } Console.WriteLine("RandomImpl: {0} ({1})", RandomImpl.Type.Name, RandomImpl.IsHardwareRNG ? "Hardware" : "Software"); while (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(m_Debug, m_Cache)) { Utility.PushColor(ConsoleColor.Red); Console.WriteLine("Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found."); Utility.PopColor(); if (m_Service) { return; } Console.WriteLine(" - Press return to exit, or R to try again."); if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.R) { return; } } ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Configure"); Region.Load(); World.Load(); ScriptCompiler.Invoke("Initialize"); MessagePump messagePump = m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(); timerThread.Start(); foreach (Map m in Map.AllMaps) { m.Tiles.Force(); } NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); try { long now, last = TickCount; const int sampleInterval = 100; const float ticksPerSecond = (float)(1000 * sampleInterval); long sample = 0; while (!m_Closing) { m_Signal.WaitOne(); Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); messagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) { Slice(); } if ((++sample % sampleInterval) == 0) { now = TickCount; m_CyclesPerSecond[m_CycleIndex++ % m_CyclesPerSecond.Length] = ticksPerSecond / (now - last); last = now; } } } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { #if !DEBUG AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); #endif AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(CurrentDomain_ProcessExit); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-debug")) m_Debug = true; else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-service")) m_Service = true; else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-profile")) Profiling = true; else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-nocache")) m_Cache = false; else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-haltonwarning")) m_HaltOnWarning = true; else if (Insensitive.Equals(args[i], "-vb")) m_VBdotNET = true; } try { if (m_Service) { if (!Directory.Exists("Logs")) Directory.CreateDirectory("Logs"); Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out, new FileLogger("Logs/Console.log"))); } else { Console.SetOut(m_MultiConOut = new MultiTextWriter(Console.Out)); } } catch (Exception ex) { EventSink.InvokeLogException(new LogExceptionEventArgs(ex)); } m_Thread = Thread.CurrentThread; m_Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); m_Assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (m_Thread != null) m_Thread.Name = "Core Thread"; if (BaseDirectory.Length > 0) Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(BaseDirectory); Timer.TimerThread ttObj = new Timer.TimerThread(); timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ttObj.TimerMain)); timerThread.Name = "Timer Thread"; Version ver = m_Assembly.GetName().Version; // Added to help future code support on forums, as a 'check' people can ask for to it see if they recompiled core or not Console.WriteLine("Angel Island - [] Version {0}.{1}.{3}, Build {2}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Revision, ver.Build); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("[Debug Build Enabled]"); #endif string s = Arguments; if (s.Length > 0) Console.WriteLine("Core: Running with arguments: {0}", s); m_ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; if (m_ProcessorCount > 1) m_MultiProcessor = true; if (m_MultiProcessor || Is64Bit) Console.WriteLine("Core: Optimizing for {0} {2}processor{1}", m_ProcessorCount, m_ProcessorCount == 1 ? "" : "s", Is64Bit ? "64-bit " : ""); int platform = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if ((platform == 4) || (platform == 128)) { // MS 4, MONO 128 m_Unix = true; Console.WriteLine("Core: Unix environment detected"); } else { m_ConsoleEventHandler = new ConsoleEventHandler(OnConsoleEvent); SetConsoleCtrlHandler(m_ConsoleEventHandler, true); } while (!ScriptCompiler.Compile(m_Debug)) { if (m_Quiet) //abort and exit if compile scripts failed return; Console.WriteLine("Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found."); Console.WriteLine(" - Press return to exit, or R to try again."); string line = Console.ReadLine(); if (line == null || line.ToLower() != "r") return; } // adam: I believe the new startup logic is nore robust as it attempts to prevents timers from firing // before the shard is fully up and alive. Region.Load(); SocketPool.Create(); MessagePump ms = m_MessagePump = new MessagePump(); timerThread.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < Map.AllMaps.Count; ++i) ((Map)Map.AllMaps[i]).Tiles.Force(); NetState.Initialize(); EventSink.InvokeServerStarted(); #if !DEBUG try { #endif while (m_Signal.WaitOne()) { Mobile.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Item.ProcessDeltaQueue(); Timer.Slice(); m_MessagePump.Slice(); NetState.FlushAll(); NetState.ProcessDisposedQueue(); if (Slice != null) Slice(); } #if !DEBUG } catch (Exception e) { CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(null, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, true)); } #endif }