public void StartListeningForNewClients()
            // Grab our local Ip Address that we have sent out in any connected client
            string localIp = ServerDefs.GetLocalIPAddress();

            Logger.Log(string.Format("Starting to listen for tcp connection on: {0}", localIp));

            // Local End point for listening to new TCP connection
            IPEndPoint addr     = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(localIp), ServerDefs.TCP_LISTEN_PORT);
            Socket     listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

            // Non-blocking reactor pattern for new clients joining the server

                while (true)

                    // Got a new connection
                    listener.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(AcceptCallback), listener);
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Log(string.Format("Exception handled : {0}", e.Message), Logger.LogPrio.Error);
        private void AcceptCallback(IAsyncResult ar)

            // ---- Set up tcp socket ----
            Socket listener = (Socket)ar.AsyncState;
            Socket localTcp = listener.EndAccept(ar);

            // ---- Generate a state object to pass around Async calls ----
            TcpStateObject tcpStateObj = new TcpStateObject();

            tcpStateObj.tcpSocket = localTcp;

            // ---- Add a new client with this Tcp socket and get the hash ----
            int hash = m_ServerManager.AddNewClient(tcpStateObj.tcpSocket);

            // ---- Gen a Udp state object on free system port----
            IPEndPoint localUpdEndPt = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ServerDefs.GetLocalIPAddress()), 0);
            UdpClient  localUdp      = new UdpClient(localUpdEndPt);

            UdpStateObject udpStateObj = new UdpStateObject();

            udpStateObj.endPoint  = localUpdEndPt;
            udpStateObj.udpSocket = localUdp;

            // Resolve system generated port of local udp socket
            int port = ((IPEndPoint)localUdp.Client.LocalEndPoint).Port;

            Logger.Log(string.Format("Listening for UDP connection on port {0}", port));

            // Store this in client data
            m_ServerManager.SetLocalUdpPort(hash, port);

            // **Important -- SEND Register Function and give them their id which they must store, and use in all packets so we know who they are, also send them local udp port that we are listening for them on.
            m_ServerManager.SendTcp(tcpStateObj.tcpSocket, fastJSON.JSON.ToJSON(new PacketDefs.connectPacket(hash, port), PacketDefs.JsonParams()));

            // ---- Begin Async Tcp receive for this client
            tcpStateObj.tcpSocket.BeginReceive(tcpStateObj.buffer, 0,
                                               ServerDefs.BUFF_SIZE, 0,
                                               new AsyncCallback(TcpReadCallback), tcpStateObj

            // ----  The client knows this local udp port, so if/when we get a message from them on this, we can add their end
            //		 point to the client hash table and connect a local udp Socket to that end point which is also stored and
            //		 completes the data structure for this client
            localUdp.BeginReceive(new AsyncCallback(UdpInitialReadCallback), udpStateObj);

            Logger.Log("New client connected to server");
            Logger.Log(string.Format("Number of clients connected {0}.\nNew client TCP Endpoint {1}.\nWaiting for udp connection on port {2}",
                                     m_ServerManager.NumClients(), localTcp.RemoteEndPoint, port));