Example #1
        public static void EventSink_GameLogin(GameLoginEventArgs e)
            if (!IPLimiter.SocketBlock && !IPLimiter.Verify(e.State.Address))
                e.Accepted = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Past IP limit threshold", e.State);

                using (StreamWriter op = new StreamWriter("ipLimits.log", true))
                    op.WriteLine("{0}\tPast IP limit threshold\t{1}", e.State, DateTime.Now);

                // tell other accounts on this IP what's going on

            string un = e.Username;
            string pw = e.Password;

            Account acct = Accounts.GetAccount(un);

            if (acct == null)
                e.Accepted = false;
            else if (IPLimiter.IPStillHot(acct, e.State.Address))
                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Access denied for '{1}'. IP too hot", e.State, un);
                e.Accepted = false;
            else if (!acct.HasAccess(e.State))
                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Access denied for '{1}'", e.State, un);
                e.Accepted = false;
            else if (!acct.CheckPassword(pw))
                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Invalid password for '{1}'", e.State, un);
                e.Accepted = false;
            else if (acct.Banned)
                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Banned account '{1}'", e.State, un);
                e.Accepted = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Account '{1}' at character list", e.State, un);
                e.State.Account = acct;
                e.Accepted      = true;
                e.CityInfo      = StartingCities;

            if (!e.Accepted)
Example #2
        public static void EventSink_GameLogin(GameLoginEventArgs e)
            if (!IPLimiter.SocketBlock && !IPLimiter.Verify(e.State.Address))
                e.Accepted = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Past IP limit threshold", e.State);

                using (StreamWriter op = new StreamWriter("ipLimits.log", true))
                    op.WriteLine("{0}\tPast IP limit threshold\t{1}", e.State, DateTime.Now);

                // tell other accounts on this IP what's going on

            // before a new logon to this shard, make sure to read in all queued password changes from all shards

            string un = e.Username;
            string pw = e.Password;

            Account acct = Accounts.GetAccount(un);

            //PIX: Note - this won't work where the login server lives (in our case, AI), but it will work for
            // servers not the login server.  That's because the IPs get logged on those after this check.
            // On login servers, we'd have to move this code before the account access was logged.
            // Note also that we only check the last IP logged in from.  So if Person A has account a1 and
            // Person B has account b1, they can both play from IP address I1.  However, both won't be able
            // to access any other accounts.  If Person B then logs in from IP I2, another account can then
            // be accessed from IP I1, but then account b1 won't be able to log in from IP I1.
            // The idea of this is that we only ever let two accounts at a time log in from a single IP
            // address.  If one (or more) accounts move to a different IP, then another account can login
            // from the old IP.  This effectively stops any more than 2 accounts having a single IP as their
            // last accessed.
            #region IPBinderEnabled
            if (!Core.LoginServer && CoreAI.IsDynamicFeatureSet(CoreAI.FeatureBits.IPBinderEnabled))                    //Adam: disable via IPBinderEnabled for now until we can better understand the logon problems people are having
                AccessLevel    aal      = AccessLevel.Player;
                List <Account> acctList = new List <Account>();
                int            countIP  = CountOfLastIPsEqualing(e.State.Address, out aal, out acctList);
                bool           boot     = false;

                if (acct != null &&
                    //if we've got a valid account and the account's last ip is the current ip, allow login
                    //Here then we're in the case where it's either a new account
                    // or the accout has a different last-game-login-ip, so make sure that
                    // that IP doesn't already have 2+ accounts
                    if (countIP >= 2 && aal <= AccessLevel.Player)
                        boot = true;                         //allow only 2 for Players
                    else if (countIP >= 3 && aal < AccessLevel.Administrator)
                        boot = true;                         //allow 3 for staff
                    else if (countIP >= 3)
                        //allow unlimited for Admins or greater
                        Console.WriteLine("Allowing unlimited IP access for {0} from {1}", e.Username, e.State);

                if (boot)
                    e.Accepted = false;

                    string strAccts = "";
                    foreach (Account a1 in acctList)
                        strAccts += ("[" + a1.Username + "]");

                    Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}({1}): Past OFFLINE IP limit threshold.  Accts: {2} ", e.Username, e.State, strAccts);
                    using (StreamWriter sw1 = new StreamWriter("offlineIPLimits.log", true))
                        sw1.WriteLine("{0}:{1}\tPast OFFLINE IP limit threshold\t{2}\tAccounts:{3}", e.Username, e.State, DateTime.Now, strAccts);

                        for (int i = 0; i < NetState.Instances.Count; ++i)
                            NetState compState = NetState.Instances[i];
                            if (e.State.Address.Equals(compState.Address) && compState.Mobile != null)
                                compState.Mobile.SendMessage(0x35, "You have exceeded the number of accounts authorized to connect from this address.");


            //if we have a valid account on a non-primary shard, create it (assuming AutoAccountCreation is on)
            if (acct == null && !Core.LoginServer)
                // there are NO STAFF accounts with this username and either you have NO accounts, or you have a matching account name and password for another shard.
                if (AutoAccountCreation && !Account.CheckAllStaff(null, un, false) && (!Account.CheckAllAccounts(un) || (Account.CheckAllAccounts(un) && Account.CheckAllPasswords(un, pw))))
                    acct = CreateAccount(e.State, un, pw);
                    if (Account.CheckAllStaff(null, un, false))
                        Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Invalid password for staff account '{1}'", e.State, un);
                    else if (Account.CheckAllAccounts(un))
                        Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Invalid password for '{1}'", e.State, un);
                        Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Invalid username '{1}'", e.State, un);

            if (acct == null)
                e.Accepted = false;
            else if (IPLimiter.IPStillHot(acct, e.State.Address))
                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Access denied for '{1}'. IP too hot", e.State, un);
                e.Accepted = false;
            else if (!acct.HasAccess(e.State))
                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Access denied for '{1}'", e.State, un);
                e.Accepted = false;
            // You succeed login when your password matches some shard and no shards have a user with the same name with greater access
            else if (!(Account.CheckAllPasswords(un, pw) && !Account.CheckAllStaff(acct, un, true)))
                if (Account.CheckAllStaff(acct, un, true))
                    Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Invalid password or access level for staff account '{1}'", e.State, un);
                    Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Invalid password for '{1}'", e.State, un);
                e.Accepted = false;
            else if (acct.Banned)
                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Banned account '{1}'", e.State, un);
                e.Accepted = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Account '{1}' at character list", e.State, un);
                e.State.Account = acct;
                e.Accepted      = true;
                e.CityInfo      = StartingCities;

            if (!e.Accepted)
Example #3
        public static void EventSink_AccountLogin(AccountLoginEventArgs e)
            //Disallow direct logins to other servers if we are not a developer
            if (!Core.LoginServer && !Core.Developer)
                Console.WriteLine("Login: You cannot login directly to this server without the -developer commandline switch");
                e.Accepted     = false;
                e.RejectReason = ALRReason.Blocked;

            if (!IPLimiter.SocketBlock && !IPLimiter.Verify(e.State.Address))
                e.Accepted     = false;
                e.RejectReason = ALRReason.InUse;

                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Past IP limit threshold", e.State);

                using (StreamWriter op = new StreamWriter("ipLimits.log", true))
                    op.WriteLine("{0}\tPast IP limit threshold\t{1}", e.State, DateTime.Now);

                // tell other accounts on this IP what's going on

            // before a new logon to this shard, make sure to read in all queued password changes from all shards

            string un = e.Username;
            string pw = e.Password;

            e.Accepted = false;
            Account acct = Accounts.GetAccount(un);

            if (acct == null)
            {                   // there are NO STAFF accounts with this username and either you have NO accounts, or you have a matching account name and password for another shard.
                if (AutoAccountCreation && !Account.CheckAllStaff(null, un, false) && (!Account.CheckAllAccounts(un) || (Account.CheckAllAccounts(un) && Account.CheckAllPasswords(un, pw))))
                    e.State.Account = acct = CreateAccount(e.State, un, pw);
                    e.Accepted      = acct == null ? false : acct.CheckAccess(e.State);

                    if (!e.Accepted)
                        e.RejectReason = ALRReason.BadComm;
                    if (Account.CheckAllStaff(null, un, false))
                        Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Invalid password for staff account '{1}'", e.State, un);
                        e.RejectReason = ALRReason.BadPass;
                    else if (Account.CheckAllAccounts(un))
                        Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Invalid password for '{1}'", e.State, un);
                        e.RejectReason = ALRReason.BadPass;
                        Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Invalid username '{1}'", e.State, un);
                        e.RejectReason = ALRReason.Invalid;
            else if (IPLimiter.IPStillHot(acct, e.State.Address))
                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Access denied for '{1}'. IP too hot", e.State, un);
                e.RejectReason = ALRReason.InUse;
            else if (!acct.HasAccess(e.State))
                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Access denied for '{1}'", e.State, un);
                e.RejectReason = (m_LockdownLevel > AccessLevel.Player ? ALRReason.BadComm : ALRReason.BadPass);
            // You succeed login when your password matches some shard and no shards have a user with the same name with greater access
            else if (!(Account.CheckAllPasswords(un, pw) && !Account.CheckAllStaff(acct, un, true)))
                if (Account.CheckAllStaff(acct, un, true))
                    Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Invalid password or access level for staff account '{1}'", e.State, un);
                    Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Invalid password for '{1}'", e.State, un);
                e.RejectReason = ALRReason.BadPass;
            else if (acct.CheckBanned())
                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Banned account '{1}'", e.State, un);
                e.RejectReason = ALRReason.Blocked;
                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Valid credentials for '{1}'", e.State, un);
                e.State.Account = acct;
                e.Accepted      = true;

                acct.LastLogin = DateTime.Now;

            if (!e.Accepted)
Example #4
        public static void EventSink_AccountLogin(AccountLoginEventArgs e)
            if (!IPLimiter.SocketBlock && !IPLimiter.Verify(e.State.Address))
                e.Accepted     = false;
                e.RejectReason = ALRReason.InUse;

                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Past IP limit threshold", e.State);

                using (StreamWriter op = new StreamWriter("ipLimits.log", true))
                    op.WriteLine("{0}\tPast IP limit threshold\t{1}", e.State, DateTime.Now);

                // tell other accounts on this IP what's going on

            string un = e.Username;
            string pw = e.Password;

            e.Accepted = false;
            Account acct = Accounts.GetAccount(un);

            if (acct == null)
                if (AutoAccountCreation)
                    e.State.Account = acct = CreateAccount(e.State, un, pw);
                    e.Accepted      = acct == null ? false : acct.CheckAccess(e.State);

                    if (!e.Accepted)
                        e.RejectReason = ALRReason.BadComm;
                    Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Invalid username '{1}'", e.State, un);
                    e.RejectReason = ALRReason.Invalid;
            else if (IPLimiter.IPStillHot(acct, e.State.Address))
                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Access denied for '{1}'. IP too hot", e.State, un);
                e.RejectReason = ALRReason.InUse;
            else if (!acct.HasAccess(e.State))
                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Access denied for '{1}'", e.State, un);
                e.RejectReason = (m_LockdownLevel > AccessLevel.Player ? ALRReason.BadComm : ALRReason.BadPass);
            else if (!acct.CheckPassword(pw))
                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Invalid password for '{1}'", e.State, un);
                e.RejectReason = ALRReason.BadPass;
            else if (acct.Banned)
                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Banned account '{1}'", e.State, un);
                e.RejectReason = ALRReason.Blocked;
                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Valid credentials for '{1}'", e.State, un);
                e.State.Account = acct;
                e.Accepted      = true;

                acct.LastLogin = DateTime.Now;

            if (!e.Accepted)