public TokensGump(Mobile from, Item item) : base(50, 50) { from.CloseGump(typeof(TokensGump)); m_From = from; if (!(item is TokenLedger)) { return; } TokenLedger tl = item as TokenLedger; m_TL = tl; AddPage(0); AddBackground(40, 40, 360, 325, 5170); AddLabel(75, 75, 69, item.Name); AddLabel(75, 100, 88, "You have " + ((TokenLedger)tl).Tokens + " Tokens."); AddLabel(75, 125, 32, @"Add Tokens to your Ledger manually:"); AddButton(307, 130, 2460, 2461, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //add tokens AddLabel(75, 150, 88, @"How much tokens you want to take out?"); AddBackground(125, 200, 195, 41, 9270); //text entry backgrounf if (((TokenLedger)tl).Tokens >= 10000) { AddTextEntry(145, 211, 155, 21, 39, 3, "10000"); //default text entry (where we write how much tokens) } else { AddTextEntry(145, 211, 155, 21, 39, 3, "" + ((TokenLedger)tl).Tokens + ""); } //token check AddLabel(75, 180, 69, @"Write a check:"); AddImage(70, 200, 92); AddButton(79, 207, 2474, 2474, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //token item AddLabel(280, 180, 69, @"Extract tokens:"); AddImage(325, 200, 92); AddButton(334, 207, 2474, 2474, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddImage(70, 255, 7012); AddImage(300, 255, 7012); AddLabel(146, 277, 38, @"Daat99's Token System"); }
public SetOwnerTarget( TokenLedger tl ) : base( 18, false, TargetFlags.None ) { m_TL = tl; }
public TokensGump( Mobile from, Item item ) : base( 50, 50 ) { from.CloseGump( typeof( TokensGump ) ); m_From = from; if (!(item is TokenLedger)) return; TokenLedger tl = item as TokenLedger; m_TL = tl; AddPage(0); AddBackground(40, 40, 360, 325, 5170); AddLabel(75, 75, 69, item.Name); AddLabel(75, 100, 88, "You have " + ((TokenLedger)tl).Tokens + " Tokens."); AddLabel(75, 125, 32, @"Add Tokens to your Ledger manually:"); AddButton(307, 130, 2460, 2461, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //add tokens AddLabel(75, 150, 88, @"How much tokens you want to take out?"); AddBackground(125, 200, 195, 41, 9270); //text entry backgrounf if (((TokenLedger)tl).Tokens >= 10000) AddTextEntry(145, 211, 155, 21, 39, 3, "10000"); //default text entry (where we write how much tokens) else AddTextEntry(145, 211, 155, 21, 39, 3, "" + ((TokenLedger)tl).Tokens + ""); //token check AddLabel(75, 180, 69, @"Write a check:"); AddImage(70, 200, 92); AddButton(79, 207, 2474, 2474, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //token item AddLabel(280, 180, 69, @"Extract tokens:"); AddImage(325, 200, 92); AddButton(334, 207, 2474, 2474, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddImage(70, 255, 7012); AddImage(300, 255, 7012); AddLabel(146, 277, 38, @"Daat99's Token System"); }
public AddTokensTarget( TokenLedger tl ) : base( 18, false, TargetFlags.None ) { m_TL = tl; }
public SetOwnerTarget(TokenLedger tl) : base(18, false, TargetFlags.None) { m_TL = tl; }
public AddTokensTarget(TokenLedger tl) : base(18, false, TargetFlags.None) { m_TL = tl; }