Example #1
        private void threadStartFun(Socket soc, string req)
                Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Service Poll Req Thread Started");
                Server.Message.MessageParser serverPollPar = new Server.Message.MessageParser();
                Server.MessageClasses.MsgPoll msgpollServer = serverPollPar.pollParseMsg(req);

                CloudBlobClient blobClient = new Server.ConnectionManager.BlobConn().BlobConnect();
                Blob blob = new Blob(blobClient, msgpollServer.userName);
                GenerateSAS sas = new GenerateSAS();
                string link = "";
                if (msgpollServer.password == "requestVC")
                    link = sas.GetContainerSasUri(blob.container, "RWLD");
                    link = sas.GetContainerSasUri(blob.container, "RWLD");

                // Server send response to Client
                Server.Message.CreateMsg pollResp = new Server.Message.CreateMsg();
                msgpollServer.fileContainerUri = link;
                msgpollServer.fileBlobUri = "none";
                string respMsg = pollResp.pollRespMsg("OK", msgpollServer);

                SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter rw = new SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter();
                // write to socket
                rw.writetoSocket(soc, respMsg);
                Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Wrote Response to socket");

            catch (Exception e)
                Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Exception: [Poll Req]"+ e.Message);
Example #2
        private void threadStartFun(Socket soc, string req)
                Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Service Upload thread Started");
                //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("uploader started:" + req, "Server");
                //get the msg parse it
                Server.Message.MessageParser parse = new Server.Message.MessageParser();
                MessageClasses.MsgUpload upload = parse.uploadParseMsg(req);

                //5 Server check the file info in the blob storage, if file has not existed, let the client to create the file
                //  If file existed, check timestamp, hashvalue to see if client can upload
                //  If allow upload, change hashvalue and timestamp in the blob storage
                CloudBlobClient blobClient = new Server.ConnectionManager.BlobConn().BlobConnect();

                string currentFileInfo = "";

                if (upload.addInfo == "create" || upload.addInfo == "change" || upload.addInfo == "signUpStart")
                    Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Event to trigger the request:" + upload.addInfo);
                    Blob blob = new Blob(blobClient, upload.userName, upload.filePathInSynFolder, upload.fileHashValue, upload.fileTimeStamps);

                    //6 Server Generate sas container/blob for the client. For basic upload, this case just generate container sas
                    //Server.ConnectionManager.BlobConn conn = new Server.ConnectionManager.BlobConn(1);

                    CloudBlobContainer container = blob.container;
                    string containerSAS = new Server.ConnectionManager.GenerateSAS().GetContainerSasUri(container, "RWLD");
                    Console.WriteLine("container sas uri: {0}", containerSAS);
                    Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("SAS uri created");

                    //7 send upload msg back to client
                    Server.Message.CreateMsg resp = new Server.Message.CreateMsg();

                    currentFileInfo = upload.addInfo;

                    // when event type is change
                    // get current file info of the blob

                    CloudBlockBlob currBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(upload.filePathInSynFolder);
                    // when event type is change
                    // otherwise do nothing
                    if (currBlob.Exists())
                        string currHashValue = currBlob.Metadata["hashValue"];
                        //DateTime currTimestamp = DateTime.ParseExact(currBlob.Metadata["timestamp"], "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss",
                        //                                null); ;
                        string currTimestamp = currBlob.Metadata["timestamp"];
                        currentFileInfo = currHashValue + "|||" + currTimestamp + "|||" + "change";
                        //blob.indicator = "OK";

                    //string respMsg = resp.uploadRespMsg(upload.filePathInSynFolder, containerSAS, null, upload.addInfo);
                    string respMsg = resp.uploadRespMsg(blob.indicator, upload.filePathInSynFolder, containerSAS, " ", currentFileInfo);

                    SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter rw = new SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter();
                    // write to socket
                    rw.writetoSocket(soc, respMsg);
                    //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("uploader write:" + respMsg, "Server");
                    Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Wrote response to scoket");


                if (upload.addInfo == "delete")
                    // get container
                    CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(upload.userName);
                    CloudBlockBlob delBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(upload.filePathInSynFolder);

                    // change value of delete in metadata to true
                    //container.Metadata["Deleted"] = "true";

                    if (delBlob.Exists())
                        // get to be deleted blob's info
                        string delHashValue = delBlob.Metadata["hashValue"];
                        //delHashValue =delHashValue.Replace("-", "/");
                        //DateTime delTimestamp = DateTime.ParseExact(delBlob.Metadata["timestamp"], "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss", null);
                        DateTime delTimestamp = DateTime.Parse(delBlob.Metadata["timestamp"]);

                        // only delete it when client's version is newer
                        // otherwise client's file is stale, don't delete server's blob
                        // b/c when simultaneous editing, client chooses to delete local copy
                        // it'll delete the server copy too!
                        if (DateTime.Compare(upload.fileTimeStamps, delTimestamp) >= 0)

                            //*** <<disabling deletion>>
                            UploadFunctions.DeleteFile del = new UploadFunctions.DeleteFile();
                            del.deleteAll(container, upload.filePathInSynFolder);

                if (upload.addInfo.IndexOf("rename") == 0)
                    // get container
                    CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(upload.userName);

                    // get new path in the server
                    string[] separators = { "|||" };
                    string[] str = upload.addInfo.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    string newPath = str[1];

                    //grab the blob
                    CloudBlockBlob existBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(upload.filePathInSynFolder);
                    // create a new blob
                    CloudBlockBlob newBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(newPath);
                    //copy from the old blob
                    Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Created new blob");
                    newBlob.Metadata["hashValue"] = upload.fileHashValue;
                    newBlob.Metadata["timestamp"] = upload.fileTimeStamps.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
                    newBlob.Metadata["filePath"] = newPath;
                    //delete the old blob
                    Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Deleted old blob");

            catch (Exception e)
                Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Exception [UploadReq]:"+ e.Message);
                //System.IO.File.WriteAllText("bug.txt", e.ToString());
Example #3
        public void interPollTest()
            // 1. Client create and send poll msg to Server
                Client.Message.CreateMsg pollM = new Client.Message.CreateMsg();
                Client.MessageClasses.MsgPoll msgpoll = new Client.MessageClasses.MsgPoll();
                msgpoll.userName = "******";
                msgpoll.password = "******";
                string pollCtoS = pollM.pollMsg(msgpoll);
                Console.WriteLine("msg from client to server: " + pollCtoS);

                // 2. Server parse msg and create sas uri
                Server.Message.MessageParser serverPollPar = new Server.Message.MessageParser();
                Server.MessageClasses.MsgPoll msgpollServer = serverPollPar.pollParseMsg(pollCtoS);
                string resp = "";
                    CloudBlobClient blobClient = new Server.ConnectionManager.BlobConn().BlobConnect();
                    Blob blob = new Blob(blobClient, msgpollServer.userName);
                    GenerateSAS sas = new GenerateSAS();
                    string link = sas.GetContainerSasUri(blob.container, "RL");
                    // 3. Server send response to Client
                    Server.Message.CreateMsg pollResp = new Server.Message.CreateMsg();
                    msgpollServer.fileContainerUri = link;
                    msgpollServer.fileBlobUri = "none";
                    resp = pollResp.pollRespMsg("OK", msgpollServer);

                catch (Exception e)

                //4. Client parse and poll
                Client.Message.MessageParser pollGetClient = new Client.Message.MessageParser();
                msgpoll = pollGetClient.pollParseMsg(resp);
                new Client.PollFunction.Poll(msgpoll.fileContainerUri);