        //      CONSTRUCTOR

        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a sink that saves logs to the specified Google PubSub account.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">Options configuring how the sink behaves, may NOT be null</param>
        public PeriodicGoogleCloudPubSubSink(GoogleCloudPubSubSinkOptions options )
            : base(options.BatchPostingLimit, options.Period)
            this._state = GoogleCloudPubSubSinkState.Create(options, null);
        private void Initialize(GoogleCloudPubSubSinkOptions options)
            //--- Mandatory options validations --------------------

            // All is ok ... instances are created using the defined options...

            if (!options.BufferFileExtension.StartsWith("."))
                options.BufferFileExtension = "." + options.BufferFileExtension;

            //--- RollingFileSink to store internal errors ------------------
            // It will be generated a file for each day.
            string errorsFileExtension = (options.BufferFileExtension == ".log" ? ".errorlog" : ".log");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.ErrorBaseFilename))
                this._errorsRollingFileSink = new RollingFileSink(
                        options.ErrorBaseFilename + CNST_Specifier_Separator + options.ErrorRollingSpecifier + errorsFileExtension,
                        new GoogleCloudPubSubRawFormatter(),   // Formatter for error info (raw).


            this._state = GoogleCloudPubSubSinkState.Create(options, this._errorsRollingFileSink);
            this._shipper = new GoogleCloudPubSubLogShipper(this._state);


            //--- RollingFileSink to store data to be sent to PubSub ------------------
            // It will be generated a file for each day.
            this._dataRollingFileSink = new RollingFileSink(
                    options.BufferBaseFilename + CNST_Specifier_Separator + options.BufferRollingSpecifier + options.BufferFileExtension,
                    this._state.DurableFormatter,   // Formatter for data to insert into the buffer file.
            // NOTE: if the encoding is set to UTF8 then the BOM is inserted into the file and has to be
            //       taken in mind when reading from the file.