Example #1
    public static void Main()
        // Create the instance data

        MemoryStore dataModel = new MemoryStore();

        BNode me = new BNode("me");
        BNode you = new BNode("you");

        Entity rdfType = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type";
        Entity rdfsLabel= "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label";
        Entity foafPerson = "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person";
        Entity foafAgent = "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Agent";
        Entity foafName = "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name";

        dataModel.Add(new Statement(me, rdfType, foafPerson));
        dataModel.Add(new Statement(you, rdfType, foafPerson));
        dataModel.Add(new Statement(me, foafName, (Literal)"John Doe"));
        dataModel.Add(new Statement(you, foafName, (Literal)"Sam Smith"));

        // Create the RDFS engine and apply it to the data model.

        RDFS engine = new RDFS();
        engine.LoadSchema(RdfReader.LoadFromUri(new Uri("http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/index.rdf")));


        // Query the data model

        // Ask for who are typed as Agents.  Note that the people are
        // typed as foaf:Person, and the schema asserts that foaf:Person
        // is a subclass of foaf:Agent.
        Console.WriteLine("Who are Agents?");
        foreach (Entity r in dataModel.SelectSubjects(rdfType, foafAgent))
            Console.WriteLine("\t" + r);

        // Ask for the rdfs:labels of everyone.  Note that the data model
        // has foaf:names for the people, and the schema asserts that
        // foaf:name is a subproperty of rdfs:label.
        Console.WriteLine("People's labels:");
        foreach (Statement s in dataModel.Select(new Statement(null, rdfsLabel, null)))
            Console.WriteLine("\t" + s);
 public void AddNewRDFData(string rdfData, bool removeExistingDataForSubjects)
     MemoryStore store = new MemoryStore();
     RdfXmlReader reader = new RdfXmlReader(new System.IO.StringReader(rdfData));
     // its possible that we want to update info about some existing concept
     // if removeExistingDataForSubjects is true we first remove existing information before we start adding statements
     if (removeExistingDataForSubjects)
         foreach (Entity subject in store.SelectSubjects(null, null))
             _conceptsStore.Remove(new Statement(subject, null, null));
     foreach (Statement s in store.Select(new Statement(null, null, null)))
     foreach (Entity subject in store.SelectSubjects(null, null))
Example #3
 private void ReadGazetteerSettings(MemoryStore rdfStore, out CaseMatchingType caseMatchingType, out bool lemmatize, out bool enabled)
     caseMatchingType = CaseMatchingType.IgnoreCase;
     lemmatize = false;
     enabled = true;
     ArrayList<string> crumbs = new ArrayList<string>(new string[] { mUri });
     Entity[] objects = rdfStore.SelectSubjects(P_IDENTIFIED_BY, new Entity(mUri));
     if (objects.Length > 0)
         Resource[] objTypes = rdfStore.SelectObjects(objects[0].Uri, P_TYPE);
         if (objTypes.Length > 0)
             Resource[] superClass = rdfStore.SelectObjects((Entity)objTypes[0], P_SUBCLASS_OF);
             while (superClass.Length > 0)
                 superClass = rdfStore.SelectObjects((Entity)superClass[0], P_SUBCLASS_OF);
     foreach (string uri in crumbs)
         Resource[] settings = rdfStore.SelectObjects(uri, P_SETTINGS);
         if (settings.Length == 0) { settings = rdfStore.SelectObjects(uri, P_COMMENT); } // for compatibility with OWL-DL
         if (settings.Length > 0)
             string settingsStr = ((Literal)settings[0]).Value;
             ParseGazetteerSettings(settingsStr, ref caseMatchingType, ref lemmatize, ref enabled);
Example #4
 public void ReadConditions(MemoryStore rdfStore, Dictionary<string, Gazetteer> gazetteers)
     ArrayList<string> crumbs = new ArrayList<string>(new string[] { mUri });
     Entity[] objects = rdfStore.SelectSubjects(P_IDENTIFIED_BY, new Entity(mUri));
     if (objects.Length > 0)
         Resource[] objTypes = rdfStore.SelectObjects(objects[0].Uri, P_TYPE);
         if (objTypes.Length > 0)
             Resource[] superClass = rdfStore.SelectObjects((Entity)objTypes[0], P_SUBCLASS_OF);
             while (superClass.Length > 0)
                 superClass = rdfStore.SelectObjects((Entity)superClass[0], P_SUBCLASS_OF);
     foreach (string uri in crumbs)
         Resource[] conditionGazetteers = rdfStore.SelectObjects(uri, P_HAS_SENTENCE_LEVEL_CONDITION);
         foreach (Entity conditionGazetteer in conditionGazetteers)
             mConditions.Add(new Condition(gazetteers[conditionGazetteer.Uri], Condition.Level.Sentence));
         conditionGazetteers = rdfStore.SelectObjects(uri, P_HAS_BLOCK_LEVEL_CONDITION);
         foreach (Entity conditionGazetteer in conditionGazetteers)
             mConditions.Add(new Condition(gazetteers[conditionGazetteer.Uri], Condition.Level.Block));
         conditionGazetteers = rdfStore.SelectObjects(uri, P_HAS_DOCUMENT_LEVEL_CONDITION);
         foreach (Entity conditionGazetteer in conditionGazetteers)
             mConditions.Add(new Condition(gazetteers[conditionGazetteer.Uri], Condition.Level.Document));