Example #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var program = new UProgram("Information Technology");

            program.Degree = new Degree(DegreeType.Bachelor);
            program.Degree.AddCourse(new Course("Programming with C#", 4));
            program.Degree.Courses[0].RegisterStudent(new Student("Nafissa Hassan", 2030));
            program.Degree.Courses[0].RegisterStudent(new Student("Louis Caballer", 3040));
            program.Degree.Courses[0].RegisterStudent(new Student("Arnell Millhouse", 2030));

            Console.WriteLine($"The name of the program is {program.ProgramName} " +
                              $"and it contains a {program.Degree.TypeOfDegree} degree");
            Console.WriteLine($"The Course in the {program.ProgramName} is " +
            Console.WriteLine($"The number of students in this course is {program.Degree.Courses[0].NumberOfStudents}");
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            /*creating 3 students objects*/
            var stud1 = new Student();
            var stud2 = new Student();
            var stud3 = new Student();

            /*one teacher object*/
            var teacher1 = new Teacher();

            /*Creating Course, Degree and UProgram objects*/
            var Programming_With_CSharp = new Course("Programming With CSharp");
            var Bachelor = new Degree("Bachelor");
            var IT       = new UProgram("Information Technology");

            /*Adding students to the course*/

            /*Adding teacher to the same course as students*/

            /*Adding Programming With CSharp to Bachelor degree*/


            Console.WriteLine($"The course name is { Programming_With_CSharp.courseName} \n{Bachelor.degreeName} degree");
            Console.WriteLine($"The program name is { IT.programName}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Number of students in Programming With CSharp course: {Programming_With_CSharp.StudCount()}");

            // Test code for module 2 Self Assessment Lab

             * teacher1.CleanTheDesk();
             * teacher1.firstName = "Maria";
             * teacher1.lastName = "Romanovna";
             * stud1.birthDate = "12 nov 1963";
             * stud2.country = "Canada";
             * stud3.school = "N 19";
             * Person myperson = stud3;