public static void AttachIdentityToRequest(HttpApplication application)
            var context = application.Context;
            var request = application.Request;

            var token = request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];

            var ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(token.Value);

            CustomIdentity customIdentity = new CustomIdentity(context.User.Identity.Name);

            const string replacementOfSeparator = "@'@";
            string[] lineSeparator = new string[] { "'\r" };
            string[] userClaims = ticket.UserData.Replace("''", replacementOfSeparator).Split(lineSeparator, StringSplitOptions.None);
            foreach (string x in userClaims)
                string[] keyValuePairs = x.Split('\'');
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(keyValuePairs[0]))
                    customIdentity.Claims.Add(keyValuePairs[0], x.Substring(keyValuePairs[0].Length+1).Replace(replacementOfSeparator, "'"));

            //Sync both web context user and current principal
            context.User = Thread.CurrentPrincipal = new CustomPrincipal(GetMappedCustomIdentity(customIdentity));
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string UserData = "email'*****@*****.**'\rdisplayName'Jiangtao Hu'\ruserProvidersUniqueId'1234ABC'\r";

            CustomIdentity customIdentity = new CustomIdentity("ABC");

            const string replacementOfSeparator = "@'@";
            string[] lineSeparator = new string[] { "'\r" };
            string[] userClaims = UserData.Replace("''", replacementOfSeparator).Split(lineSeparator, StringSplitOptions.None);
            foreach (string x in userClaims)
                string[] keyValuePairs = x.Split('\'');
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(keyValuePairs[0]))
                    customIdentity.Claims.Add(keyValuePairs[0], x.Substring(keyValuePairs[0].Length).Replace(replacementOfSeparator, "'"));

 /// <summary>
 /// Map external identity attributes to local
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="identity"></param>
 private void MapIdentity(CustomIdentity identity)
     //TODO: Add your identity mapping logic here
     //The identity mapping solve the user attributes/profile data exchange problem between external and local system
 public SampleCustomIdentity(CustomIdentity originalIdentity)
     : base(originalIdentity.Name)
 /// <summary>
 /// Mapping external system custom identity to local system identity.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="customIdentity">The custom Identity from login system</param>
 /// <returns>return a local custom identity</returns>
 private static ICustomIdentity GetMappedCustomIdentity(CustomIdentity customIdentity)
     //get local identity from cache, if not get from plugin through configuarion setting
     //TODO--go through the autofac DI could easly solve the mapping issue.
     return customIdentity;
        private void loginUser(XmlElement authInfo, HttpResponse response,string returnUrl)
            // Get the user's unique identifier (this will ALWAYS be returned regardless of the login provider
            string userProvidersUniqueID = authInfo.GetElementsByTagName("identifier")[0].InnerText;

            //Save janrain claims properties in cookie for future access.
            // get a unique identity name froma janrain
            CustomIdentity customIdentity = new CustomIdentity(userProvidersUniqueID);
            customIdentity.UserProvidersUniqueId = userProvidersUniqueID;

            string[] authFields = new string[] { "identifier", "displayName","providerName","primaryKey","preferredUsername",

            foreach (var x in authFields)
                // See if the user's display name is provided (not supplied by some providers
                XmlNodeList nodeList = authInfo.GetElementsByTagName(x);
                string value = null;
                if (nodeList != null && nodeList.Count > 0)
                    // Got a display name
                    value = nodeList[0].InnerText;
                    customIdentity.Claims.Add(x, value);

            //Set the authentication cookie and go back to the home page
            //FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userProvidersUniqueID, false);